Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 124: Nangong Yu (third shift)

After the Maoshan Hall, it was like a town. It was the residence of the disciples of Maoshan, and we also lived here.

When dusk fell and the sky was half dark, Hu Jie and I were walking on the path of the meditation house, just like walking on a field path in a small country village, unspeakably cozy and comfortable.

"How is it? I'm still used to living here?" I asked.

Just now, Xiao Dao Tong has taken us to the room. Me, Hu Jie, and Dao Chang Tan have a room for each person. Single rooms here are all high-level treatments. In Maoshan, there are only heads, elders, and a few heads of teachers. Only brothers can enjoy this treatment, and the rest of Maoshan disciples are sleeping in Datongpu, a group of people on a couch.

I heard from the head Sikongying that there are four people who came here this time, my one, and what they say is Mujiayi, the other two should have come before me, but I don’t know what they are. Who is it?

But one thing is that their boats here are all old-fashioned wooden beds with a few mattresses on them, but they don’t have the soft big bed at home. They are almost as comfortable as those in school. My rough man is nothing, but Hu Jie But the little princess had no idea what to do.

"It's okay. Anyway, I haven't slept less in school anyway. It's been a long time since I lay in this kind of bed. I don't know if I can sleep tonight." Hu Jie said, clenching his fist and banging his shoulder. And back, make a look of back pain.

"That..." I looked at her and suddenly felt how cute her face was in the sunset, like teasing her: "I have a way to make you sleep more comfortable, do you want it?"

"Huh? What's the solution? Of course I want it!" Hu Jie asked in surprise.

I smiled, pointed my finger at myself, and said, "Sleep with me, lie on me, I am soft."

Nonsense, can more than two hundred catties of meat be soft?

"Haha!" Hu Jie rolled her eyes and ignored me.

"Ahem! Seriously, I really have a way. Would you like to listen?" I coughed slightly and said with a serious face.

"No, what can you do? Every time you come up with a bad idea, what can't you do, eat first."

"...Isn't that you?"

My face suddenly turned black, this is what I said to her a year ago! I said at the time that her surname was Hu Mingjie, she was a foodie, she was not a layman, and she was not a Taoist. The translation is, what can’t be done, what can’t be eaten is not enough.

Of course, every time I say this, it is a different version, for example, what can't be done, what can't be left, and what she said just now, what can't be done, the first place to eat!

As a result, I didn't expect that there is a reincarnation in the way of heaven, who would be spared by the heavens!

No matter how she eats goods, this physique that is not fat to eat is really annoying, it is a gospel of eating goods, but I can't do it. Two hundred catties of meat are placed here. When outsiders hear this, who is this saying? That must be me!

"Yes, you are great, you are right." I gave in.

"Huh!" Hu Jie turned her head and suddenly turned back, and said, "However, I really have a way to make me sleep a little more secure."

"What can I do? Sleep with me?"

"Go aside, but this method really has something to do with you."

"Oh? What can I do?"

"Give me all your mattresses, and you can sleep empty of the bed, how about it?" Hu Jie said, and pointed at me, posing a classic Conan pose with a shrewd face, as if saying "I Be smart!"


"You want a little face." I said with a dark face.

"Hey, hey."

"To shut up!"


In the end, Hu Jie still slept in her bed obediently, and I didn't give her the mattress, which caused her to stare at me in a bad mood the next day. I pretended not to see it.

But it is true that I am a little uncomfortable sleeping in this bed, but fortunately, I have that mobile phone in my body, running the exercises, coupled with the improvement of mental power, it does not hurt to stay up all night, it is morning, just wake up Went outside.

It is six o'clock in the morning, but because of the evening of winter, the sun is not enough at this time, and there is only a faint light. When I arrived at the door of Hu Jie's room, the little girl was still asleep. Dao Tan had planned to hold the head to talk about Taoism last night, but because the head said that the seal would be repaired today, and to stay energetic, he sent him away. Because of this, he talked to me for a long time, and Xu talked about his disappointment.

I looked around and found that there was no one on the street except me. It was a bit boring. Besides, Si Kongying said yesterday that they could only arrive at noon. Why shouldn’t they invite someone to eat first? Wait some time, this morning, why don't I go and do something else.

Thinking of this, I walked eastward.

This is what the master said, the direction that the wise zombie is located!

The zombie lived not far from Maoshan. I walked with my legs. Within half an hour, I reached the mountain and climbed up the mountain. It happened to be bright in the east. At this time, the sun had restored its brilliance.

Under the mountain, some people in the city are still sleeping, but some old people have already gone out, or are doing morning exercises, or rushing to the morning market to buy vegetables, or drinking a bowl of hot porridge and eating at the street breakfast shop. A cage of steamed buns. Life is varied, and the fireworks in the market are sometimes particularly refreshing.

On the top of the mountain, a wisp of blue smoke floated up, and I followed the smoke. After walking not far, I saw a Taoist temple-Qingyi Temple!

