Rebuild World

143 Again.

Akira was rebelling (soldering) today's events with her blurred head as she took a bath at home.

"... I'm tired of all the fighting today, even though I didn't have a fight."

I was feeling tired even though there wasn't a fight. I guess it's because a lot of good and bad things happened. Akira had soothed her mental fatigue by slowly immersing it in the water.

Alpha bathes with Akira as usual. I was looking at Akira with the kind of eyes that that alpha was thinking of something.

Akira asks, noticing Alpha's gaze.

"What the fuck?"

"I knew if you couldn't touch it, it wouldn't work?

"What are you talking about?

"I'm talking about Akira being held up by Sizka."

Akira, leaning against the tub, slowly slips off without changing her expression. He sank straight into the water to his mouth and nose, and as a small amount of water entered his body, Akira hurried back into position as he coughed (and drowned) hard.

Ask Alpha in great panic as Akira, including the fact that she was about to drown.

"... hey, what are you talking about!?

'So I'm talking about Akira being held up by Sizka. Honestly, I think I'm a lot better than Sizka if it's just the appearance, but I guess that's the difference between touching Akira's attitude or not.'

Alpha doesn't look like Akira. I can see how purely questioning is conceived. That was unnecessarily upsetting Akira.

"Oh, you seemed so good at it?

"There are individual differences in interpretation and expression. Let me answer that. '

Akira gives a rushed look when she hears Alpha's profound words. Speak to Akira in a hurry so that Alpha is a little embarrassed.

'Well, be a little bit careful. They think of Akira as a child, and Akira is certainly a child, but there are limits?

"Wow, okay."

Akira engraved firmly into her heart to avoid making a bad impression on Sizka.

Alpha is not lying. Indeed, individual differences exist. But even if Sizka saw Akira's expression back then, she wouldn't think she was capable of it. Sizka should interpret Akira as having loosened her expression slightly by freeing herself from worry and tension.

Still, Alpha expressed it that way in order to check and observe Akira's reaction when she heard it.

How far does someone who influences Akira's decisions adversely affect Alpha's purpose? Do I need to deal with it? Alpha keeps checking. At least, the way Akira looked when she was being held by Sizka was enough for Alpha to be on great alert.

Aruna is making frightening progress through the lower section of Kugamayama City at midday. He was constantly exploring what was going on around him, proceeding as if someone was chasing him.

No one is actually chasing Aruna. Still, Arna was moving on with someone behind her, someone at the end of the bend, caring about someone hiding in a blind spot.

There was a noise behind Arna. Arna looks back with a trembling, threatening look. The sign was down. When you realize that someone there was hiding and didn't knock down the sign, but just accidentally collapsed due to the wind or something, exhale a relief (mostly) and soothe your expression just a little.

But the expression also quickly began to cloud. Arnah groaned with a threatened look.

"... how could you do this"

Without knowing where she was going, without knowing if she was being chased, Arna kept running.

Last night, Nasha came under Aruna (originally), who was lurking in a slum town hideout. That was the beginning.

Sleeping Arna woke up when she heard a strong knock. The time is midnight. It's not a place or a time for someone to ask. Nasha stood with a very harsh look, trying to keep an eye on what was going on outside.

Arna invites Nasha into the safe house. Nasha walked in alert of her surroundings, looked indoors with a very harsh look and slightly relaxed to make sure there was no one else. But the look remains harsh.

Ask Nasha as Aruna loses a little peace of mind.

"Nasha. What happened?

"Arna. Arna's the only one here right now?

"... well, yes"

"Me and Arna are the only ones who know Arna's here?

"That's right. I only taught Nasha that I'm here."

Nasha tells Arna with a serious, serious look.

"Calm down and listen to me. As soon as you're done talking to me, get off this scene. Now hide somewhere I don't know either. That's good, huh? Okay?"

"Hey, hey, what really happened?

Aruna had already begun to be frightened. Nasha puts her hands on Arna's shoulders and looks at Arna's face, telling her own best friend the spicy fact with a sad look on her voice.

"Akira's trying to kill Arna. Find Arnab. He's giving instructions to the inmates."

Arna was out of line.

Aruna also heard and knew from Nasha that Akira was behind Cheryl and the others' detachment party. But it never looked like Akira was looking for Arna before.

Akira will also forget about Aruna if she stays awake for a while. Cheryl and his party are gradually expanding in size, and their numbers are growing considerably. If you fake your name and add it when most of it cools down, Aruna might be able to get into it as well without Akira noticing. Arna consulted Nasha and waited for that period.

Akira is not the kind of hunter who feeds the Jailed Party, and her boss, Cheryl, also teaches his men to read and write. Cheryl and his party were building a very good environment for children in Slam Street compared to the average Slam Street party. There are many children who wish to join. If you can have something like a branch to wrap up too many people, you can get into it safer. Arna had hope when she heard such a story from Nasha.

