Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 153: Dogleg Li Cunhao

It may be because...In the investigative eye database, only Hu Jie’s data has been read several times, so when I encountered the data on the characters related to her, the relationship between the characters was basically written in bold fonts and changing colors. Where……

"Hi...It's auntie." I looked at her, my head was sweating with fright, and I quickly diverted my attention from speaking.

Although she didn't know, including the person involved, Hu Jie, the problem was that I had a guilty conscience and used the characteristics of investigative eyes to see people's body. When the parents knocked on the door like this, I always felt like I was caught.

Mother Hu Jie naturally didn't know what was going on, she still said with a smile: "Come on, breakfast is ready, I have sent it to my daughter, are you going to have a meal or I will bring it?"

"Huh?" I was stunned when I heard this, and asked whether your family members are so enthusiastic? Said: "No, no, I can eat here."

"Yes, it's a person who is doing big things at first sight, first business affairs, then personal affairs."

Hu Jie's mother looked at me with admiration, she almost wrote "Is a good man" on her face.

I sounded even more confused, what business or personal affair? I just think you are too enthusiastic to refuse, but you can't go to the girl's room. Why does it seem like you got a multiple-choice question inexplicably? Furthermore, personal affair...

I looked at her carefully. Although she was a bit blind, I should be able to confirm that I had never met her, including Hu Jie’s father. I saw her when they first came, and logically... They probably don't know that I like Hu Jie.

Am I so obvious?

Still say what Hu Jie said. She can't, I never told her about this.

At this time, Hu Jie's mother turned and walked towards the kitchen with a smile, and said as she walked: "Xiao Rui, wait, aunty will bring you the food."

"Ah? Auntie, don't worry, how can I trouble you? Baron, Ba... Cunhao, come out!"

In any case, I don't think there is any reason to let my parents serve me. I want to call Baron, but Baron didn't know where he didn't hear me, so I called Li Cunhao out.

Now there are three creatures in my phone, Xiao Mo, Li Cunhao, and Lu Qijun. Well, this is also the ranking of the three of them...

A purple-red light flashed on my chest, and Li Cunhao jumped out at the time, and looked around with a pair of curious big eyes—also because I didn’t have time to let him come out yesterday to get familiar with the environment. I just came out today. Curious about what the baby looks like.

But Li Cunhao can survive in a place like Christopher Sect, and he can also be an undercover agent. His brain is definitely not ordinary. When I just let him out, I simply said to him with my heart. Now he comes out, around A glance at the form shows you what to do.

"Auntie, don't move, I'll do it, I'll do it!"

To be honest, before letting him out, I was still worried about whether he could stop the aunt. After all, people of a certain age are inexplicably awkward, and most individuals really can't help them.

However, at the moment Li Cunhao came out, I knew that this wave was stable...

No wonder when he and Zhang Zheng were discussing who to go undercover, he said he was Li Gouchi, just this smile, this gesture, this tone, tusk tusk... dogleg!

"I'll come, I'll do it, don't be busy!" Li Cunhao walked backwards while blocking Hu Jie's mother, making false pushes with both hands in front of him, his face was full of smiles, flattering. Just like that, I think you can live a long time in the TV series, but it will make the audience hate it.

Hu Jie’s mother was a little embarrassed when he came in this way. She was stunned and didn’t know what to do. Then, I watched Li Cunhao with her still with a flattering smile. He laughed and pushed back and moved away. The farther you go, the farther you go...


"The kitchen is not over there!" I yelled quickly, and I didn't even know where he could go if I didn't yell.

Alas, I had known that I let him out for a walk last night, why so many things...

But at any rate, the result was good. Two minutes later, a bowl of rice porridge, a few dishes, and two steamed buns were placed on the small table in my house.

Breakfast is not very rich, but there are also pickles and ham. I don't pick it. This is... I have eaten it. What do you mean by staying here? !

Just stay, what do you look at me with a smile? !

After eating half a steamed bun, I really couldn't stand it anymore. It was too weird, so I put down my chopsticks and steamed buns and looked at Aunt Chu in front of me.

She didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but she still looked at me with a smile, and asked with concern: "What's wrong, Xiao Rui? Is the food not to your liking? Or is it not delicious?"

In that way, I even thought for a moment that she was not Hu Jie's mother but my mother.

"No, no, no, auntie, we have something to say, what are you doing? You are guests, you don't need to do anything, just stay here and enjoy life, Hu Jie is here...2 Butler, her family naturally cannot treat badly. You don't have to do this kind of thing in the future, I'm not used to it."

"Oh-Xiao Rui, you are not used to it." The aunt said with an expression of understanding.

But I'm sure, she didn't understand. I have seen this expression on the faces of my parents, but every time I always "understand the truth, just don't change it!"

"No, auntie, is this enthusiasm the virtue of your family? It's not that the family doesn't enter the house, right? Uncle he asked me for a drink last night. What happened to you this morning?"

As I was talking, I suddenly realized that her expression was a little weird. Although it changed back in just an instant, I practiced for so long, especially the yin and yang eyes that increased my eyesight, and the expression of an ordinary person changed. , Will I not see?

"Ah? No, I just lost my mind. Then Xiao Rui, you can eat it. Auntie is gone. It's okay. Auntie won't come to disturb you in the future. You know, I'm doing big things!

