Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 114: Fa Dao (second more)

The third lens opens...

On the other side, in the Yancheng seaside villa area, in a seemingly luxurious villa, in the living room, a man with half-white hair and black-rimmed glasses, who seems to be about fifty years old, sits on an orange-red leather sofa On, an angry face.

"What are you talking about?! Seriously?!"

The man slapped the arm of the sofa and shouted.

This person is not someone else, but the second child of the Ding family, Uncle Ding's younger brother, and Ding Yiming's second uncle. The person in front of her was just on the other side of the river, following Feng Tianxin's dog legs.

When Feiyu appeared, both of these two woke up. When they saw the monster, they suddenly lost their souls and ran back directly. Feng Tianxin naturally went to find him, Feng Tianling just now, and this dogleg, went to Ding Lao Er to report.

"Didn't you say they are very strong?!" Ding Lao Er was anxious, stood up all of a sudden, began to pace back and forth in front of the sofa, muttering to himself.

"Once you lose, you won't be able to get that piece of land. No, the value of that piece of land is immeasurable. You must get it! Tongxuan!"

Ding second yelled. Suddenly, a black figure flashed beside him, and then, a person appeared behind him out of thin air, still in a black robe, with his head down, silent, not knowing his appearance, but looking at his figure, A little thinner than the two by the river, and not as strong as the two.

"Go to Feng Tianling, and your seniors. They must send more people. If they take advantage of this time to grab my site, how can they have to pay for their losses?! They must quickly fill the vacancies!"

People with disgusting heart, everyone is evil. Uncle Ding didn't mean to swallow his chassis. He took the blame for everything. Now Uncle Ding has no choice. In addition, Ding Yiming has a small number of people and a high heart. When I appear, I will have the idea of ​​wanting to bring down Ding Lao Er and take away his half.

Behind him, the black-robed man named "Tongxuan" nodded and was about to leave. At this moment, suddenly, a stern voice came: "No need!"

This voice came, and the Tongxuan behind him immediately put his feet down again, stood aside, and bowed his head respectfully.

This kind of respect is not the respect for Ding Lao Er’s employment relationship as it was just now. For a practitioner like him, facing a person who only has money to hire him, he actually has no real ability. There won't be much conviction, what they admire is the strong!

And now what he showed was a stronger respect than when he met the strong, and this kind of respect can only appear to him alone.

Suddenly, there was a black breeze in the entire living room. Ding Lao Er could not stand steady and fell back on the sofa. The poor dog leg didn't have a sofa to sit on, and he didn't dare to sit. He was blown to the ground.

After waiting for about ten seconds, the black wind stopped, and there was another person in the living room, still wearing a black robe, but because its hat was shorter, he could see the appearance below his nose. His complexion was like charcoal, his beard was like copper wire, and under his chapped lips were black teeth.

Moreover, he is different from the other black-robed men, that is, his waist is tied with a red belt with a gold thread on it.


When Na Tongxuan saw the man in black robes, he immediately bowed with a ninety degree, respectful.

This person is Tong Xuan, and the master of those in black-Fa Dao!

And they are actually an organization, or rather, a sect, called the "Black Robe Sect." All of them in the teaching are dressed in black cannons, and there are about a hundred people.

The strength of this sect is not very strong. The way of life is to be hired by people to get funding. Ding Lao Er and Feng Tianling can find them to help, not because of friendship, just because of money.

Of course, these are all things I heard later, including the things in this living room, which are not my own eyes. Now I, who just finished handling the flying fish, are on the way back to Uncle Ding's house.

"Master? Ah, you are the Dao Master!"

Ding’s second child is not stupid. He can understand who is strong and who is weak. In the world, there are very few situations where disciples are better than master, and he has also heard of the name of Master Fa Dao. The leader of the Black Robe Sect is the most powerful. If there is him, it will take trouble to find Feng Tianling to transfer the people around him.

Fa Dao glanced at Ding Lao Er, ignored him, walked past him, and sat down on the edge of the sofa.

Ding Lao Er had just been blown onto the sofa by the wind, and when he saw that it was the way of the law, he stood up to welcome him, but when he came out, he suddenly seemed a bit embarrassed.

"Ahem, Fa...Master of Fadao!" Older Ding coughed slightly to relieve his embarrassment, and stood on the side of the sofa, not daring to sit next to Fadao.

Fa Dao sat on the sofa steadily, looking ahead, not caring about Ding Er who was next to him, and did not speak.


The scene was once again embarrassing.

Ding Lao Er stood by, neither talking for a while, neither standing nor sitting, neither walking nor staying. Anxiously scratching his ears and scratching his head, strange noises in his throat from time to time, very funny.

After a while, the Dharma Dao opened his mouth and said, "You give me a little quiet, and it's annoying to move and scream."

"Ah, yes." Ding second nodded immediately, but there was a ruthless look in his eyes.

People like Ding Lao Er have eyes above the top. If they didn't ask him this time, how could they be so low? I have already lowered my status so much, but the Fa Dao is so respectable, and I suddenly feel a little unhappy.

"Do you think that when I am in my position, do you still appreciate your money? To me, your little money is a shit! I am here this time for my two disciples."

