Rebuild World

145 Chronic Mind and Choice

Zalmo moves his hands slowly. Ask Akira, laughing a little invincibly as she moves the position of her palm to match the ballistics of Akira's gun.

"Those guns, they're both empty, aren't they? I should have shot you up with a full auto earlier. To kill us. And I couldn't kill him. You're still pointing a gun at me, but you're clear to keep me away, aren't you? Pulling the trigger won't give me ammo. Don't you?"

Akira answers without changing her expression.

"I don't know. Maybe he's just sneaking off a little bullet."

"Why is that such an ambiguous way of putting it? If you really have ammo left, why don't you just answer no and let me off guard? Actually, with the bulletproof properties of my enhanced clothing, I can't stand a direct hit from a heavy loaded bomb. That's why we shielded them."

"Then why did you throw that shield away?

"Of course (of course), because if you keep it, it's heavy and you can't avoid an attack. The shield is full of holes, and you can't expect to perform as a shield anymore. Then you'd better be light-hearted to move quickly, wouldn't you?

Zalmo twitches and packs his distance from Akira. Akira twitches backwards.

Zalmo speaks with an invincible laugh.

"What's up? You're not gonna shoot me? I guess there's still ammo left, huh? You're not sure enough to shoot off that distance?

Akira answers without changing her expression.

"I'm looking at a gap. It would be tough if they read when to pull the trigger and avoided it. I don't have enough ammo left to shoot. We have to finish it off."

Zalmo advances one by one, Akira retreats one by one, with the two going a little further into the center of the room.

Now Akira asks Zalmo.

"You don't use guns that way? Shouldn't we have hidden in the aisle quickly and set up the gun while the shield was still functioning?

"Actually, I broke it in that attack earlier. There would be a bullet trail, wouldn't there? When I run off into the aisle, in the meantime, you finish replacing the magazine, and then you come after me and you shoot me from behind, okay? If it's the aisle, there's no escape. You're a bad guy."

"Shouldn't you have kept your mouth shut about the gun being broken? If you think it's gonna be a shootout, I don't think it's gonna be that easy for you to chase me, either, do you?

"You're about to find out that you're checking the condition of my gun. The trail of a heavily loaded bullet is remarkable. You want to keep your distance from me, but you don't eat those hands."

The tension drifting between the two grows. Akira and Zalmo focus their consciousness not to miss a few moves from each other. The critical point is close.

Akira asks again.

"You look pretty strong over there, and I don't want to die either. I'm gonna miss you, so what if I tell you to go home?

"I don't want to die either, and thank God I'm going home with that suggestion. I need you to drop the gun so I can get out of here.

I don't like it.

"Just throw away the empty gun. It wouldn't make a big difference to throw it away, would it?

"... he said he was left"

Zalmo stops moving forward. Akira stops retreating. We understood each other's next moment was a battle.

Zalmo jumps in all at once for Akira. It was a move that abandoned evasive action to the left and right. Akira keeps her aim firmly aligned with Zalmo. If there are remnants of ammunition, Zalmo cannot be evaded,

Akira pulls the gun trigger on both hands. Bullets were fired from both gunpoints that were targeting Zalmo. They made it look like they shot everything up, and Alpha put the trigger back on the way and left a bullet behind.

What Akira was saying was not clear. Just as Zalmo expected.

Zalmo had completely cut off both ballistics. The moment of the shooting had also been identified almost without madness. And I was putting my own hands forward to block that ballistic.

At the next moment, a flash of light splashes across the field. This is the impact conversion light of Force Field Armor.

Zalmo's hands were equipped with the output capabilities of a simple force field armored Forcefield Armor. Force Field Armor "Force Field Armor" has a narrower output range, and the shorter the output time, the greater the strength. Zalmo completely deactivated the Akira fired heavy ammunition by narrowing the output of the force field armor Forcefield Armor to a narrow landing area, at a moment of landing, to its limit.

