Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 142: Darkness

"I'll find them out and kill them all in one mess!" Chixu had a fierce temper, and as he said, he carried his gilt cloud and rushed in one direction.

Si Kongying looked at his back silently, stayed for two seconds, and then shouted at him: "Over there!"

While shouting, he stretched his finger in one direction.

Chisuzi, who was rushing forward, paused, looked back at the direction of Si Kongying's fingers, made a clear look, and nodded heavily: "Yeah!" Then he followed Si Kongying's fingers. Ran in that direction.


Si Kongying looked at him, nodded, and said, "This brain, this is indeed true. He is right."

I want to applaud this operation.

"Okay," Si Kongying turned around, looked at Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu, and said, "What about you two? Cheng Xu, you are Wang Kun's disciple. You should go to your master first, this It should be at the hall."

Wang Kun happened to be investigated on the side of Taoist Thousand Faces. He released a group of Maoshan disciples and automatically picked up six of them. Wang Kun was no longer suspicious at this time, at least not high.

"Cheng Qian, you go too, and follow your brother." Si Kongying said, patted their two brothers on the shoulders, straightened up, and said to me: "I want to go too, that later Master Wen Sheng looks like People are indeed strong and powerful. I'm afraid that Elder Xufeng and Elder Chishizi will not be able to solve the two of them. Your person..."

He said and pointed to Luo Peng: "Can he continue to help me?"

"Yes." I nodded. "Luo Peng, you will continue to follow Sikong's head, and clean up that person and later other young men."

"Yes." Luo Peng promised and followed Si Kongying.

"What about you guys? It's a distance from the main hall. Will it be dangerous? Or..." Si Kongying looked at Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay!" Cheng Qian slapped his chest: "We are not afraid of danger, are we, brother."

With that, he looked at Cheng Xu beside him.

"Yes!" Cheng Xuyong said with a proud smile of the same style as his brother.

"...Well, you can go." Si Kongying said, took another look at me, and rushed over with Akashiko. Luo Peng followed behind Si Kongying, just like running over there.

Cheng Qian glanced at his brother and said, "Let's go, brother, let's go to your master."

"Yeah." Cheng Xu nodded obediently.

After speaking, the two went hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and walked down the mountain together.

I looked at their backs, smiled and said, "What a good brotherhood, the children who grew up in Maoshan feel like they grew up in a big family, simple, harmonious, and loving."

I am the only child, the only seedling in the family, and Hu Jie is the same, but I don't know what she thinks. I feel that when I saw this scene, I felt quite emotional. Sometimes that's the case. Those who have brothers are envious and those who don’t have brothers can enjoy their exclusive petting, and good things can not be shared with their brothers. But those who don’t have brothers are envious of brothers who can talk to their brothers, harmonious and loving each other.

I belong to the latter. My biggest dream is to gather people who have three views, or at least those who are not conflicting, together, in a big house, calling brothers and sisters, toasting and drinking, talking about North and South, and discussing things.

This can be regarded as one of the purposes of my establishment of the Tongzhou Club, but compared to such a high-level purpose as the protection of peace, this can only be regarded as a trivial purpose. But I have to say that this can be regarded as satisfying one of my wishes.

"They are cute, aren't they?" I smiled and asked Hu Jie back.

Hu Jie looked at me and then at the two brothers Cheng Qian and Cheng Xu. They also laughed: "It's true."

"Let’s go with them. Anyway, I’m injured now and I’m not in the main battlefield. It’s good for us to protect the children." I said, holding Hu Jie’s hand and walking forward, catching up after a while Lost them.

"Come on, let's be with you, lest you encounter any danger on the road." I smiled and said to them.

"It's okay, we are not afraid of danger." Still a very confident and proud smile.

"It's okay, let's go together, it just happens that we have nothing to do, just drop by, we have to go back."


As a result, the original two people became four, and they walked down the mountain.

"But...thank you." Cheng Qian said suddenly.


"Master's thatched house is ruined. It should be to kill us. Thank you for saving us and Master."

"Hey, there is nothing not worth mentioning." I waved my hand.

"No, I have to thank you." Cheng Qian suddenly became serious.

"Come on, thank the master, and the savior, you must be formal and serious." Cheng Qian took me to the side seriously, told me to stand still, and then stood three steps away from me and bowed deeply.

I suddenly felt a little funny, but this kid is a real master. I didn't expect that a person with such a careless red beard could actually teach such a good apprentice.

Then, I watched this Cheng Qian bowed deeply to me.

I looked up at Hu Jie and the others. Hu Jie also had a funny face, thinking that the child was so cute, but Cheng Xu had a puzzled face, and seemed very strange that his brother would do such a thing.


Things are abnormal than demon! As a younger brother, how can you not understand your brother? Since he is confused, it means that Cheng Qian is not like this at all! Moreover, I was wondering just now, how could Akashiko teach such a polite apprentice.

