Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 166: New Year!

The Spring Festival is finally here. This is the first year we have spent in the Tongzhou Club. The classmates and parents gathered together, and people and ghosts were joyous. It's a pity that Gongsun Shu couldn't come back because the affairs of Yancheng hadn't been processed. The last time he contacted, he told me that with the help of Ding Yiming, Dao Chang Tan, and Master Wei, dozens of little ghosts had been collected.

In fact, I know this too, because he used the little power of the soul curse that I assigned to subdue the little ghost. As long as he subdue one, I can feel it here. But in the same way, I also know that the ones he conquered were not very powerful, and most of them were like the ones called by Li Cunhao last time.

There are many people in Tongzhou Club, and the chefs will be busy in the next year. Parents who have good craftsmanship also go to help. Not only do they have no complaints, but they are happy.

This is the New Year!

Some shops have been closed for holidays long ago, but some are still open until five o'clock tonight. I swept up the drinks and beverages, and piled up a lot in the big restaurant of Tongzhou Club. Now that the economic conditions are improving, we have also bought live chickens, pigs, and fish, ready to be slaughtered and cooked on the spot at night.

Among the cooks from the northeast, they were happy when they heard this, and yelled: "I'm talking to you, I've got a real copy today, and I'll give you a taste of our pig dish, that stuffy pig head, The pig is stewed with vermicelli again, it's so old."

Well, this accent sounds so reliable! (Thumbs!)

I have to say that this master still has two skills. The most important thing is... with strong physical strength and so many dishes. After this trip, except for sweat on his face, he did not see any signs of fatigue. The dishes he cooked were that night. The most numerous, no one, the whole audience mvp is right!

Baron took out the big red lanterns he had bought before, and said he would hang them at the door, and there were a lot of them to be hung in the yard. I thought, this is great. I used to be a small house, but now I have a big yard.

Baron took Shen Yun'er and a few little ghosts to hang up lanterns. I looked at their figures, and I thought it was Baron. He was an ancient man. He was an old man in the big yard to celebrate the Spring Festival. He bought it for the Lord. This decision was really wise. It was me!

The restaurant is divided into two parts. This is not what it used to be, it was like this before, because the members of the Tongzhou Club can be roughly divided into two parts, one part is people and the other part is ghost. If only combatants are counted, the number of ghosts is much greater than that of humans, but with those parents, the number is similar to or even surpassed.

In this way, half of this restaurant is not wasted, because ghosts eat differently from humans, except for ghosts. Ghosts eat by the smell of incense, while humans eat directly. In general, after the ghosts eat and drink, the food will not decrease, but they can no longer be eaten by people. This is the principle of offering offerings.

Therefore, the restaurant is divided into two, one part is ghosts, and the other part is people. But people like Baron and Lang Feng have become ghosts and monsters, and they can regain their human appearance and can eat like humans.

On our side, there are various dishes on the round table. There are more meat and less vegetarian dishes. The dishes on each table are not all the same. Some tables are in the middle of a big pig's head, eat with a small blade; There is a big fish in the middle of some tables, which is braised and placed on a plate with shredded green onions and **** on it; on other tables, this is a hot pot table with a big mandarin duck hot pot in the middle, surrounded by sliced ​​meat and various other shabus. Product.

Although the ghost’s dishes are also very rich, there is no such thing as hot pot, and the ghost can’t eat it. The table was not raised, the dishes were ready, there was an incense burner on it, yellow paper signs were pasted on the stove, and each ghost’s name was written on it, and three incense sticks were inserted in the stove.

A group of ghosts gathered around the table [August One Chinese Website], inhaling incense and the essence of food. When they are finished eating, these things must be destroyed!

Here, several masters are still bringing new dishes. At this moment, the door curtain was lifted, and the northeast master came in again, carrying an iron pan, and shouting: "Come on, iron pan stewed big ne coming!"

Well, yes, it's a big goose.

I was sitting next to the hot pot table, and Zeng Xiujie and Geng Xi were all there, waiting for the hot pot to be ready to cook the meat.

