Rebuild World

164 End of the war

Akira is following Katsuya and the others around the hall. Enemies encountered along the way are dealt with with with AAH assault guns in both hands and A2D assault guns. I switched them on Alpha's orders. I had a little trouble dealing with my enemies because I turned them into less powerful guns.

"Hey Alpha. You can use fortified clothes now, why are you using this one?

'Cause flashy guns make it easier to attract enemies with firing noises and stuff. Furthermore, the enemy will judge Akira to be very handy. Then we'll probably give up defeating Akira ourselves and try to leave it all to that black fuselage. It won't fold a little, but it will take a while to figure it out. It would be more convenient for the enemy to retain that level of judgment. "

But for that matter, my journey will be delayed, right? If we keep this up, they'll get away with it, won't they?

Alpha has a spare smile on her face.

'It's okay. There's a foot wrap over there. So we can't travel that fast, and we can't afford to contain the firepower. So it should be easier to fight flashy and be discovered by the enemy. It is also difficult to travel quickly on top of it. I can catch up straight away. "

Akira was convinced to keep fighting with the AAH assault gun and the A2D assault gun.

Alpha didn't lie. But I haven't told you everything. If the power of a bullet, such as an AAH assault gun, makes it more likely that even if you shoot Katsuya and Aruna together, you can only kill Aruna because of the difference in gear between the two. Akira never noticed the situation.

Katsuya leaves the entrance and exit of a room in the hall and shoots a large gun at the enemy at the end of the corridor. There are enemy screams and yells mixed with the gunfire of enemy allies.

Katsuya was being pushed. The expression was sharply distorted (boiled), and a short word leaked from his mouth that could also be taken as a stupidity or weakness about his plight. There is a limit to the speed of movement for taking humans who were going through the building with Aruna, but were not reinforced with physical abilities such as fortified clothing, and were not trained in combat, etc. At Rogert's behest, enemies are gathering around. In the battle while sheltering Aruna from the enemy's attacks, she was forced to struggle, albeit Katsuya. The way forward was blocked to the exit after the enemy blocked it, and now it was best to evacuate Arna inside the room to respond on the spot.

Arna looked at the rash with a sad look. That day, by accident, you were, and still are, desperately protecting yourself. The thought was turning others of convenience into loved ones. The beloved is putting his life at risk without any intention for a pale, brittle reason like a mild promise by his standards. Aruna, who felt it, reinforced her feelings for Katsuya.

And some criterion switched among the Arnas.

"... katsuya. That's enough. Thanks."

Katsuya gives me the look of surprise.

"It's good enough, what?

"I was really happy that you came to help me. Katsuya has already helped me enough. Enough."

"So what are you talking about..."

"Put me down and run. If it's not for you, if it's just for the rash, you can get away with it, right?

Katsuya gives me a surprise look. Arna was grieving.

"What are you talking about? It's okay. Don't worry. You're gonna get mad when you say something too weird, huh?

Katsuya answered in a mild tone, daring not to worry Arna. But on the contrary, Aruna had turned off her smile with it. I just repent with a sad look and zero (spill) tears.

"I'm sorry. I've been lying to Katsuya.... I stole it."


"I'm the one who was lying. I really stole that Akira Hunter purse. That's what I found out, chased me, ran away desperately, met Katsuya ahead of me, and cheated on Katsuya to get him to protect me.... I'm really, really sorry"

Seeing the shocking Katsuya, Arna had a sad, complicated grin.

Arna felt guilty about Katsuya trying to help herself in person. But if you tell the truth, you'll always be abandoned. That's what I thought and I couldn't reveal it all the time. With hindsight, I couldn't abandon the joy of getting Katsuya to help me.

But Arna changed the idea by loving Katsuya deeper. I gave Katsuya's life precedence over mine. Katsuya dies because of herself. I couldn't stand that anymore Arna.

"To me......, it's not worth having Katsuya protect me...... That's why it's okay."

