Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 175: Catch

"It's not good, it's flying head down, fast away, this guy's strength will increase, don't cause casualties!"

The white-faced man who kicked the fat man just shouted, waved his hands, blocked the crowd, organized the crowd to retreat, and fixed his eyes on the person in front of him.

The boring gourd head flew in the air, but the body did not fall down. It seemed that this head was still connected to the body, but the momentum on his body was more than several times bigger than before!

"You... go to hell!" After the boring gourd used the flying head to drop, he did not remain silent. With the mouth of the blood basin wide open, the white-faced man in front of him, the corner of his eyes jumped, and a strange head immediately Rushed over!

The speed is often inversely proportional to the body. The larger the speed, the slower the speed, and the smaller the speed, the faster it is. That's because the smaller it reduces the restraint of gravity and the resistance that air brings to itself. So at this moment, there was only one head left in this dull gourd, and the speed was definitely not comparable to that of a whole person, and it came to him in an instant.

That person didn't expect the flying head to descend so fast, before he could react, he had a bite on his left shoulder!

"Asshole!" The man shook his body, shook out a mana impact, and forced the flying head to let go, then immediately jumped back and kicked it.

But he still underestimated the speed and agility of the flying head. As soon as he lifted this foot, the flying head was already out of the way. He kicked it empty, but when he vented, the flying head went out again. Come back, take a bite! Biting on his leg.

"Ah!" The man was in pain, flicked his leg vigorously, and shook off the flying head. The flying head was not entangled, and he flew up, looking at him jokingly, ready to wait for the next attack.

And that person, after being attacked twice by the flying head, couldn't hold it, and suddenly fell to his knees, the wounds on his shoulders and legs were venting black air.

"Hmm, hum, die!" The flying head sneered, and he was about to speak again, but at this moment, a figure flashed by, and no matter how fast his flying head was, he couldn't see the movement!

nonsense! No matter how fast your speed is, how can you keep up with the teleportation? !

The corner of Feitou’s eyes twitched, and my huge body in front of me had already suppressed him. Under my feet, I used the technique of the air to stabilize the figure. I grabbed my left hand and was holding the floating hair behind his head. , Like a charged arrow, a piece of gold in the palm.

The next moment, my left and right hands changed directions in an instant, and my left hand pulled back, leading him to fly over, and my right hand patted it with a palm, and the light palm moved with all strength!

This time, it was specifically for attack!


A palm with pure light power hit his forehead and eyebrows, and the huge power immediately knocked him upside down and flew away, and flew straight towards him at a speed more than twice as fast as when he came. The ground, like a cannonball, slammed on the ground, and suddenly a deep pit was smashed, arousing countless dust!

Not far away, the person's body became extremely painful, and his hands were raised slightly above his neck-there was originally a head, but now it was empty-ten fingers trembled as electric, like being struck by lightning. , His legs began to tremble and gradually bend, and after a while, they knelt firmly on the ground.

"Take it down!" I fell from the sky to the ground, pointing to the cramping body and the head that had almost passed out. A bunch of people behind him immediately rushed up, still the same thing, but this time I can't stick the talisman, after all, you have to catch alive, if you directly put the talisman to seal the mana, the flying head will be invalid, and this person will die on the spot!

And I didn't care about them, but went to the white-faced man's side, stretched out my hand to take the talisman, and put it on two of his wounds, which was to stop the bleeding. Then use the power of light to remove the evil air from the wound. After a while, it will be removed, and then he will be treated with magic.

When I stopped, the boss and the third were quite proud, and ran out, but in a hurry, the two of them ran away separately. The boss was running, suddenly someone behind him shouted: "Where to run!"

Looking back, it was a man in the uniform of the Shadow Army, chasing him with his hands shining brightly.

As for the third child, he was thin, he was hiding in the woods, hiding behind a tree trunk, and he could hide his figure. In addition, he was clever, watching and listening to all directions, no one noticed for a while. he.

Although the two people are not in the same direction, they can tell each other a general idea. Someone is chasing after the boss, which naturally attracted his attention. Just after looking at it from the corner of the eye, they suddenly felt that something was wrong and they didn't wait to react. , Behind him, there was already a blast! At almost the same moment, a bullet penetrated his calf and dropped him directly to the ground.

The gunshots attracted the attention of many people. Many people saw the thin man fell to the ground with a shot, so they immediately rushed over with shackles and spells. After all this was done, they looked back to see who fired the shot. .

I also looked over, but earlier than them, I looked over when the shot was first fired. Just a dozen meters behind the place where the thin man fell, a beautiful figure raised his arms, held the gun in both hands, and pointed in that direction.

Xue Lin!

Unexpectedly, among this group of people, the one with the lowest qualifications, the lowest ability, and the least prominent feature other than the upper siege would be able to knock down an escaped prisoner at this time.

At this time, the boss had already ran to the outermost side, behind him, only the one who had just been chasing after him.

"You are already at the end of the crossbow, don't do unnecessary struggles, now you can look back and you can suffer less!" The man shouted while chasing forward. He is a fighter of the Shadow Army, and the opponent, the two little ghosts have been beaten up, and the strength can be said to be seven or eight points out of ten, so there is nothing to fear!

