Rebuild World

133 Addition of causes

When Akira and the others were fighting in the reception hall on the ground floor of the Serantar building, the troops of Krosawa and Katsuya continued to destroy the A-B18 formula as they gushed out of the building.

The Klosawas continued to fight pretty passively, but still kept the war situation antagonistic.

Formula A B18 is a pretty powerful mechanical monster. It's powerful enough not to compare to what used to roam (yes) the city section of the Mihazono Street ruins. There are successive airframes that become sufficiently threatening on their own. The hunters can't handle the situation.

The crossais had no problem dealing with that A-B18 type herd. People and equipment are well equipped in advance. For abandoning re-entry into a building, taking a distance and intercepting it, even a seemingly unmotivated, passive way of fighting will not result in an enemy pushing you further.

Clothawa and the others kept themselves safe. They maintained the war situation without any problems.

Katsuya and the others also stayed on the simple barrier built by Kurosawa and fought against the A-B18 formula. But even though the way they fought was passive, unlike the crossais who were fighting with optimism about the situation and spare time, the Katsuya and the others were fighting in a pessimistic atmosphere with a rugged look.

All the crossais are safe, no injuries, and there's no reason to force a re-entry into the building. But Katsuya and the others are left in the building. It could still be alive. Perhaps we can rescue him if we hurry to re-enter.

But I can't do that. Negotiations with Crosava ended in failure. Re-entry is probably impossible with Katsuya and the others alone.

Katsuya had a rugged and sad look at her inability to go help her people. The appearance of the rash had spread to his companions.

And there was a very uncomfortable man among the Katsuya. It's Lilina.

A small number of people were turning their gaze to accuse Lillina. Because Katsuya told everyone about when she negotiated with Klosawa. It's not just Lilina's fault. However, those who were dissatisfied with the status quo unconsciously sought to understand the causes of their plight, which could not save their companions.

Lilina is distorting her face as she feels countless gaze. Big anger and slight fright, strong rebellion and weak guilt, the harsh look they intertwine.

(... I'm the only one who says it's my fault!?

Lilina also asks for a plausible cause for her predicament. Lilina's vision showed Kurosawa and the others taking down the A-B18 formula with ease.

(What the fuck! It's not that easy to take them down! And yet you're fighting so shrunk!? Aren't you stupid!?

In Lilina's eyes, it looked like the Clothawas were taking down the A-B18 formula too easily. Lilina, who was unconsciously looking for a way to accuse her, instead of raising her assessment of the strength of the Clothawas, lowered the threat level of the A-B18 formula to match Tsuji (Tsujitsu).

And Lilina, who couldn't stand the gaze of impenetrable accusations and the burgeoning frustrations (I need them), went on an outrage. They jumped out of a simple fence to defeat the A-B18 that was interrupting the re-entry into the building.

Ignoring the voices of the Katsuyas calling themselves from behind, Lilina moves to a simpler barrier closer to the building. Then point the gun at the A-B18 and fire indiscriminately.

If we defend Lilina's actions, we can also call them actions to push up the front and encourage her to re-enter the building. If those who insult them as understated push up the front, the crossais will also become more aggressive in fighting from rebellion, decency, etc. That would also help Katsuya and the others re-enter the building. That's not necessarily a mistake, but at the same time, it's just Lillina's assumption.

Lilina struggled hard enough. Lilina was the only one who destroyed a few Kobe B18s.

Lilina was fatally injured for no reason whatsoever after being shot by a large number of A-B18 models who changed their targets from troops to protruding targets. The endurance of the Simple Wall of Defense abandoned by Klosawa and others did not prevent its simultaneous shooting.

A collapsed lilyna sinks into her own blood pond. It's just a coincidence you didn't die instantly. Lilina saw Katsuya rushing over to help herself in her fading vision.

It's okay because Katsuya came for me. Lilina smiled (cheeky) at the end of the day, feeling so happy that she couldn't breathe.

