Rebuild World
111 Hero Shackles
While Katsuya and the others continued to bicker, the topic shifted to Katsuya's, precisely Katsuya's, hunter running activity. Because Yumina and Cheryl deliberately biased the topic in that direction.
The story began with the initial hardship story of Katsuya and the others joining Drankam. Katsuya has shown a single scale of talent since she joined Drancam. A rare (rare) talent of its kind was discovered by the powerful ancient ginseng, who, along with many of his companions, worked in site exploration and monster crusades, and grew to be finally recognized by one of Drancam's executives.
Katsuya and her companions grew into a large faction among Drancam. He was recently named the Bounty Neck Crusade Unit for Drancam. Katsuya commanded the troops as a commander and succeeded in a brilliant prize neck crusade. It was a trajectory of glorious success for a young and talented hunter.
Cheryl was listening with a little exaggeration. I praised Katsuya many times as I listened to her, and I praised her. He praised Katsuya's judgment in difficult circumstances, hailed Katsuya as a brave fighter in a dangerous place, and praised Katsuya for helping his people without looking at himself.
Cheryl continued to listen with a expressive expression of high interest, shading her expression worryingly in stories of Katsuya and the others in dangerous situations, laughing happily (of course) and praising Katsuya and the others in stories of Katsuya and the others achieving results.
Cheryl was aware that Yumina was deliberately bringing up a topic that was easy to praise for Katsuya. I didn't even know why, but I continued to praise Katsuya on Yumina's intentions.
Cheryl's praise is intentional, but natural without divergence from the topic. There is absolutely no atmosphere where you are forced to incite. Cheryl speaks highly, and there's no trouble there. But Katsuya's reaction to hearing it was unexpected.
Katsuya was also proud to speak of her work at the beginning. Cheryl laughed with a little joy when she complimented her. But as the story progresses, the shade begins to appear on Katsuya's expression, and both laughter and tone begin to fade. In the story of Katsuya and his successful prize neck crusade, Katsuya simply laughed, even as Cheryl praised the matter.
Did you praise a little too blatantly and vice versa to offend the feeling of katsuya? Cheryl thought about it just a little bit, but saw Yumina and Iri's expression and changed their judgment, the two of them looking at Katsuya and looking worried. I mean, the two of them have a crush on Katsuya's attitude, and that's not Cheryl's fault.
Cheryl looks a little strange on the surface, with a bewildered but caring look on her face, and comes up with the next action. There is still a little time at the time of the next administrative procedure, but there is also the means to tell the Katsuya and the others that it is time to leave. It would leave a rather awkward air, but there would also be a choice to disperse before causing further deterioration of the atmosphere.
But Katsuya seems to be starting to take on a pretty high position in Drancam as well. You may want to continue talking a little more in order to deepen your fringe with Katsuya and elicit more valuable information. Cheryl decided so.
Ask Katsuya with Cheryl's sorry look on her face.
"... Katsuya. Did I unknowingly say something to hurt Katsuya's mood? If so, I apologize."
Katsuya, suddenly apologized to Cheryl, rushes out.
"Huh!? No, that's not true!
"Is that right...... Whenever I talked about something earlier, it seemed like I was upset..."
Cheryl answered that as she let down her voice, and was drooled with a depressed look.
Watch Yumina as Katsuya asks for help.
Yumina speaks worried about Katsuya, changing her expression to something slightly more serious.
"Katsuya. If you're misunderstanding, I think you should explain it to Cheryl properly."
"What? Ah......, oh"
Katsuya clouded her words. Yumina stares at Katsuya.
Katsuya had a similar attitude before. Depressed and concerned about the katsuya, Yumina asked Katsuya several times what caused it. But Katsuya didn't try to tell me what was bothering her, just apologizing for making me worry, I'm fine, etc.
Yumina had some idea of the cause of Katsuya's problems. But I couldn't tell Katsuya that from my own mouth.
Cheryl naturally deliberately floats and speaks to Katsuya with a relief (mostly) look that Katsuya's attitude is not her own, and a smile that she can't stop worrying about and trying to revitalize Katsuya.
"I'm not trying to make it sound impossible. I am enough to know that it was a misunderstanding. But if you have any problems with Katsuya, I will ask if I can help you. They say it can be easier to simply tell someone. I can't support Katsuya on the side like Yumina or Iri, but even I can listen to her troubles and stupidity. Feel free to talk."
See Cheryl without fear. Cheryl smiled back at Katsuya.
Katsuya was lost with her inner troubles and her hesitation to talk to someone about it on her face, changing her expression so much that she wandered her gaze. And finally, I put my gaze back on Cheryl. Cheryl smiles gently and opens her mouth again.