Yes, this is it!

The master said that the zombie built a Taoist temple here called Qingyi Temple, but I don't know if he woke up at this time.

I walked to the door of the Taoist temple and saw that the door was closed. I felt a little hesitant. I wanted to knock on the door to visit. It was too early. It was about 6:40. Maybe someone hasn't gotten up yet, like him. All of the strong men and powers should be very willful. They won't get up early. If the bed gets more angry, what should I do if I swallow it directly.

I stood at the door, looking left and right, not knowing what to do, suddenly, from nowhere, there was a sound of flute.

"Is there anyone on this mountain who has this Yaxing?" I was curious, thinking that it would not be good to knock on the door anyway. He should be someone near here if he can play the flute here. It's better to ask, when will this Taoist temple open the door .

So I followed the sound and walked over, walked to the back of the Taoist temple, and ascended for a while. At the top of the mountain, there was a small pavilion.

On the top of the mountain, the area is small, and there are not many weeds, some are broken stones and huge rocks, only a small pavilion, and a stubborn crooked-neck pine tree not far away, which seems to welcome guests. Loose, waiting for my arrival.

I walked forward, and in the pavilion, there was a woman standing.

It's not that I want to talk so cliche, but the scenes really make me unable to talk like that.

On the top of the mountain, a small pavilion, a pine tree, Dongfang Yaoyang was born, a woman wearing a turquoise Hanfu, long hair shawl, wearing a hairpin, breeze blowing, the skirt fluttering, green silk swaying. There was a jade flute in the woman's hand, sticking to her lips, exhaling slightly, the flute's sound curled.

In this situation, do you want me to say: Holding the grass, is it really beautiful? !

Destroy the mood well!

I think I would be easily beaten if I really said that sentence.

I didn't say anything. The woman was on her side. I was behind her right. Wei Wei could see her profile, but her attention was all in front of her eyes, maybe she didn't notice me at all. No, maybe it's not looking in front of me, but has been integrated into the artistic conception of my own flute.

I leaned on a boulder and watched the woman playing the flute. For some reason, I always felt that listening to the sound of the flute, it seemed that the spells in my body also resonated and were growing. Could it be possible to practice just listening to her playing the flute?

But when I checked it carefully, I found that it was just an illusion. The mana in my body was still so much that it didn't increase at all.


I just listened to this piece of hers quietly. I don't know how long the time has passed, as if in a dream. When the flute stops, the east is bright. If I want to come, it's probably already seven o'clock.

The girl’s song ended, she put down her jade flute and looked back at me, and said with a chuckle: "Mr. waited a long time. The little girl has just entered the song. She has already joined that song unconsciously, so I can’t give a courtesy. I hope you can forgive me."

"Ah? This, no, no, no, no, no! That..." I stopped talking about this, stuttering a few times, holding my forehead, hesitating for a while, and didn't think of anything to say, I could only say:" understand."

Hey, the low level of education kills people. She has a strong literary atmosphere. I can't say "It's okay, old girl"...

Seeing me like this, the woman couldn't help laughing. She covered her lips with her hand, chuckled lightly, walked down the pavilion slowly, and said, "Little girl Nangong Yu, I don't know the name of my husband.

"Guo, Guo Rui." I scratched my head in embarrassment and said with a sly smile.

"It's been a long time since I met my soulmate. The little girl was very happy. She also asked her husband to come home and make a pot of tea with her husband." The woman said, walking past me.

"Ah? Such a, okay."

It's dying, why is the durian attribute awakened at this time? How could such a graceful woman look at it with that worldly vision? !

I followed her, and couldn't help but gently twitched my two big mouths, reminding myself that I should never have this kind of thought again. This is blasphemous! Besides, I have Hu Jie in my heart, no matter what, I can't feel sorry for them!

Thinking of this, I silently followed her and walked down. Somehow, I always felt that she seemed to see what I was thinking, even though I was behind her, and the two slaps didn't have much strength and made no sound, but I always felt...she was laughing.

From the top of the mountain, here is where Tsing Yi Guan is located, but it is just the back door of Guanli. In the view, there should be someone cooking breakfast, and a plume of smoke is rising.

When I saw the smoke, I couldn't help but call me stupid. Didn't I just follow this smoke to come here? As a result, I was entangled for a long time at the door for fear that no one would wake up, at least the cook must be awake.

I followed her to the front of the temple. I thought she would bypass the temple and go down the mountain. I didn't expect that she walked directly to the back door of the temple and opened it with a light push.

"Wait, wait..." I was stunned for a while, there are still female disciples in this Taoist temple?

"What's the matter? Sir." The woman had entered the door, turned and smiled at me.

"You... are you the person in this view?" I swallowed and asked tentatively.


"Then you watcher here, I heard it's a... uh, you know." I struggled a bit, not embarrassed to say those two words.

The woman smiled and said, "I am."

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