When Zalmo packs the distance at once without even causing a slight blur due to the impact of the landing in the force field armor, Forcefield Armor, he fires a kick at Akira's head. It's biological there. If that kick hits directly, the head will definitely fly with every bullet in the skull.

Akira's expression is full of surprises that the bullet was prevented. It's the face of someone who stops moving in amazement. Zalmo, who saw it, was convinced of the victory.

(I won!

But Zalmo's kick ended up just stirring the air. Akira quickly bent over and kicked him.

Akira stays very low and releases a kick to pay for Zalmo's axial legs. Zalmo jumps up his axial leg and kicks Akira. Furthermore, Zalmo tries to step on Akira by momentously dropping the kicking leg that was stretching forward. Akira quickly regained her posture when she flew backwards.

After a moment of defense, Akira and Zalmo confront each other again. Akira has finished throwing away her two-handed gun in the middle of a series of attacks, holding her fist gently and standing. Zalmo stood with his hands gently open.

Talk with a look that Zalmo seems abominable.

"That's a cute one. I was able to shoot the one who jumped in because I didn't think there was any remnants. Stay alert for a little while. Be surprised and stiff if they prevent it. Are you a machine or something?

Akira answers with a harsh look.

"I just told you I don't have room to be alarmed. You forgot?

Zalmo looked at Akira with an abominable look, but spoke with a sudden mocking spare smile.

"... okay. It's about time it came into full effect."

Zalmo had an accelerant planted in his body. The accelerator is ready for use at any time at the will of Zalmo. An accelerator of slow but powerful potency, if used, it can accelerate consciousness while remaining calm with body feeling time compressed, in addition to sensory acuity and increased concentration. Zalmo had already used it. The conversation with Akira was also a time buyer until the effects appeared completely.

Feeling the accelerator effect clearly appear, tell Akira that Zalmo thins.


The two signaled their intent to kill, stopping the confrontation and resuming the taking of their lives.

Akira and Zalmo continue to fight using their physical abilities beyond ordinary people. Each other's hands and feet strike each other's bodies with the power to threaten the other's lives.

Zalmo is a super-reaction and concentration of consciousness due to the potency of accelerators, and Akira continues to fight fast, which is very hard to keep up with in the common consciousness, with the compression of body sensation time due to concentration and the aid of fortified clothing with the support of Alpha.

If you hit it directly, you won't survive death. Keep rolling each other out in a row. As we had arranged beforehand, we would not try to take advantage of the opponent's attack by prioritizing evasive action together. It is difficult to visually discern physical abilities such as fortified clothing. If you try to prevent the opponent from attacking poorly, you could be crushed by every defense. It's dangerous if you don't totally scratch it.

I think Akira has a distressed look on her face.

(Too fast! Even though I'm the limit to just align my movements with the operation of Alpha's fortified clothes, they're responding well over there! He said something like he used something, is that the accelerator?!? How long does the accelerator keep working!? I'll keep it till then!?

Akira had learned to manipulate her physical senses time so that she could quite keep up with the movement of the fortified clothes that Alpha was manipulating. By keeping consciousness in high speed combat and aligning movement with Alpha's manipulation, he was able to considerably reduce the load on his body.

However, the operation of the physical sensory time does not last long either. Because the brain is overloaded with excessive information processing. When the load exceeds its limit, Akira faints on the spot. There are also limitations to reducing body loads. The faster it moves, the higher the load.

Physically and mentally, Akira's limits are approaching. All Akira can do is do everything she can to bring down her opponent before the limit comes. And even if we do everything we can, Akira is not in the vanguard. Ning was pressed.

(Damn! Why is such a strong guy coming to attack a store like this in Slam Street!? If that's all you're strong enough for, go and attack a more heavily guarded store with gold! This is my bad luck!? You're really not following me!

Akira kept fighting desperately with evil spitting in her head.

Zalmo tries to kick into Akira's torso. Akira sees a good opportunity there. It's hard to pack your distance from yourself after this kick. That's what I decided.