The boss ran ahead and looked at left and right. There was no other chasing soldiers. He was determined, but his feet slowed down.

When the person behind saw him slowing down, he thought he was really out of strength, and he was overjoyed. Where can he be prepared? Quickly ran over. Catch this, that's a great achievement!

Seeing that he was only a few steps away, he could catch up, but he didn’t expect that the boss suddenly stopped. With his right toe as the axis, he turned around like a top, leaned back and faced the person with his right hand. On the ventral side, there was a flash of black light in the palm.

"Hey!" The old man shouted loudly and slapped his right hand!

The person was chasing at full speed, and at this time the distance was only a few steps away. When the incident happened suddenly, where did he respond? Suddenly I was shocked, and the next moment I felt that my eyes turned black. In the darkness, there seemed to be a monster, spreading its teeth and claws, and pounced on him!

Kid! He also has a kid!

Everyone thought that after he threw out two little ghosts, there were no little ghosts around him to rely on, but they did not expect that he actually had three!

In fact, everyone has fallen into a misunderstanding, that is, they think that one person can only raise two little ghosts. The average little ghost is like this. The ghost descending technique of the Nanyang head drop technique is more harmful to the body, and the two are already at the limit. . However, this limit is relative to the average person.

With the blood of an ordinary person, raising two is enough to support the sky. However, it cannot be denied that there will always be "monsters" and "geniuses" in this world. Can this person be the boss of the five? Could it be that the general generation fails? !


The boss suddenly shot and hit him by surprise, but he was also a fighter from the Shadow Army, and he had actual combat experience. At this time, he also reacted and cast a spell immediately, protecting his whole body.

The most difficult thing to deal with Nanyang’s head-down technique is their subtle secrets. This guy has already demonstrated his ability to raise three little ghosts. Now that he is only using this little ghost to block his vision, he is actually planning to release poisonous insects to bite. He, that's not impossible!

In his desperation, he could only use all his mana and act as a barrier to protect his whole body from the bite of poisonous insects. When the black smoke dissipated and there was a clear light in front of him, the boss had no idea where to go.


"Okay, the evil spirit has been completely removed, and now it's fine as long as it heals." I looked at the wound on the shoulder and calf of the wounded, and said that the two wounds on the shoulder and calf were no longer black, and I said, I will stretch my hand to help him. Heal the wound.

"No need not, how can such a trivial matter make the chief bother? I'll do it myself." The man was flattered immediately, shaking his hands quickly, and touching his wound with his palm, healed with force.

I looked at him and couldn't help laughing, and asked, "What is your name? Where is the official position?"

"Ah, my name is Yin Kai, and I'm the captain." He replied flattered again.


I looked at him, and then went to the camp. Zhai Feng was still there. He was very poor in spirit and couldn't take on the responsibility at all! This Yin Kai is only one level lower than him, and his temperament, at least for now, does not seem to be faulty. If he were to manage the Shadow Army in Yancheng and Weicheng, it would be good.

Or... let's observe again.

I thought about it this way. His performance just now was quite remarkable. When fighting, he used stern methods to knock down the fat man with three legs. Whenever he was in danger, he knew to protect the people around him. Facing an officer like me, He looks like a child who has never seen the world. In him, I seemed to see the shadow of me who was still in school. I was usually calm and comfortable, and the teacher bowed his head and stopped talking.

But it is true that his age seems to be only in his twenties. He is a little older than me. He is indeed a teenager, but...I don't seem to be suitable to say that at my age, after all, he is younger than him.

As I was thinking about it, over there, the person responsible for the chase came back, groaning as he walked, and yelling from time to time to vent his unhappiness.

I knew it at first glance. If a person came back, he must have missed it. It seemed that the person had left his hand. Later, he said, I knew that this guy was still a genius and was able to raise three little ghosts. It can also ensure that the blood is not weak.

"What's the matter? Didn't catch it? You're such an idiot." Some people around saw him come back alone, guessing that the result must be unsatisfactory, so they said casually.

The man shook his head and sighed again: "Oh, the ship overturned in the gutter, who knows there is still a way for this stuff, it's careless!"

As he said, he suddenly looked up and saw me looking at him over there. At that time, he paused and his face was slightly frightened.

If you are not doing things by yourself, you let people go. How can you not be afraid when facing the chief?

"What are you looking at? Go ahead and take the initiative to admit your mistakes." Someone around said.

I watched him lower his head and walked towards this side with a little surprise, secretly using the Heaven-seeking Technique, pinching his fingers, and then I knew the clues, and I knew that the man could not run away!

"Sir...sir." He walked over to me, lowered his head, and spoke in a low voice. "I didn't catch him. I didn't expect that guy actually had a little demon. I didn't check it for a while, and he ran away. Please sir!"

"Hey, no need." I waved my hand. "I didn't expect this guy to have a hole card, and I can't blame you, and he can't run, so he can grab it sooner or later."

After speaking, I stood up, looked around, and said, "Okay, go back quickly, lock up those few, and interrogate them, Yin Kai, you go back and rest first, I still have some use for you. You, although there are no major punishments, minor punishments are still required, so just follow Yin Kai all the time. You have to listen to what he says. Do you understand?"


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