To be abandoned, to be truncated, Arna revealed everything. Still, I'm not fine with Katsuya hating me. After I revealed it, I was drooled like I lost everything, and I had a dry grin that I deserved it.

Katsuya sees its Aruna and declares with strong determination.


"... Huh?

"I told you. He promised to help. That's good enough for me. I will not rescind that promise to that extent."

Laughs as Katsuya invigorates Aruna, who is cruel and perplexing.

"And, well, you see, hunter operation is important, and I'm looking to be a great hunter. So, weird way to put it, even if Arna was lying, I'd keep my word. I won't let Arna die for it either. If Arnab doesn't like it, he can protect it."

Arna was shaking slightly. I was trembling at the thought of getting in.

"And, yes, the sleigh is a bad thing, but I don't think that would kill me enough. I'll talk to him somehow. So don't let Aruna throw herself away. It's okay. I promise. Trust me."

Katsuya said so and laughed gently. Arna managed to smile in tears and snorted in silence.

At the next moment, Katsuya, who felt something, flew away from the scene.

A black fuselage is mounting a giant gun from outside the hall. Rogert had identified the enemy's location based on the aircraft's information-gathering equipment and the information sent by his men. Although it is in a general position, it is not as problematic (as it is) given the power of the guns that it has in place.

"The kid! That's nasty! Fuck you!

Rogert manipulates the fuselage with hatred. A bullet comparable to a tank cannon is fired into the hall (Yamato) along with a huge firing sound. The bullet penetrated the exterior wall and multiple interior walls and penetrated a giant hole leading to the back of the hall.

Katsuya, who pierced the room and threw a huge bullet through the wall, quickly confirms Arna's cheapness in a desperate shape, stunned (just) by the signs of its destruction.

"Arna! Are you okay!?

Aruna was safe with no injuries just as she entered the floor. I stiffened my expression for the rest of it and couldn't even afford to respond to Katsuya's call, but I was snorting (nodding) a lot more than once to let Katsuya know I was safe.

The next moment Katsuya loosened her expression when she saw Arna safe, her expression solidified in amazement (just fine). Akira jumped in from the inside of the hall, a huge hole in the wall with a giant bullet. Slight stiffness created by the sudden succession of events on the katsuya. That determined the outcome of the place.

Akira shoots the gun on her left hand and pulls it down without even looking at the rash. Akira's gaze is pointed at Aruna, at the end of the gunpoint on her right hand side. Akira and Aruna's eyes meet during the concentrated time. The trigger was pulled and Arna was shot all over her body. There was no way to stop that attack on Katsuya.

Akira escaped the room through a large hole on the outside of the hall as she continued to tow and fire on Katsuya. Katsuya dropped Akira off halfway.

It was Aruna's little groaning voice that made me return the katsuya that was close to relieved. The moment it reached his ear, Katsuya rushed over to Aruna. And almost unconsciously confirm Arna's injuries. Fatal wounds, but not instant death. The place of the bullet was intentionally scattered to be so. Katsuya didn't know that far, but seeing the blood splashing around and still spreading on the floor, I could understand that it was just a few more lives.

"... or healing pills!

Katsuya tries to take out the recovery pills in her hand. But when I sensed the signs of the enemy from beyond the hole in the wall, I turned my gun toward you reflexively and pulled the trigger. Screams echoed from those who were about to shoot indoors from the side of the hole (buckwheat).

"Get out of my way!

I can't even treat him like this. Having so decided, Katsuya manages to leave the scene as she holds Aruna in one arm and continues to hold her fire at the enemy. Akira would have no enemies in the direction she jumped in. That's how he decided to shelter Aruna while continuing to shoot with restraint.