Katsuya was flying out to help Lilina by relinquishing command of the troops. Destroy the disturbing A-B18 formula and rush over to Lilina, but Lilina was already dead.

Katsuya sees Lilina. Katsuya seemed to blame herself for how that look of Lilina didn't help.

Katsuya closes her eyes once. And I open my eyes by remembering the story of Cheryl and his decision not to make his dead companions evil spirits. Lilina's expression was back on her smile (cheeks), happy that Katsuya had come to help.

Still, it doesn't change the fact that I couldn't help my people again. Katsuya leaves herself to the fierce emotion she soars with a fierce expression and gives instructions to her companions over the comms machine.

"Everybody stay back!

Katsuya completely abandoned her command and abandoned her role and duties as captain of the unit, attacking the surrounding A-B18 formulas.

Someone was smiling invincibly in a white space.

He watched Kurosawa fight Katsuya with great surprise. It was an unexpected sight.

Katsuya was fighting countless A B18 formulas by herself. Besides, it was Katsuya who was overwhelming the enemy. It was probably a powerful gun I had prepared for Katsuya, destroying one A-B18 type after another surrounding the perimeter.

All enemy movements are accurately driven by the ballistics of each flying bullet as if Katsuya knew the weakness of a robust fuselage. A large number of A-B18 formulas had already begun to switch their attack targets to one katsuya, but Katsuya's advantage was still unwavering.

Only one hunter, resistant to misplacement, was ravaging the enemies of the field.

Klosawa grumbled with the expression and tone that seemed to take both admiration and awkwardness.

"Strong. I see. Surely if it is that strong, it will also grow, and it will be forgiven, too? But......"

Clothawa will see what's going on around him. I can see my men watching katsuya with a look of surprise just like myself. I can also see Katsuya's men cheering.

Kurosawa also remembered another sentiment for Katsuya, not hostility, disgust, etc., but also not praise. But for now, I put that behind me. First, I must give instructions to my men as captain.

"Cover him for all of us. Raise the front line a little bit too."

My men ask back to Klosawa a little strange.

"Are you going to help him?

"I didn't even ask for it, but it's a decoy, and it's attracting enemy attacks. It's a corner opportunity. Why don't we take it easy? Raising the front line is, of course, safety first.... stop as soon as he inspires you and tries to protrude. You don't have to go along with that reckless fight."

"Oh. You mean that. Copy that."

Klosawa and his men move out as instructed. Klosawa was checking on his men with a slightly harsh look. Then, when the concern seemed to have been allayed (mostly), he continued to command the whole thing.

Krosawa and the others raise the front line a little bit. The number of Formula A B18 around the building is definitely decreasing.

And when I finished defeating most of the A-B18 formulas, a strong flash of light leaked from the entrance and exit of the building. Akira and the others destroyed a large fixture.

I notice Akira and the others coming out of the building by Klosawa.

"Is that... an advance unit? Did you defeat a stiff enemy when you did that? Don't do it."

This made it easier to re-enter the Serantalville. Klosawa immediately began the following instructions:

Akira and the others, out of the Serantalville, rush ahead without stopping, although they were surprised to see the signs of a fierce battle that was spreading around them. Take the lead while Elena checks the surrounding conditions with the information-gathering equipment. Akira and the others proceed to a spot where the remains of type A B18 are scattered as they guard their surroundings.

Outside the building, information-gathering equipment is fully functional. Elena was vigilant with her surroundings in mind so as not to repeat the unconsciousness that had happened several times in the building. And capture a reaction and alert Akira and the others.

"React to your right hand. Just be careful."

Turn your attention to the location of the reaction Akira sent by Elena. There was a hunter's body rolling around in fortified clothing. Akira gives me a disgusting look.

"Again. Alpha. You know if that thing works?

'I don't know. At least I'm pretty sure he just died and still has enough energy left in his fortified clothes. It's possible.'

"Do you know why we're moving?

