Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 290: Second half

"Go down and search!" Qiye looked at the cliff, and the woods below, so he couldn't see how we looked after landing.

"Uh...Yes!" Jin Ge stood on the scorpion and hesitated, but in the end he still felt that it was not good to talk more, and simply agreed.

He was wondering, why Qi Ye was suddenly so cautious this time!

He knew the gu worm that Qi Ye threw out just now, Qixiang Poisonous Needle Bee, small in size, only half the size of a normal mosquito, moving like a gust of wind, and as fast as lightning!

Moreover, the reason why it is called "Seven Fragrance" is because it can emit seven kinds of fragrances, and can control its own taste according to the surrounding environment, just like a chameleon, so as not to be discovered by the enemy!

Just now, although I was in the air and the squally wind swept around and prevented it from exerting this advantage, the violent wind also perfectly covered the wind pressure it rushed over, causing me not to notice, and I was hit!

So when Jin Ge saw that the poisonous bee stung me and we started to fall freely, he had two words in his heart: steady!

But at this time, Qi Ye, who had always been very confident in himself, lost confidence, which made him very strange.

In fact, if it were placed in the past, he would definitely be the same as he thought, but just now, he had just experienced Daniel's "resurrection" incident, which made him feel so unconfident now.

Yes, it's just a loss...

Because Jin Ge doesn't know how to use the air, Qi Ye is also a little worried that if we are fine, we will be ambushed when we go down alone, so let's go down the mountain at the fastest speed and look for us!

The two went all the way down the mountain, and as soon as they reached the foot of the mountain, suddenly there was another person before them.

"Seven Lord!"

Qi Ye looked intently and didn't know him, but he knew this person, but he just forgot his name. This is a player who just played in the competition, and his stockade is not controlled by the Nanyang Association.

For this kind of person, Qi Ye doesn't have a good face, and judging from the other's expression, the other party thinks so too.

"Seven Masters."

When the man saw Qi Ye approaching, he shouted again, with a little reluctance in his tone.

This is natural. Although Qiye himself knows that he is not a good person, he also understands the human nature. The kind of people who occupy other people's place and plan to be pleasant to him is all bad! Shameless!

Qi Ye was ambitious and selfish, but he knew that it was common sense for him to be like this, so he didn't express anything about his face and eyes.

And the other party is still a small person, not guilty!

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Not guilty is not guilty of anger, but the attitude is definitely colder than those who flatter themselves.

"King Gu, please go back. The fire has been controlled. The Miao Village competition will continue, and you will get the field." The man didn't lean down or bowed his head. He just stood like this, looking directly at Qi Ye, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing!

"Huh?" Qi Ye turned to look at him, frowning.

"When is this old stubborn so sensible? He still knows to invite me back? He probably wants me to go quickly!"

Qiye is quite self-aware...

"I don't know these, I only know that Lord Gu invites you back." The man said again, although he used honorific expressions, his tone did not show respect at all.

"Hi..." Qi Ye pondered for a while, although things were not right, but now, it is indeed important!

It was clear at the time that as long as the Miao Village competition was held and the Southwest Guzhai Village, he could control it. Now that the tournament is over half of the time, it cannot be delayed at this festival!

"I see, I will go back now, Jin Ge!"

Qi Ye looked back at Jin Ge.

Jin Ge too understood what he meant, and reached out his hand and made a "rest assured" gesture, and said, "Leave it to me, Seventh Master."

"Yeah." Qi Ye nodded, then looked back at the person who had sent the letter, and signaled that he could leave.

The man nodded slightly, turned around and walked over to the arena. This posture is not so respectful. Unlike the previous Qi Ye sent someone to find the white robe master, this one walks straight ahead, regardless of what is behind him. I'm not afraid that he will attack him behind.

Originally, Qi Ye did not know how much better than him, and still used a black gun?

Two people walked to the arena, while Jin Ge rode a scorpion all the way to the back of the mountain. He wants to find our bodies!

On the other side, on the field...

In the entire arena, the original number of people was reduced by half. Those who were left were to take care of the wounded, and those who were left continued to participate in the competition. Each of the villages was significantly reduced, but they were scattered, so it didn't look weird.

However, one place suddenly became vacant!

The seat of Duhuozhai!

Originally we had three people here, and because they were more afraid of us, they did a long way. At this time, they followed that approach, and there were even fewer people. So this time, this area was vacated.

"What's the matter? How about those masters?" The people nearby looked at the empty positions and asked the people around them.

"I don't know, did you go to take care of the wounded? I heard that the fire place also has their house. They are just three people, and they all took care of the wounded." The man said so, but in fact it was just a guess.