I looked at the ingredients in the red oil pot in the mandarin duck pot, and said: "This is red, so suitable for the scene, and the hot pot itself is also suitable for the scene, round, reunion!"

"What the boss said!" Li Cunhao didn't know where he came from. He just flattered him, and added: "And boss, look how good this mandarin duck pot looks. The two pots are next to each other, just like you. And me, without you, there would be no me! Boss, who are you?"

I looked at him and said, "I am spicy."

"Yes! Spicy and hot, just like the boss, you will stand at the top of the world sooner or later! Then...I am the clear soup."

I looked at him and said calmly: "No, you are next to Spicy."

Li Cunhao: "..."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the scene was very lively, but at this moment, a bad episode came in untimely...

"Hey, don't go inside, grab him and blast out!"

The noise was very loud, and it started to be noisy outside the restaurant, and there were shouts that disturbed the happy atmosphere. As we all know, every time this season, people will have a very useful four-character mantra: "Great New Year." This shows that it is not easy to fight at this time, but the result is outside.

For a while, everyone was a little unhappy. As the president, I naturally had to go out and have a look. When I arrived in the courtyard, I knew what was going on.

The gate of the courtyard is not facing the restaurant, but the restaurant is not far away. I didn’t take a few steps outside and took another look. I found a few people and a few ghosts in the courtyard surrounded by a person, all with anger on their faces, and Baron brought them to the side. Shen Yun'er also came, with a solemn expression.

I understand why it is dignified, because this person who is surrounded is a beggar.

The New Year's Eve, lively and happily, come to a beggar dirty and sick, everyone will be unhappy. The beggar was wearing a single shirt with patches on it. There were holes where there were no patches. He didn't know what color it was before, but it is now black anyway. Wearing a torn hat, long hair comes out from under the hat, full of oil and mud, a pair of torn cropped trousers on the lower body, the trouser legs are still a little torn, most of the calves are in the cold wind, and the feet are rag shoes, partly opened. .

Holding a wooden stick in one hand and a small bowl in the other hand, he was holding himself with his arms crossed for warmth. Not far from his feet, a small black dog that looked equally dirty was lying on his stomach without energy, staring blankly at the front.

"Quickly, kick him out, who put him in?"

Someone yelled and planned to catch him, but the beggar's body was like a loach, shaking left and right, the man stretched out his hand several times, did not catch him at all, and almost shook himself.

"Look, I said I can't catch him." Another person said aggrievedly. It seems that he should have put the beggar in.

I looked at this beggar with a little dignity. Others shun beggars, but I am different. You know, at the beginning, it was because I kindly gave the woman who was disguised as a beggar a piece of money, that led to the elder brother, my past life, and my upgrade. System, and my path of practice now! It can be said that I can have today, starting point, being a beggar!

Now that I have met a beggar again, and his skill is extraordinary, I have an idea in my heart.

"You, come here." I called the man who seemed to let the beggar in. "Tell me, what's the matter."

He told the story. Baron just wanted to hang a lantern, so he asked him to hang up at the gate, but when he went out to hang a lantern, he found that there was such a product outside the door. He was in tatters and mud, and he brought a dirty dog. When he saw him, he said to enjoy the meal. As soon as he thought, the four-character mantra was great for the New Year, so he paid him a few dollars, but the beggar took the money and went straight into the courtyard! The man tried to stop him, but he came in like a loach.

That's why I called someone to arrest him and said that he would be blasted out. Therefore, I saw this scene here now.

I looked at the beggar, and now a few of them couldn't catch him, and Baron stood by, his face serious.

"What do you think?" I used the chat function of the system to preach to Baron in my heart.

"Not average," Baron replied.

Sure enough!

"Okay, don't catch it, it's a big Chinese New Year, what's the trouble." I also have to use the four-character mantra. "Let him be here, and give him a little room and some food for him."

After I finished speaking, I waved the people back and walked to the beggar's side. Neither he nor the puppy had any intention of moving.