"... do you think Cheryl is an amazing hunter about me?
"Yes. I think"
"... really?
"Those standards vary from person to person, but as far as I'm concerned, I think you're an amazing enough hunter if at least not all the stories you've just heard are lies or assignments."
"... right"
Katsuya separates the story once there, continuing with a voice that makes her feel distressed and a depressed look.
"... I don't really know who the hunter is anymore."
Katsuya continued the conversation slowly.
Katsuya has long admired hunters. I had seen and heard stories of various hunters working and imagined the sight to my mind.
Stack up drills to build up your skills, along with your friends who trust each other in the ruins of the old world, which are dangerous and even more appealing. Fight a herd of monsters beyond their height, advance without hitting the unknown realm of the ruins, and overcome various ordeals with your companions to obtain and return the precious relics of the old world. Use the huge rewards you earn instantly to make a scene. Discuss the use of rewards for further leaps. The adventures of some successful hunters in the east.
Katsuya imagined herself working in the same way and decided that one day she would become such an awesome hunter. Luckily Katsuya had talent as a hunter and was blessed with both companionship and opportunity.
Talent, opportunity and companionship pushed up Katsuya. Katsuya instantly became an awesome hunter who drew a line with an uninterrupted elephant hunter.
And Katsuya, who became a party to the success story, had to face an event that was hidden behind a glorious story. That's the biggest reason why no one will ever name a hunter who will get huge rewards if he succeeds.
"... at first, no, that's not the first time, but I mean, consciousness, and I clearly understood that was an urgent request to defend the city of Kugamayama from a bunch of monsters gushing out of the ruins of Kuzhara Street. Dined together in the same cafeteria, worked hard together on spicy training, and died helping each other explore ruins and crusade monsters together. Died after eating enemy artillery dust. He died while his enemies ate his body and went half frenzied. Even if it wasn't a fatal injury, the recovery pills in my hand ran out and I died.... my people are dead. I couldn't help my people."
Hunter operations are dangerous to death. It's quite common for hunters to die, no wonder at all. The story of a successful hunter is also the story of a surviving hunter. With such a rare gift, Katsuya kept herself and her companions away from their reality. But there are limits to that.
"At that time, if only I were stronger, I'd be a better hunter. That's what I was thinking. So I worked hard, and I think that's when I became the more awesome hunter I had in mind. He was appointed captain of the Bounty Neck Crusade Unit and also successfully crusaded the Bounty Neck. Maybe I'm a great hunter if I think about it normally.... but I couldn't. A lot of my people died again, and... I couldn't help them again. It's true that Cheryl told me she was a great hunter. But I couldn't help my people. When they say something about me, there's a lot of things I think about... that's all."
Yumina stared at Katsuya speaking as if she were confessing. As Yumina expected, Katsuya regretted the death of her companion and regretted not being able to help her companion. But I can't think of a word in Yumina that encourages katsuya.
Hunter operations come with a risk of death. Because he's dead, don't regret it forever. If you change your mind, you better forget it. Yumina came up with as many words as that, but couldn't say them to Katsuya. Because Yumina is also a katsuya companion and someone who doesn't know when she's going to die.
When I die, Katsuya switches her mind lightly and forgets about me plainly. Yumina couldn't say a word to Katsuya that would increase that possibility.
Eiri also had some idea of Katsuya's problems, but he didn't say anything because he thought it was a matter of getting used to it. Aili is not as sad about the death of her colleagues as Katsuya and Yumina. When humans die, they die. It's normal for people to die, not even particularly surprising. Even if that's who we laughed at each other yesterday. Aili lived in an environment where it would feel natural.
Aili strongly admires Katsuya for rescuing herself from that environment. And when I died, I had a desire for Katsuya to grieve. At the time of my death, I didn't like it when Katsuya said so lightly that I didn't see it recently but it died. So Aili couldn't tell Katsuya to get used to someone's death.
Cheryl interprets, summarises, and devises a response to Katsuya's story with an expression of empathy for her superficial Katsuya affliction.
Katsuya thinks that if she works hard, everything will be good. Katsuya has a rare (rare) talent to affirm it, past and present to affirm it, experience and track record, and perhaps a similar future. No basis whatsoever, but Cheryl was so determined.
I guess Katsuya will be almost as active, successful and happy no matter what situation she was born in in which part of the era. And to love him, to be loved by him is to share that success and happiness together.