'All I can say is there's a lot going on. Maybe he's remotely manipulating it in some way from what, or maybe he's messing with the program so he can act autonomously. But it's easy to take them down as long as you stay alert. Because of all the constraints, the speed of communication, the dose of storage media, the performance of the controller, we can't move at an advanced level. The one in the building could have been defeated by Akira alone, right?

"Fair enough."

The movements of the moving corpses who attacked Akira and the others in the building were not significant. Akira was the only one who took unconsciousness. That's also due to a lot of constraints. If they were as strong as Akira, who had the support of Alpha, Akira would certainly have died.

Then why is Akira the only one to have those constraints? Akira decided to convince herself of it for now because she was an old realm connector. From the only thing that was difficult to convince me of, I looked away for the time being.

There's bad luck here. It is the unlucky result of a complex combination of various factors. A corpse wearing tampered with fortified clothing rises. Follow the simple instructions to attack nearby enemies. A risen corpse, now, on this occasion, tries to point a gun at Akira.

Akira calmly put up a CWH objective assault gun and pulled the trigger at the site indicated by Alpha, aimed at where the controls for the body's fortified clothing were located.

The bullet released puts a big hole in the body's torso. Reinforced clothing that has been destroyed the control device stops functioning. The impact of the landing caused the body to fall backwards and never move again.

Katsuya screams as she accidentally watches the sight.


The body was Lilina.

Katsuya rushes over in desperate shape. To Katsuya, who didn't know the circumstances, it was actually a sight that also seemed like Akira had stabbed a stop at Lilina, who was alive.

Akira reflexively tries to point a gun at Katsuya. Alpha manipulates the fortified garment to hold it down.

Akira asks by making her expression a little harsh.


Alpha answers with a slightly more serious look.

'Calm down. Now is not the time to waste more fighting.'

Alpha continues to talk to Akira, who looks a little dissatisfied.

'When it's a battle, now I can support you properly. So calm down.'

"... Roger that."

Akira lowered her gun a little reluctantly.

Shikarabe tells Elena and the others to go first. And stand near Akira.

Elena and the others left Akira and hurried ahead because Siori had made them suddenly. I got out of the building at the corner, but I'm sorry for all the trouble I had over this period.

Katsuya comes to the front of Akira. And then he looks at Akira with animosity and trembles. It's just a strange attitude that we haven't moved into battle.

Shikarabe asks Katsuya.

"What can I do for you?

"... for...?

"I've been running so fast. What can I do for you? If you don't need me, go home."

Now Katsuya talks with Shikarabe.

"... how did you shoot him!?

"I was powerless by shooting a corpse that was being manipulated with fortified clothing by some means. That's all."

"... could have been alive!?

"He was dead. Perhaps the death of the wearer has loosened the authentication of the fortified clothes. Similar bodies were attacked in the building. There must have been a mix of machine tools in the mechanical monster that went out of the building and altered the controls on the fortified clothes."

"You want me to shut up and believe that?

Without acknowledging Shikarabe's words, Katsuya was still looking at Akira and the others in a very rugged shape.

In contrast, Shikarabe returns the expression of animosity.

"Right. Good. You don't have to believe me. She was alive and her fortified clothes had not been tampered with. On top of that, he pointed a gun at us. Your unit deliberately attempted to attack us. Is that good enough for you to recognize me?

Sikarabe takes a critical stance. I haven't put up a gun yet, but if anyone takes any more specific action, the battle starts immediately.

The rash wandered slightly.

"Well, that's not what I meant..."

Sikarabe asks questions with a very harsh look.

"Then what do you mean? Say it. Explain it."

Katsuya could not answer.

Akira and Katsuya continue to confront each other in silence. That's where Clothawa comes in. Yumina and Iri are with us. The Kurosawas, who had not grasped the situation, had a surprising look on their face. But I understood immediately that it was still in front of the war.

Even though the battle with the mechanical monsters in the corner (because of this) has come to a halt, it is also detrimental to Clothawa and the others if the hunters continue to rub each other.

