Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 194: Deep in the cave

The deepest part of the underground, here is different from the roads outside. The walls, ground, and ceiling here are no longer mud,!

Moreover, this is not an ordinary rock. I felt it carefully. Although my perception ability has dropped a lot now, I can still feel a very powerful force on them! This ability is very strong and not easily destroyed; this ability is very powerful and not easily defeated.

At this time, the three people also came down from the top. When they fell on the ground, there was no one outside. They were all swaying gods. Their bodies also trembled, and they almost fell. That feeling is like falling asleep, suddenly dreaming of falling from a height, and awakening instantly!

Looking at them, I can imagine what it was like when I first came down, and then I turned my eyes to the guy who had been there and looked at us.

There are no exits around this place. It is a space formed by four high rock walls. There are no doors or windows. The only way to the outside world is probably above.

I looked up, it was pitch black, and I couldn’t see anything at all, but according to the feeling we just got down from above, I just don’t know how high it is—just when I fell down, I felt like being caught by someone. I was fainted after taking the medicine, and I didn't feel the problem of time at all. It seemed like a moment, but it seemed to have been several hours.

The whole space is square and rectangular. Our place is on a short side of the rectangle. The monster is on the opposite side. There is a long walkway in the middle. On both sides, there are chaotic rocks, large and small. The ones are half a person tall, and the smaller ones are only the size of a fingernail.

It is precisely because of this that a walkway can be seen without artificial construction at all here.

The square ground is flat and flat, without any ravines, but it looks a little smaller than the quadrilateral formed by four walls. We are standing on one of the sides, the wall is turned back, and we can understand it when we look down.

There is a gap of more than one centimeter in the ground, the floor and the wall behind you! And in this gap, there was a raging blue fire spurting out! It's as if this rectangular floor is suspended, and below this is a large stove full of cyan flames!

If this is the case, how big is the flame? ! From here, the flame must be as high as half a person above the ground. If you count from the source below, I'm afraid it must be as high as two people? !

However, thanks to this flame, we can see the environment clearly. Yes, this cyan flame is the source of light here!

"Have you seen enough?" The big cyan monkey was sitting on the edge of a pile of golden bottles, staring at us with bloodshot eyes, and a vaguely murderous and angry voice came out. If my perception ability has not been reduced, then what I feel should be stronger.

But from here you can see its strength. Sitting on the side of the pile of bottles, it is actually not affected by the spells above and does not become a monster. This is very rare!

At this time, beside it, the old monkey slowly fell down, and there seemed to be clouds under his feet. This should be a kind of air defense. It seems that this monkey should be the strongest existence around this monkey king. Got it.

However, what I want to consider now is not this matter, but...

"You actually lied to me!" I looked at the old monkey with a serious expression of grief.

The old monkey still smiled: "Oh? Where did I lie to you?"

"Didn't you say that Lord Mountain God can't speak?"

"Have I said it? I don't remember." The old monkey said without blushing, with a cheeky look.

"..." I was speechless at the time. It's really like a man who is a treacherous horse and a slippery man, he doesn't write drafts when he speaks, he doesn't blush when he is torn apart, and his face is thicker than the city wall.

"You come, are you here to come to see me and talk to people?" The cyan monkey sat on the spot, looked at us, and said in a low voice.

"Ah, no, no, of course not, we are here this time mainly for..." I looked at the monkey, thought for a moment, and continued: "It is to pay tribute to the demeanor of the mountain god. I have long heard about this mountain. There is a mountain god, so I want to see what this lord mountain **** looks like. By the way, I am also here for them."

As I said, I pointed to the golden objects piled up in hills around the cyan monkey.

"Oh, so you did it for them." The monkey lowered his head and looked at the things around him, with a bit of resentment in his tone. After thinking about it, I understand that all my monkeys and grandchildren have become white-haired monsters. Although they can be controlled, they are not the same after all.

However, having said that, I took a look at those things, and it seemed that they were not just the goods we were looking for. First of all, the quantity was wrong. If these things were put together, the cargo box would definitely not fit. The second is the shape and shape. I have seen bottles with symbols, and in this pile I can also see some symbols exposed, either bottles, jars, or plates. Everything is golden. There are some others, although they will also be shining, but no matter how they look, they feel different from those known goods.

This kind of feeling is hard to say, it's like a group of people with big backs mixed with an explosive head, how weird and weird it is, but I can't tell where the weird point is.

This is a problem. If they only take things that can turn creatures into monsters, it may be to collect them so as not to be scattered. Regardless of the original purpose, this behavior is good for us. If this is the case, this matter can be eased. But the problem is that they are more than just those goods, just take them as if they are golden. This is a problem!

I heard that there is a kind of bird that collects glittering things. It doesn't know anything. It may just like it. So it puts these things in its nest. Are these monkeys too?