Putting so many things together, it's not just something wrong!

Although these thoughts are many, but in my mind, it is only a moment!

I immediately lowered my head and saw that the aura exuding from Cheng Qian's body had become very strange, and there was a fierce murderous in it!

not good!

I leaned back quickly, stepping on Tai Ming step, and instantly stepped back, avoiding a shot from the man.

"Be careful!" I shouted. Although I don't know who he is, I definitely know that this is not the real Cheng Qian, and he is so close to Hu Jie and Cheng Xu now. Once a trouble occurs, even if his main target is me, it is hard to guarantee that they will not be affected by the pool. Fish disaster.

In this process, I used the investigating eye again and investigated all three of them. This undercover is really pervasive, even if Hu Jie is almost inseparable by my side, I have to make sure again.

Believe anything, it’s better to see through your real name. This thing is too buggy!

A pair of eyes swept across three people quickly, Hu Jie, she was right; Cheng Xu, it was no problem; but this Cheng Qian... a man of a thousand faces? !

Hold the grass!

This product didn't run, it's here!

The thousand-faced Taoist did not succeed with a single blow, and he knew that he could not hide it. His real body appeared when he shook his body, half a white mask, and only a short-handled pointed spear was left in his hand.

Hu Jie was prepared when she heard me call to be careful, and I didn't say that Cheng Xu had a problem, so she knew that Cheng Xu by her side was OK. After all, I can see through the fake red beard, see through the fake Cheng Qian, how can I not see through the fake Cheng Xu?

So, after I yelled "Caution", Hu Jie took Cheng Xu by her side and used the entry-level grass bird Tai Mingbu that I had taught her with my head, and withdrew back as quickly as possible.

I stretched out my hand, the Ghost Face Flying Cloud Sword was in my hand, and at the same time, my hands were covered with bright palms and ice armor.

Regardless of whether you are strong or weak, as long as you dare to do something to me, I must beat back!

The Taoist with Thousand Faces didn't expect that I would dare to come back, but still reacted quickly, holding a sharp spear in his hand, and facing each other.

He already knew that I was injured because of the backlash. At this time, my strength must have been greatly reduced. What's more, I was young. Even if the elder Xu Feng said that the back waves of the Yangtze River urged the front waves, even if I saw his disguise, he would It's impossible to look at me high. This is the preconceived concept. He feels that I am not a big man, so it is difficult for him to believe that I am a big man.

I saw him rushing with a gun, his steps suddenly changed, and his figure dodged, just to avoid the shot of the Taoist with a thousand faces.

"What am I..."

The Taoist Thousand Faces might not have thought that my movements were so agile. After all, I was so fat. So this shot, under the perfusion of his power, went straight forward, but it slammed into the air, shook him, and then In addition to the injuries suffered by Sikongying and the elder Xufeng, his body was in a mess and almost fell to the ground.

And I, after avoiding his shot, flashed to his side, raised my hand, and raised the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword aloft.

At this time, the Taoist Thousand Faces had just stabilized, and when he looked back, he saw me lifting the sword. He was shocked. He quickly raised the gun to resist. Then, he found that I kept the sword lifting posture and ran away.

Ran, ran, ran...

This script is wrong! The Taoist of Thousand Faces looked at me stepping back at a fast pace, with a look of bewilderment, especially looking at the sword I still hadn't put down and the fierceness and evil spirits on my face, suddenly the whole person was not good.

Hehe, what state of Lao Tzu I don't know? Don't be busy with beating you, I just pretend to be forced to leave!

So I turned around and ran down the mountain with Hu Jie and Cheng Xu.

My Taiming Step is much faster than Hu Jie's Taiming Step!

The Taoist with Thousand Faces was stunned for three seconds before chasing him with a gun, and I... "Help! Head of Sikong, Elder Xufeng, the guy with the mask is here! Luo Peng, escort. !"

What the official video says, meet a gangster with a knife, run! Run as fast as you can! call! Shout as loud as you can!

But one thing that makes me very gratified is that the person they said dressed like a son did not show up. Otherwise, I guess I can't run away. He should be used as an open gun to attract Si Kongying and their firepower. But even if you are strong, facing Si Kongying, Xu Feng, Chixuzi, and Luo Peng, do you still want to have a good one? !

Four people, even if you leave three to fight with you, it's okay to separate one to save me.

So, I just have to wait for the reinforcements to come.

In this way, we continued to run down the mountain, and the Taoist of Thousand Faces continued to chase, until almost no one came to the bottom of the mountain. I couldn't help feeling anxious, didn't they even hear me calling?

But at this moment, right in front of us, suddenly a figure flashed over, and I was immediately happy when I saw it, reinforcements are coming!

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