Cheryl thinks. The attitude of those around Katsuya to Katsuya will surely be bisected. Affirming, accepting, loving, denying, and loathing like a serpent. I like it and hate it. Not indifferent. There seems to be something in Katsuya that doesn't make herself indifferent to others. Unless you're the owner of a threadbent interpersonal feeling that has so little interest in others, the presence of katsuya must be too great for ordinary humans.
Cheryl doesn't put it on the table and laughs inside.
(Too talented, but I wonder if it's the late misery. Though I have no empathy at all. Put that aside for now, how should we respond to this story? There are some hands that pretend they can't even speak and keep quiet all the time......)
Cheryl decided how to respond at the end of the idea. And when I change my expression to something a little more serious, I tell Katsuya in a slightly stronger tone.
"Mr. Katsuya. I will now say what I thought when I heard Mr. Katsuya. You may say things that are misguided or out of focus. Then listen and laugh with your nose."
Katsuya looks up at Cheryl from the front with her gaze lowered. Stick around and wait for Cheryl to talk while she's under some barometric pressure.
Cheryl looked at Katsuya with a serious look, but slightly loosened her expression and smiled (cheeks). She bowed her head deeply.
"Thank you for protecting the city. I would like to thank Katsuya and her companions, and Katsuya's companions who died fighting to protect the city. Thank you so much."
Katsuya and the others were taken aback by Cheryl's sudden thank-you. Cheryl keeps looking at Katsuya from the front as she looks up.
"If we could not prevent the raid of a flock of monsters that emerged from the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street, there would have been a great deal of damage to the city. If you continue to leave your bounty neck unattended, the city will be slowly exhausted. Some people will have fought to raise their reputation, just as part of a hunter's operation, in circumstances that are unavoidable, and for purposes other than protecting the city. Still, at the risk of dying, you actually lost your life, and it doesn't make any difference that you fought for me. Thank you very much."
Katsuya noticed herself cruelly upset. But I didn't know why.
"As long as you act as a hunter, the danger of death exists. When it comes to self-responsibility, it will be until then. Maybe hunters need to be prepared for that. But I don't think everyone is blessed enough to act as a hunter with that readiness. Some will have died without enough skill. Some will have lost their peace on the battlefield without being prepared and died without contentment. And even those who are skilled and prepared will die unluckily. I think that bad luck includes not being able to help Mr. Katsuya in time."
Katsuya noticed herself feeling a little easier. But I didn't know why.
"I do not understand Mr. Katsuya's relationship with his deceased companions. If Mr. Katsuya is proud of those who fought for his life, if he is proud to have fought with them, remember them forever. But if they don't, and their death becomes Mr. Katsuya's shackles, forget all about them now."
Forget about your dead people. Hearing Cheryl's words, Katsuya speaks with anger in dew.
"You're telling me to just forget about the dead one?
Cheryl continues her conversation with a serious look, looking straight at Katsuya, with no difficulty at all in hearing her voice containing Katsuya's anger.
"If you're proud, no problem. That will surely help Mr Katsuya. It can be a force to step out of the mood, even in difficult situations. Push back your willingness to face desperate situations. But if that mourning and regret were to become Mr. Katsuya's shackles, it would kill Mr. Katsuya. Kill Mr. Katsuya without crushing his legs when he should proceed. I'll tie your legs when you should pull back and kill Mr. Katsuya. Forget it. Yell at me as much as you want, forget it. Forget all the cursing noise I can think of."
Katsuya was listening to Cheryl in silence. The grief of losing one's companion is still in Katsuya's heart. But what was created out of that sorrow was no longer like condemning Katsuya.
Cheryl loosens her expression just a little and continues the conversation.
"... I'm not telling you not to live for (for) someone who's dead. But live for someone who's alive. We've both been so worried about you, haven't we?
Katsuya alternates between Yumina and Iri with a slight confusion. Katsuya was able to see the expression of two people who were purely worried about herself for a long time without distortion (boiling) by her own heart.
Katsuya sees Cheryl again. And answer with a positive determined smile.
"I won't forget. I'll always remember."
Cheryl also smiled back at Katsuya for a blown out look somewhere.
"You're sweet. To be honest, I thought outsiders would yell at me for not saying the right thing with their mouths like they found out."
Ask with a strange look on her face.
"... Then why did you say that?
"Because once Mr. Katsuya was angry enough to dissipate what he was holding inside, I thought that would make it a lot easier. I was wondering if I could create a bad remorse among Katsuya and the others if they were outsiders. You didn't have to worry."
Cheryl replied with a smile.