I leaned to his ear and said, "You are really not afraid of getting dirty. I will give you a room. Don't come out and make trouble."

After speaking, I just turned around and left, leaving the rest to Baron to arrange.

Back at the restaurant, they all started to ask me because they didn’t go out and didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t say anything. They only came up with a character who does his own way, but some capable people want to take him in. They don’t know what’s going on. , I don’t ask anymore.

After a while, the dishes were ready, and the dumplings waited at midnight and midnight, and then eaten when the New Year came. As the president, I sat at the table with Zeng Xiujie and a few other goods and Hu Jie, Li Cunhao was my servant. Standing in the same way, I told him three times to let him sit and eat before he took his orders. The tables around him were all relatives in the family, and the parents sat the nearest.

"It's been a long time since I went to school, how is the school?" I asked Zeng Xiujie and the others at the dinner table, because they still have to go to school every few days.

"What's going on? It's still like that. The building that has been under construction is completed, but it has nothing to do with us. The services are all newcomers. We are both sophomores. After this semester, it will be big. Three years later, things at school rarely have anything to do with us." Gao Yan said with a shrug.

Because we are a junior college with only three years, now the first semester of the sophomore is over, and there is still an internship in the junior year, which really has nothing to do with us.

"I heard that next semester, or next semester, what kind of event the school will organize to give us a farewell to this year." Hu Jie said suddenly while eating the ribs.

"Really? Who told you?" I was a little curious, does this school still do such things? Not before. Besides, you don't go to school, how did you know?

"Gong Xiaoting and Feng Qian." Hu Jie said naturally.

Oh-I really forgot that they were still in school.

Hu Jie looked at my expression and said contemptuously: "I knew you had forgotten them."

"Who said that? I didn't, don't talk nonsense." I hurried to deny Sanlian and said, "But this is a great deal. If you are interested, we will all go and see when the time comes. By the way, why are we in this class? It's so special, but you want to send it off?"

"It's not because of you." Hu Jie said naturally with a face again, looking at me like a silly beep.

"...Me?" I was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, you fought the Demon King in front of the whole school at the time. That appearance was long remembered by the whole school. Later, you can find out which class you were in after checking it out. Why not treat you well?"

"Yes, yes, we too!" Zeng Xiujie immediately answered. "When the teacher was in class, he was simply following you as an example, and we were also picked up. When we went to class, we did what we wanted in class, and the teacher didn't care at all."

"Take me as a role model?" I was even more confused.

"Yes, every time there is someone who is disobedient or does not learn well, the teacher will say, if you can be as good as Guo Rui, you can not come to school!"


Damn, I'm so famous for co-authoring. Think about it carefully, the reason why I only take care of Tongzhou Club now and not go to school is because of this.

"Hey, is it okay not to go to class?" At this moment, a parent who didn't know the truth asked on the table next to him. In their hearts, it is only natural for children to go to school, obtain a certificate, graduate, and find a job.

"Of course it doesn't matter." I explained. "Going to school is to learn things, to find a job, to make money. But now, we have a lot of money, can be self-sufficient and self-reliant, what else to do? To talk about cultural heritage, the first year of cultural courses is almost the end. Sophomore is a professional course, and there is no need to worry about cultural heritage. You have to say that looking for a job to contribute to society, we are now masters, fighting evil cultivation, and contributing no less than soldiers."

Well, this is simply the truth of life, except... If you threaten a boss who I didn’t know before and make him pay me to be self-reliant, then what I said is all true.

"That..." The parent obviously wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't say anything. I couldn't help it. I was too reasonable to refute it.

"Will you just sit and eat the sky?" Finally, he asked unwillingly.

"No, as long as the company doesn't go bankrupt, it's okay to raise such people." I said with a smile.

But in fact, I didn't know anything. Lin Qiang's company is doing a good job now, but what if something happens? After all, we have more and more people now. In other words, how do other schools guarantee income?

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the door: "Oh, oh, this organization of wizards in Nuo Da does not even have its own business!"

I looked back and I went, didn’t I tell him not to make trouble? Why are you here!

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