Chapter 4356 Big ticket (3)

  When she left the state-run hotel, she found a place where no one was around, and said to Liu Biao, "I got what you wanted for you, and the quantity was doubled, but I don't know if you can sell it."

   "Yes, I can definitely sell it. Even if Harbin City can't eat so much food, I can take it to other provinces to sell when I travel long distances."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Liu Biao's words, and then she asked Liu Biao to go to her house for dinner and pick up the goods by the way.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Liu Biao agreed without hesitation. In fact, he had wanted to go to Lu Xiaoxiao's house for a long time, but he didn't bring it up because of embarrassment.

  So now Lu Xiaoxiao offered to propose, how could he not agree.

  More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao took Liu Biao back home, and then she said to Liu Biao, "Sit down for a while, I'll pour you some water, and let Yuanyuan cook for one more person by the way."

   Liu Biao said hello after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he sat on the sofa.

After Lu Xiaoxiao sat down with Liu Biao, she turned around and walked towards the kitchen. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan making dumplings, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, Liu Biao is here tonight. For dinner, make more dumplings."

   "Okay, do you need to make other dishes?"

   "Mix another cucumber, and heat up the smoked chicken in the cupboard. That's almost it."

   Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then she asked Lu Xiaoxiao to greet Liu Biao in the living room.

  So Lu Xiaoxiao drove out of the kitchen with a glass of cool white, and walked towards Liu Biao.

  When she walked in front of Liu Biao, she handed the cool white tea to Liu Biao and said, "Drink water."


   "You're welcome, I'll go upstairs and get the things down now." Lu Xiaoxiao walked upstairs after speaking.

  A few minutes later, she came down from upstairs carrying a travel bag, and then she handed the travel bag to Liu Biao and said, "The watch and radio are in the bag, open it and have a look."

After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Liu Biao reached out to take the bag that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, and then he opened the zipper of the bag, and saw the neatly stacked radios and watches wrapped in oiled paper one by one. My heart trembled.

   After a while, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, are these things coming from the right way?"

   "Don't worry, these things come from the right sources, but when you sell them, don't say that you got them, or I'm afraid you will lead to death."

"I see."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded in satisfaction after hearing Liu Biao's words, and then she asked Liu Biao to count the number of watches and radios, and then she asked him to put away the things.

  Liu Biao said hello after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he began to count the number of watches and radios.

  After he counted the number of watches and radios, seeing that there was nothing wrong, he quickly put the watches and radios back into the bag, and then closed the zipper.

  After Liu Biao zipped up the bag, Lu Xiaoxiao smelled the smell of dumplings, so she said to Liu Biao, "You can eat right away, you are going to wash your hands in the bathroom."

   "Okay." After Liu Biao finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the bathroom.

  At this time, Zhang Yuanyuan just came out of the kitchen with cooked dumplings, and then she saw Lu Xiaoxiao sitting on the sofa alone, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Where is the person?"

  (end of this chapter)

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