Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 411: Uncle Li?

I looked ahead. In front of me, the endless wave of soldiers had come close, one by one, one after another, and there were no counts.

The armor is bright, the swords are cold, and the faces are as cold as water and ice, and the spirit of killing is full!

The leading lieutenant rode on the horse, frowned and looked at me, and said, "What's the only one? I thought there were so many enemies, hey, we used a sledgehammer to kill a chicken!"

" seems to be scared, and they all ran away! Just leave this one to die, is it a mob!"

"That's right! I thought that Wang Xiaoer was some kind of ruthless character that I didn't meet in a thousand years, but it turned out to be just a fool...Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?!"

He asked me that sentence.

"Ah? Me? I... I don't know. Someone told me to stay here. He said he would give me roast chicken, then... and then left."

I looked at them, followed their words, pretending to be silly, doing harmless virtues of humans and animals, and using the tone that I want to beat myself, try to calm the scene...

Yes, nuclear peace...

"His--what a fool." One of the lieutenants scratched his head, suddenly saw the ghost face flying cloud sword in my hand, and asked vigilantly: "What's the matter with your sword?"

"Huh?" I didn't change my face. I knew he would ask me this for a long time, so there was no nervousness in my heart. Naturally, there was no change in my eyes. I still looked like dementia, raising the hand holding the sword: "Is this? He...they gave it to me."

The lieutenant kept observing me and was surprised to see that my eyes did not change. Obviously, he didn't believe it, but he didn't believe the current situation. He didn't know what to do for a while.

"Old Zhang, we don't have to bother, just a fool, grabbed it and went to the prison to finish the job! Let's go to Chengdong Square to see, the business there should be over, go! A farce!"

"No... Then do you think that Wang Xiaoer and Wang Shun, etc., what is the reason for this? Instead, it helps us make things simple." Deputy General Zhang frowned.

Obviously, his IQ is much higher than that one.

"Who knows? Anyway, it's a group of mobs who dare to challenge the lord of the city and General Ren. Isn't this crazy?! Hurry up, take him away first, we are doing something else." The man said

"All right," said Lieutenant Zhang, looking back at me, especially the sword in my hand.

"Hey, your sword is good, they are really willing to give you such a good sword."

"Ah? Hahahahaha..." I smirked.

When discussing the issue of value, whether it is good or bad, there is a great possibility of exposure. The best way is to giggle.

"It's useless if you hold it, give it to me!" Deputy General Zhang said, with a sly smile on his face.

Without hesitation, I just handed my hand forward, pointed at him with the tip of the sword, and said in a naive way: "Hey! Here you are!"

Vice General Zhang: "...?"

The point of the sword points to people. It is very impolite to hand things over, but what kind of politeness does a fool have? I did this after consideration. And obviously, the other party was also surprised by my reaction.

"You...threw it to the ground." He said again.


I continued to promise in a naive way, threw the sword to the ground, and smiled naively again.

"Hi..." Vice General Zhang took a low breath and commanded the soldiers in front of him: "You, go get the sword back, and by the way, check him for any other weapons."


The soldier agreed and walked over here, first picked up the sword, turned to another soldier, and then passed it to the lieutenant. He immediately turned around and started a body search.

I didn't cooperate or resist, so I stood blankly, letting him touch me-there was nothing anyway.

Vice-General Zhang looked at me with a strange expression.

Because this is wrong!

He obviously suspected that I was pretending to be stupid, but he wondered why I didn't show any flaws?

According to this situation, the reason for pretending to be stupid is to let them relax their vigilance, and then suddenly attacked and took another one before death.

At present, the most valuable people are himself and another lieutenant. He has reason to believe that as long as the distance between the two is as short as a certain value, my "fool" will immediately take action and kill one of them! to do it without weapons? Throw the sword so simply!

Holding a sword in his hand, he looked at me puzzled.

In fact, he didn't know the value of this sword at all, it was just good-looking. If you give it to him, he can't say no, but it doesn't mean you just want to get it. Let me give it to him just to test me.

How did he know that my sword could be returned to my hand at any time!

Observing me from this side, the other lieutenant was impatient, but the colleague said so, he could only wait, suddenly glanced at me, and suddenly saw the emerald green and gold bracelet on my hand!

"Hey, wait!"

Lieutenant Zhang looked back at him, thinking he had found a flaw.

"Bring me that bracelet!"

by! It turned out to be a money fan!

Vice General Zhang rolled his eyes and continued to look at me.

I raised my hand, smiled, squeezed it down in one hand, and handed it forward. Han smiled and said, "You said this?"

"Yes, yes, come, give me this thing."

"Well, I will throw it on the ground too." I said.

"Don't don't don't don't!" That guy was startled! "Don't throw it, hurry up, take it well!"