Arna was feeling freezing cold due to the bleeding. I die straight away. I can't help you anymore. While I somehow understood that, I didn't feel any fear. The joy of being held by the beloved and the relief (mostly) of not pulling the person's feet anymore were stronger. In Kasumi's vision is the face of his beloved, who is desperately fighting. I regret that his face disappears because of Kasumi while he is in love again.

Cool and cold. Finally, I want to at least feel warm (soaked). Aruna squeezed her last strength and put a bloody hand on Katsuya's cheek. Katsuya desperately calls when she realizes it. But Arna didn't hear anything anymore. Still, I felt the definite warmth coming from my palm and smiled happily.

Aruna's hand falls sloppy. Arna ended that short life while being held by her beloved.

Katsuya understands Aruna's death. Even if it was not too late, I understand that treatment is not possible while fighting the enemy. Katsuya put Arna down quietly on the floor with a sad look on her face.

Katsuya's scream echoed in the hall. After that voice disappeared, Katsuya's expression was filled with hatred for why she couldn't save Arna. And to erase the reason, he showed such a rare talent.

Those assembled on the spot at Rogert's direction suddenly manage to respond with surprise to Katsuya, who has grown as strong as another. But the advantage was decidedly reversed. Countless gunshots and screams echo in the hall. It was only a matter of time before it disappeared.

Once out of the hall, Akira jumped up to the rooftop of the hall (Yamato) alive (Yi) the physical abilities of the fortified clothes and ran straight through to the other side of the hall through a hole drilled by a bullet released by Rogelt's fuselage. And as he jumped off the roof and went down to the garden, he ran out of base with all his might.

I helped Cheryl and ended Arna. There is no reason to stay here anymore. All we have to do is get out. There will be a lot of trouble for selling fights to the Ezont family, but that's behind us. You just have to think about it after you get out. Akira decided that and was desperate to run.

"Alpha. I'll make sure, but that sleigh, it won't help, will it? It's too late, isn't it?

Akira shot Arna as directed by Alpha. I don't think Akira would normally be able to help me with that either. However, there was still a little anxiety because I knew how to treat the loss of my lower body without dying and how to overshadow its normality, such as very expensive restorative drugs.

Alpha laughs and answers.

'Worrying. It's okay. It's certainly likely that it would be helpful if you administered expensive healing pills properly and quickly to injured parts of the body for treatment. But it's impossible for him to do it in that situation. "

"But did you have to go out of your way to make it fatal? You'd better shoot him in the head and let him die instantly... '

"For example, blowing her head off and letting her die instantly increases the likelihood that he will come to kill Akira without staying there. Prevent it. Even if it's too late, if he's still alive, he's likely to give you priority. '

Then why don't you just kill him and wound him? At that time, you could have wounded him even if you couldn't kill him. "

'Then the rest of the enemy will concentrate on Akira. Worst case scenario, Akira alone is going to deal with that black aircraft and all the other armed constituents?

"If you say so, you do."

Akira was convinced with it to allay the anxiety and dissatisfaction that failed to stab Arna with a definite stop.

"You can't ignore the enemies around you if he tries to chase Akira after she dies. We just have to let him work hard and buy us some time in the meantime. '

Akira looks behind her as she runs. In the hall you can see ahead, Katsuya must have been attacked by numerous enemies and black aircraft. Imagine the sight, and I thought it was like someone else.

'... well, even if half those enemies went after me, that fuselage wouldn't be able to come this way. I'm sorry, but I need him to do his best to deal with that fuselage...'

Akira's expression is convulsive. In order for that fuselage on the other side across the hall to follow itself, it is necessary to make a large detour around the hall. So that plane will never come here, and even if it does, I can get away with it long enough to bypass it. I was relieved to think so, but at the end of my gaze there was a sight to overturn it. A black fuselage stood on the roof of the hall.

"You're lying!?

"Looks like the output of the fuselage forced you up on the roof. Though he seems to have dumped a large part of his armament on a boulder (that's right) because of his weight. I'm removing all the guns and spare ammunition from the fuselage. The only thing armed is that melee."

