Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 164: contradiction

"About... the East China Sea's change."

East China Sea? !

As soon as I heard this, I knew I should listen to it carefully. This East China Sea change was the last time Brother Liu Tong told me. Yes, it happened to be the day when I received the message that the annual meeting was going to be held. So when I heard this, I couldn’t help but shook my heart. I quickly raised my ears and listened. Listen to what the Shadow Army has to study on this matter.

"Donghai...I've heard about it. Didn't I investigate it clearly? What do you suspect?" Duan Qingtian said without changing his face, not knowing whether he takes this matter seriously.

The person was obviously used to Duan Qingtian’s calm appearance, and continued: “Since the Donghai has changed, I have started investigating there, but it’s strange that I didn’t find any energy fluctuations, not some kind of Alien beasts are not magical weapons or treasures. I don’t know what they are."

"What about the frequency?" Duan Qingtian asked.

"No, there is no rule to follow, the interval is uncertain, the duration is uncertain, which time period starts is not necessarily, there is no way to find out." The person lowered his head, looking a little depressed.

"...Let's observe more, but you can't focus on it all here. The rest also need to be paid attention to, but you can't be used to make *** with it."

"Yes, I understand."

"Xue Biao! Guo Rui!" Duan Qingtian shouted suddenly.

"Yes!" The two of us immediately agreed, and looked over together.

"You two must be optimistic about the part of the East China Sea. After all, compared to them, you are the ones who only deal with Eastern affairs. You must pay attention."

"Yes, it will."

"Guo Rui, what is your society like? We don’t know as much about civil matters as you. The Shadow Army is a major force in the military, but after all, it must be people-oriented. Tell us Well, how about the folks."


I was blinded at the time, why is this still my business? I thought I was just eating and drinking, and just listened to them. Why did I get to the stage? !

"Ah what? Tell me, what happened to the folks?"

"Uh... My Tongzhou Club was just established not long ago, and I don’t know much about many things. Besides, how can I recruit such a strong person? Now I have found some humble casual cultivators. There are very few things to know, and it takes time to know more."

"Well...this is, forgetting that you also started from scratch, and my Shadow Army name is not convenient to use. I heard that you have recruited a master on the End of the World rankings, so let's use this as a breakthrough."

"Okay, I understand." I prevaricated, and my heart said that I can skip this matter. You are the protagonists of this party. What are you all about?

But at this time, Lin Dingkun sneered twice and said, "Huh! A non-staff person who is a casual repairer and wants to enter the End of the World rankings? It was because of a serial case that we found out, and wanted to show that he would not accept it. At the end, in order to exonerate ourselves, we have come to ask us for this position again, ridiculous!"

What he said was extremely cold and mocking! His tone, expression, and expression clearly said there, I look down upon me as a so-called "non-staff."

I looked at him coldly, but with only a glance, I withdrew my gaze, lowered my head to eat the food, and did not refute.

I can’t provoke a master like this now, let alone on such an occasion. Anyway, since I got my status, in addition to helping me avoid the skull and crossbones case that was planted by the flood, the last time I was Except for the second child and Feng Tianling's affairs, no more convenience was given to me. And Feng Tianling's is not the only solution, it's just a tactic...

Therefore, I don’t have any opinions about his opinions on me as a non-staff person, including the desire to remove me. As Brother Liu Tong said, it may be okay now, but with the passage of time, the Tongzhou Club has grown and the Tongzhou Club has grown. There will definitely be a conflict with the Shadow Army. At that time, what if they suppress the Tongzhou Club with the strange reason that "the society in the same boat threatens stability", then what should I do?

As a member of the Shadow Army, I can't help but obey my superiors.

At this time, don't say anything about being in it, maybe I can ask for a bargain. At that time, I can only get a title of "disobedience to superiors", or I am at a loss. And if I'm just a civilian, they don't dare to suppress it by force, and the pressure is their cause. If the Shadow Army wants to be a good man, it must be reasonable.

Of course, there is an important factor in this, that is, Lin Dingkun, not Duan Qingtian, who opposes me!

If Duan Qingtian doesn’t want me to be in the Shadow Army, I’m sure I can’t do anything, and maybe I will hit me shamelessly, but fortunately, Duan Qingtian didn’t say anything. As long as he is still there, the Shadow Army There won't be any actions towards Tongzhou Club.

"Hey, you can't say that. You see, Tianya Club, Yunding Mountain and Wuyin League have such a large influence among the people. It can be seen that these non-governmental organizations are still important. We can't just focus on the development of one side. "Nie Ze held the wine glass, took a sip, and said with a smile.

Lin Dingkun looked at him coldly, without speaking.

"What's wrong with the non-staff? A folk monk, and also the leader of an organization, has established a relationship with the Shadow Army. This is the first case. Trying is a must, failure is inevitable, but we have to do it. "Nie Ze looked at him with a smile.

"Hmph, full of reason!" Lin Dingkun snorted coldly, lowered his head and ate food in a dull voice, and stopped visiting him.

