Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 183: Daguai

"Small!" I looked at the monster, cursed secretly, and exerted a slight force on my hand. The power of Bright Palm suddenly increased, and it flew away instantly!

A little monster, still want to fight with me? But its offensive power is indeed good, walking the rivers and lakes for so many years (only half a year...) This is the first time I have encountered an opponent who can cut marks on my ice armor!

You know, even if it was the last time the bullhead horse face ghost is bad, it did not harm it!

However, I thought about it afterwards. The attribute of the bullhead horse face is Yin, which is originally the attribute of the ice armor. The damage to it should be reduced, and the two ghosts should be inferior and cannot be on the table. If you encounter a stronger one, It is estimated to have to be scrapped.

"Small..." Yin Kai originally wanted to say "be careful", but when he said the word "small", he saw me slap it with a palm and flew out. The flame was turned off at the time and he didn't come up in a breath. Almost suffocated.

Sure enough, they didn't understand the world of masters.

"Huh!" I thought, and once again used instant movement, I went directly to the place where the monster landed, and the place it went was near the head of its middle palm, directly, another palm print!

The monster hit me in the palm and was hit in the head again. It couldn't think normally at all. It twitched while lying on the ground, and its sharp claws turned into ornaments, and it was impossible to lift it up. Attack me.

In this case, I slapped it directly on its head and slapped it twice to form a three-overlap addition seal!


The monster screamed and roared twice, and the power of Bright Palm suddenly exploded, and an extremely powerful storm exploded directly in its brain!


After a bang, the sound like a chime came out melodiously, looking very ethereal.

This kind of ethereal, like it came from the valley, like... his head is empty...

The monster's body, which was still twitching, gradually stopped as the power of the light palm exploded and ended, and the blood in the eyes gradually disappeared, just like the light bulb was powered off.

I squatted down, pressed its head with my fingers, and it sank in a light press. I couldn't even feel the skull anymore. It was like a basketball without much breath. The skin was still quite hard. There is nothing in it, and it collapses with just one click.

"Solved!" I stood up and looked to the other side. Over there, with the combined efforts of Baron and Lang Feng, the monster could no longer withstand it. It was rough and thick. Under the power of the two ghosts, one body was injured. The knives of the two of them were not ordinary iron. They had been looking for good materials before they were alive, and they had made weapons for themselves. Later, after they died, they were infiltrated by ghosts, and they were more powerful!

Even if those Nanyangites are powerful, the monsters they make can't be stronger than the ghosts and monsters that have been practicing for hundreds of years.

After a few more rounds, Baron looked at the opportunity, and while Lang Feng entangled the monster's two claws, he pierced the monster's eye diagonally with a knife!

The eye of that thing is already blind, even if its other sense organs are powerful, it cannot be used as an eye, and it was pierced by him!

But its weak place is indeed only the eyes. Even the eye sockets are hard as iron. Thanks to Baron’s knife being thinner and narrower, and it is inserted diagonally, the length that can be entered has increased a bit. . Although it was blocked by the eye sockets after only entering a little bit, this length was enough.


The monster roared, trying to pull its knife out by tilting its head back. But Lang Feng is on the side, how can he let him succeed? The long knife flew, easily blocking the route of its hind legs, forcing it to stop in place, neither in front nor in back.

Taking advantage of this moment, Baron turned the knife in his hand, held the handle with his right hand, and slapped his left hand at the bottom of the handle!


The long knife trembles suddenly under this beat, just like chopsticks for beating eggs, but I believe that after this tremor, the head of that monster may not be as good as a broken egg...

Baron drew his knife, and the monster fell to the ground, announcing the skill of the battle.

"But that's the case, everyone came forward and surrounded the village, looking for any survivors. If not, go and bury all those people. Also, there should be a dog monster here, but it may not be here anymore. Yes, but also be careful, Baron, Lang Feng! You guys are on guard."


Everyone obeyed, surrounded the village directly, and started searching. As a warning, Baron and Lang Feng began to guard the surroundings. Only Yin Kai and Lin Xue were left beside me.

"Yin Kai, protect Lin Xue." I patted Yin Kai on the shoulder, put my hands in my pockets, and walked over slowly.

In fact, I am curious that the dog monster will appear. It must be that the dog touched the bottle, before or after the family picked it up? If it was before, then this product must have found the bottle outside. If you follow this line, you may be able to find the box of goods.

"Yin Kai!" I called back.

"Yes!" Yin Kai saluted and stood at attention immediately.

"Pass it down immediately. On the one hand, look for the house where the only door they say is down, to see if there is any sign of a dog in his house; on the other hand, look for it outside to see if there is any Wherever possible, immediately!"

"Yes!" Yin Kai replied immediately, and hurried over to order.

If the dog was raised by his family, then it must have been contacted later. If not, the high probability is before... Well, in fact, these seemingly awesome analyses were calculated by me using Celestial Strategies.

In the past, when watching TV, I thought that Cetianshu was just a means to predict the future, but now I suddenly discovered a problem that I hadn't discovered before, that is, the future is not fixed!