'Is that the problem!?

A black fuselage jumps off the roof, sounds ground and lands. He then moved to slip across the ground sounding the driving noise from both legs, aiming for Akira in a straight line.

Rogert's voice echoes from an external speaker of the fuselage that makes it easy to imagine its shape.

"The kid! You think I'm gonna let you get away with this!

Set up huge chainsaw-shaped proximity gear while the black fuselage moves fast. Countless giant blades are roaring.

Run in desperate shape with all your might while silencing the severe pain in both legs caused by the load, raising the output of the fortified clothes wondering if Akira learned anything about the load on her body, etc. However, it was impossible to interact with the speed of movement of man-made weapons with high-speed mobility features. The distance between Akira and the black fuselage is narrower and narrower.

"Alpha! Can you figure it out!?

Alpha had only a slightly harsh look in contrast to Akira's desperate shape. And flat out to Akira about the unexpected.

'I have no choice. Let's intercept.'

"Don't be lame!?

When Akira unexpectedly distorted her expression and looked at Alpha, Alpha smiled back.

'Be prepared. At least I can assure you that I have a better chance of survival than I have of keeping running like this.'

Akira laughs bitterly.

'Okay, I get it! If you're ready, you can handle it. If you're ready, I'll be ready! That's my job!

'Other than that, it's my job. I'll take care of it. We don't have much time. I'll be ready before they catch up. "

Akira, who was running well in momentum, suddenly stops forcefully as she glides down the ground with inertia. At the same time, replacing the magazine of the CWH objective assault gun with another threw the disturbing CWH objective assault gun, the A4WM automatic projectile gun and the DVTS minigun onto the ground.

Then hold the foldable blade obtained in the hall with both hands. When the blade, which had been folded, unfolded, the blade began to glow blue and white.

Ahead of Akira's gaze, the black fuselage is swinging up huge chainsaw-shaped proximity gear while traveling at high speeds. Akira looked at it, breathing heavily and taking her stand, ready.

Rogert screams in the fuselage.

"Fuck you!

A black fuselage waves down a giant blade with the momentum of movement. Akira spent the entire body of the blade in compressed body time to the limit.

At the moment when each other's blades came into contact, a strong blue and white light was emitted from the blade held by Akira, and his body became dust (dust) and light, and was extinguished. At the same time, Akira was ejected backwards due to the strong impact of the blade contact.

And Akira's blow pushed the black airframe slightly backwards, despite all the momentum and physical differences between humans and human-type weapons.

No wonder Akira was originally a piece of wood dust in one blow. There were two major elements that overshadowed it: the destruction of a large number of man-made weapons in a prolonged battle had consumed energy, and the output of the fuselage had dropped considerably. And the other is that Alpha had completely rewritten the blade's controls and changed the blade to a complete consumable only once used.

The energy to maintain the strength and cleavage of the blade was extremely efficient beyond the endurance of the blade by changing the control device, converted into destructive force after an instantaneous and limited concentration of the effect, grinding the body more finely than dust (chisel), yet increasing enough to beat the melee blow of a man-made weapon. Akira wiped it out with her master moves thanks to Alpha's support.

Pick up a CWH objective assault gun and a DVTS minigun while Akira is being ejected. And shoot the black fuselage with a DVTS minigun. Large quantities of bullets land on the fuselage without diffusion, but finely scratching the surface is the limit, causing no damage at all.

Rogert had moved on to something too unexpected, but that was also very little time. As soon as you get a quick idea of the status of the aircraft, you will regain the position of the aircraft in seconds and immediately attempt to fight back. Unlike Akira, which lost the blade itself, the fuselage's proximity equipment can be used without problems to a slightly damaged extent. Too much power to grind Akira's degree. I haven't lost any power at all.

Rogelt, who manipulates the fuselage in an attempt to feed Akira his next blow, sees footage of an external camera. There was a picture of Akira pointing a CWH objective assault gun here.