If Akira takes a distance from Zalmo, she'll be able to afford to replace the AAH assault gun magazine. You might also be able to afford to use a CWH objective assault gun that takes time to target your opponent for weight.

Akira jumped backwards and kicked Zalmo. A slightly disfigured Zalmo was unable to follow Akira for just a few moments.

Akira was convinced of the win only for a moment. Attempt to point a CWH objective assault gun at Zalmo in the air while flying away. Akira's vision shows Zalmo in disfigurement. The look on Akira's face stains with surprise.

Zalmo remained out of shape, pointing the gun at Akira, who he said had broken in Akira's attack.

Akira's fortified clothing moves at will, interrupting the use of the CWH objective assault gun and grabbing (one or more) nearby bulletproof sheets, pulling the sheets to block Zalmo's rays.

Zalmo shoots Akira. Countless bullets punch holes in sheets on the ray to land on Akira's fortified clothes. Thanks to the bulletproof sheets it was somewhat weakened, but still enough to blow Akira away with the impact of the landing. A blown Akira was slapped on the floor. Akira barely escaped into the shadow of a nearby display shelf as Zalmo continued shooting.

Akira speaks out disgustingly as she hides herself.

"Didn't the gun break?

Answer as Zalmo fixes his posture and laughs lightly.

"Oh. It was a mistake. Sorry."

Zalmo's gun was not broken. It is true that the gun was fired, but it was not damaged enough to render it unusable.

Zalmo randomly shoots around Akira. The sheets on the display shelves are also bulletproof but not that durable. Akira managed to dodge Zalmo's shooting by continuing to move to another display shelf as she rolled down the floor.

I'm being pushed. Akira realizes so and distorts her expression.

"Alpha. Can you handle this? Still tastes bad (first). It's time for the limit. '

Akira was rather pessimistic about the situation. That's what I asked him with a harsh look to get out of this predicament, but he asks back like Alpha is nothing light.

'Really? Then I figured I'd just kill him now and get it over with?

'.................. Huh?

Akira leaked a word with a bewildered look that accurately represented her inner self.

"I'm a little impotent, but be patient with that, okay?

"Ah, oh."

Alpha smiled at Akira as usual.

Zalmo continued to shoot Akira on the run with an extra look on his face, but in his heart he had doubts about his opponent and heightened his vigilance.

(He dealt with it exactly again. When he jumped back and forth from that kick, he was sure he would win. I don't think that look is acting. I didn't expect a shooting from me. He did get caught up in my measures.... What do you mean? Simply reacting abnormally fast?

Zalmo tries to replace the gun magazine. At that moment, Akira with a CWH objective assault gun jumps out of the shadows and shoots Zalmo.

But the ray was spotted by Zalmo. Zalmo blocks the ray with one hand in front of him, preventing the bullet with the force field armor Forcefield Armor after also spotting the moment of firing. Impact conversion light splashes from the palm of Zalmo, the point of landing.

Immediately Zalmo strikes back. Akira managed to escape Zalmo's attack by jumping into another shadow. Zalmo speaks up.

"You thought with that gun, you could handle it? Sorry to hear that."

Zalmo continued to be vigilant in his mind with a spare grin.

Akira moved as directed by Alpha but could not defeat Zalmo. Ask with a rugged look.

"Alpha. You couldn't do that, could you?

But Alpha's grin doesn't break. Answer as if there is no problem at all.

'It's okay. I just did a lot of checking. We're almost done here. Ask Akira to be a little impotent. Are you ready?


Zalmo doesn't try to hide in the shadows like Akira because he's confident in his defense with the Force Field Armor Generator, which is planted in both hands.

Without questioning his advantage, Zalmo nevertheless continued to fire on Akira's hidden spots, such as on the display shelves and behind sheets hanging from the ceiling, without neglecting (gratefully) to remain vigilant.