The hope has now broken apart.

Arna asks shaking.

"Hey, why, by now? I've never seen anything like it before."

"I don't know. I was told suddenly. He gave me the picture and told me to let him know when he found the one that was showing up there. They're handed out to all the inmates."

Nasha shows Arna that picture. Take the picture with the look on Arna's face like she saw something incredible while she was blue. The photograph did show Arna.

"Wow, even my pictures...... Well, why? When? When was it taken?

In fact, no one is shooting Arna or anything. This image is based on what Akira saw as Arna, and was drawn and output by Alpha into virtual space. There was nothing like looking at someone else because of bad photography, and in a way it was a better image to look for someone who looked more like him than he did.

I try to calm Aruna down somehow, as Nasha panics and screams.

"Arna. calm down. Take it easy. Calm down!"

I see Nasha with Arna's crying face. It is clear that it is in a state of rigidity.

Talk in a slow tone so Nasha can calm herself and Arna down.

"Take it easy. Please, just calm down. Listen carefully because I'm going to tell you something important right now. I was given a picture of Arna by an executive named Alicia. But, you know, that's what they said. You don't have to force yourself to look for Arna. Don't imitate it like that because it's dangerous. If you happen to see Arnab, you can tell me where and when later."

"Duh, what do you mean? Isn't there an instruction to look for me?

"I don't know what you know about me either. However, let me tell you that Arna may have a stronger hunter on her side than Akira. That's why he said not to imitate Aruna so he could find her. Arna, do you have any idea?

Arna shakes her head to the side.

"Yes. Then you're making some mistake. Maybe that's about the hunter Aruna told me earlier that he helped Aruna. Sure his name is Katsuya...... is it? That's the name."

"... yes. Mr. Katsuya."

Aruna's voice, which speaks the name of Katsuya, sounded somewhere.

Nasha keeps talking.

"I think Arna can choose two ways. One is how to escape as far away as possible. The slums are quite large, as are the subdivisions of the city, but we don't know how far Akira will go to find them. But I don't think I'm going to go to another city looking for boulders. I think if we get that far, we'll be fine."

Since it is no different from suicide, such as walking to another city, it will be necessary to take the means to dive into a transport vehicle. However, fares are quite expensive to travel by regular means of transport. One way or another, monsters wander through the wilderness. The fare for inter-city travel includes escort fees for passengers and shipments.

"And the other thing is, that rash is a way to try and get help from a hunter. I got help once, so maybe if they were nice, if they didn't like the fact that the person they helped was dead once, or even if they were distracted, they could get help again. Katsuya is stronger than Akira. Yes, Akira herself says so, so the cutthroat might be solved by just saying to Akira," Don't touch Aruna. "

Nasha has never met Katsuya, so she doesn't know Katsuya's personality or anything. But it's kind of nice of you to shelter Aruna, who is someone else, from other hunters. If you desperately ask for it, there's a chance you'll help me. That's what I was thinking.

"You might want to try both. You can't just ask Katsuya once, and if you can't, look for a way to escape to another city."

Nasha gave Arna hope. So Arna also regained some calm. But Arna's situation has not improved.

Arna just found two lifelines that don't even know how strong they are. Moreover, the outline may be rotten. I may not find a way to another city. Katsuya might turn down Arna's favor. There is no guarantee that Arnab will be helpful.

Nasha takes the pistol and money out of her nose and gives it to Arna.

"Use it. Less, but not more."

Arna asks in surprise and panic.

"Ko, is this, a prisoner gun and gold!? If I find out, Nasha will!?

Nasha replies with a smile to reassure Arna.

"Use it because it's good. I'm fine. I'll misdemonize it properly."

"So, but!?

"Because it's good!

Nasha held Aruna and stopped Aruna from speaking. And keep talking with a pitiful look.

"... I'm sorry. I don't know what my best friend said, but that's all I can do for Arna. I was also wondering if you could tell Cheryl, the boss, about the situation and get her help, but maybe I can't. The boss is afraid to spoil Akira's mood. I don't think Akira's gonna ask about the human life she's trying to kill. If Ning finds out I'm Arna's best friend, he'll try to find out where Arna is."

"Well, then Nasha's with you."

Nasha shakes her neck sideways while holding it against Arna.

"No, you can't. I might be able to handle the fare for one person with the money I gave it. If there's only one Katsuya, he might help.... Maybe both, I can't do two. So you can't come with me."