Kurosawa exhales gently and tells Katsuya.

"I don't know what it is, but don't you have to go help the people left in the building? I'll tell you what, our troops make control near the building's entrance and exit a priority. We're not gonna go looking for your survivors, are we?

Katsuya sees Kurosawa, Yumina and Iri, and Akira and the others. And somehow, with a remorseful look on his face, he ran toward Selantalville. Yumina and Iri soon followed Katsuya as well.

Klosawa smiles and talks gently to Shikarabe after dropping off Katsuya with a slightly dazed look.

"Hey. Sikarabe. Long time no see."

Shikarabe asks in a strange way.

"Clothawa? Hey, are you the one leading the troops outside?

"Half of it. The Drancam guys are a different unit. Not under my command. So I don't know what happened, but don't complain to me about them, okay? That, as captain of the succeeding unit, asks the advance unit for information. Well, hang out."

Answer calmly as Sikarabe was distracted.

"I get it. Akira, I'll stay here. Tell Elena and the others that. And to Siori......, no, okay. Akira and the others will return to Kugamayama City first, and then follow Elena's instructions. Tell Togami to keep his escort going until we get back to the city."


Akira nodded lightly before running out after Elena and the others.

Talk as you watch Akira leave Klosawa.

"Is that Akira you were talking about before? Is he as strong as that cuttlefish guy, too?

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Heh, are there a lot of horrible kids these days?... well, that was quite belligerent for Sikarabe"

Sikarabe asks back a little strange.

"Really? It won't be. That's normal."

"It seemed like a little early for you to make the decision to engage... well no. So, what happened in the building?

"... a lot"

Crosava speaks with a bitter smile.

"I don't know, but you're in trouble, too."

"Oh. Absolutely."

Answered by the way Shikarabe lowered her mind.

Elena and the others were waiting for Akira where they had stopped the car. Ask the rendezvous Akira about the situation and she will soon set off for the city of Kugamayama. Siori and the others rode in a Sicarabe vehicle driven by Togami.

Everyone gradually loosens consciousness around leaving the ruins of Mihazono. It's still a wilderness but safe enough compared to the ruins of Mihazono Street.

Akira had asked Carol to drive and relax in the passenger seat. Physically and mentally, the limits are close. I wanted to get back home early, take a slow bath, and then sleep like I was dead.

Carol is smiling bitterly when she sees that Akira. Decide that it would be useless to invite him in this state, and refrain from talking to him to give Akira a rest. Note that Carol can afford to respond if asked. Strength augmenters are not Dada.

Akira was resting completely distracted. After a short break, Akira's strength and strength also recover a little, creating a lot of room to think about. What comes to Akira's mind is her predicament in Serantalville.

"... hey Alpha. I knew I wanted to ask you something, what were you doing when Alpha wasn't around?

Alpha smiles.

"Oh, you were tempted to hear about the various rules conventions that take about half an hour to answer?

Even though Akira doesn't like to answer that, she eats down.

'No, that's a bit. But, look, can we do something about it? Are you sure you can't talk at all?

Answer as Alpha takes a slightly troubled attitude.

'Right. I was trying to do something about an event that would degrade the performance of that information-gathering device. "

Akira asks somewhat suspiciously.

'... was that a priority enough to temporarily stop my support?

"Priority ranking takes into account a variety of factors. Resolving that event dramatically improves Elena and the others' battle power and the likelihood that everyone will escape safely. Elena, in particular, is a hunter who analyzes enemies with information-gathering equipment to explore enemy positions and weaknesses for efficient combat. Sarah has benefited from it, too. It's a decision that takes into account the overall efficiency of those troops. With Akira's strength now, in that degree of circumstance, it would be okay for me to take a few seats off. Including judgment like that."

'Hmm. Is that what you mean? Indeed.'

Alpha continues to speak to Akira, who has shown a little satisfaction.

"I've spoken a little before, but if Akira were to abandon everyone else and prioritize her escape alone, I would have been on Akira's side (by her side) without taking my seat off. Was it better that way?