Akira pulls the trigger. A bullet fired from close range lands on a black fuselage along with a roar. At that point, the output of the fuselage stopped completely once. The bullet destroyed the generator of the fuselage.

The moment the fuselage stopped moving, Akira fled the scene again at full speed, picking up the rest of the equipment she had placed on the ground quickly.

Take confirmation while Akira runs crazy to death.

"Alpha! You could have defeated me with that!?

"Technically, I just damaged the generator of the fuselage and temporarily shut it down. With a spare power, if you switch over there, you can still move enough, so whether or not you can say you knocked him down is a delicate place. '

"Hey!? Can't you do that!?

"Whether people can beat tanks to the point of wearing fortified clothing. It is reckless to that extent for a person to fight a human weapon. It will take a while for the fuselage to reboot, even if it has spare power. Enough time for Akira to escape. You have to stop tired. '

'Okay, I get it!

Akira smiles bitterly and runs desperately. And when he jumped over the fence (Saku) with the physical ability of the fortified clothes, he left the Ezont family stronghold without time to exhale, and ran straight away and disappeared. Akira slipped away.

The rear of the black fuselage, which is shutting down the function, opened. From there Rogelt shows his face. There was no anger in that look, it was just a surprise stain. And squeal (crushing) as Akira looks in the direction of her escape.

"... that kid,... he ran off"

Rogert sees a hole in the armor of the fuselage as he descends to the ground. It's a trail of bullets destroying the generator of the fuselage.

(... This is probably a pretty powerful anti- (anti-) force field armored Forcefield Armor bullet. I broke through the Force Field Armor on my fuselage. otherwise this damage is unlikely)

The bullet Akira shot was the Forcefield Armor bullet against (anti-) force field armor, as Rogert speculated, and it was a handheld bullet she bought instead of a babysitter, a very expensive bullet of 5 million aurum a shot. He bought only one shot in case he couldn't avoid a battle like the big fixture he ran into in the Selantarville. I didn't expect Akira to use it so quickly either.

(But even so, even if you shot it at close range, there's no way you can normally destroy the generator of my fuselage with that degree of armor in one blow. How the hell...)

Rogelt's expression is distorted. That is due to a desire not to affirm the reasons that come to mind.

Unlike armored tiles on vehicles, the Force Field Armor, a black fuselage force field, is a type that consumes energy at all times to maintain armor. It essentially stops except in combat because it consumes too much energy when it is constantly activated. And even in combat, parts that are not attacked are normal to weaken the output. Otherwise, the energy of the fuselage will not be preserved.

It is also the operator's arm that biases the output of Forcefield Armor, the fuselage's force field armor, solely to the part that eats the attack, and it is also the criterion of the high performance of the fuselage's controller to detect enemy attacks and adjust the output efficiently and automatically.

And there are many habits and biases depending on the manufacturer and so on in the automatic adjustment program of the output of Force Field Armor. In some cases, spots (mullets) have been created in the effect of Force Field Armor. That is often the case when the range of motion is changed at once.

Rogert was remembering Akira shooting the front of the fuselage with a DVTS minigun without diffusion. If it was intended to destroy the fuselage, it would be completely ineffective. If that were to encourage automatic adjustment of the fuselage's force field armor, Force Field Armor. In addition, if it is intended to cause the Force Field Armor spot (mullet) to occur in the generator portion of the fuselage. If you fired a pair of (anti-) force field armored Forcefield Armor rounds at that slight weakness. If all of those assumptions are correct, the damage to this fuselage will also be explained.

But that was theoretically possible and realistically impossible. It is possible to measure by some means, for example with very high-performance information-gathering equipment, the slight disturbance of the force field armor Forcefield Armor that occurs when a large number of bullets are fired, from which to calculate the spots (mullets) that become weak points. But that requires the computational power to end the amount of calculation in an instant. That is too unrealistic.