"... Nasha"

"Besides, things may change and Arna may no longer have to run. Right. Akira could die. I'm a hunter. No wonder you're dead. Cheryl's prison party will probably be over by then. In any case, when the situation improves, you may not be able to grasp the information without being inside the prison party. So I'll stay. If something of that happens, then I'll try to do something so I can tell Arna about it. But don't expect too much."

Nasha smiled a little, so she strengthened her ability to hold Arna tight.

"Maybe this is goodbye. That's all I can say, but stay well."

Nasha left Aruna saying that at the end of the day. And tell Arna with a serious look.

"Good? I'm going home now. Later, Arna immediately moves to a place I don't know. Move on the assumption that I was tortured and everything was spoken of. I'm gonna make an effort not to talk, but I can't promise not to talk to you no matter what. You got it. Absolutely."

Nasha made sure Arna was snorting (nodding) in tears and finally she laughed to cheer Arna up and left.

Arna then left the safe house as soon as Nasha told her to when she finished packing with a crying look on her face. I haven't decided where to go. There are no hiding places in Aruna that Nasha hasn't been taught.

Arna walked through the night and took a nap in the corner of the alley near dawn.

When Arna woke up, the sun was already rising high. Awakened Aruna remembers the situation before she went to bed and proceeded unexpectedly with a frightened look.

"... how could you do this"

No one answered Arnah's whining.

Aruna flutters through the lower section of the Kugamayama city at midday. I don't think I'm going. But he was moving towards a place where he was unconscious. Go to where Arna met Katsuya. Hoping to unconsciously encounter that miracle, hoping to meet Katsuya again, he proceeds down the back street with a mixed look of fright (obi) er giving up.

And Arna went out onto the main street through the back alley. There was a look of katsuya there.

Aruna wondered if she was dreaming. Katsuya notices that Arna, laughs and speaks up.

"Ah. Uh, I see you again."

Arna saw Katsuya laughing and realized it wasn't a dream. As soon as that happened, Arna began to cry. The heart I've been straining since yesterday has broken.

Katsuya is panicking when she sees Arna suddenly crying out. And Aruna cried, and beckoned.

"Ha, help me..."

One more miracle of the day. The wish was leaves. That meant Arna threw away one of the life lines that had two.

A lonely warehouse is built near Slam Street. Inside the warehouse you can see armed men.

They have an atmosphere accustomed to violence, and the faces are somewhat bad. Judging from the gear, it also looks like a regular hunter. But rather than calling him a hunter, he had the air to call him a bandit or a robber. Not only relics and monsters of the old world, but also the loss of ethics that allowed people to be hunted had seeped out.

They were discussing their future plans in an invisible warehouse.

"What should I do?

"That's all the people. The decision is tomorrow. No more extra personnel and no more seats. If you add more people, you'll lose your share. It would be like this."

"We've also secured a place to sell the relics of the old world that we took. I have a vendor who also buys out. There are many artifacts of unknown origin, but it's better for vendors who don't ask extra questions."

A man spills zero dissatisfaction with his raid destination.

"Is that going to be proper money? Scratching a garbage artifact doesn't even pay for alcohol, does it?

"I have information that if I resell the artifact there, it came with a value over a hundred times higher. The quality of the artifact should be good, even 10,000 aurum to a million aurum, and a million aurum to a hundred million. Aim."

A dubious man asks.

"Going that far, on the contrary, I'd like to suspect information manipulation. What's the size of the enemy?

"I'm talking about about about ten armed kids. One of them's a hunter."

"Hey kid...... I hear more strong kid hunters these days, but is it also a relationship?

"Oh, that would be the Drancam guys. Especially one led by a kid named Katsuya, who apparently crusaded his bounty neck with only a young hunter. I'm telling you, even the noise of the ruins of Mihazono Street has earned me great credit."

A man with an alert look roughs up his voice a little.

"Dude, isn't it bad for people to smash their bounty necks?

"Drancam is named a legitimate organization on the front. I also have connections with cities and hunter offices. I wouldn't take on an escort for some kind of relic store in the back alley of Slam Street. It has nothing to do with the artifact store we're after."

Another man interrupts the story.

"I'm talking about the kid's hunter not being a big deal either, saying he's behind that artifact shop. He was scared away by a sleigh hunter after he even put his wallet on the sleigh."

"I guess that means he's not a big deal, huh? Doesn't it look like there's a lot of artifacts in a store with that much of it behind it? Is that gonna be money?

"As for the money, I have insurance at once. Rumors have spread that the store will be popular after this. A request to crush the competitor early is flowing in the back, and it should be able to eat from the area. It means we attacked and crushed it."

A disgruntled man talks.

"... well. I've never heard of it before, but if it's gonna be money no matter how you fall, don't complain."

The main offender answers slightly intimidated.

"Then shut up."