I don’t know what material this bracelet is made of. Isn’t it a big loss if it breaks? Quickly let the soldier pick it up and take it in his hand, good fellow! Green and gold, like the offspring of jade and gold!

He was a crude man, he didn't know these things, he just heard what people said about green jade, gold and gold, he didn't know how to do it, he just looked at the peculiarities, and immediately beamed his eyes: "Good material! Good material, how much is this worth? Money."

I felt for a while. how much is it? I can't afford to sell you!

"Okay! I'll take it! I didn't find anything, so we can take him to the prison as soon as possible, so we can do business, don't delay!"

The man said, holding the bracelet in his arms.

The soldier's body search was over and there was nothing from top to bottom. He took my arm and went back. I followed him for two steps, looked up at the lieutenant, and suddenly there was clarity in my eyes!

Ok? !

Lieutenant General Zhang was still looking at me. At this moment, I saw that there was a light in my eyes, but I was sure that I was not really stupid, and I was about to react. However, my reaction speed was much faster than him...

"Xiao Nuo do it!"

I yelled, and a teleport came to Lieutenant General Zhang, and took the ghost-faced Feiyun sword, the sword body instantly twisted, hunting poisonous snakes directly through his throat!

Turning to look to the other side, the lieutenant's chest has also been pierced with a big hole, Xiao Nuo smiled and stood on the horse's back, his right hand turned into a slime body and penetrated into his body.

Looking at the army around me suddenly chaos, I couldn't help but smile: "It's really good, catch the thief... catch the king first!"


On the other side, Chengdong Square.

There are no buildings in this place, it is a wasteland, the ground is full of sand, and weeds can be seen everywhere, because the soil is so loose that it is impossible to build houses; secondly, there is no nutrition and no crops. Even the weeds must have good vitality to grow. Succeeded, so it was ignored.

Normally no one came here, but today, there are more than ten people gathered here for an unprecedented time!

Among these more than ten people, the most conspicuous one is an old acquaintance! That big brother in prison!

The one who scolded me for counseling was also defined as one of the leaders. Hearing Wang Shunman's shouts from the world, he ended up here without saying anything.

Some of the others are also on death row, but most of them do not die.

Of course, this crime does not lead to death, it is the past, now that it is escaped from prison, it will definitely lead to death!

So these people have some regrets in their hearts, so why do they escape from prison with a fever? But it's useless to repent, why don't you just follow along and make a vote, maybe bring it back to life?

Came with the mentality of being broken.

At this moment, the boss's eyes that had been staring at the ground suddenly jumped, suddenly raised his head, and shouted: "No! Be careful, everyone!"

Everyone was taken aback. They didn't know what was going on, they heard the sound of armor around them!

Then a large number of soldiers rushed over from all directions. They didn’t know where they were hiding before. At this moment, they all came, and they immediately surrounded the open space with a strong spear hitting the ground. A loud noise!

"Bold thief! I really dare to come here, I don't know how high the sky is! Don't try to survive, hurry up and catch it, go back with me and receive a beheading treatment!"

"It's over, it's over! Isn't this the second brother selling us?!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I think it's impossible!"

"Then what should I do now?!"

A group of people suddenly became confused, and among the crowd, only one person said nothing. It was the big brother in prison.

Among the soldiers, Lieutenant General Li rode a horse and sneered: "Humph! The mob, tied up!"


The soldier took the order and was about to step forward, but suddenly he heard the sound of horseshoes on the other side, and it was vaguely as if there were people shouting: "Dead fat man, I'm the uncle Li..."


The soldiers were all taken aback. First, they hadn't seen this situation. What kind of stuff rushed over. Secondly...Who is Uncle Li?

At this time, I saw a fast horse running madly on the other side. A man on the top was wearing armor and dangling like a grandson, bobs up and down while cursing, behind him, there is another The fat man laughed and chased him, and he said as he ran: "You kid has nothing else? Just one sentence after one run!"

The two rushed here one after another!

Vice-General Li had also seen him before, and quickly said: "Stop them!"

The soldiers obeyed the order and rushed over immediately, with the shield soldiers in front and the pikemen behind. The shield spears stood up and turned into humanoids to resist the horse!

That horse is a centurion warhorse, and he has a brain. As soon as I look at the situation in front, and the pain on his **** is almost the same, he hurries to move one side of his foot, and brakes suddenly. When the two front hooves are lifted, it is just before the spear. , Dangerous and dangerously stopped!

The horse stopped, the man did not stop...


A figure rushed out instantly, carrying an endless curse on Uncle Li, and went straight to Vice-General Li!


The speed was too fast, Lieutenant General Li didn't react, he was knocked off the horse, and the two of them became ground gourds.

All the soldiers suddenly realized, oh, then Uncle Li is him!

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