"Ah, yes, Master Fa Dao treats money as dung, really is a heavenly master!" Ding Lao Er continued to flatter.

Actually, a person like Fadao depends on whether he has money now. He says this now because he is rich and has just helped people complete a big business. There is a bounty on the website. Hunters, there are bountyers, he does this business, if he has no money now, facing Ding Lao Er, he would never be like this.

"Tongxuan." Fadao called.

"Yes!" Tong Xuan immediately stepped forward and replied respectfully, bending over.

"Your two brothers were brutally murdered for no reason. Go and arrest Feng Tianling and Feng Tianxin for me. I want to ask the crime face to face!"


Tongxuan promised to leave, but at this moment, another voice came:

"No, I'm already here uninvited!"

This voice is Feng Tianling.

Tong Xuan just raised his foot and put it down again.

This Tong Xuan is also very helpless, almost as embarrassing as Ding Lao Er just said hello without responding, every time he wants to leave, a voice will stop him.

"Bah--" Tong Xuan was interrupted again, breathing in his heart, he could only grit his teeth and exhale, making a slight noise, and at the same time, Feng Tianling had already walked in.

"Ahahahahaha, Master Dharma, long time no see, long time no see! And Brother Ding, how are you doing lately? Look at your face, but your face is not good."

Ding second sneered, hehe, if you say hello several times and people ignore you, your complexion will be better?

In fact, he hadn't seen it. There was another person with a bad face, that is Tong Xuan.

"Feng Tianling, you look very happy, my two disciples..." Fadao looked at him like this, and suddenly became angry. It's not that he really loves his disciples, but those two disciples. It's really strong. It takes a lot of money to hire them. That's the cash cow of his law. If someone cuts his cash cow, can he not be angry? !

"Oh, it's too inappropriate for Master Dharma to say so. It's just two apprentices. Master, you have so many talents, how can you lack two people? Don't worry, I will choose some good seedlings and give them to the master to fill the vacancy. of."

Feng Tianling said, walked to the side of Fadao, sat down, and leaned close to him and said in a low voice, "You and I don't know who, if you are short of money, the Ding family, don't you have it?"

"Huh?" Fadao looked at him, thought for a moment, and said, "The value of those two talents is not low."

"Oh, no matter how tall they are, but the two of them...a little bit."

The two people have a dime. The word "Ding" is meant by someone, so when others hear it, this sentence means "no more than one or two people", but only Feng Tianling and Fadao know this sentence. that's not what it means.

A Ding... A Ding's family!

What he meant was that two people would trade for one Ding family!

"It seems that you have really encountered something good, so let's listen to it," Fadao said.

He is not stupid. He knows that the reason Feng Tianling has a good relationship with Ding Lao Er is because Ding Lao Er is rich, and now, he actually said that he would take out an entire Ding’s family in exchange. The meaning of this sentence... ...Is to abandon Ding Lao Er!

If you didn't make friends with more powerful characters, how could you want to kick Ding Lao Er out? !

"Hahahahaha, of course it's a good thing, I don't know Master Dharma, have you heard of the Shadow Army?"

"Shadow Army?!"

Fa Dao hadn't answered yet, when Ding Lao Er heard the name next to him, he called out first.

"The Shadow Army, I've heard of this. It is an orthodox organization of the military. Not only is everyone in it a master of magic, but also enjoys extraordinary treatment. There is no one of the same level that can override it, or even a high official rank. Yeah, I don't dare to impose prestige on those with low rank in the Shadow Army."

Na Ding's second child said, excited for a moment, and directly sat on the sofa, sitting on the other side of the Fa Dao, and a murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Fa Dao that was provoked.

Just now, the Fadao didn’t see you in his eyes. Now, knowing that you are about to be kicked out of the game, that’s even more so, but in this situation, it’s not easy to do it directly. Anyway, if you die sooner or later, you will die first. Wander for a while.

When Feng Tianling saw him like this, he even sneered in his heart. Now, he is finished! But he didn't do much performance, and continued: "Yes, this is the Shadow Army. Just today, a major of the Shadow Army contacted me!"


"Yes, the position of major is not high, but it is certainly not low, let alone in the Shadow Army. One contact was his one of his subordinates, but the second time, it was a call from him personally, and There is no arrogance at all. It seems to be very easy to get along with, and also revealed the meaning of settling in our Yancheng."

"Then he is looking for you to..."

"Hmph," Feng Tianling sneered, and said, "What's the purpose? Of course, I want to find someone locally to help him. Hey, let alone, although it seems to be a dog for a person, this shadow army major's dog , Isn’t that the snarling dog beside Erlang Shen, even though it is a dog, it is also a god!"

"Yes, yes, don't say bad, it has something to do with the Shadow Army, it's too late for others to envy!" Ding Lao Er said too.

The two of them are really similar.

"Moreover, with the help of the Shadow Army, the half of my treasured brother's possessions will be within easy reach!"

Ding second said, laughing loudly. And beside him, Fadao and Feng Tianling looked at each other, secretly, they both had a care.

The property of the Ding family can indeed be seized, but it has nothing to do with you!

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