Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 127: The fragrance of wine (third more)

Finding Hu Jie is actually very simple. She won’t be fascinated anymore. If there is no one nearby, then it must be on the nearby mountain. Luo Peng and I flew in the sky for half an hour and found out. she was.

When she found her, she was sitting on a rock eating fruit. Next to it was a monkey who had been robbed of fruit, with injuries on her body. At first glance, she knew that she was injured by the storm I taught her.

I don’t know how the master and his elderly would feel when seeing his superior spells used by her to grab fruit from monkeys...

By the time we returned to the main peak of Maoshan, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. Daoist Tan was still discussing Dao Fa with his head Sikongying. He finally came to Maoshan and didn’t dare to delay at all. Sikongying was annoyed. what! But there is no way. Students who are too studious are not easy to scold.

Hu Jie and I had nothing to do. The Mu family on the last road hadn't arrived at this time. We didn't dare to go to a distant place anymore. For fear of missing time, we simply went around Maoshan first. This is not only a famous Taoist mountain, but also a tourist attraction, but it is a lot less exquisite in winter.

At this moment, I heard two little boys in a room talking, one of them said: "Hurry up, don't take that good wine, Elder Akashiko is going to get angry! Give us two big mouths. Son, that's not something we can hold."

In that tone, there was obviously anxiousness and fear.

Another little Taoist also said: "I know, my master, can I still not know? It's just that the wine is buried too deep and hasn't been dug yet."

"What are you doing so deep?"

"It's good to bury the smell of wine deeply. You don't know how much my master picks up alcohol."

While talking, the two little boys were digging with the shovel on the ground, very fast one after another, for fear that they would be slow and have their mouths wide.

I heard the voice and knew that one of the two people should be the disciple of Akashiko, and the other should not, but it was also a child who followed Akashiko. This was because Akashiko wanted to drink and they came to get it.

Although Chisuko first cultivated the Buddha and then the Taoism, it is reasonable to say that his six roots are clean, but in fact, none of his six roots are clean. The reason why he can stay well in Maoshan and wait for others in Yunmiao Temple The place can't stay, because here, Si Kongying doesn't care about him, he should eat meat and meat, drink and drink, and so on.

Of course, Akashiko doesn't have that thought. He has a irritable temperament, a warlike nature, alcohol and meat, but he has no interest in female sex.

At this time, I heard one of the little Taoists suddenly shouting: "Hey, there is it!"

Then I saw the little Dao Tong throw away the shovel and started to plan with his hands. Without planing a few times, he stretched out his hands and pulled it upwards, and a jar of mud-stained, mud-sealed wine was taken out.

Obviously the wine jar is covered with red cloth, and there are mud tires on the red cloth, and we are some distance away, but that's it, I can smell the tangy wine! The mellow and charming, people can't help but make a "tsk" sound, can't help but ask more. By her side, even Hu Jie, who usually doesn't drink, exclaimed, "It smells so good."

At this time, the two little boys in the room also found us, and quickly bowed their heads and saluted: "Master."

Among the disciples of Maoshan, the identities of those of us who do not belong to Maoshan have long been popularized. They are all capable masters who come to repair the demon lock tower from all over the world. They all need respect, so see us, especially Hu Jie—a rare woman in Maoshan—the identity is clear at a glance.

The reason why I want to say it is rare is because Maoshan does have several female disciples. It is said that the five elders of Maoshan who have died were a female disciple, but such an example is very few in Maoshan. Master didn't send Senior Sister Yaqin here because she was a rare female disciple, and she was afraid of something. In the end, I didn't expect that I still brought a girl.

It’s just that I don’t understand that there are female disciples here, and nothing happened. Why are you afraid of sending a woman?

Maybe it's because Master thinks more. I didn't think much about it, and just said, "You are the disciples of Elder Akashiko?"

The older one of the two people took a step forward and said, "No, we are twin brothers. I am my brother Cheng Qian. Elder Chixu is my master. This is my younger brother Cheng Xu, who belongs to Uncle Wang Kun. Disciple, but usually with me."

Wang Kun is the disciple of the great elder Xu Dao, because the red beard is in the same generation as Si Kongying, and Xu Dao is a generation older than Si Kongying, so Wang Kun, who is Xu Dao’s apprentice, naturally compares himself Cheng Qianda, who is the apprentice of the Chisu Child, is his uncle in his seniority.

Then, the two brothers Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu are also peers.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, then what you hold in your hand is..."

"This is my master's good wine. It has been buried with me. Master wanted to drink, so I hurried to get it."

When Cheng Qian said this, he was shocked and shouted: "If it is broken, it is broken. Forget it. I must send it to the master as soon as possible, Master, I will leave first, brother, hurry up!"

As they said, the two Xiaodaotongs, holding the bottom of the wine jar with four hands, quickly ran past us, looking in one direction.

Looking at their backs, I think they are really cute. These children who have been practicing in Maoshan since childhood are much better than the spoiled bear children outside.