Impossible, that bird is by nature. This monkey has already appeared wise. It is impossible to collect such a pile just because it looks good. It must be because of its certain value. For us humans, it must be because of it. It is valuable, but for animals, money is useless...

Moreover, I don’t know how much of it is real gold. Many of them are just golden on the surface. Those Nanyang goods account for a large proportion.

"Yes, I was looking for these things, but I didn't expect them to be with you, the mountain god. It seems that you also like these things. You have so many collections. I only need a part of them." I said with a smile.

"I know, what you want is that part. These things have just arrived in my hands. As expected, there is no free lunch in the world. I was wondering why I could get so much gold this time..."

"Master Shanshen!" At this time, the old monkey who had been by his side suddenly interrupted him and said: "Although these things are beautiful and there are many in number, they have a great impact on our people. If we continue Keep it, I'm afraid it's a curse."

The cyan monkey narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing what he said, then turned his head to look at it, his eyes seemed to have changed a little. As for the old monkey, because of his age, his eyelids were so long that he almost covered his eyes. I couldn't see clearly the movements of his eyes.

But it is obvious that the two of them are doing some kind of communication behind us.

After a few seconds, the cyan monkey turned his head and looked at us calmly. After watching for two seconds without speaking, he was stunned to see us. Then he said, "These things can be given to you, and you can stay here too. It's useless, but I can't give you anything else!"

"Understand, we understand that we humans are not greedy for money and will not take you more." I said with a smile, but I believe that in my eyes, it must be able to see something else.

"What do you mean? You humans are not greedy? Are we greedy?!" Sure enough, it understood what I meant.

"No, no, I don't mean it at all. I just said it casually." I waved my hand again and again, and at the same time bowed and apologized apologetically. In terms of performance, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but in this case, Especially on the kind of discourse conflict just now, although this action looked polite, it was still very awkward.


"Master Shanshen!" The old monkey said again. "More is worse than less. This guest seems to be very strong, a master, and should have his own dignity. Presumably, stealing our things will not do it."

"Yes, I definitely wouldn't do such a thing, unlike some monkeys, who open my eyes and talk nonsense." I affirmed from the side, and at the same time, I dissed the old monkey and looked at it with contempt.

"Ah, what the sir is saying, I don't understand, but I am honored to be recognized by you. After all, I am just an ordinary monkey, and I am not a master or a big man."

I first denied the fact that what I said was it, continued to pretend to be dumb, and then denied the prerequisite-it is also a master, and used a kind of humility that is almost self-defeating to refute my words. Finally Destroy all my discourse.

I have to say that this old guy has really seen it before, and it is a must to play football and Tai Chi!

The cyan monkey looked at the two of us talking here, snorted coldly, and said, "Shut up, what a mess, you want these things, okay, I believe you, take it quickly, Take it and leave quickly."

I frowned and looked at the two masters and servants. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling, but I couldn't tell what it was for a while, so I could only answer first: "Okay." Then I looked back at the three people behind me.

The three of them also looked dumbfounded. In this environment, they didn’t have the right to speak. They could only listen to what we said here. At this moment, it seemed that we were in agreement, so they asked: "Sir, we Move? But we have no way to defend against that spell."

"Yeah, yeah." The other two also agreed. It's useless to negotiate, they have to find a way to take these things away.

I also frowned. If these things come individually, I can get rid of them. That was how I found the bottle in the village, but so many...

I took a look at the number, and I licked my teeth. I'm afraid it's horrible!

"That, Lord Shanshen, I came this time to investigate. I can't defend against this spell. Can I go back first and find someone to help."

"Looking for someone? Can the people you find can guard against these things? The boys in my cave can't guard against them, but your people can guard against them? It still seems to look down on me."

"Ah no, I didn't mean that. The helper I was looking for was not a human being, but a ghost. As a mountain god, you also understand creatures like ghosts. They will not be affected by this thing. , I want them to help, okay."

"Ghost..." The corner of the green monkey's eyes twitched when he heard this word. At this time, he repeated it quietly again, seemingly concerned about this thing.

"Master Mountain God, ghosts and monsters will not be affected by this thing, and they are very strong, so they should be able to take away these things soon." The old monkey explained to the side.

"...No!" The monkey thought for a while, and suddenly shouted, widening his eyes and looking at us: "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, you are afraid that you can't win me, want to call for help?!"

"No, I didn't mean it!"

"Then you want to take the opportunity to escape?!"

"No, I didn't..."

"Huh! Want to play tricks? Impossible, just stay here, take these things, and go together!" The monkey shouted, and actually waved his right paw in the air, showing the threat!

That claw is so powerful that even standing here, you can feel the wind pressure it brings after it is cleaved!

For a time, the three people behind me were all blown up and down, but my eyes lit up at this moment. Looking at its movements and the conversation between the two of them before, I suddenly wanted to understand something.

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