Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 136: Good show will start

In the Hall of Immortality, there was no one around Elder Xufeng, and no elder was in the group with him at the time of the grouping, and the head was not here. After all, he was the strongest person in Maoshan, and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, at the very beginning, Dao Dao Tan was following him, but at this time, Dao Dao Tan was not there by his side.

At this time, the side peak of Maoshan...

In a small forest, Luo Peng sat on a rock between two trees, without a word, his face was expressionless, his arms and elbows on the knees of his legs, his hands in front, his eyes straight. Looking at the muddy ground not far in front of her feet, she seemed to be in a daze. At this time, a sound of footsteps made him raise his head.

It is Dao Tan.

This is part of the plan. Ten minutes ago, the elder Xufeng released him, and I also gave him the next plan and asked him to come here to find Luo Peng.

Luo Peng stood up and looked at him calmly: "What mission?"

Before his death, Luo Peng was a Jiangyang thief who killed countless and developed a sharp and decisive character, and spoke straightforwardly.

Dao Tan stopped and said, "Master said, let you make trouble as much as possible, but try not to hurt people. By the way, remember to cover your face and don't let others see who you are."

It is necessary to cover his face, because after all, I will inevitably show him his face in the future, and this time the task is to make him mess around and make things like that. In case he lays down in the future, it is very likely that some interested people will use this. Make a fuss. People, more things are worse than less things. Since this is possible, try to prevent it.

"Yeah." Luo Peng agreed, lowered his head and stretched out his hand to grab on the ground: collapse--! Grab a handful of mud.

In winter, the ground is covered with fallen leaves and twigs, because after it has fallen for some days, it has been rotted and softened and mixed in the soil. Luo Peng grabbed all the mud with leaves, nothing else. Just put a paste on your face!


In this way, the ghost can see who this guy is.

Dao Tan frowned when he saw this scene, and subconsciously leaned back, too much! However, he could not help but secretly pick Thumbing. It's a wolf! Be true to yourself!

The robber Luo Pengjiang Yang, make-up and disguise are commonplace. In times of crisis, he would have to go through huts and drill dog holes. Are you afraid of this?

"Tell me what to do next?" Luo Peng asked Dao Master Tan with a muddy face.

Dao Tan took a step back and said, "You run towards the demon lock tower and act as if you are going to attack the demon lock tower. If someone comes to hit you, don't hurt anyone except the one with the big red beard. Their names, just stun them."

"Yeah." Luo Peng nodded, moving his feet, like a gust of wind, straight down the mountain and ran towards the lock demon tower.

Daochang Tan looked at his back, admiring the amazing speed in his heart, but suddenly saw that Luo Peng stretched out his hand to point to the sky, and he roared, suddenly shocked the whole forest without wind! The bare branches collided with each other, making a "chacha" sound.

The next moment, I saw the sky, which was originally gray and misty, suddenly lit up! I looked up, as if the sun had become bigger, and quickly lowered my head again, and felt that there was a trace of heat on the ground, like a steamer, but the temperature hadn't reached that exaggerated level.

Control the weather!

Zombies are also known as droughts. In the early days, zombies would only be attracted to flesh and blood, and would not actively use any mana at all. However, this drought spell was already on them.

Zombies with wisdom like Nangongyu and Luo Peng can naturally retract and release this kind of spells as they please, and those zombies without wisdom can cause severe drought wherever they are.

This is not learned, but inborn. It is like a race like the wolf and ben sheep who are proficient in the vertical arts when they are born, and the nine-tailed fox is born with illusion arts, and the zombie drought is born with Manipulate the weather.

Drought does not mean that the weather will only become severely dry. It is only a basic phenomenon. At an advanced level, they can use their skills to cause drought in other places, thereby driving the cold air over there to this side. Various weather forms here.

However, this kind of technology is not something that ordinary zombies can do. After listening to Dao Dao Tan told me that Luo Peng uses this skill, I also guessed whether Luo Peng has reached this stage and how about Nangong Yu. ?

(Author's note: In various legends and other novels, what do you say about the four ancestors of zombies: Hanyan, General, Houqing, and Yinggou. Each of the four zombies has different abilities, and ordinary low-level zombies cannot be the same as them. . But in my opinion, there is no distinction between the latter three. All zombies are also named Han Yan, soulless, blood-sucking, cannibalism, and brain-eating. As you practice high, you begin to appear spiritual wisdom. , At a higher level of cultivation, it will evolve into a roar. If a roar has a higher level of cultivation, his body is turned into golden hair, which is called golden hair 犼.)

Suddenly, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the heat on the ground was surging, and the air seemed to be like a steamer. The warm clothes that Taoist Tan had worn on his body felt very hot at this time. And that Luo Peng, as if there was help from heaven, went faster and faster, and disappeared in a short while.

At this time, the people in the Fenxian Hall also noticed an abnormality. It suddenly became hot in the winter, which is not normal anyhow, and there are also small windows in the hall. From the window, the gray sky is bright.

"Not good!" Xu Feng shouted, his eyes sharpened, looking at the scenery outside, killing intent was looming.

