Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 150: Fat monk

Going to see Tsing Yi, I actually just want to be alone with Nangong Yudao. First of all, this person... zombie is the most special I have ever met. His poetic and artistic style and outstanding temperament make me impressed. I always feel that I am a little bit impolite when I go back. Secondly, I also thank her for taking care of him. Peng give it to me.

Luo Peng also told me that he knew martial arts before he was alive, and he used the sword skill well, but Nangong Yu refused to let him use it. I also want to ask if his sword is still here, and , Can he also use martial arts.

The answer to the previous question is no, the answer to the latter question is yes.

I also asked Luo Peng what age he was from when he was alive, and his answer was—especially easy to remember, it was when the first Emperor Zhu just changed his dynasty...

That is, at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty.

My God, it's seven or eight hundred years ago! It's a wolf fire, can't afford to provoke...

Anyway, we didn't stay in Tsing Yi Guan for too long, that is to say, we didn't arrive at the meal, we couldn't eat the meal, so we just drank a cup of tea and left. It is worth mentioning that Hu Jie, the little girl, under the influence of Nangong Yu, suddenly awakened some new attributes and began to become interested in Hanfu, and she wanted to look at Nangong Yu's clothes.

Maybe it’s girls who resonate with clothes. Nangong Yu was very happy to show her her clothes, so her stat points were filled up instantly, and on the way back, she started on a certain treasure. Choose a good-looking Hanfu...

Of course, my money is used in particular.


When we drove back to Jecheng, it was dark early in the morning, the New Year’s Pass was approaching, and it was dark early, it was dark at about five o'clock. Maoshan is quite far from Jecheng, let alone the road. To go around a long distance to send Chief Tan Dao back to Yancheng.

This time I didn't plan to stay in Yancheng anymore, but just glanced at Ding Yiming and Uncle Ding, and gave Gongsunshu a few more words, and then set off again.

The original plan was to return directly to the Tongzhou Club, put Hu Jie down and take Luo Peng to Master's place to see if Master could practice Luo Peng as well...

Now my master is basically a professional training partner in my eyes...

However, with such a detour, something went wrong. It's too late, the child is hungry.

"Guo Rui, let's go to eat, okay~" Hu Jie lay on the side of the window on the car door, looking pitifully at the various restaurants on the street outside the window.

I was so quarreled by her that I couldn't help but say: "Okay, okay, let's eat first."

Obviously there are only twenty minutes left. Can't you insist on going back to the club for a while to eat? I have to eat here.

Escalade stopped in the parking lane on the side of the road and got off the car to see that it happened that not far in front, there was a restaurant that specializes in various beef dishes. This is on Maoshan, and there is still fasting. Although this vegetarian meal is cooked by them and it is delicious, but the food, there is no meat to catch!

"Come on, let's open the meat." A few of us walked into the store with a happy face, but the moment we entered the store, our smile froze on our faces...

Inside the store, there are more than ten square tables at the door. Looking to the left, there are four rooms, one private room. Looking to the right, there are two big round tables corresponding to the square tables. Each round table is set up with seven or eight chairs. It is a place for gatherings. Some people don’t like to squeeze in private rooms, they want to be in crowded places. Get together.

To the right of the round table, there is a large glass window. You can see from the window that is the kitchen, but of course it is not the back kitchen.

Their kitchens are divided into front and back, here is the front, and then back, there is no guests seeing it. It is the back kitchen. The front kitchen and the back kitchen are connected by doors, and cloth curtains are hung on the doors to prevent smoke from floating out.

The back kitchen is responsible for washing vegetables, picking vegetables, cooking meat, stir-frying, etc. It is full of oily fume and steam. The former chef is responsible for cutting the hand-cut meat rolls used for shabu-shabu, and the sliced ​​beef sauce that has been cooked, which looks very clean.

The counter is on the right hand side after entering the door. The cash register in the counter is back against the outer wall and faces more than a dozen tables. The door is on the left and the front kitchen is on the right.

At this time, the two large round tables, one on the inside, were empty, and the other on the outside, crowded with people, with clear Yin and Yang!

And this crowd of people does not refer to the large number of people sitting at the table to eat, but the large number of people gathering at the table to watch the excitement! They were all standing, round and round, like an old man playing chess with Daobianer.

As I listened, among the crowd, a person yelled, sang a few songs and told a few stories, and laughed, unspeakable.

Moreover, because the chairs that were originally around the table were piled up on the side of the door, there were relatively few people standing here. We walked in and we could see the scene inside the crowd.

The whole round table, there is only one person sitting around, but there are countless pairs of chopsticks, one pair of chopsticks for everyone around, and on the table, in the middle of a large hot pot, the steaming steam inside, beef Pieces are flying in the boiling water inside. Around, there are sauced beef, sauced beef tongue, spicy fried beef, spicy fried sirloin, braised beef, braised oxtail with green onion, grilled beef ribs... a lot of dishes are on the table!

This guy drooled three thousand feet when he looked at it.

A group of people gathered around, smiling while holding vegetables, and the only person sitting was not in a hurry to eat meat, holding chopsticks in one hand and wine glass in the other, smiling brilliantly, his mouth shining brightly. Shiny.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the appearance of this person...