After speaking, he got up, wiped his hands with the corner of his clothes, and walked out of the room. However, I still saw a weird look on her face. This can't be thought of something out of thin air, but something that appeared in my words and reminded her of something. But, I don’t seem to be wrong...

Forget it, I shook my head, picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat, and said to Li Cunhao beside me: "You also go to the kitchen to find something to eat, um... first look for Baron and let him take you to get familiar with it. Here, then go to the door, go to the door with me, and see the newcomers."

After speaking, he continued to eat.

Half an hour later, at the gate of Tongzhou Club, today’s interviewees are Geng Xi and Zeng Xiujie. It is Gao Yan’s turn to go to the school today. It can be regarded as a school that gave me some college life and supplemented my life experience. One of them in return.

The two of them set up a small table at the door, and sat behind them with two chairs to examine the people. As for me, I was sitting in the courtyard, some distance from them, but not far away, to inspect the whole situation.

Baron stood by my side, looking at the door, with a solemn expression on his face. I didn’t know what I was thinking. I didn’t realize it at first. I thought he was looking at the interviewers just like me. Talk to him.

"Look at that person, with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes. Although he is not a person to look at, his eyes are always a bit weird. I don't look like a good person. Just look at Xiujie's eyes."

"Look at that, stun the head and the brain, the five big and three rough, look at it is a kind of stun, such a person can be trusted, as the saying goes,'every time the dog is slaughtered, the heart is mostly a scholar.' , But...huh, I don't think he is easy."

"And that, like my senior brother Luo Tian, ​​with a cold face and murderous intent on his body, it is a material to be a killer. It is not good to be a commander. It is like Bi Long. If you can take it, send him a vanguard. no problem."

Ever since I discovered the beauty of the investigating eye, I especially like to use this investigating eye because I think this thing is simply a bug! No one can escape the detection of this skill. The so-called knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, although this investigative eye is not a mind-reading skill, it is half a mind-reading skill. Up.

While I looked at it, I analyzed the information obtained by the investigator while talking, and it turned out to be a big talk, but I found that Baron was not talking at all. Looking up, he found that he was not looking at the people who came for the interview at all, but was staring a little deeper and lost his senses. He didn't even listen to the words I just said.

"Baron." I called.

"Ah? Sir." Baron was so called by me, and then he was taken aback, only to realize that I was looking at him.

"What are you looking at? So focused."

"It's nothing, it's just..." Baron said, with a tangled expression on his face, but he didn't continue to say.

I looked at the place he just saw, thought for a while, and said, "It's Geng Xi, do you still feel familiar with him now?"

"...Yes, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know, I don't know who he is. I am not familiar with this face, but this feeling, that kind of breath, is indeed someone I know. , But it should be when I was still a human being."

I looked at Barong, and then at Geng Xi, who was interviewing someone with Zeng Xiujie. Now I have interviewed the guy with the eyebrows, but looking at their expressions, I should not be satisfied.

"Hey, he should be the reincarnation of someone you knew before, is he your colleague?"

" colleagues should only be from the Prince's Mansion. The Prince's army was attacked in the north. Although my team had been annihilated elsewhere, I think they would be the same as me. Enmity, how can the soul enter the cycle?"

What he said is reasonable, and he has such a hatred in his heart, how can he enter the reincarnation with peace of mind? But if it wasn't the reincarnation of those people, who would it be?

I frowned. At this moment, someone on the other side suddenly shouted: "Hey, Baron, are you making the master angry!"

Baron and I were shocked by the loudness of the sound. When they looked up, Li Cunhao rushed over, holding a tray with two cups of tea on it.

"Get up." Li Cunhao walked to me, squeezed Baron over, bent down to lower the tray, and said to me with a flattering smile: "Master, drink tea."

"Yeah." I took a cup of tea and said; "put it down, hiss..."

I didn't realize until I said it. I have a chair here, right under my butt. Where is the table or coffee table? He can't put the tray on it.

In the end, he didn't expect this Li Cunhao to do his best, so he said at the time: "It's okay, I just hold it, it's not too tired!"

After speaking, he turned to Baron again, the smile on his face dropped by three points, and said, "You also have a drink."


This stuff...

Baron took the tea angrily and murmured: "Dogleg!"

Although his voice is not loud, but the three of us can hear it. Unexpectedly, Li Cunhao is not ashamed but proud, with a proud face, and said: "Huh! I am a dogleg, I am proud of being a master’s dogleg. , Better than being an official and in power! Give it to a fairy without changing it!"

Baron was speechless for a while, and I also covered my face with my hands, really wanting not to know him.

At this moment, there was another noise on the other side of the house. I turned my head to see that it was the parents and some people who had been taken into the society before. They were all gathered there, talking about something. , Can't hear clearly, his eyes are all looking here.

I guess I want to see what the level of my president is.

I sighed, but I didn't expect that Li Gouju was so good at his words, words and colors. He immediately said, "Master, don't worry, I will take care of the matter over there!"

After speaking, I just passed the tray directly.

I looked at him alone as if he was fighting against a group of Confucian scholars, and his dogleg ability was shown to the fullest, stopping those good deeds and trying hard to stop them from coming, but he was somewhat brave. Baron and I drank a cup of tea, staring at him blankly, the heat covering our faces.

I think Baron should have the same idea as me at this moment-such a dogleg, really rare in the world!

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