This is also the unknowing Maoshan disciples around him. If this is me, Dao Chief Tan, or the head of Sikong, they all have to laugh.

Hey, the old boy can really pretend!

Still acting, still acting! Who doesn't know who, it's all in the plan, why is it possible that you have to act like a mirror in your heart.

Of course, not to mention him, Si Kongying is the same in the other room. There are only Maoshan disciples beside him. Elder Zhang Dongqing who was with him has been rushed to look after the disciples who have been investigated.

The great elder Xufeng and the head of Sikong came out of their house one after another. In the other house, Fake Chixuzi and Elder Tianliu also came out. The five leaders of Maoshan didn’t care about anything except that. Zhang Dongqing above was still in the house, and the other four stood outside.

"This breath, is it..." Si Kongying looked out the window, feeling the breath flowing in the air, and frowned.

Your kid can be pretty good too!

Although Elder Tianliu didn't know the plan, this person always seemed to have a sage-like aura. Although he didn't know anything, he was inexplicably clear.

The fake Akashiko frowned because he didn't know what was going on, but faintly, it seemed that this time was an opportunity.

"Where is Elder Zhang Dongqing?" Si Kongying asked.

"Stay there, isn't he like this? Nothing can touch him."

"By the way, will he be..." Si Kongying seemed to remember something suddenly, and said: "We have never thought about this undercover, not necessarily among the disciples, among the elders, it is also possible."

As soon as he said this, the false red beard was shocked. Finish, a big step towards the truth!

Elder Xufeng knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and cooperated: "But isn't Zhang Dongqing always doing this? If he comes out now, there will be a problem."

Si Kongying frowned, "That's also true. The so-called undercover, it should be because they don’t know their habits very well, and they don’t know how to do everything, but..." Sikongying hesitated again, and said, "If you observe many things, You’ll know after a long time. For example, Elder Zhang Dongqing is silent, Elder Tianliu loves to laugh, Elder Chisuko loves to drink."

False Akashoko was shocked again, why is this one step closer?

Elder Xufeng said that he was almost done, and he couldn't always frighten him, so he said, "The head, please tell me what to do now."

Si Kongying also understood what he meant. As soon as he wanted to speak, he heard a ringing outside. The sound was eager, like a thunder. It sounded like it came from another place, but it was very real. There was no sound that didn't reach his ears. in.

"No, the town demon bell! The zombie went to the lock demon tower!" Si Kongying shouted, and ran away, while shouting: "Several elders continue to investigate and take care of all the disciples, Elder Tianliu , Help me watch the disciples who live in my house, I will come as soon as I go!"

After finishing speaking, Si Kongying had already ran to the lock demon tower in addition to the Fenxian Temple, running out of sight.

All the disciples also knew what was going on outside. They looked at each other for a while, and the Great Elder Xufeng immediately said: "Alright, all go back, go ahead, Tianliu, you can help the head be in charge of his people first."

"Okay." Elder Tianliu walked over with a smile, and entered the room of the original head Si Kongying.

In the Fenxian Hall, it seems that calm has returned, but the surface is calm, but in fact it is dark, but it is an undercurrent.

Akashiko's heart was in confusion at this time, and the seal of the lock demon tower was weakened. This was what they wanted to see, but I didn't expect that because I entered the lock demon tower before, I still don't know what happened. , The monsters were knocked out of half of their mana with a single stroke of their brains. Therefore, their plan was successful, but in the end they were strung together...

This situation made Akiko very uncomfortable because he didn't know what to do next, but now, it seemed that there was a chance.

The elders did not dare to leave the sub-celestial hall, because they could not tell who the undercover disciples were. Once they were allowed to go, the undercover might slip away. Even if they didn’t slip away, they would get mixed together. I just checked for a long time. It was in vain.

In other words...

Akashiko glanced at her surroundings, and there were no one else, and there were only disciples left. Nominally, they were all juniors. It could be said that they would not have the turn to speak for what she did. If she didn't leave at this time, when would he wait? !

"Maoshan disciples obey orders!"

"The disciple is here!"

In the eyes of the disciples, the person in front of him is the Elder Chishizi, and there is no doubt about it.

"The zombies are making chaos, trying to invade the lock demon tower, the Maoshan disciple, taking the eradication of evil as their own responsibility, how can you let the head be alone?! All disciples, follow me and support the head!"

"Follow the orders of the elders!"

Akashiko's words were impassioned, no one doubted anything, they all bowed their hands in prayer, and with Akashiko's order, they all rushed out the door, rushed out of the Fenxian Hall, and rushed towards the lock demon tower. Come!

But what he didn't know was that after he left, Elder Xufeng walked out of the house, looked at the wide open door of the Fenxian Hall, curled his beard, and laughed. In the other room, Elder Tianliu, who didn’t know anything about the plan, also walked out, looked at Elder Xufeng with a smile, and said, “I’m right, right?”

Xu Feng nodded: "Yes, you guessed it right. The boy was right. I didn't expect that such a boy actually appeared. It seems that a good show is about to begin."

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