Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 475: Two dark arrows

"Hahahahahaha...Zhengnan! I've heard of your name a long time ago! Zongjie said you went to Gusu to kill Murong's people, why are you here again?"

On the hillside, the young man, as the young master of the Sun Cult, actually went down the mountain personally and was downgraded to meet him. It seems that my identity, at this time, is really his life-saving straw!

"I saw the young master, I originally went to Gusu, but Murong's family is crowded, and opportunities are hard to find. While waiting for the opportunity, I received a message from the chief that something happened in the cave, but fortunately, the young master escaped safely. In order to ensure the safety of the young master, I was specially asked to come. The chief said that the young master should come here."

I said in a flat tone, neither humble nor overbearing, completely like a cold-blooded killer and a gold medal guard, with a posture of "I can do it well if you ask me to do it".

The young man at this time trusts me very much. Firstly, because the poisonous snake reported my situation to him before, he first set the stage, and secondly, now he has changed drastically. He is anxious and angry. I heard that a master came to help out, I believed a little bit in my heart!

Secondly, when we met, there were some small details between the words.

The two of us have never met. He knows that I am not uncommon. It is because I have seen my information. If I can tell his identity, naturally, he cannot be an outsider.

How could he think that Song Xiaoqing had been undercover in the cave long ago. When he came, all the people were called Masters. How could I not know?

After that, the battle over in the cave ended. Someone in the Shadow Army watched the young master use the shrinking technique with his own eyes. Even if he didn’t know, Song Xiaoqing was not on the list of casualties. Song Xiaoqing and Duan Qingtian naturally knew it was him. He also told me in the message to me.

When I got here just now, I didn’t expect him to be here, but when I saw a teenager came down, I was a little skeptical, especially since the few around him had great respect for him, so I gave it to him. A detective eye.

This person is called Uncle Ye Ji. Although he does not know his identity, the Shadow Army knows the information of the leader of the Sun Cult. When I was in the Shadow Army, I also remembered by the way that the leader of the Sun Cult seems to have the surname Ye Ji.

In this way, the identity is clear!

So I called him Young Master directly, betting he didn't know my identity, and betting he didn't know the details!

Luckily, I bet right! ,

And as a result, he believed me!

But in fact, he can't help but believe it, because there is not much he can rely on now!

A lot of people in the cave have been arrested. Lei Ming tried to search for the golden light of the soul, and whether you would rather die than follow, he would reveal the secret to you!

All of a sudden, several liaison stations and garrison locations were exposed. With a large number of people, the Shadow Army attacked at the same time. At that time, half of it was lost! Following the vines, and then came down a batch of baldness. At this time, there were less than one-third of the domestic Sunteacher!

They have not lost the game for nearly half a year, and we broke most of them in just a few days!

At this time, thinking about doing things is no longer possible. If you can't succeed here, it really is a waste of bamboo basket!

Under this pressure, facing me, you must believe it if you don't believe it!

"Zhengnan, you came just right, I believe you know the current situation, the cave has an accident, our contact station and the army station have been reduced by more than half, if we can't get results here, we will be finished!" Uncle Ye Ji approached me, Whispered.

"I know, Master, what can I do?" I said.

Uncle Ye Ji's eyes changed when he looked at me, he looked like he was approving, and he also had an expression of seeing a year-end friendship and hating each other!

"I finally know why Zongsuke likes you so much, okay! I like your character! I don't hide it. The Nanyang people here are unreliable. We have to get rid of him and then act. They are there. side."

As Ye Jibo said, he pointed a direction.

"it is good!"

I simply agreed, holding both hands on the hilts of the two poisonous knives on my waist, and a killing intent suddenly rose!

"Good!" Uncle Ye Ji nodded approvingly. "But if you want to keep alive, those monsters are likely to be out of our control. Only if one person is left, we can continue to control their monsters to deal with the Yang family's monsters."

"okay, I get it."


Having said this, Uncle Ye Ji seemed to be trying to test me, suddenly he turned and said: "If that guy wants to control those monsters to deal with us..."

"Don't worry, young master, I will always follow that person, if he changes a little bit, I will solve him immediately!"

"Not bad!" Ye Jibo patted me on the shoulder and said loudly. "I am pleased for our Sun Sect, that we can have fighters like you in the East Island country! Go ahead, I am waiting for the news of your victory."

"Yes, Master Xie is so loving, I will not let you down!"

I nodded slightly and said respectfully, holding my hands on the handle of the knife, looking in the direction that Uncle Ye Ji was pointing, and walked directly over.

Behind him, Uncle Ye Ji was still looking at me, couldn’t help but admired, and looked at the people around him again, with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "Look at the world! Just you! A bunch of nonsense, consider this, consider that. !"

"No, I..." The man was scolded by his own young master, with a grievance on his face.