At this time, another person next to him, with arms around his chest, said indifferently: "Okay! What do you care about that? Their game just ended, and now it’s okay if they leave, as long as the next game is paid. Just do it, ours is not there yet, so worry about it!"

What he said was right, just right. Before the fire, our battle was over. I killed the white-robed man, ah, it was the black-robed man. There are still many gossips about this. It is said that there is shady, a change of clothes represents another village.

But it didn't make a big noise, because this person not only lost, but also died!

You're all dead, so what a fart? ! Even if it is cheating and fouling, it is useless if you make a big noise.

So after I came back, although some people were talking about it, they all stopped.

There are still many people, just like those few people, talking about our affairs, but in the end it is the same result, similar to here.

The only person who has a different mind is the Gu King on the rostrum.

Others don't know that he knows that the center of the flame is almost the place of Duhuozhai. He would not believe it if it was not for the Nanyang Association! And the most disturbing thing is that now people are gone!

No matter it was the one who stayed behind, the one who originally came to the competition, or the three priests who took refuge in, they are all gone!

Is it dead or alive? ! Will they appear in the final battle? ! What about those one hundred people? !

This is all a problem!

As a king, he has to consider these, and there is one more thing, that is, his daughter is missing.

He didn't worry about this now, because he thought it was a girl who went back, so he didn't think about it, and he was only thinking about things here.


Next, the referee continued to announce the personnel of the game. King Gu sat on it and looked sad, but fortunately, there is no bad news yet, just no news. However, we must also prepare for the worst.

King Gu stared down to see if there were any masters who could use it. The white-robed man before was powerful but cruel. He was still entangled, but I was killed.

At this moment, with the slow "chuckle" sound of footsteps on the stairs behind him, King Gu looked back and found that it was Qi Ye who was back.

"You're back." Gu King glanced and turned back, continuing to look down, not wanting to bother him.

"Of course, I'll go through half of the process. This ancient village is mine, of course I want to come and see it." Qi Ye sat next to the Gu King as he spoke. It was strange, even though it was beneficial to him. Matter, but his face is not very good.

And the person who called him back, just took him to the stadium and thought about going in another direction. He should have gone back to the representative team of his stockade. After all, he still has to compete. He has to participate.

But King Gu wouldn't pay attention to this, and stopped talking, and continued to look down.

Qi Ye also fell into silence. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "The competition has been carried out up to now, and there are many villages that have been eliminated. It is fine for these people to stay here, so let them go back first."

"Do not……"

Gu King almost blurted out!

This won't work! Although the strength of those people is not strong, it is better to have it than nothing. There are more people and more power. One more is one!

But he didn't expect Qi Ye to come to this set!

People always treacherous horses and slippery, and the old sayings don’t deceive me! We have studied so many times before, but no one thought of this and left when we were eliminated. How can we gather people together?

"Why? Is there any problem? These eliminated people seem to be useless for this competition." Qi Ye squinted at him, a strange light flickering in his eyes.

But Gu King is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After all, it is also a sacred lake. He sighed slightly and said faintly: "Our competition has never had such rules. Since they are here, they should always have the right to know what the final result is. People say there is a problem with the game and use this as a reason to cause trouble.


Seventh master glanced at him, King Gu didn't even open his eyes to look at him. While talking, he still looked at the playing field below, his tone was not fluctuating, and he couldn't hear anything.

Two old foxes!

"That's it..." Qi Ye said. "I thought there was something else."

"There is indeed something else."

"Huh?!" Qi Ye frowned.

"There were a lot of people injured in the fire just now, and among them, there were also not a few of them. It is not enough for them to take the wounded back. They must stay until those people recover."

King Gu’s words are great! He already knew that Qi Ye was afraid that he was a little suspicious of himself, but that said, don't treat your opponent as a fool! Most people at this time always deny: Nothing else, nothing else! But he is different, there is! But not the answer you want!

And even Qiye himself didn't expect that this opportunity, this irrefutable rhetoric, was actually provided by his own person, how could it be reasonable? !

Qi Ye wants to lift the table, what kind of teammates are these all?

One set a fire to someone, but there was nothing left to say, and was used by others to refute him; the other didn't know how to use the air technique, and there was no way to get around it, so many things were delayed!

Of course, the latter was also because he was too cautious at the time, but he couldn't help it. It was because of Daniel's incident that his confidence was blown to a loss...

At this moment, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps under the stairs. Seventh Master sat a little closer and could see the things below. Turning his head, he found that Teammate No. 2 was here!

Jin Ge walked up from below, King Gu glanced at him, then turned back, Jin Ge didn't pay attention to him, and went directly to Qi Ye, and leaned close to whisper a few words.

Qi Ye's expression changed when he heard a few words. The old fox's calm and cunning all disappeared. He stared at him with widened eyes and exclaimed, "Nothing?

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