Chapter 4345 Was taken first

  When she walked to the counter selling hairpins and beef tendon, she saw the salesperson gossiping with someone, so she stood aside and listened.

  But the longer she listened, the more she felt that something was wrong, and suddenly she couldn't care less about buying hairpins and beef tendons, and immediately left the supply and marketing cooperative and walked home.

  When she got home, she dropped the basket she was carrying on the ground, and went to the phone to make a call.

   "Hello, is it a gray cat?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked when the phone was connected.

   "It's me, can you call me?"

   "Of course sometimes, what's going on with the Wu family, and why so many people are talking about their family."

  The anger that the gray cat had just suppressed after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words rose again, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know who the grandson leaked the news and let those people pick up the ready-made ones."

   "Hehe... You mean that there is a ghost inside you, so the mission failed."


   "Then what's going on with the Wu family now? Have they all been arrested?"

   "I don't know. Those people didn't disclose any other information except for people watching them raid their homes."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was silent for a while after listening to Gray Cat's words, and then said: "You try to find out whether all the Wu family members have been arrested, if so, then we will no longer participate in this matter.

  But if not all of the Wu family members are arrested, you can send someone to arrest those who escaped the net. In short, you can’t let any of the Wu family members go. "

  The gray cat said hello after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao to come to the base when he was free, and hung up the phone.

  Seeing that the gray cat hung up the phone, Lu Xiaoxiao put the receiver back on the phone, and then went out to Zhang Yuanyuan's house.

  When she came to Zhang Yuanyuan's house, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan drying beans and cucumber sticks in the yard.

  She asked Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, why are you drying so many beans and cucumber strips?"

   “Of course it’s for winter. The monkey said that although Beijing’s winter is not as cold as Harbin’s, it’s the same as Harbin’s where you can’t eat green leafy vegetables in winter.

  So he let me have more time to dry the vegetables, so that I don’t have to eat potatoes and stewed cabbage every day in winter. "

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then she felt that monkeys are quite good at living, but she will not dry vegetables anymore, because she dried thousands of catties of vegetables in the years when she lived in Harbin , do not know when to eat.

   A few minutes later, Zhang Yuanyuan dried the beans and cucumber strips, and she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, have you given all of today's goods to that person?"

   "I gave it to her, but in the future we don't have to deliver it every day, just once a week."

   "Send it once a week? Has the quantity she asked for decreased?"

   "No, not only did she not decrease the quantity, but she increased it."

   Zhang Yuanyuan was overjoyed when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Did you agree?"

   "No, because you simply can't make more bobby pins and scrunchies."

   "We can ask someone to help, I believe there will be someone willing to do it."

  Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then said: "Your method won't work, because it's too dangerous, so we just keep the status quo."

  Although Zhang Yuanyuan was unwilling to hear Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she also knew that what Lu Xiaoxiao said was reasonable, so she nodded towards Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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