Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 4363: catch a turtle in a urn

  Chapter 4363 Catch a turtle in an urn

   When Akua's men rushed over, Mao Asan immediately threw the things Lu Xiaoxiao gave him to the ground forcefully, and then quickly retreated with his men.

   "Ouch... what does this smell like, vomit... it really stinks to death." As soon as the group brought by Aqua ran to the front of the sack, they were immediately vomited by the smell and lost their fighters in an instant.

  After Mao Asan saw their appearance, he asked his subordinates to stuff the cotton he had prepared in advance into his nose, and then took them to arrest them.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the smell of the stinky balloon was no longer effective, so he asked Xie Sangui, "Do you catch the remaining one or I?"

   "I want to try first, and if I can't beat him, you can take another shot."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Xie Sangui's words, and then she asked Xie Sangui to take him down.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Xie Sangui attacked Akua without saying a word. Originally, he thought that Akua would be injured by his sudden attack, but he didn't expect Akua to be so vigilant, so he just dodged He blocked his attack and let his attack fail.

   "You are finally willing to come out." Akua said to Xie Sangui after avoiding Xie Sangui's attack.

   "Don't be complacent."

   "I'm proud, what can you do to me?"

  Xie Sangui saw Akua's cheap look, she only felt that her hand was more itchy, and immediately he didn't want to fight with Akua anymore, so he just raised his fist and attacked Akua.

   Seeing Xie Sangui's bravery today, Akua frowned involuntarily, but before he could think about it, Xie Sangui's fist was already in front of him, so he could only deal with Xie Sangui first.

After more than ten minutes, Akua kicked Xie Sangui to the ground, then he looked at Xie Sangui with disdainful eyes and said: "Xie Sangui, Xie Sangui, you know you can't beat me, but you want to beat me every time, don't you Shit."

   "Of course he's not cheap, because you guys who steal people's things are cheap."

   "Who are you?" Akua asked when he saw a masked man approaching Xie Sangui.

   "It doesn't matter who I am, and you are not qualified to know my name."

   Akua was very angry when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but the aura exuding from Lu Xiaoxiao's body told him that Lu Xiaoxiao was very strong, and he was not someone he could provoke.

  So he rolled his eyes, and said to Xie Sangui who was lying on the ground: "Xie Sangui, I will give you face today, we don't want things, you let my people go."

   "Let people go? You want to fart."


   "Master Xiao, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xie Sangui didn't want to hear Akua babbling, so he interrupted Akua's words and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing Xie Sangui's words, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a medicine bottle from her bag and threw it to Xie Sangui, and then she rushed to Akua with lightning speed and kicked Akua away.

  Xie Sangui waited and saw Lu Xiaoxiao's crisp kick, they swallowed unconsciously.

   Fortunately, they are not Lu Xiaoxiao's enemies, otherwise Lu Xiaoxiao would give them such a kick, and they don't know if they can see the sun tomorrow.

   "What's the matter with you?" After Lu Xiaoxiao dealt with them, Xie Sangui and others were all staring at her, so she asked them.

   "It's nothing, we just think you are too powerful."

   "Oh, I've solved your troubles for you, now it's up to you."


   "No, I'm only helping you out of that person's face." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned and went home.

  (end of this chapter)

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