Katsuya remembered an impact that was not light. The girl who took away the pain Katsuya had been having since the day she lost her companion made it a priority to remove Katsuya's suffering, even by pissing off powerful hunters who had even crusaded the bounty neck, hunters who could easily (easily) kill such as ordinary people. Katsuya stared at Cheryl even remembering her mild emotion.
Cheryl takes a seat.
"Unfortunately, it will be time for my appointment, so I apologize for this"
Cheryl said so and met lightly.
Katsuya caught Cheryl trying to go home with a voice she didn't quite understand herself.
Cheryl's gaze as she was about to leave returns to Katsuya. Katsuya speaks to Cheryl in a slight light.
"... Um, can I see you again?
Cheryl looks a little surprised, then smiles invincibly and joyfully.
"Is that a numpa?
It's so warm that Katsuya can't get back to me. Cheryl smiles like a prank.
"It's a joke. I'll see you when I'm on edge. Yumina and Iri are well, too. Now if you'll excuse me."
Cheryl met lightly again to take Elio home.
The remaining Katsuya and the others on the spot continued to eat. Yumina and Iri take Katsuya seriously.
"... uh, what?
"It's nothing. I'm glad Katsuya's feeling better. I just thought"
Hearing Yumina's reply, Katsuya apologizes to Yumina and Iri.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry to bother you.... I wish I had talked to you two sooner"
"I'm on the same team, and don't hesitate to talk to me a lot sooner next time"
Katsuya answered with a firm snort. I can't feel the shade that the rashes were making me drift these days anywhere.
Yumina exhales in a small way. The girl I've only seen twice has solved the Katsuya problem that was so depressing. Yumina was shocked by that, not putting it on the table but only slightly depressed. But that's not as important as it sounds. Yumina's concerns are separate.
(... sooner or later.... Uh, no, this is not a good idea. Katsuya's feeling better. That would be nice)
At least Cheryl doesn't see Katsuya as a paedophile. So I'm sure you'll be fine. Yumina told herself so strongly.
We've completed the rest of the administrative process. Cheryl and the others are walking down the path of the subdivision of the city to get back to base. Darris and I have joined each other. He had told Darris the situation lightly and had chosen a slightly farther path to avoid meeting the Katsuya and the others on his way home.
Cheryl was aware of Elio's gaze at seeing herself. Ever since completing the process in the hunter's office, Elio has been looking at Cheryl with a complicated look on his face.
Cheryl asks Elio in a slightly tight tone with a surprising look on her face.
"Elio. What did you start earlier? Is that what you're trying to say?
Elio answers Cheryl to misdemonize.
"Oh, no, it's nothing"
The majority of the reasons Elio was watching Cheryl is in awe of Cheryl for cheating on the Katsuya and the others earlier. That also includes the confusion that has changed the person you've known for quite a long time. I didn't have the courage to tell Cheryl that honestly.
Cheryl asks if she doesn't like Elio's attitude when he tries to misdemonize her.
"If it's nothing, you won't take that attitude. Answer me because it's good. What?"
I found out about how bad it was to keep telling Elio and Cheryl that it was nothing like this. So instead I ask what I was a little concerned about.
"... was Cheryl that hunter, Katsuya, just now? I would have said a lot to. How serious is that?
Cheryl gave a mild look of confusion when she heard Elio's question. I don't know what you're talking about. He kept putting a shitty puzzle on his face, but suddenly changed his expression as he was convinced.
"... Oh! Could it be that you really thought I was worried about Katsuya, sympathetic, personally cheering her up when you heard about her? Don't joke. I really don't care about that story. Why don't you think a little more positively about what I did to you? I didn't just leg the story as much as I wanted. A little too much atmosphere. Were you listening so much to me because you were free just standing there?
Elio answers slightly unexpectedly.
"Oh, really? No, I'd be sad if my buddy died, and I'd have problems with such a strong hunter, so much so that I felt a little sympathetic and a little intimate..."
Cheryl wrinkles between her eyebrows.
"Elio. Seriously, hold on a second. We're not sympathetic to them, are we? intimacy? You think something like that could be established between a kid in Slam Street and a hunter crusading his bounty neck? The mistake of wanting to be, right?
"Well, so is that...? No, but, you know, somehow we can get closer together with them and get them to be our back shield, like Akira. That's a good idea, don't you think?
"So? Would it be satisfying if you moaned that me, Elio, Alicia, and all the others, after they died, couldn't help you again? I don't want to."
"I don't like it either."
"First of all, what do we do in return for you being our back shield? Is it even a miracle that Akira is behind us? In return for Akira... is that what I'm doing?
I'm not even paying Akira in return (decent). I don't know how long Akira's distractions will last. Cheryl managed to rephrase what she was about to say.
