Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 102: Haohao Tangtang big move

After shaking the mind, he waited for the reaction, but found that he had entered the body. After a moment, looking at the surrounding environment, it turned out that he had returned to the alley.

Those ghosts who arrested people directly took them away, flew through the air, avoiding the eyes and ears of other people, and then entered the lock demon tower through the time and space nodes in the alley, and there would be no crowding, but now... …

When the space-time node opened, everyone came out, and they couldn’t fly. Suddenly, the alley was full of people. Moreover, along with the two ends of the alley, there were people crowded, Wu Yang Yangyi Blockbuster.

"Hey! What's going on! What's going on?!"

As soon as I was relieved, I heard the noise outside. Obviously, so many people showed up out of thin air and caused a mess.


Suddenly, I heard my mother calling me. I quickly looked up and saw my mother and my dad squeeze the crowd away from the crowd. They came to me and cried when they came up to hold me.

My dad looked at my mother holding me crying, looking helpless, and said: "Oh, what are you crying? Isn't that good? And you see how good your son is now, you should be happy."

"Uh, uh." My mother hugged me, did not speak, just nodded.

At this time, I heard a sirens from far away again, from far to near, I thought it had already alarmed them.

"Mom, there are still things that haven't been finished yet, I'll go and finish the things first, let's go home and discuss it later, okay?"

On the side, my dad also hurried over and pulled my mother away and said, "That's right, look at what it looks like, you have a lot of nose and tears, and there is business, don't delay."

My mother was crying and was pulled away by my dad. The first thing I did was to see if I was carrying that thing. After I confirmed it, I separated everyone, walked towards the siren, and shouted: "You all first Don't go, there are still important things!"

Those people have just experienced life and death, and they came back at this time. Although they are a little away from home, they have come to the world at any rate. They are all very excited, and they are all going home. But at this time, that is their life-saving. benefactor! Master again! So for my words, they obeyed sincerely.

I separated the crowd and came to the front. I spoke with my force and said to everyone, "Wait a moment, the police will be here soon. I want to come and leave for such a long time. The door of the room was opened wide. I was found out and called the police. Now They come, and I want to give them an explanation."

As I was talking, watching, on the other side of the street, several police cars came from far to near, flashing red and blue police lights, and the people on the side evaded them. Those cars stopped in front of me and opened their doors. , The man in uniform walked down.

"Block the scene!"

A person who seemed to be the leader commanded the road. Someone around him took the cordon and began to block the area. Several people detoured to the back from other roads, preparing to block the other side of the alley.

The leader came to me, saluted me, and said, "Comrade, we have received a report about the mass disappearance in Dongyang Street. The people in several residential buildings are strangely missing, and the gates are destroyed, like It was artificial, but no one saw who did it. Now there are so many people here out of thin air, I don’t know..."

"Here is the missing person." I said directly before he finished.

The man frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is it convenient to talk here?" I asked rhetorically.

When he heard what I said, he looked straight. He obviously understood that this matter is not that simple. He looked around and found a coffee shop right next to him, because something big happened here and some of the people inside have already come out to watch the excitement. Now, those who haven't come out are all looking here.

"Come on, please." He gestured to the cafe, motioning me to talk there. So, the two of me went into the cafe one after the other, asked the boss for an escape seat, and sat down opposite.

"Comrade, please speak." As soon as the man sat down, he was straight to the point.

I looked around and made sure that no one would come to disturb us. I bent over and said in a low voice, "Don't you know what happened recently? Those, human, scientific, and unsolvable things."

As soon as I said this, the police officer's expression changed suddenly.

Don't you know? ! Now that the world is in chaos, even if the people above want to suppress it, it can't be suppressed. What's more, the position of spiritual consultant is not a recent one. He can't help but believe in this aspect.

"You mean..."

"Do you know the Shadow Army?"

I didn't answer his words directly, but asked rhetorically.


"Let's take a look." I said, taking out the little black book from my arms, pressing it on the table, and pushing it in front of him.

The person might have thought of something, and he was immediately awed, picked up the little black book, and first saw the seal, emblem and name on the cover. Especially, the shadow army, these three words, are like a heavy hammer, hitting his heart.

I saw it clearly with my naked eyes. His hands trembled. He opened the black book tremblingly, and his eyes widened when he saw the words inside.


The police officer saw my official position, put the book down, stood up and gave a military salute, and said respectfully.

"Sit, sit, it's not necessary." I hurriedly signaled him to sit down. His behavior just now caught people's attention.


He sat back again, but obviously, his attitude was completely different.

"You should also know what our Shadow Army does, what is responsible for these people, because of what happened, you should guess it, but it’s okay, it has been solved by me, you count Number of people, let them go back to their respective houses."


The boss speaks, can he refute it? Just follow my instructions immediately. I stepped out of him slowly, and stood at the door of the coffee shop watching him instruct those people to take notes and compare them with the missing. Everything was in order, organized, and there was no need to worry.

Nodded, then looked back at the cafe, and suddenly frowned.