Speaking of this, I am angry. I really hate the bear child. When I took the train that time, I was not a master at that time, and I had no money. Naturally, I couldn't sit in the business seat. I could only sit in a second-class seat, crowded with a group of people, and there was a bear kid behind me.

I was sleepy and wanted to sleep in the car, but the bear kid was kicking the stool behind me. I was about to fall asleep when the stool quake.

I squeezed my breath, ignored him, and continued to sleep with my eyes closed, just about to fall asleep, "Humch—" There was an earthquake...

Can this be tolerated? I went to let them take care of the children, but the **** bear parent screamed.

Now that I think about it, I get angry. Look at the little Taoist boy here, who knows etiquette and is cute, how to look and how to like.

"Hey, they didn't seem to go in the direction of the main peak of Maoshan." Hu Jie muttered, looking at the direction the two trail boys were walking.

"Oh, do you still have this sense of direction?" I teased.


"Well, the direction they are going should be Side Peak. It seems that Akashoko doesn't live here with them. Let's go, do you want to go and see?"

"..." Hu Jie did not speak.

"Oh, don't be angry, let's go."

Anyway, it's okay, idle is idle.

The two of us followed the two little road boys all the way to the side peak, where there was a yard with a wooden fence. There were two thatched houses. One of them had an open door. Inside, a smell of wine came out. .

However, the smell of this alcohol is not as good as that of the jar just now. They are all bad wines, mixed together, and hit the nose.

"Come on for a drink! Give me a good drink! Xiao Qian, where is Xiao Qian?!"

"Hey, Master, here comes!" Cheng Qian said quickly, taking his younger brother Cheng Xu and the two people quickened their pace, ran to the door of the thatched house, and put down the wine jar. Immediately! An invisible force held up the wine jar and sent it directly into the house.

Hu Jie and I walked to the gate of the courtyard, facing the thatched house. Inside, the red beard collapsed in a pair of wine jars, leaning on the half-person tall wine jar with one hand, and holding the other. He took the good wine that had just been brought in, put it on the ground, and with one hand, he cut off the mud tire and the red cloth on the top of the altar and poured it directly into his mouth.

The Akashiko poured three mouthfuls, slammed the wine jar to the ground, and shouted: "Good wine!"

Suddenly, as if standing on a wind vent, a hurricane rushed over with a scent of wine. My mana was strong and I was not afraid, but Hu Jie's mana was low and her body was thin. Unable to support, leave the ground with his feet and fly directly back.

"Hu Jie!" I hurriedly stretched out my hand and grabbed it, but because of my quick eyesight and quick hands, I caught Hu Jie, but because of distraction, I was blown out more than two meters.

Fortunately, the hurricane came and went so fast, Akashiko finished his breath, and the hurricane stopped. Looking again, Akashiko was patting the wine jar, shaking his head happily, and said, "This is what Good wine."

Brothers Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu have already had experience on the side. They hid aside and did not respond to the hurricane directly. At this time, the red beard was in a good mood, wiping the sweat from his forehead and growing out. He said in a tone: "It's so dangerous."

"Yeah, yeah. Fortunately, the wine was brought in time. We don't need to be beaten if the uncle is happy."

"Hush - voice down, we heard the beat of."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The two little guys whispered, extremely cute. I smiled and walked into the courtyard. When I came to them, I touched the heads of the two little guys and said, "Let's go, I will stay with Elder Akasuko for a while."

"Yes." The two little boys bowed and saluted, and withdrew a few steps back, then turned and left.

Although the two of them seem to be two or three years younger than me, but because I am mature, they seem to be six or seven years older than them, so this touch doesn’t seem so embarrassing. .

At this time Akiko also saw us, and immediately smiled and shouted: "Come on, come and drink with me, this is good wine!"

I smiled, walked into the room, sat cross-legged in front of Akashiko, Hu Jie sat down beside me, Akashiko waved his hand, took out an ancient black bowl, and put it in front of me. Beckoning, that jar of good wine is a clear stream into the bowl, and suddenly, the aroma is overflowing!

"Come on, taste it!"

"Elder Akashiko's wine, the younger generation must drink it." I said, holding up the big bowl.

Akashiko smiled and picked up the wine jar, and said, "Fuck!" After he raised his head, he took another sip of wine.

Seeing him so refreshed, I said to my heart that I would sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman, picking up the bowl and taking a sip.

To be honest, my drinking volume is not high or low. After being poured by Liu Tong a few times, I can drink some spirits, but I have never experienced the taste of this kind of wine. It is soft and clear, unlike Liu Tong. Brother Tong pours the foreign wine I drink every time. After taking a bite, I was not drunk, but felt that my body was warm and not much uncomfortable.

"Good wine!" I put down the bowl, the sound of good wine came from my heart, and I thought it was good wine.

This is different from Liu Tong's wines. It may be that one person has one taste, one person has one taste. Brother Liu Tong loves to drink foreign wines, and I prefer these pure essence of cellaring.

Moreover, I found that my mana flowed faster with this sip of wine. This is a feeling I have never had before. Only when I heard the flute sound at Nangong Yu in the morning, I had a similar situation, but that was an illusion. But this is true!

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