Elio gets a little droopy. Because Cheryl grabbed me lightly for the hope I had unconsciously.
"... right. I'm sorry. I just had a little dream that it would be nice if that happened. Reality is tough."
"You just have to know. If you understand, thank Akira a little more. We don't have to die because Akira's behind us, do we?... apart from that idiot? To quote Akira, she imitated taking me hostage. You deserve to die. Elio's been missed once, so be really careful."
"I know. I don't want to die either."
Cheryl snorted (nodding) contentedly when she heard Elio's reply. Add to the waste afterwards.
"Ellio, apart from what we're talking about, let me give you one piece of advice. If you don't want to break up with Alicia, that's what keeps Alicia away from the hunter."
Elio's expression hardens. And very hastily asks Cheryl.
"Duh, duh, what do you mean?
"It's just a reckoning. I think Elio and Alicia have a lot of opportunities to act with me as executives of our detachment party. It would be hard if Alicia, who accompanied me, met Katsuya by chance and fell in love with her. As far as I can tell, Katsuya unconsciously makes a lot of mistakes about the opposite sex. A hunter of a young, beautifully shaped, strong and talented man who seems rich and kind and seems to protect and support him. Looks like there are a bunch of women around, but... can we give up?
Cheryl said that and sent a meaningful gaze to Elio. Elio's expression turns blue. I guess you have a pessimistic imagination. After confirming that, Cheryl conceives with a slightly more serious look.
(You were just listening behind my back, but Elio seemed to have quite a fondness for Katsuya. It was definitely about the work and success of an awesome hunter, so it's no wonder Elio admired Katsuya, but I guess that's it. Or did Elio feel something like me before? If you do poorly, you might say we should go after Akira and use Katsuya as our back shield, so I took Alicia out and reduced her fondness for Katsuya... but as far as Elio is concerned right now, maybe she thinks too much...)
Next to Cheryl, who keeps up the idea, and Elio, who is a little blue-faced, Darris was thinking of something else as she listened to the two of them.
(I don't know how awesome that rash is, but Akira is crazy enough... I hadn't thought deeply about being attacked by a bunch of monsters twice a day and how he helped us by dealing with a bunch of raids with just a tiny AAH assault gun, without any fortifications. Sure, our main firepower was the trailer's machine gun, and Elena and the others left the second raid, but I'm pretty sure Akira maintained the battlefield to some extent with that gear.... I knew it was weird. Katsuragi cared about Cheryl's leopard swing, but Cheryl's just brilliant and there's nothing unnatural about it. Akira is... she's definitely strong... something, she catches on)
The three of them were on their way back to the base with a lot to think about.
That night Katsuya was lying on her own bed remembering Cheryl. About the girl I only saw once but hoped to see again. About the girl who only saw me twice but took her own misery away.
Katsuya was afraid to sleep these days. Because dead people have nightmares to blame themselves for. A remorse for not being able to help his companion was turning guilt into an unconscious evil spirit in his dead companion. But after listening to Cheryl, he had returned to his precious companion, who had suffered with him. I'm sure I don't have nightmares anymore.
Katsuya's heart had the pain and cry of remorse and guilt. It was shackled and disturbed to show its full talent, while forcing Katsuya to seek more strength.
But it disappeared. It took up the majority of my mind, and my feelings for someone who had removed it slowly subsided in the part where it disappeared and was empty.
"I didn't exchange contacts or anything, but... I'll see you again, won't I?
Katsuya grinned lightly and closed her eyes, giving herself up to her sleeper in peace.
That night, Cheryl was lying on her own bed remembering what had happened today.
Cheryl rebelled her words and actions, washing out her reflections and trying to feed her for the future. So I recall that Katsuya was deeply saddened by the death of her companion.
Mild drowsiness disturbed my thoughts. Cheryl has thought of something extra.
The question comes to mind and the answer to it comes to mind. Ask yourself, but perhaps the answer is correct. Cheryl's expression is distorted.
The question is short and simple. Will Akira be sad if Cheryl dies? The answer is even shorter and clearer. No.
Cheryl forcefully broke off his own thoughts of trying to go on everywhere with all-encompassing verification and all the objections he could come up with, as well as convenient assumptions and speculations that would deny it.
(... think of something else. There's so much else to think about)
If you keep thinking about it, you'll have a cruel (horrible) nightmare. So convinced, Cheryl kept even thinking about something else. He defied the sleeper until the end of the day, went on with another idea with a hazy consciousness, and finally fell asleep without thinking.
Voices echo in a white space.
"Something extra."
My voice disappeared.
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