Rogert denied the answers his account had derived. He shook his head sideways gently, rethinking it was the result of something bad luck that he couldn't even imagine, and stopped thinking about it any more.

Rogert switches his mind and looks at the fuselage again. Then there was anger at the opponent who damaged his bragging fuselage.

"That kid, he said he could do so much to my fuselage. I'm gonna kill you."

"Oh, I can't do that."

Rogelt reacts agile to the voice of a suddenly sounding woman. He quickly pulled out his gun, hitting the enemy position from the direction of his voice and shooting.

There was no one there to see. However, the sound of bullets falling into metal sounds. There was a blade floating in the air. When the optical camouflage of its handles was then released, a woman appeared there laughing with pleasure. A prosthetic woman with steel skin stood with a blade in her hands, wrapped around only a coat with an optical camouflage function over her skin. It was Nelia.

Nelia and Rogert gaze at each other. At the next moment, Nelia moved once and for all to pack her distance from Rogert.

Based on that Nelia move, and the strength that prevented the earlier shooting, Rogert estimates the opponent's power. Deciding it was a gun, he immediately threw the gun away and grabbed (or pulled out) each of the two knives he wore on his hips with both hands. At the same time, the blade of the knife was stretched, eliminating the disadvantage of the range due to the length of the body.

Rogert was blessed with melee talent in combat with man-made weapons, but it also contributed significantly to simple interpersonal combat. He had such superior skill that he could combat Eastern combat with sword moves that firearms say things.

Nelia and Rogelt wave blades at each other and cross. During a moment of intersection, after having fully demonstrated his talent, he turned his back on each other.

"Right? You couldn't have, could you?

Behind Nelia laughing and saying that, Rogert's body, slashed to a cross around his neck, drifts off. After his head and body were separated, his body, which was both longitudinally amputated, collapsed, rolled and dyed the ground with blood.

(i) Nelia after work turns her gaze to those outside the base in the direction Akira has fled. That expression, which was very entertaining, included some trance (like this) color.

"Nevertheless, with only a few moments since then, I can't believe you're strong enough to defeat a man-made weapon with personal equipment. Too bad. I'm so sorry I couldn't get him down to dictation then."

Reactivate the optical camouflage once cut by Nelia. Then Nelia's body disappears again.

"It would be nice to have another chance to dictate, but in your current position, it's hard. Really, what do we do?

I don't feel any contradiction in dictating who I'm going to kill in five seconds to be my lover. The bearer of that distorted feeling had a truly unfortunate look on its neat appearance. The face also quickly disappeared with the function of optical camouflage.

Later only the black fuselage, which had ceased to function, and the body of its pilot had been left behind.

Harrias' stronghold, an organization in conflict with the Ezont family, was echoed by reports from his subordinates in its boss's room.

"Boss! They're stronger than I expected! If we keep this up, we're doomed! Give me directions! Boss! You're not hearing me! Get back on your feet, retreat, give me directions anyway!... Damn! Didn't you get the comms?!? What the hell is going on?

It was impossible for their boss to give instructions to his men. Because he had already been shot through the brow and died.

Harriers was sending most (mostly) of his combat personnel to the Ezont family stronghold. There was only about a boss and a minimum of escort personnel left in the hub on Harriers' side. And they were all killed and scattered all over the stronghold, too.

The Ezont family and Harriers have something in common. Both have a large number of constituents in a huge organization and the boss has very strong powers. As a result, the members of the organization were in a very difficult (difficult) state to defy instructions from the boss. As a result, no one was able to revoke the boss's instructions, and neither organization continued to fight and crush each other without escaping until the end of the day.

Ezont family and Harlias. The giant organization, which had a strong influence on the subdivisions of the city of Kugamayama, lost a competent boss who supported the organization, a large number of its constituents, the huge (shitty) funds spent in protest, all of them at once, and destroyed them overnight.

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