Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 117: Xue Biao (second more)

After finishing the conversation at Feng Tianling’s house, I went back to Uncle Ding’s house, because there, I took two moves that I hadn’t thought of before, so there were some changes in the result...

"That's it, Uncle Ding, Feng Tianling will be retributed immediately, but your brother will take a while to go, but you can rest assured that he will never come to cause any trouble again." I explained to Uncle Ding.

"Oh, Xiao Rui, if you help us solve such a big matter, we dare to ask for something else." Uncle Ding said with a smile, with a kind face.

To solve the law and the black robe teaching, to abolish Feng Tianling, for them, the situation has been completely reversed. Feng Tianling, who lost the government, and the main black robe teaching in front, are left alone. What can you do? Master Wei or Dao Tan, either can get him!

"I have been delayed here for a long time. If the matter can be resolved satisfactorily as I wish, it is best to leave tomorrow. I still have the major things that Master explained."

It’s not easy for me to come out to establish a branch this time. The main purpose is to help others repair the seal of the Locking Demon Tower at Maoshan. As a result, I have been here for two days to deal with these things. Far, two days later, it's almost there.

"Xiao Rui won't stay for two more days? Busy, young people are busy!" Uncle Ding said, and then greeted Aunt Ding: "Make a good meal tonight, Xiao Rui hasn't had a good meal here yet. Give us everything we need to do!"

"Hey, no problem!" Aunt Ding replied with a smile in the back room.

Uncle Ding turned his head and said to me again: "Xiao Rui, take a good rest tonight, have a good meal, and don't be tired." After that, he turned his head and said to Ding Yiming beside me: "Yiming, you Stay with Xiao Rui, you young people have a common language, and my old man will not mix it up."

With that, he picked up the phone beside him and walked into the back room.

Looking at Uncle Ding’s back, I subconsciously asked: "Uncle what did you do?"

"The one who beat the king has gone." Ding Yiming took it for granted.


Father, how much do you want to have a common language with us? Who is the king at such an age?

"Do you think it is incredible, I also find it incredible, and I don't know who brought it."

"Heh..." speechless...

Ding Yiming looked at me, smiled, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "Hey, by the way, what are you waiting for now? You said as you wish, why? Who can help you realize your wish?"

"Yes..." I was about to speak, and suddenly my heart moved. I knew something was going to happen. I secretly pinched and used the Heavenly Technique to know everything. I couldn't help but smile and said to Ding Yiming: "Here is here. ."


On the other side, at Feng Tianling's house, the third lens is on...

"Brother, say that, we are really going to develop."

Feng Tianling sat on the sofa, holding a tea cup in one hand, and leaning to his mouth without drinking, his lips moved slightly, and a slight airflow was blown out, causing the tea to sway against his lips, frowning slightly, leaving his younger brother agitated. Yelled without saying a word.

"The love of worship, if you don't, it will be gone, hey, his daughter, doesn't it need to marry my nephew? Then, can I...hehehehe, sneer."

Feng Tianxin still looks like that, his color heart is bigger than the sky! The last time I was by the river, I wanted to take Hu Jie and Jiang Hongxin away together. This time, I was thinking about the daughter of Ding's second child again. While talking, he actually started to lick his lips, making a disgusting expression. sound.

"Hey, brother, you have something to say." Feng Tianxin saw that he had said it for a long time, and his brother had not responded for a long time, so he asked.

Feng Tianling sighed, then put the tea cup down, and said, "This time the Fa Dao has been destroyed, I always feel a little unreliable. Although I am not very reliable when I have him, I still feel safe with such a person. some."

"Yes." Feng Tianxin also said after listening. "There used to be people in black robes who were at ease, but now that they are gone, they always feel unsafe."

"Well, but if they can really get help from the Shadow Army, they will be gone if they are gone. It's just that Ding Er, who has given up his big factory to please him, seems to want to get rid of this guy. It will take some time."

Speaking of this, I heard the door "click"! Kicked open by someone, the door leaf broke free from the shackles of the wall in an instant under this force, and flew freely, and in the process of flying itself, it was broken into two knots, and then it hit the opposite side heavily. On the wall.

"You don't need to worry about this, because you will die before him, and he will come to you soon."

Three people, two men and one woman, walked in through the doorway that had no door, and looked at the two brothers of the Feng family with a cold face.

"Who are you?!" Feng Tianling stood up all of a sudden, now he has no black robe to teach the middleman to protect him, facing threats, he simply cannot resist.

Among the three people, a man had a cold face, his feet moved, and the golden light flickered, and the whole person had disappeared in place. The two brothers of the Feng family were shocked. Before they could react, they saw that the man had already arrived in front of them. Then, there was a big hand reaching out to them.

In the next instant, the two of them went black and unconscious. At the moment they passed out, they seemed to hear the man's low voice saying: "Shadow Army."


The third shot is over. Back here, Uncle Ding’s house...

Ding Yiming and I were sitting on the sofa chatting. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

I knew as soon as I heard, they are here.