'No, that's..., a little...'

Alpha tells you with a serious look.

'Akira. It's a good opportunity, I'll tell you. If Akira is reluctant to bother someone with suddenly losing my support, then Akira should act personally. As I told you before, my support could suddenly be lost in the ruins of the old world. Elena and the others should be expecting Akira's strength with my support. If Akira's sudden inability to live up to that expectation makes it unacceptable for the whole thing to end up in a deadly situation, turn down your companion from the beginning'.

Akira has a complex look on her face. A lot of emotions were swirling.

Alpha continues with a slightly gentle tone.

'I'm not saying it's impossible, and I'm not forcing you. It's Akira who decides. But keep it in the corner of your head. I don't know what will happen in the ruins of the old world. You know Akira, right?

'... right. Okay.'

Alpha laughs and talks invincibly.

"Well, if Akira loses my support in the first place and gains strength that's almost the same, there's nothing wrong with that."

After Akira smiles bitterly, she laughs and talks to change her mind.

'So is that. We need to be stronger to accomplish Alpha's request.'

"I hope so."

Alpha replied with a laugh. Behind that, continue with another thought.

In this request, Alpha had a part of it that was slightly intentionally lowering the cover-up so that Carol could easily explore Akira. Encourage vigilance against Carol who tries to find Akira and, if possible, engage him on that grounds to distance himself from the Elena and the others based on that precedent. That's what I had planned.

But Carol was firmly restraining the extent to which he stepped in. At least on the grounds that Alpha was to that extent, on the contrary, to the extent that Akira could be distrustful of Alpha, it had suppressed the extent to which it would allow exploration.

How much will this matter involve in the future? Alpha was working out plans for the future with the expectation that Akira would weigh in somewhat on this one in the future.

Akira and the others returned to Kugamayama City without a thing.

Talk to Akira and the others who got out of the car, smiling even though Elena was tired.

"In the meantime, good luck to all. A lot's happened, but this team is disbanded here. Let me finish this activity at the ruins of Mihazono Street.... Technically, I mean, after the negotiations, there are still ex-post negotiations. Akira. Can I borrow Carol again?

"I don't mind. Carol. Sorry, can I ask you again?

Carol answers in a good mood.

"Of course. I'm gonna get plenty of rewards, so wait in anticipation, okay?

"Oh. I asked. I hope so."

I laughed and saw Akira answering that, and Carol nodded satisfactorily.

Elena tells everyone.

"I'll send the details of the rewards to everyone later. Send me a notification if you need anything. Yes. Then, dissolve. Good luck."

Akira makes a big stretch after greeting Elena and the others. And I get in my car and I go home.

I watched as Togami and Rayna hugged (lifted) the complicated chest as they left Akira. There were some differences in type and direction, but it was the same for both of us that the essence of the thought was the thirst for strength.

Togami redefined his strengths in this case. I am weak. Yes, I recognised it. But there was no sway there. Though temporarily depressed inside the Serantaru building, he was slowly re-examining himself and rebuilding a solid foundation within himself as he rebuffed (soldered) today's events on his way back to the city while escorting Raina inside the building.

I am weak. Then we'll just get stronger. Togami declared to herself so, determined, prepared, and walked away with a definite foothold.

Raina, on the other hand, was shaking. The relief (mostly) that emerged from returning from the dangerous ruins created a state of applause for the depression that the mind, freed from tension and regaining a little extra space, just looked at its unfavourable status quo without orientation.

Rayna was working hard to get her hunter up and running and regaining some confidence, even though Siori and Kanae were with her after she got out of that asylum (straw) bottom.

But the confidence Rayna had gathered when she was desperate was dispersed in this case. It's just my hard work and other hard work. I felt so strongly pointed out that I was depressed.

Seeing Togami leave somewhat with a powerful foothold, Rayna remembered the feeling of being left behind.

How can I be strong? Rayna didn't know.

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