Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 140: Wildfire

At this time, I was still staying in the house. Hey, when I was in battle, I did not lie down comfortably on the bed, although the old Hu Jie on the side was not happy for me, and I sneezed several times inexplicably.

"Aren't you going to check it out?" Hu Jie was boring to bully me, and she just sat aside playing with her mobile phone. I didn't expect that Maoshan still had signals and wireless networks. It seems that this place of practice is also advancing with the times.

Isn't this comfortable? !

And it’s worth mentioning that the name of this Maoshan wireless network is... "Awesome big boss and ten thousand younger brothers"...

Sikong, are you so cute?

"Oh, what are you going to do there? This is no other place. There are so many people in Maoshan. Why do I have to do it? You think Big Brother Yuzhan, Murong's house, and Mu's house didn't go there?"

"That..." Hu Jie still wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be nothing to refute, so she stopped talking.

Originally, Elder Xufeng was the ninth figure on the End of the World rankings, and the head Sikongying was also the thirteenth master. He was one level higher than the blood flame palm Jin Chunqiu that I played against last time. It can also be imagined.

As for me, not to mention that the last time I played against Jin Chunqiu was not a winner, but that it was said that it was not always true who won and who lost, and I was also hit and injured. of.

What's more, I am now seriously injured due to the backlash of the Dark Sanctuary. I must cultivate myself well, and my strength will naturally decline. In comparison, I am definitely not as good as the two of them. In addition, I also sent Luo Peng to join forces. I think, even if the Dao Shizi with a thousand faces is more powerful, he should not be as powerful as a few of them.

In fact, I have also thought about whether he will have back players, and even masters of the same level as him are hiding among the Maoshan disciples. But don't Maoshan also have Elder Tianliu and Elder Zhang Dongqing there? I want to talk to the other three roads and help together, but if you think about it carefully, let's forget it.

Fortunately, Brother Yu Zhan said that he knew each other well, except that they had just visited the Murong's family. They had no intersection, especially the Murong's family, who said they were half rivals.

This incident was originally Mao Shan's own business. It can be said that if it weren't because I happened to have detective eyes and I happened to discover that the red beard was a fake, I would not bother to care about it. Who is not more than less, why should I let people help?

I helped, only because I knew the truth and couldn't get through that hurdle in my heart, so I made such a plan. What about the others? If it's my business, it's okay, I ask one person to help another person? How would they answer me?

Take care of your family's affairs. No one has come to let me help. You come to let me help. Are you full and idle... and so on.

So I did not ask them for help, including Brother Yu Zhan. Therefore, the only thing on the battlefield over there is to rely on Mao Shan himself, and I can contribute one Luo Peng at most.

After taking a rest for a while, I was wondering what it would look like over there. Suddenly, there was chaos outside.

"Hurry up and put out the fire!"

"Where's the water? Where's the water! Come on, the mountain is on fire!"

"What a fire, this mountain is ruined."

"This is not a common fire, who is it, so courageous, that he dared to set fire on Maoshan! We must find him, and never be merciless!"

I sat in the room and listened, it caught fire?

Hurry up, I got out of bed and went out with Hu Jie to see. Sure enough, just by looking around, I could see the flames blazing into the sky!

Looking at the fire, I suddenly felt shocked, that direction seemed to be...

"It's the mountain where Elder Chisuko is!" I looked at the burning mountain, and suddenly surprised.

I always think that this Taoist with a thousand faces just got in, because he was in Chisuko’s thatched house before, and his expression and the words he said, I don’t feel like someone outside of Maoshan can speak. Out. Then, it should be the Taoist with a thousand faces who heard our conversation, and after we left, disguised as Akashiko, and then went to participate in the seal.

At that time, Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu were just two little disciples, they had no abilities at all, and Chisuko was so drunk that he didn't understand anything. That thousand-faced Taoist wanted to hide them, it should be It's very simple. At least, it's okay to hide until the seal is over.

At that time, all the disciples of Maoshan were in front of the Demon Locking Tower, so no one would be able to find the real Chixuzi and the two brothers Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu. And the purpose of that undercover entering Maoshan was to break the seal, to weaken the power of the orb on the spire of the lock demon tower, so that the monsters in the tower could be released. It's a pity that I didn't expect that because a withered tree demon died before, the demon in the tower was also weakened by half.

In other words, this thousand-faced Taoist didn't intend to lie in the Maoshan all the time, and the undercover time was less than half a day, so he might not have done anything with the real red beard. No, in other words, if he did, he might cause unnecessary troubles. Who knows what measures Akashiko will have to face life threatening when he gets drunk.

After he was drunk, the roar when we first went there was no less than Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide. When Yangqiao roared, he drank Cao Junshui back!

Then, they should have been hidden somewhere, time is limited, they may be collected on the spot, hidden on the mountain, and now...

"No! Hu Jie, go!"

With that said, I hurriedly pulled Hu Jie next to me, stepped on the technique of Yukong, and went straight to the fierce volcano peak!