"If you have his decisiveness, and his strength, how could you be so unbearable, go back and practice again, let's go, and wait for his good news."

As Ye Jibo said, he returned to the mountain with a group of people, waiting for my news.

On the other side, I walked towards the place where the Nanyang people were. On the way, I told Murong Shen all the information I got...

Last night, after we solved the monsters in Yangjia Village, we immediately won the support of all the villagers.

"Master! Master is here, our village is saved!"

"I saw it with my own eyes just now! This is really a living god! The master has electricity in his hand! A big hammer with electricity! The monster was hammered to death all at once!"

"God! Living god!"

A large group of young and old, men and women all gathered around, all talking about it, and we almost lifted the two of us to the sky!

"Don't! Don't don't don't! Folks, can't afford it! We are late and startled you, this...this is not a place to talk outside, who can..."

I'm still a little embarrassed. I plan to go to whose house and ask about the specific situation. I didn't expect them to be more enthusiastic than I thought. When I said this, the reaction was particularly great at the time!

"Quick! Don't let the master be outside! Please come home quickly! Good wine and good food are greeted!"

"Go to my house! I am the village chief!"

"Go to my house! My family is the richest! My son works in a big company in the city, and he makes some money!"

"Come on! Don't blow up! Your son is a big company watching the door. What kind of money did he make?"

"Nonsense! Looking at the gate is also the gate of a big company! Besides, my family is richer than you, not convinced?!"

"Hey, it's all right, don't make a noise! ​​Where is the village chief's house? I'll go to the village chief's house."

The village chief was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and he smiled immediately when he heard this. At that time, he and another young man might be his son and we went to his house.

It's really good wine and good food. I didn't see any vegetarian food at the table, especially the bottle of white wine that I took out. I obviously watched the village chief's face ache with pain, and even forced a smile on us.

There are six dishes on a table. Murong Shen and I are sitting aside, and the village chief and his son are sitting aside.

"The village chief, what's the matter with us? Where do these monsters come from?"

The situation was urgent and we had to race against time, so I asked straightforwardly when I came up.

The village chief toasted us a glass of wine, just put down the glass, took a breath and said, "This...I don't remember the exact day of the accident. Anyway, it was just a few days ago, a small week. A bunch of people came. When I arrived at that house... Ah, Laoshi Yang’s house, it was both scolding and beating people. The noise was quite loud, but in the end he was also driven away. At that time, he also said cruel words, saying that our village would not be peaceful!

Hey, what do you say about Laoshi Yang’s family have to do with us? Why should we not be at peace? But who takes this cruel thing seriously? We didn't take it seriously at the time, but the next day, Honest Yang and his family moved out. "

"Moved away?" I frowned. "Where did you move?"

"Yo! I don't know, but it moved away anyway. The group of people came again later and didn't find him, so they asked us, how do we know to go? He said that we were not telling the truth, helping him to conceal, and saying Let us regret it, isn't this unreasonable?! As a result, just two days ago, such a batch of monsters came!"

"How many people were killed or injured?" Murong Shen asked at this time.

"A lot of age! It was about this time. Some people were walking around and some people were playing chess outside, but the monsters suddenly jumped over! They opened their teeth and claws, and bit them when they saw people! They were all terrified at the time and ran home quickly. As a result, the monsters saw the light in the house, and they all broke in and killed people! Fortunately, we found it early, and then we turned off the lights and went under the bed. The monsters could not find us, so they left. When we came out, they I don't know where to go.

At the time we thought it was over, but we still kept our eyes on it and stared at it the next night, but they really came the next day! One of them didn't respond and was barged in. No, we are all at this time without closing the door or turning on the lights. As a result, when we heard something outside, we had the courage to crack the door and have a look. We didn't expect to see the two masters, so brave! "

"Hey, hey, it's all right, you don't need to praise us. About this matter, if you have any details before and after, think about it and tell us about it."

"Hey, let me recall carefully, son, so are you, you are young and have a good mind!"

"Good, good."

The four people ate and said, not long after eating and drinking, the cups and plates were removed, the village chief and his son went to their respective rooms, and the two of us began to discuss.

"Those monsters are still there, it means that the Yang family hasn't had an accident yet, is that person called Honest Yang?" I said.

"No, his name is Yang Qingshan, but I remember he is honest, maybe his nickname." Murong Shen explained.

"Alright, he should be in the cave you mentioned, but if there are these monsters, then the two strange beasts should also be in a hard fight, and time is running out."

"How about we rush up together?"

"No! There are only two of us, and the opponent's situation is undecided. It is not wise to use all our strength at this time."

"Then what shall we do?"

"You stay, I am on! I am a bright spear, you are a dark arrow!" I said.

"Is it really okay for you to go alone?"

"Of course!" I said. "Don't forget, I still have an identity, maybe I... also a dark arrow!"

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