Chapter 4358 Difficulties encountered

   "I plan to go back and call people first, and then bring them back."

   "Okay, I'll help you look after them, but you have to come back quickly, after all, it's getting late."

   After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Mao Ah San thanked Lu Xiaoxiao again, and then he endured the pain in his body, and quickly ran towards the black market.

   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Mao Ah San walking towards her with seven or eight people, and one of them was an old acquaintance, which made her frown involuntarily.

  But since the other party has come, it is not good for her to leave like this, so she can only stand there and wait for them to come.

   "Master Xiao, it's been a long time." Xie Sangui walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing Xie Sangui's words, Lu Xiaoxiao pulled a smile on Xie Sangui's face without smiling, and then said to Xie Sangui: "It's been a long time, I don't know why Master Xie is here?"

   "I'm here to do something, I'm here to find you."

"Find me?"

   "Yes, we are looking for you. This is what the fourth master told us before he left."

  After listening to Xie Sangui's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately understood Zhang Xu's plan, which made her sigh inwardly, and then she asked Xie Sangui, "Where do you want to talk?"

   "Of course it's our base camp, because it's safe there."

   "Okay, but you need to wait for me, I have to go home first."

   "No problem, we'll be right here waiting for you to come back."

  After hearing Xie Sangui's words, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but hehe twice, then he left the alley and walked towards home.

When she got home, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan waiting for her to come back in the living room, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, I have something to go out, so if you are sleepy, go back to your room and sleep, don't wait for me return."

   Zhang Yuanyuan didn't know what Lu Xiaoxiao was going to do after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but she knew what to ask and what not to ask, so she nodded directly to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Yuanyuan nodding, she turned around and left the house, and walked out of the yard.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the alley again, and then she said to Xie Sangui, "You can go."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Xie Sangui asked his subordinates to bring those people with him, and then he and Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the black market together.

  When he returned to the black market, he asked Mao Asan to take him to lock him up, while he took Lu Xiaoxiao to the room where the meeting was held.

  When he entered the room, he poured a glass of water for Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao straight to the point: "Master Xiao, actually I invited you here today because I need your help."

"What's up?"

   "I want you to help me get a batch of food."

  After hearing Xie Sangui's words, Lu Xiaoxiao did not agree immediately, but asked Xie Sangui: "The reason."

   "Because we are too short of food recently."

   "How is it possible? Don't you have exclusive supply channels? How can there be a shortage of food?"

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Xie Sangui thought of the robbed food, and immediately he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and directly told Lu Xiaoxiao about the robbed food.

  Lu Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes after hearing Xie Sangui's words, and then she asked Xie Sangui: "Do you know who robbed your food?"

   "I know, but the other party is stealing our food secretly, so we can't take it back openly."

  (end of this chapter)

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