This café familiar, but I'm sure I've never been here before. Today is the first time. Could it have been seen before?

Forget it, I don't want to, I hurriedly contacted my parents and asked them to register first, and then took them away.

The home side was also sealed off. Faced with the police officer who was interrogated, I had no choice but to show my identity again. Only then did I ask for convenience and entered the house. Of course, because the identity was revealed, all the police officers were drawn to salute. This is not low-key.

Back at home, because the floor of my house is not low, the doors on the lower floors are also wide open, it is impossible for a thief to come up and steal, and someone called the police early and blocked the scene, so although the door was opened for so long, But he didn't lose any belongings.

However, what I want to solve at this time is not a financial problem. With my current economic strength, I can buy as much as I lose, but...

"Son, what did you take out just now? I salute you. Take it out and show it to mom to see if my son is promising."

I looked helplessly at my mother's star-eyed eyes, and could only scratch my head while taking out my little notebook.

Of course, what kind of organization the Shadow Army is, my mother doesn't know, but look at the official seal, the emblem, and the official position, the rank of major, whatever he is, that's all amazing!

"Oh, my son is really capable!" My mother looked at the words written in the book, and suddenly became excited again.

On the other hand, my dad was excited about my official position, but said indifferently: "Hey, what do you do when you are such a big official? How can people feel comfortable with flat heads? Hidden in the city, free."

Well, it really came from my own life. The idea is the same. I rejected them because of this at the beginning, but I accepted it later. It is really because of this identity to make things easier. For example, today, if I don’t have this book, I don’t know if I have it How troublesome.

"Parents, I won’t talk about it if there are too many. You should know about this today. This world... is not as peaceful as you think. There are always... unclear things. It is no longer safe here. There is a big yard in the city over there, where many capable people and strangers are gathered. Hurry up and all relatives at home call up. Go there to ensure safety."

My mother was looking at Xiaoben, and when she heard what I said, she nodded and said, "Okay, okay, let's get in touch now, come on."

After that, he took a picture of my dad.

Immediately afterwards, my parents kept calling and contacting all their relatives. Those who couldn't call and the phone numbers couldn't be found, so forget it. The rest, one by one, call them one by one.

I have been tossing for a long time, and all the relatives have been contacted. Some of them believed, which was easy to say, but some did not believe it at all. It was a personal experience, and it took a long time to convince.

In the middle of the night, the family was already dry-mouthed and exhausted. As soon as they went to bed, they slept until noon the next day. Fortunately, the appointment time last night was at night, otherwise it would be a mistake.

In the afternoon, we took all the things at home and what we could use, and put them in my upgrade system. In it, we can put more than just magic instruments.

In the evening, we met at the train station with a bunch of relatives with big bags and small rolls, because tomorrow is New Year’s Day, and now it’s already a holiday. No one will buy tickets at this time the day before New Year’s Day, so the tickets are The problem does not need to be considered, but...

"Okay, okay, I know you don't believe it, come see this."

I looked at their expressions, and I knew that most of them didn't believe it, and those who believed were skeptical, so I don't need to talk nonsense at all, just show it by action.

With my right hand spread out, countless thunder and lightning thundered in my palm.

I have long felt that my five skills, light, ice, wind, thunder and dark, want me to master the power of these five elements, so even if I don’t use these skills, I can control these elements, but, not quite. skilled.

At this time, thunder was in my palm, and those relatives suddenly widened their eyes, and each of them opened their mouths in surprise and could not speak.

I looked at them, and with a move of my hand, the thunder disappeared and replaced by a layer of frost!

Immediately, the golden light flickered, and with a wave of my hand, a whirlwind was rolled up on the ground, and they were fascinated by the blowing. Only then did they react one by one and rub their eyes one after another.

I clenched my five fingers, and the whirlwind stopped abruptly. I didn't speak, but looked at them with a smile.

At this moment, these people all believed, especially the old people, who believed in the first place. At this moment, there is really nothing to say.

"This...this is a spell."

"Oh, my god, I've seen it in a TV series. It's really an expert."

"There is such a capable person in our house."

"God reincarnated, **** reincarnated!"

I looked at this large group of relatives as if they had never seen the world, and they were speechless. On the side, some people were looking in this direction. I don’t know what we are doing here. We have to leave quickly so as not to cause trouble again. .

So, as a family of us, Hao Hao Tangtang entered the train station, and Hao Hao Tangtang got on the train. The other relatives were all first-class seats. My parents and I were in the business seat of the first car. There were only four seats. This seat was occupied by us. I added another Lu Qijun and asked him to occupy the seat for me to ensure that no outsiders would come in.

Lang Feng, he is still invisible at this time, but he is in the car of his relatives, first to see if anyone is coming to my car, second, to prevent them from talking nonsense.

In the carriage, I sat in my seat, looking at the scenery outside, and checking the messages uploaded on my phone from time to time.

Although my family was picked up by me, this city has extraordinary significance to me. No matter how I venture outside, my hometown must be stable.

An idea is generated in my mind.

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