I don’t know my height, but I can say that I am fat and thin. It’s almost the same as me, more than two hundred jin, wearing yellow monk clothes, hanging a large string of Buddhist beads, and there is a small hand-held string on the table, with no clear head. Root hair.

It looks like...I have seen it.

Isn't this the fat monk who ran out of Yunmiao Temple? !

The few masters who went to Maoshan to find someone had taken out photos. I took a look and was really impressed by him. Good boy, come here!

They also went to Maoshan to look for it, everyone came to Jicheng!

"Guo Rui...I'm hungry." Hu Jie hadn't seen the picture, but she couldn't stand the food on the table at the time. This is so poisonous! Seeing that the saliva is about to burst the embankment.

"Don't talk, the back of my head hurts." I rubbed my head, this guy is too good at getting things done, no wonder the master who came to find someone said that it would be obvious if he was there. It's true, it's not obvious.

We found a table to sit down and reached out to say, "Order!"

The fat monk over there heard it, and shouted: "What kind of food to order, come to me, I will treat you today, everyone can eat!"

Oh... I understand why people are all over there.

I haven't spoken yet. Hu Jie said first: "When you are a family member, why eat so much meat!"

Hearing what Hu Jie said, the fat monk stood up, and when he looked this way, his small eyes suddenly became even smaller. He smiled and said, "Hey, there is a beautiful female donor."

I hurried to protect Hu Jie when I heard. Clear rules and precepts can only be complied with and not complied with. Both the wine and meat ring are broken. Are you afraid of breaking another one?

However, the fat monk didn't have the next move. Instead, he said with a smile: "You don't understand this. I call the wine and meat go through the intestines, and the Buddha will keep it in his heart!"

Ha ha……

Elder Jigong, the elder of the other family, has had wine and meat in his intestines, and the Buddha left it in his heart. That is because he is already an Arhat! It has been a fruit! This is the same as a very rich person saying that he has no interest in money at all. He can say this because they have reached that point! You can't do it!


I secretly looked over with yin and yang eyes, and found that the fat monk was covered by Buddha's light, and its richness was not the same!

Is it... really a big man?

The way I looked at him, there was really no way to associate him with big people, eminent monks, etc., but I think if I really saw Jigong standing next to me, I guess I wouldn't think he was the reincarnation of Luohan. This kind of stuff...I don't understand if great wisdom is foolish, great skill is clumsy.

Forget it... I shook my head and said, "I don't want to bother this master. We like quiet, come and order."

Several waiters stood by the counter and watched that the fat monk was speechless. When we saw that we weren't going with him, they looked at us with admiration and rushed over to let us order.

We ordered a few dishes, watched the waiter go to the kitchen to give an order, and then continued to look at the fat monk speechlessly.

At this time, the fat monk was eating a bite of meat and wine. He suddenly looked down and saw that the sauced beef was almost gone, so he greeted the former chef: "I'll have another sauced beef, and more meat!"

After speaking, he glanced around at the people around him, and said, "Eat quickly and rest assured."

Then, he put down the wine glass and stood up, took the chopsticks and walked to the window of the front kitchen. He opened the window and watched the chef take the beef with a razor blade. He planned to stretch out his chopsticks to steal two bites, but the chef used a kitchen knife After being frightened, he gave up.

The sauced beef dish is covered with a layer of lettuce, and there is a circular recess on the side for some garlic mash. The chef slices the beef one by one. The chef's knife is fast, and the slice is ready in a while Plate, put it on the plate.

At this time, the fat monk was leaning against the window and was still talking: "Put more, cut more, add more, add, add, add, add, add, you add a little..."

The chef who sliced ​​the meat severely chopped the kitchen knife on the cutting board and raised his head: "I'll add a cow to you."

The fat monk immediately said with a smile: "No, no, then no, that's it, that's it."

This guy should be counseled.

Then the fat monk picked up the plate full of meat directly from the window, took out the window, then freed a hand, and took the veal that was left on the cutting board with the palm of his hand. gone……

The master almost cut someone with a knife.

Of course, it was stopped by several other masters: "Don't don't, don't make it, don't make it."

After a while, the food we ordered was also served, and a very strange watershed appeared in the entire restaurant. There were crowds and voices over there; our side was deserted and quiet.

I don't bother to care about him. I think it should be a good thing that Yunmiao Temple has no such goods. Don't find it back, otherwise it will affect the reputation of Yunmiao Temple. Just put him outside. Really.

In this way, after more than half an hour, we finished our meal and felt full. Hu Jie's little girl leaned on the back of the chair and touched her belly with a look of satisfaction. At this moment, the fat monk stood up.

"Okay, I'm full, don't worry, everyone, leave it to me!" The fat monk said as he walked to the counter.

Those few people had seen him displeased a long time ago, and their faces obviously said: Let's go!

"Hello, this is the amount of your consumption this time. Take a look." Even if you are angry, the cashier is still talking to him in honorifics, but obviously, he wants to see What did the fat monk react after seeing the amount?

Seriously, a harmonious society saved you.

Unexpectedly, the fat monk took the bill, just glanced at it, his face narrowed, no nervousness at all, looked at the cashier, and said the words that I have impressed all my life.

"Hello, I'm here to alms."

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