(I don't feel I'm hitting it... Are they reading our attack position? Besides this sheet, probably light bulletproof, it seems to have light information blocking properties. I thought we couldn't exactly grasp (or) each other's location with our information-gathering devices, but they didn't? But then why aren't you after me from behind the sheets? Because you find out where you are? You think too much?

Once again, Zalmo tries to replace the gun magazine. Then Akira pops up again.

They are still watching their movements by some means. Zalmo tries to prevent shooting from Akira the same way he did last time while judging so.

Surprise runs on Zalmo, who gazed at Akira's gun to read through the enemy's rays. Akira is not pointing the muzzle at Zalmo. He is in a position with a CWH Object Assault Gun in one hand, as just before he swept away the front with his sword.

At the next moment, Akira swings the CWH objective assault gun vigorously and sideways. At the same time, the shooting sounded and the flash splashed into the room.

In addition to his impossible posture, a recoil shooting a CWH objective assault gun with one hand hits Akira's right arm. After Akira's right arm bone was crushed in recoil, the load hung on the right arm of the fortified garment stopped the function of the area in question. At least my right arm won't move anymore in this fight. Akira lost one arm.

And the bullet released by Akira had blown Zalmo's right arm off. Mechanical parts splattered around the perimeter indicated that Zalmo was a prosthetic body.

Akira and Zalmo confront each other with one arm lost. Akira is switching the CWH objective assault gun to her left hand for Zalmo. Zalmo is blocking that ray with his left hand forward. They both looked at each other with a harsh look, but it was Zalmo who changed that look first.

Zalmo talks with a light laugh.

"I don't know who learned it from, but guns aren't built to shoot like that. The recoil killed one arm, didn't it? Well, they took one of my arms, too. Is that what you call pain sharing? But even though they don't let their opponents see out the rays, they often try to shoot like that. Thanks to this, we had to expand the output range of Force Field Armor. The intensity drops for that matter. Better than getting shot in the head or in the torso. But I didn't think it would hit. Let's do it.... if that's really what you're capable of, it's a story."

Seeing Zalmo's mocking grin, Akira answers with a more rugged look.

"What do you mean?

Zalmo answers clearly.

"You're not the one manipulating your fortified clothes, are you?

Akira's expression freezes. When I saw it, I saw that Zalmo had decided that his expectations were correct.

"I knew it! You don't even look big and strong. I've been wondering a lot since the kid handled my offense more accurately, but if that's the case, I'm convinced! It's not normal to be able to aim that precisely with that kind of shooting. You've been doing too much in good shape."

Ask Akira to strengthen somewhere with a harsh look on her face.

"... if that's right, does that give you more winning eyes?

"If the seed breaks, there are many ways to deal with it. Like this!

Zalmo, who replied so, leaves Akira at once. Akira tries to target Zalmo escaping the rays, but sees something like a grenade (shrew) bullet fall from under Zalmo's feet and rushes away from the spot.

A large amount of gas is emitted in a short space of time from something like a grenade bullet. Alpha explains to Akira.

Akira, this is a jamming smoke screen. Smoke looks thin, but it's quite high and has a lot of impact. '

'Right. That being said, I couldn't defeat him in the attack earlier, but is it happening even in unexpected circumstances? Besides, they noticed I had Alpha support, and they said they had something to do with it? Are you okay with this?

'It's okay. The fact that the other person used an information jamming smoke screen (jamming smoke) tells me what to decide and how to deal with it. And the way you deal with it is wrong. All you have to do is finish him off for mishandling. That's pretty much the end of it. We're done for next time. I'm here. "

Alpha announces the approaching of Zalmo. When Akira confirmed, Zalmo, once distanced, was once again gaining momentum.

Akira quickly targets Zalmo with a CWH objective assault gun on her left hand side. Zalmo tries to prevent it with the Force Field Armor generator on his left hand side.

Zalmo advances with a grin that confirms the victory, and Akira pulls the trigger. There is a shooting noise in the room. That's the same sight as before. But the force field armored Forcefield Armor impact conversion light never illuminated the room.