That mountain peak was already covered by fire at this time. From the top to the foot of the mountain, nowhere was flames flying into the sky; from the east to the west, there were crackling noises everywhere. This is a good side peak of Maoshan Mountain, now it is already a Flame Mountain!

"Help people!" I flew in the air and shouted to the people underground. In their understanding, the only thing that can be on that mountain is Elder Chibeko, and he is not on the mountain now. Because they were all let go by the red beard, they were preconceived, thinking that it was the real red beard, and now he is going to lock the demon tower.

However, the one who went to the lock demon tower was the fake red beard, the real red beard, still on the mountain!

When the Maoshan disciples heard me yell, they all looked up suspiciously, watching me take Hu Jie across the sky and flew straight to the "flaming mountain".

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, it seems to be one of those people who came to repair the seal of the lock demon tower."

"He said to save people, is there anyone on the mountain?"

"Only Elder Akashiko lives there, but didn't he go to the lock demon tower to help the boss beat the zombies?"

"Follow him, it's all about fighting the fire anyway, let's go together, let's go together"


Listening to the various voices coming from below, I shook my head, speeded up, and in the blink of an eye, I had reached the side of the mountain.

When I get closer, I can feel the ruthlessness of the fire, the hot temperature is swept up by the wind, and I contend with the cold of this winter, blowing on my body, I feel that the fire is burning on my body!

"They're right, it's really not a common fire, who set the fire on this?!" I frowned when I looked at the flames all over the mountains. This fire can't be extinguished by ordinary water, and even if it is an ordinary fire, it is not so easy to extinguish such a big mountain fire.

Because of the sudden onset of the fire, people outside Maoshan couldn't respond. Some people near here were immediately affected by the pond fish. For a while, the mountain was also wailing, and in the distance, there was the sound of the fire truck's flute. It seems to have been dispatched.

"We're not good at fighting fire, let's save people." I said to Hu Jie, and took her to the thatched house of Chisuko.

Fortunately, my sense of direction is not too bad, otherwise it is really hard to find. With memory, I can still find the direction if it is vague.

"Fatty, do you think it's there!" Suddenly, Hu Jie pointed to a place and said.

"Don't call me that! Where?"

I followed her hand and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a pile of thatched houses that had collapsed in the fire.

Living in a thatched house, in a sea of ​​fire, is basically living in a stack of firewood. What's more, this red beard loves to drink, and he is surrounded by wine. Those are all fuels. Is this better? !

But when I arrived, I looked again and found that my worries were unnecessary.

It's not that this thatched house is not burning, it is burning, how can it collapse if it is not burning? It's not that Chi Xuzi, Cheng Qian, and Cheng Xu are not here, they are indeed. Then why is it unnecessary to worry? Because the three of them are all right...

The thatched house collapsed, and a triangle was suddenly erected above the three of them, forming a space, vacating the three of them, but this was not the most mysterious, the most mysterious, it was the red beard who actually began to glow. !

Holding the grass, there is this kind of operation? !

Three people, one big and two small, lie flat on their backs on the ground, with the red beard in the middle, Cheng Qian on the left and Cheng Xu on the right, as if asleep, very calm. A golden light gleamed from that Akashiko's body, encompassing the three of them. This golden light was like a protective shield, perfectly protecting the three people and protecting them from the fire. After the thatched house collapsed, being able to build a triangle so cleverly might have something to do with this golden light.

But I don't plan to think about it in detail. There is no need to think about what this golden light is. It should be a spell of body protection, which will be automatically activated when the owner is in danger. Anyway, this Chibeko was born with high magical power, and he would actually become more and more powerful as he ages. He doesn't even need to deliberately cultivate, and it doesn't matter if something strange happens.

"Fortunately, fortunately, there is this magical power to protect the body that I don't know how to do. These three people are fine, hurry up and move them out. The ghost knows how long this thing can last in the fire."

As I said, I planned to protect Hu Jie and me with the fire talisman sold in the store in my system, and go to the thatched house to save people, but at this moment, I felt a drop of water dripping on my body.


I thought it was the fire truck that arrived so soon, and was fighting the fire with a water gun, but when I looked up, I found that the water came from the sky.

It's raining?

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, drop by drop of transparent rain fell from the sky, and then, drop by drop turned into strands, and then turned into silver threads. If I hadn't had yin and yang eyes, I wouldn't be able to see it in such detail.

But it’s fine if it rains, otherwise I don’t know if I can quickly extinguish this huge wildfire with the water gun on the fire truck.

"Okay, okay! Really timely rain!" I laughed, watching the heavy rain pouring, the fire on the mountain became smaller as you watched, and the flame on the thatched house gradually disappeared. The golden light may have felt that the danger has been reduced. Gradually fade.

Suddenly, I seemed to feel some strange breath. I raised my head and looked up. My eyes were wide open, and the two colors of Yin and Yang in my pupils flowed quickly, hoping to penetrate the clouds and see the scene outside that day.

When my gaze was looking far away, and both eyes were sore, I finally saw what was outside the clouds. At the same time, I also know that I felt right just now.

Although it was only a moment, I can be sure that I was right. Beyond the clouds, I saw a dragon.

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