Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 148: Undercover

"Where did you get this thing?"

To be honest, when I saw this thing for the first time, I was a little confused, because whether I was watching the Taoist with a thousand faces or when I was watching Li Cunhao, I didn’t have a mask. The investigating eyes showed it all. Are real faces.

So, obviously, this mask was classified as clothing by the investigating eye and was directly shielded. So when I saw them wearing masks for the first time, I didn't expect them to change so much because of this stuff.

And obviously, this mask is not a rare object. It must be handed in, ah no, a face, which is terrible! Such a powerful thing is actually wholesale!

"This, this is given to us by the captain." Li Cunhao said.

"Then where did he get it, do you know?" I asked again.

Li Cunhao frowned, thought about it for a moment, and said, "This... we don't know it well, but I have heard it occasionally, as if it was sent by the third elder."

"Three Elders..." I frowned. At this moment, there was no way to know the source of this mask.

Master said that these elders of Christine Demon Sect are not in the human world themselves, but in another interface. They remain in the human world, but they are clones made by them, and these masks are also given to them by the clones of the three elders. But how did the three elders get it? I think that the high probability is from another world.

In our human world, I have never heard of such a thing that has blinded both the Yin-Yang Eye and the Heavenly Strategy.

I thought for a while, then looked at them and asked, "You are under the three elders, then I ask you, do you know how many elders are in Christine Demon Cult?"

"Huh?" The two people glanced at each other, with embarrassed expressions on their faces, and said, "Well, we really don't know. We are in the teaching, that is, ordinary little people, we don't know such a high level. The most important thing is to get a general understanding of the situation of our team and the other teams under the Three Elders."

After that, both of them looked at me with very innocent eyes.

I sighed. There was nothing to gain from this. They do look like Lu Qijun, they are all small characters, so they should know the same as Lu Qijun, but the difference is that one belongs to the five elders and the other belongs to the three elders. of.

"Let's do it, I will accept your mask. Now, two paths are placed in front of you, one, death!"

"Let's choose the second one!" The two boys raised their hands in unison, with a firm expression.


Still learn to answer? !

"You can think about it. The second way is that I want you to go undercover. I want to know more about the inside story of Christine Demon Sect, so I need someone to go inside Christine Demon Sect for me, and the candidate is you... …One of them."

I originally wanted to let them both go, but when I came, I didn’t know how Sikongying treated the remaining people. It is estimated that they were all executed. I didn’t know that the masks were still there. Even if they were, they were left. Maoshan is also good. As for these two masks, I will keep one for use.

The two of them were exposed to the eyes of the remaining undercover agents. Their identities are definitely unusable. Therefore, it is better to use masks to disguise them. If two people go, they naturally need two masks, and one person can give me the rest. Next.

Secondly, I’m here. In case I meet someone under the Three Elders again, I can ask him somehow, it’s always good to leave a knowledge base, just like Lu Qijun, if you keep him here, you can Know many things. For example, the last time Meng Hong, Feihuo Taoist and so on.

However, with their ability, I also want to get it, even if they are mixed in with a new identity, it is estimated that it is impossible to do anything, otherwise they will not be mixed like this now, and they will be the first to stand out.

Sure enough, after listening to my options, the two people showed a very tangled look, thinking they were wandering between the two options of dying now and being found undercover. I want to come to this God Demon Sect, once they find such a person, there should be very cruel and cruel punishment, otherwise it will not be so entangled.

One is death, and the other is there is still a glimmer of life. If there is no feeling that life is better than death, how can it be so difficult to choose?

It seems that light coercion is not enough, you have to lure!

I thought about it. Right now, I don’t really have anything to lure me. I do have money, but such people shouldn’t be short of money, and it’s their lives that are threatened. Money is compared to life. , Still half a point.


I thought about it for a while, and I really remembered that there is something that is very important to the mage, and very valuable, but...

I'm not willing to give this stuff!

I hesitated again and again, and finally gritted my teeth. Now that intelligence and an undercover are the most important thing, I can’t bear to wear my shoes without a wolf.

