Chapter 4365 Nothing

   Zhang Yuanyuan blushed when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because she also knew that it was not good for her to toss too much now, but the monkey was so enthusiastic last night, she couldn't bear to refuse, so it was too late.

   But thinking about it now, she is a little scared. It seems that it is better for her to sleep in the same bed as the monkey before the baby is born.

  So she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I know, I won't let him be like that in the future."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Yuanyuan listened to what she said, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then she thought of her purpose for coming to find Zhang Yuanyuan.

  So she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, have you received this month's supplies?"

   "Not yet. I've always lived in your house, so I forgot about it. If you hadn't reminded me today, my house's supply share this month would have been wasted."

   "Then let's go and use up the share now."

  Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then she went back to the house to take out the food book, and went out with Lu Xiaoxiao, towards the supply and marketing agency.

  When they came to the supply and marketing cooperative, they saw that there were only a few scattered people in the supply and marketing cooperative, which greatly facilitated their shopping.

  So they walked directly towards the counter selling grain.

  When they walked to the counter, they asked the salesperson, "Comrade, do you have rice and Fuqiang powder?"


   "What about the noodles and millet?"


   "Then what other food do you guys sell here?"

   "Besides the sweet potato, there is also a little black flour."

  After hearing the salesperson's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately lost her mind to buy food, because she has a lot of sweet potatoes in her space, and she doesn't eat black noodles, so she doesn't want to waste money.

  But if she didn't buy it, it didn't mean that Zhang Yuanyuan didn't buy it, so she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, do you want to buy sweet potatoes and black noodles?"

   "I want to buy some sweet potatoes. Monkeys like to eat sweet potato rice."

   "Then you buy it, and I'll take it home for you later."

   Zhang Yuanyuan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she bought all her food share for sweet potatoes.

  After Zhang Yuanyuan bought the sweet potatoes, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to pick them up and leave, but she was stopped by the salesperson just as she picked them up.

  Suddenly, she looked at the salesperson suspiciously, and then asked the salesperson, "Comrade, what do you want?"

   "I want to ask if you still have a share to buy food."


   "Then do you still need to use those shares to buy food?"

   "Of course, but the premise is that you have fine grains here."

  The salesperson was overjoyed when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said: "This month, the supply and marketing cooperative will not buy fine grains, so you have to wait until next month to buy fine grains."

   "Oh, then I'll come back next month." Lu Xiaoxiao was about to leave after speaking.

  When the salesperson saw that Lu Xiaoxiao wanted it, she immediately became anxious, so she quickly shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Wait, I haven't said anything yet."

   "Then tell me quickly, we are in a hurry."

   "I want to buy your share of this month's grain, and I won't let you suffer. I will keep your monthly share of fine grain for you in the future."

  After listening to the salesman's words, Lu Xiaoxiao understood the meaning of the salesman's words, but she didn't agree immediately, because she didn't lack food at all.

  But it’s not good for her to waste her share of food every month, so it’s not impossible to make a deal with the salesperson.

  So she said to the salesperson, "Go and weigh the grain."

  (end of this chapter)

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