"Yi Ming, didn't you ask who am I waiting for? Come and see." Then, I stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, and outside the door, all three people walked in.

Of the three people, I know two of them. It is the Han Fei and Qin Nan I saw last time. The other is a face, tall and round, and walking tigers and tigers. Both feet are strong and powerful, and each step is equal in step distance. At first glance, he is a master, and, obviously, like Han Fei, he is practicing power spells!

"This is..." I looked at the stranger and asked.

"Oh, let me introduce to you." Qin Nan said with a smile, turned around and gestured to the person, and said, "He is..."

"No need." The man waved his hand, Qin Nan stopped talking immediately and stepped aside.

"You are Guo Rui." The man stepped forward and asked me.

I looked around. Originally, Han Fei and Qin Nan stood in front of him on the left and right. He stepped forward, and the two in front were separated from each other. Moreover, they were facing each other, walking backwards, respectfully. Show it off!

Forget Qin Nan, I know Han Fei's character very well. If a person like him is willing to bow his head to someone, then this person must be far superior to him!

I looked at this person, secretly using investigative eyes, and it was true that his strength was several times higher than that of Han Fei!

This person is a master of the Shadow Army!

"Yes, I am." I nodded and replied.

The Shadow Army judges the position of officials in terms of strength. Han Fei is no longer a major, and he can already be on the list of the End of the World. Although he is the last, he is also a phoenix tail, and above him, there are lieutenant colonels and colonels... all the way to the commander lieutenant general. Qingtian, how many people are there? There are fifty people on the End of the World Ranking, it is estimated that they will be filled.

Therefore, Duan Qingtian made an agreement with the Tianyahui people. Many organizations have done this with the Tianyahui. After all, if they don't do it, there will be basically no suspense on the Tianya list. There are only two or three general organizations that can make it to the End of the World rankings. As the upper-level organization, the Shadow Army is not only to deter evil cultivators, but also to deter overseas practitioners with ulterior motives, so it is a bit more than the others. In the Shadow Army, there are five people on the list of the End of the World, and they are not allowed to exceed five!

Commander Duan Qingtian, as well as two deputy commanders and major generals, are all on the list, plus Han Fei, there are already four, and only one place is left!

When that person saw me admit my identity, he said, "We have all heard about you. Well, we have not borrowed our power to create such a huge organization. Although it is still in the early stage of development, according to our observations, Your Tongzhou Club will surely reach the same scale as Tianya Club and other organizations in the future!"

"You're absurd, I'm just trying to do a little bit for the world. Anyway, after being here for a long time, don't you want to say who you are?"

The man looked at me, smiled, stretched out his hand and took out his small notebook from his arms, opened it, and it lit up. At the same time, he said: "Shadow Army, agent of the Eastern Division, Xue Biao!"

Xue Biao!

There is a jingle in the Shadow Army: The King Kong Dragon Elephant reduces the power of the devil, and Xue Biao captures the dragon and the tiger!

Lieutenant General Duan Qingtian personally passed his disciple, ranked 16th on the End of the World rankings, the rank of the Shadow Army colonel!

If it was not because Duan Qingtian once said that the two deputy commanders and major generals need a skill and a military, rather than having to use strength to decide, then he should now replace Major General Nie Ze and become the second deputy commander. .

After all, Major General Nie Ze's strength is really not strong, and he only ranked 27th in the End of the World rankings. Such a ranking, based on strength, should be a colonel or lieutenant colonel.

"It turned out to be Colonel Xue." I hurriedly bowed my hands.

In the Shadow Army, it is not like other armies to salute, but like the monks of the rivers and lakes, to bow their hands.

Actually, I treat him only with respect. If I speak with strength, he may not be mine. After all, I even beat the fourteenth Jin Chunqiu!

We were talking here, and Ding Yiming was terrified. My god, these are all from the Shadow Army, and the leader, Colonel! High official!

"Guo...Guo Rui, these are..." Ding Yiming stretched out and pulled my sleeves, whispered.

"Yes, they are all commanders of the Shadow Army. Colonel Xue Biao is my commander; Major Han Fei and Major Qin Nan are at the same level as me."

When I said this, Qin Nan laughed and said, "Hey, what you said is wrong. It is true that Colonel Xue is the superior, but you may not be at the same level as us."


What do I mean when I hear it? Not at the same level? They got promoted? Hmm...also, they have been together for so many years. I was a major when I met them. Could it be that I have done something again, or my strength has increased again?

I was wondering, Xue Biao said, "Okay, stop guessing, Major Guo Rui!"

"Yes!" I shouted out subconsciously.

"Because you have performed well after joining the Shadow Army, you have even established the Tongzhou Club in Luzhou, recruiting talented people from all over the world, eliminating evils, and strengthening the righteousness. Your heroic deeds are widely extolled locally. After many days of observation, Guo Rui Our requirements have been met. Today, we are given the rank of middle school!"

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