"... hmm"

Those linked only by financial interests, but with a degree of reason that they would not break with each other as long as money was available. Instead of being a U.N. crowd, he also had the strength to act in an organized manner, to some extent, as a force. Their strength would benefit them considerably from exploring the ruins of the old world.

Still, they try to hunt people too because they think they can make safer money if they underestimate morality. As long as the result continues that the decision is correct, they will repeat the same decision. Until the day when the conclusion came to them that the judgment was an error.

Akira was still spending the day at Cheryl's and the others' stronghold.

Cheryl and the others don't open an outdoor shop every day. Because there is no guarantee that Akira will always come to the base, and we have to make money outside the outdoor stores. She also teaches reading and writing classes requested by Akira. I also have to help the snail.

It's about three days a week since Cheryl and the others open an outdoor shop and a relic dealership in the base. With Akira based early today, Cheryl and the others were opening an outdoor shop in their own territory.

Akira is waiting with Cheryl in Cheryl's own room. When Cheryl's men contacted her visitors, Cheryl was supposed to change from regular clothes to customer service clothes before moving into a room with Akira for the sale of relics.

Cheryl changes into customer service clothes every time she is contacted. Even after returning from the room for the sale of artifacts, I change into everyday clothes.

Cheryl's men contacted me about a visitor. Cheryl starts dressing again.

Akira asks Cheryl in her underwear on her way to change, looking a little strange.

"Don't get dressed all the time, why don't you just wear clothes for customer service all the time?

Cheryl answers with a laugh.

"It's a matter of mood. I thought it would be better to raise awareness, focus, and not diminish my awareness of wearing special clothes."

"Is that what this is about?"

"Don't you remember the fact that Akira came back to a safe place when she came home too and took off her fortified clothes? It's like doing the opposite."

"... well, yeah"

Akira replied somewhat to misdemonize something.

Talk while Alpha smiles (cheeks) at Akira in a meaningful way.

"Akira often wears it without taking off her fortified clothes because it stinks of trouble to take it off when she gets home."

'I get it. From now on, I'll be careful. "

'Switching consciousness is important. Maybe Akira should apprentice Cheryl too. "

"I knew it."

I smile when I see Akira, who replied like a child whose umbilical cord (navel) bent when Alpha was told a novel.

Akira felt embarrassed to feel the atmosphere of mercy for herself from that alpha. He was trying so hard not to change his expression by putting it on the table and stiffening his face.

The only thing Cheryl was wearing in the process of dressing was Akira's underwear. This underwear is also a relic of the old world. It was given to Akira when she didn't know that the artifact in her hand could also be sold at a high price, a substitute that would add quite a bit of value if sold.

Cheryl had already gotten used to Akira seeing herself in her underwear. It was also quick to get used to seeing Cheryl in underwear because Akira wouldn't move at all.

Think while Cheryl dresses for customer service.

(... I wonder if I should show more shame or something to distract Akira. But now I feel it, and I'm getting used to it, right? Akira is going to spot me where I acted ashamed, and I don't know what to do)

Cheryl just checks on Akira. Akira looks as uninterested as ever when a pretty girl like Cheryl says she's dressed nearby. Overshadowing that Akira attitude with acting will require considerable acting skills.

(The point is, I hope it's not an act, right? Under what circumstances will I be ashamed? In retrospect, you didn't feel embarrassed when I was holding Akira from the front or when I thought she was happy.... I guess I was more aggressive. If Akira could move it, not from me, it would be a lot different. Yes, even if Akira could see me in my underwear, for example, it would be a lot different if Akira carefully took one off at a time with Akira's hands from when I was firmly dressed and then she would see me in my underwear...)

Cheryl imagined the sight with a lot of thought.

In Cheryl's imagination, Akira and Cheryl both had a slight look of tension and shame. Akira is carefully undressing Cheryl's clothes with her trembling hands, dyeing her cheeks a little. Cheryl sees her clothes taken off and falling to the floor, and Akira's hands taking off her clothes and Akira's face as she endures to do so, and she lets her gaze wander in embarrassment.

Cheryl had unconsciously added excessive embellishment to the sight of his imagination. The slower Cheryl moves in real life, the more radical the imaginary sight becomes.

Akira speaks to Cheryl when the sight in Cheryl's brain begins to ignore her original purpose.



Cheryl sounded harshly (horribly) panicked when Akira called her to pull her back into reality. Akira asks with a little surprise (a lot) how Cheryl is doing.

"... I've been getting dressed a lot slower since just now, shouldn't we hurry? It must be creepy if you're not in the room before the guests arrive, right?

"Right. Excuse me, I'm in a hurry."

Cheryl continued to change in a hurry with a little panic. Akira looks at Cheryl wonderfully. The look on Cheryl's face bore shame that it was not an act.

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