The bullet in the CWH objective assault gun had a big hole in Zalmo's torso. Zalmo exposes surprises to unexpected results.

(... stupid!? It's a G3 level communication failure that even inhibits communication at close range!? I can't believe I can remotely manipulate reinforced clothes...!?

Zalmo used an information jamming smoke screen (jamming smoke) not to deal with enemy information gathering equipment. It was intended to cause communication problems and interfere with remote operation of the fortified clothing.

Zalmo inferred that what was operating Akira's fortified clothing was a massive control device outside the room. It was not possible to calculate Akira's movements with small controls such as those installed in fortified clothing, but it was decided that it was possible with huge controls such as those to be installed in dedicated rooms and vehicles.

Reinforced clothing has some kind of fantasy. Anyone can quickly become stronger if they wear fortified clothes. You'll be able to fight like a soldier in a war. It's just an ideal, but many companies are shifting to development every day to bring it as close to reality as possible.

Zalmo had determined that this room was a laboratory for this reason. Let Slam Street children wear fortified clothes under development to fight robberies like their own. The Relic Store is a disguise to lure a belligerent. If just a child achieves the result of defeating themselves even remotely in fortified clothing, the publicity will be even greater.

Information on artifacts that can be resold at high prices. Talk about a strong child hunter that has grown recently. That Akira did not look as strong as she did. Those elements have led Zalmo to that inference.

Then if we cut off the remote operation of the fortified clothes, Akira returns to being just a slum street child. It's easy to kill. That's what Zalmo decided.

Zalmo paid for that error of judgment in his own defeat. Just before Akira pulled the trigger, Alpha had slightly altered the radiation. That was a slight move, but it was done fast enough to multiply Akira's left arm by a considerable load. Zalmo couldn't handle it.

(Was it all an act!? To mislead me that way!?

Zalmo's reasoning had reached quite close to the truth. The correctness of that inference had made Zalmo even more stunned.

Zalmo's vision shows Akira targeting her head with a CWH objective assault gun. I understood it was inevitable, but there is no fear in Zalmo. But there was a rush. You need to convey the danger to your peers of this person whose appearance and strength do not match too much. But it's impossible to communicate because of a communication failure.

(This guy can't be an obstacle to our activities! I have to pass this information on to my comrades! Results of the investigation to the comrades......)

Akira's unleashed bullet hit Zalmo directly in the head. The head flew with a bullet and Zalmo's thoughts crushed together. A neckless prosthetic body that lost its operating source made a loud noise on the floor and fell.

Alpha laughs and labors Akira.

'Good day. It's over. It's all right now. "

Nervous Akira exhales loudly.

"One, it was strong. Why would someone so strong come and attack a store like this?

'You can't ask yourself that because you killed him. Ask someone later who Akira worked hard to keep alive. You might know something.'

"I worked hard to keep him alive..."

See the survival of the Raiders Akira is unconscious. The result of not choosing a quick way to kill them all is this struggle.

"... Chronic Mind, Was It"

While I had the regret of choice and its admonition, I did have some inseparable thoughts about Akira.

If you can only choose a quick means, it's weakness. Whether good or evil, help or abuse, the strong are the ones who choose it. Neither the helper nor the abuser is the one who chooses it. And Akira has always been on the side of being abused, the side of not being able to choose.

Akira thought again of the magnitude of the consideration, trying to get a choice, trying to stand on the side of her choice.

Speak with a laugh as Alpha empowers Akira.

'Then be strong enough to think you can afford it, not your chronic heart. When you need it, you can choose the option you want. I'm glad you said you could afford the other four, huh? The last four were unfortunately chronic.'

Akira answers with a bitter smile.

'Right. Well, that means I'm growing up a little bit too.'

Akira still doesn't get a choice. I don't have that power either. But I ended this fight without killing four people, all eight of whom came a little closer to that choice than I did. Stack up a pile of corpses to protect yourself. to other options.

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