With a thought to my heart, I took out a small bead from the system warehouse, spread it in my palm, and handed it to them: "This thing is called the Soul Sealing Orb. It is a baby with both offensive and defensive capabilities. Among you, the one who decided to go undercover, I Just give him this bead as a magic weapon for body protection, and I will keep in touch with him. Once I find a problem, I can tell me immediately. I will find a way to save you. I am not the kind of person who despise other people’s lives. I will treat you like a cannon fodder."

After speaking, I watched them quietly, watching the expressions on their faces change from tangled to plain, and finally serious.

I saw it almost, and said: "You can try."

With that, he tilted his palm slightly to motion them to take it.

The two people stretched out their hands to help them, handed the beads to their eyes, carefully observed them, and showed a look of excitement. As soon as the mana was activated, the soul beads floated in the air, shining, and exuding a powerful aura.

However, this kind of thing still can't exert the greatest power in their hands. It can only stimulate their growth. Even now, even if they have this soul orb, they still can't beat me, so I dare to be so bold. Let them see the beads.

"How about? Why?" I asked, still feeling distressed.

This was the last time I won a bet with that big fat monk in Yongtong Village. There were three in total. One was given to my sister as a bodyguard; the other was given to the slime to give full play to the soul. With Zhu's power, I never took Xiao Nuo out again, but left him with Master, hoping to learn a little more while taking advantage of this enthusiasm.

Now, there is only one left. To be honest, I really don't want to give it.

The two looked at the Soul Sealing Orb, then at each other, and finally nodded heavily at the same time: "Go!"

Well, sure enough, coercion and lure is the best way.

"Okay, but there is only one place, who will go? Whoever goes, this bead belongs to whoever, but it doesn't matter what is left, don't be discouraged, being by my side is not necessarily worse than a soul-sealing pearl."

I left the choice to them just to see their reaction. Like Lu Qijun, they have joined for no more than two years, and most likely only one year. At this time, humanity cannot be completely wiped out, especially in a place like Maoshan. It is not uncommon for undercover agents to be infected by the environment when doing tasks.

So, now, it depends on whether they will be dazzled by the power of this soul orb and kill their companions in order to compete for that spot. If this situation really happened, I wouldn't dare to ask for the remaining one, even if it was enslaved by the soul curse. The human heart is always the scariest thing.

But what I didn't expect was that when the two people got the right to choose, they reached a consensus quickly.

"Brother Zhang, you are quicker than my brain, suitable for this job, or do you come?" Li Cunhao smiled and said to another person.

"I'm coming? It's okay, but this will make you wrong. You can't get this good baby." The man also smiled, patted Li Cunhao's shoulder with his hand, and put the Soul Sealing Orb into his pocket.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I follow the master, I'm Li Gotu."

"Tsk tut..."

I looked at them, and it seemed that the two people in front of me were not the evil cultivators of the two demon cults, but two good brothers, and couldn't help but laugh.

Thanks to me finding such a person.

Undercover work can be said to be one of the most frightening jobs in the world. At this time, people will subconsciously hope that someone can rely on him, at least there is a talker. So undercover alone is the most unbearable, but they are okay, so many people can have a company. At this time, it is really easy to recur again their human nature that has gradually disappeared due to evil cultivation.


"Have you chosen?" I said with a smile.

"Well, it's me, it's me," the man said.

I took a look with my investigating eyes. This person is called Zhang Zheng. Now the investigating eyes can also show intelligence. He is indeed higher in intelligence than Li Cunhao.

"Come on, good, come, you take these." I said, I bought a handful of charms from the system store and handed it all to him.

"This is a raging fire talisman that can start fire; this is a thunder talisman that summons thunder and lightning; this is windy; this is shocking..."

I introduced him to the abilities of these spells one by one, most of them are for attacking, and a small part are for auxiliary use.

"Use these things reasonably, try to make you look more powerful, plus the soul-sealing beads, these will at least make you a lot better in the devil's teachings than you are now, as the captain...I always feel unreliable, but being a The elites in the team are still okay. Try to investigate how many elders there are. Except for the third elder and the fifth elder, the rest are within the scope of the investigation, understand?"

"Understood!" Zhang Zheng nodded excitedly and said.

"Your mask, use it yourself. You are more familiar with the teachings than I am, so I didn't do the [58 fiction] method to create an identity for you. Everything needs to be your own decision. Act and adapt."

"I know, Master, I have one more request."


"Regardless of the method, can you think of a way for me to die immediately."

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