This is Schrödinger’s cat that was not well-known before, but is now inexplicably known by many people. There may be some deviations in future development. Except for some major events that are fixed, the rest will be due to current and previous events. Have an impact on the future.

In other words, when I use the Celestial Strategy, I can first think of a premise, such as "What will happen if I do this?" Then I will get a result.

So, I used it over and over again. Although I didn't know which one was true, I still had some cares. As long as I use external force to push it, I can continue according to my ideas.

It means...I can easily manipulate the future!

The reason why Yin Kai was asked to issue orders on his behalf was mainly to establish his authority. He was good, but he seemed to be very timid. Except when fighting, he seemed to be introverted. With such a character, even if he has been here for a long time, there should still be a lot of people who are not familiar with him, at most they are familiar, knowing that there is such a person, the rest is not worth it. Coupled with the existence of Zhai Feng before, he should have a very low sense of existence, so now, I must establish an existence for him.

After all, I’m going to stand him up soon. The area around Weicheng and Yancheng is my hometown. The chief of the Shadow Army in this area, I have to make sure he is a reliable guy. Yin Kai is such a guy. , So, when he is not in the position, I will help him!

"Sir, what shall we do now?" Lin Xue walked up to me and asked tentatively.

"Now..." I looked at her, "Let's go, follow me, now we are also the troops who are going to search outside, let's go to a place."

As I said, I just continued to walk forward with my hands in my pocket, Lin Xue was stunned for a while, and then suddenly reacted and hurriedly followed me.

The place I was going was of course the place full of wood, that is, the place where the man went to find the firewood. It was there that he snatched the bottle from the mouth of the dog that later became a monster.


"Found it! Sir, this is it." Lin Xue ran over to me happily holding a huge nest, shouting as she ran.

I am actually very good at building confidence for people who do not have faith.

"Then sir, what are we going to do now?"

"Now we..." I took the kennel. This is a simple kennel built by the dog with the surrounding twigs. It is definitely not as good as someone else's dog kennel.

While holding the kennel with my left hand, I flipped through it with my right hand, and prepared to use the Heavenly Strategy, but at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared!

"Be careful!" I looked straight, and quickly pulled Lin Xue over. The doghouse in my left hand was not put down. I only used my right hand to greet it, and the ice armor was doubled!

The dog monster finally couldn't help but shoot!

The shape of this dog monster is different from that of a human being turned into a monster. It is still on all fours, but it can maintain balance with its hind legs for a long time, but obviously, it is not used to this, so it still uses four legs when running over.

White hair, blue fangs, red eyes, these are the same, but unlike humans, it may be due to limb problems, so the claws are shorter, which can make it move more agile. In general, the monsters that humans turn into are warrior-shaped, while the dogs that become assassin-shaped, their attack range is shortened, but their actions are more agile.

The dog came from a distance, probably because he was very annoyed when he saw us demolish his home. He rushed over. When he got nearby, his hind legs suddenly used force and jumped up! The height of the jump was higher than mine, and the two front paws were cut down like giant tongs!

I held the doghouse with my left hand, and pulled directly with my right hand, pulling Lin Xue behind me, and this time, it was when the dog monster jumped up.

After I pushed Lin Xue out, I hurried back with my right hand, covered in ice armor, my five fingers were clenched into a fist, and I quickly punched, one point left and right! This dog monster is an assassin type. Although the speed is faster, it is obvious that no one has made it so strong. When I punched one point from the left and right, the claws were immediately opened, and the chest was immediately exposed.

Immediately afterwards, my third punch hit its chin, abruptly raising its head, its chest and abdomen came out even more, and it was printed with my palm.

In the next moment, a golden light in the palm of the palm flashed, and the palm of light was about to be activated!

But at this moment, I suddenly thought of something. The golden light in my hand suddenly went out, and my hand immediately changed from palm to fist. With the defense covered by the ice armor, I directly blasted out with a punch!

The body structure of the dog and the wolf are almost the same. The tofu waist with copper head and iron arms, and the waist is the softest. When I punched it over, it suddenly bends into a shrimp, directly bent and flew out, measuring five or six meters. , Fell to the ground again and rolled around for a while before it stopped.

"Sir!" Behind him, Yin Kai brought some members of the Shadow Army and ran over with weapons.

I asked them to expand the search scope. I didn't expect a smart guy to look at the place where the wood was chopped after seeing the basket full of firewood. It was not far here. I saw this large piece of wood without taking a few steps, and I actually saw Xue Lin and I walk here. It felt like I suddenly saw the scheduled player, and I reported directly with someone. coming.

"How about sir?" Yin Kai walked behind me, stood beside Lin Xue, and asked.

"It will be over soon, take it, and look for any clues." I said, without looking back, I directly handed the doghouse I was holding in my left hand to his hand, smiling at the dog monster.

The dog monster also slowed down at this time, struggling to get up on all four legs, still glaring at me with his teeth.

This is something I didn't expect. I didn't expect that this product would not run away after suffering such a big loss, and still dare to fight against me. It seems that I have to fight a few more punches!

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