At this time, Duan Qingtian couldn’t look at it anymore, and said: “You don’t want to fight this matter anymore. At least Guo Rui has not done anything harmful to the Shadow Army. On the contrary, he can help the Shadow Army open up the people. On the road, the few of us are aloof, but isn't it still in the private sector?"

Lin Dingkun raised his head slightly, looked at Duan Qingtian, then looked at me again, without saying a word, lowered his head to eat vegetables.

Duan Qingtian glanced at him, looked ahead, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pat the long table: "Whose power are you fighting?! What kind of accent are you playing?!"

Lin Dingkun was yelled by him and immediately aroused him to straighten up and stared at him blankly.

Duan Qingtian still looked straight ahead, did not look at Lin Dingkun, and continued: "If we did not have them, how did we come today? Are you born the deputy commander of the Shadow Army? You were not born in a small mountain village! The folks rescued you. It was the folk wizards who taught you the spells, and because of their praise of you, they made you join the Shadow Army. But now? You began to speak up and look down on them. , What is the difference with forgetting the original?!"

After that, it's another long table!


The loud noise is estimated to be audible to the entire hotel. Those of us who are close at hand shudder and sit unconsciously, like a man on the back, like on pins and needles!

I carefully looked at the desktop in front of me, and took Duan Qingtian's two palms, but it was still firm, intact, and when I observed it carefully, there were faint fluctuations in mana. It seems that Duan Qingtian applied mana on the table to protect it before he started his hand. Otherwise, he could smash the table with his first palm!

Don’t think of Lin Dingkun as the number one master among us, second only to Duan Qingtian. The coercion facing Duan Qingtian was just as shocking as we were. He didn’t dare to make any more moves, so he could only be quiet. Sitting quietly waiting for cursing.

After Duan Qingtian finished speaking, he turned to look at Lin Dingkun, and the latter started to tremble. Then he said: "You can do it yourself, don't say anything that is forgotten."

After speaking, he removed all the coercion, as if he was okay, and picked up the chopsticks that had just shook aside because of the palm, and ate the dishes.

Up to this moment, those of us felt relaxed and comfortable, and we quickly lowered our heads and stopped talking. Only Lin Dingkun, the person involved, still looks guilty and dare not look at Duan Qingtian again, nor do we dare to have it again. Other actions.

Nie Ze laughed and stretched out a hand to touch Duan Qingtian's back, just like touching a kitten with fried fur.

I'm afraid...He alone in this world would treat Duan Qingtian as a cat, not as a tiger.


The next thing is basically something less important. The party broke up and Xue Biao called me over again and said a few words.

"Well, you can see our chief's guardian." Xue Biao said with a smile.

"I can see it, but what he said is also very reasonable. It's not a complete protection of the calf." I said with lingering fear. Duan Qingtian's coercion reminded me of the fear of being dominated by the head teacher.

"Chief Duan is close to Officer Nie Ze. It is said that they grew up together, so they are usually together, and there is nothing wrong with each other. But Chief Lin is different. Both of his parents died when he was born. He was from the same village. Someone raised him until he was grown up, and then he occasionally worshipped Master, step by step to his current position.

Hmm... It stands to reason that subordinates shouldn't talk about their bosses, but there is one thing to say. Because Chief Lin has no father and no mother since he was a child, many people are not good to him. At a young age, he was despised by many peers and elders. And insults, nature is naturally different from ours. Later, he showed his talent in the practice, killing many evil spirits, and many people praised him, and the Shadow Army included him until he reached this position. "

When I heard him say this, I understood, and sighed: "From the boy who was despised by everyone to the current high position, it is difficult to be normal. Naturally, I will not deal with many people. I have experienced so many people. He wouldn't make friends with anyone. I think he would be jealous of the friendship between Chief Nie and Chief Duan."

"That's right," Xue Biao said helplessly. "But he is not bad in nature, he said you...Don't take it to your heart, he just..."

"It doesn't matter, I can understand. His impression of everyone should be to think about the bad place first. It can be regarded as a delusion of persecution. If you suffer more, you will have this mentality."

Xue Biao patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, that's all right! Hey, how do you feel with my master's hand just now"

"How is it? What else, like sitting on pins and needles, thinking of the former head teacher."

"Hahahahaha... it's so descriptive! By the way, when we first met, did you inexplicably agree when I called out, and then obediently accepted Lingjian, do you know why?"

"...No, there is still a saying?"

"Of course, this is also my master's spell. I just learned a little bit. As long as I shout, it can shock the soul and make people involuntarily fear and obey. So you did it at the time, so today you are so scared. ."

"Oh I got it."

I nodded, suddenly as if thinking of something, and stared at a place in a daze, with a serious expression.

Seeing me like this, Xue Biao thought something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? What do you think?"

I turned my head to look at him, and replied with a serious face: "I'm thinking...why did my former class teachers also use this spell? Is it possible that the spell of Commander Duan was stolen."


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