Rebuild World

201 Drained Wedge

The upstairs floor of the Kugama Building is regularly hosted by the Kugama Yama City. Businessmen inside and outside the walls gather for exchanges that connect faces, deepen friendship, gather information, and spread business opportunities. Essentially, attendees are not the weak who are manipulated by the currents of the urban economy, but the powerful who create, manipulate and control the currents. If you are accustomed to it, you can also deduce the status and degree of success of the participants in the urban economy based on their standing and participation rate in the festival.

Cheryl was at that standing party with Viola. It happened a few days after I made a deal with Inave at the makeshift base.

Viola, dressed in a slightly more exposed dress, had, if interpreted favourably, created a luster accustomed to secrets. Interpreting it in the opposite direction, it was reeking of the poor quality (of them) of a rather waxy (uh-huh) stinky bad girl.

Cheryl wears accessories that are elegant and slightly colorful, based on a less exposed and clear outfit. Its standing, which can afford not to be drunk on the spot, but also seems slightly nervous, reminds me of some lady who is not yet used to a standing table.

A bad girl is about to attach herself to a lady unfamiliar with the place. If someone who doesn't know what's going on sees Cheryl and the others and deduces the relationship, it's mostly a sight to get to that conclusion.

Cheryl talks about the situation.

"Still, you take a lot of cumbersome steps"

Viola had a grin that the experienced turned to the amateur.

"The cumbersome procedure is surprisingly important. Especially if there are backward circumstances. Pre-building and pretexts like tenacity don't make a difference, do they? Blunt human awareness from a distance and greatly reduce the chances of entering a specific investigation."

"Is that what it is"

Cheryl and the others were to have the relics flushed to their own relic dealers in a deal with Inave. However, even Inabe's authority cannot allow boulders to wholesale city-owned artifacts into stores that are completely unconnected. Therefore, it was decided to create the pretext that Inabe accidentally met a person at a standing meal, found business talent (Mii), and flushed a slightly higher artifact in the name of the prior investment. It should be noted that Inabe had also selected several other investment candidates due to entitlement entanglement, and had arranged for that entitlement adjustment under a similar pretext.

"Cheryl, I'm going away for a little while because I have a different place to put my face. Don't let me bore you out."

"If you need anything, I'll call Viola and push you to deal with it"

It's a good decision.

Viola returned her spare light mouth to Cheryl's somewhere thorny reply and left. Cheryl felt the difference in field accustom from herself in that viola's attitude, making her expression slightly more rugged.

Cheryl intentionally became a flower on the wall when she was alone. To get through this festival without difficulty. If you are a participant in a standing meal, you should be proactive in speaking to strangers and putting your energy into networking. But when Cheryl talks to someone poorly, he naturally exposes the lack of knowledge that those in this room should know, and his fantasy of being a lady disappears, making him an undercover suspicious person. To prevent it, even if someone spoke to me after this, I first distanced myself from the attendees as a prep for pretending that the person who was not in the mood for participation was turning to the listener with minimal courtesy.

For the time being, Bulba was observing the sitting party with the venue wall behind her back. The participants' quarters are separate from the residents of Slam Street. Cheryl also understands that her clothes once met the dress code for this occasion. However, I am not confident that I will meet the standards of the venue until I am in my own ranks. Because I know that growing up is something that the beholder can see. On top of that, he continued his efforts to closely observe participants and bring his own queues closer to those of the same kind.

Something in Cheryl's sight prevents him from making that effort from time to time. It's a bunch of dishes that are arranged in the venue. For the majority of participants it is only enough to encourage bickering with its flavour. But for Cheryl, it's a delicious chunk that's hard to resist if you say so.

To avoid playing ugly on this occasion by mouthing them with interest, Cheryl had been taken beforehand by Viola to mouth the same kind of food at a fancy restaurant upstairs in Cugamaville. And I reacted exaggerated even though I had been cautioned beforehand about the deliciousness (or smell) that was so different from the slum city meal.

Sometimes I make mistakes because of something I don't know. Sometimes you can't fight because of what you know. Cheryl was in the middle of it. In order to pretend to be a suitable participant for a standing meal, a person who is used to eating meals of this magnitude must be played. For this reason, cheap food had been packed in the stomach beforehand, and the pain of fullness had increased the resistance to the gastronomy that could be obtained by reaching out.

But whenever a dish arranged in a venue enters my sight, my stomach creates another belly and continues to stimulate my appetite. Cheryl managed to resist it, but her smile (cheeks) hardened a little because of it.


As Cheryl glanced in the direction of her voice, Katsuya stood with a slightly surprised look on her face.

"Long time no see. Katsuya."

Let's have a little talk and deceive this appetite. Cheryl thought so and smiled lovingly.

"Still, it's not odd to see you here...... isn't it? Is it any wonder that hunters as good as Katsuya are called to this standing party? Does Katsuya often attend this meeting?

Katsuya wears slightly dressed clothes suitable for the place rather than regular fortified clothes. But I wasn't used to it, and there was still something out of place left in the atmosphere. And on the occasion of the unexpected encounter, which I had unconsciously hoped for, I was a little wolfish.

"Oh, uh, this is my first time joining here. I've been out there a few times even though it's similar..."

"Really? Actually, it's my first time, too. This is my first time with an invitation from a friend and a few errands to attend. It's the same."

Cheryl offered one glass to Katsuya when she received a drink for two from the service that was nearby. Katsuya received it as it was flushed.

"Now, after re-saying it was an odd encounter, to this encounter"

Cheryl glanced at Katsuya while smiling, matching Katsuya's glass with her own. It sounded creepy from the glass.

Katsuya blushed slightly at Cheryl's appearance, which included the contents of the glass elegantly in her mouth. And as I returned, I swallowed the contents of the glass at once.

Viola is turning a loving laugh at Mizha, a Drunkham executive, elsewhere in the festival. On the contrary, Mizha has a grumpy face.

"Viola. How did you (you) get in here?

"Excuse me for diving in. Is that an official invitation?

"It's not something that an informant can participate in. How hard do you think I've had to go to this luncheon? I don't know if the guard was weak, or if he held it for money, but if he talked to such a suspicious person and thought he was one of them, he wouldn't be able to. Don't talk to me."

To Mizha's appearance of not believing her story at all, Viola took the invitation out of her nostalgia laughing with pleasure. Mizha dyed her expression surprisingly when she confirmed it with a smudge. The invitation to Viola was certainly an official one. Moreover, the name of Inabe, an executive of the city, was mentioned in the name of the sender.

"Viola. You (you)... How?

"You know that, don't you? I don't throw up."

The way invitations are obtained is also an element that determines the qualifications of the participants in the festival. In that regard, Viola, who participated in the Inave route, was higher than Mizha, who participated in the (former) passage of Drancam.

"If you understood that I was an official invitee, thank you for this fringe and deepen your rapport. It spreads to each other. We need to talk a little bit."

"... I'll ask for it briefly."

Mizha switched her attitude with a slightly dissatisfied look as she was caught getting a chance to pass it on to Inave.

Viola giggles at the reaction as expected. And after coming up with some irrelevant good topics like time buying, I continue with an unchangeable attitude to mix with them.

"Speaking of which, isn't there a continuation of that investigation or something? You see, during the last slum, someone told the kid where the sleigh was."

"Continuing reports won't be anything like that. That's all the information I gave you before."

In a deal with Viola, Mizha had circulated Drancam's findings on the matter to Viola.

The investigation turned out it was Nergo who told Katsuya where Aruna was. Katsuya told Drankam's investigators that, and Nergo also admitted it lightly.

I stumbled upon Aruna being taken away near Slam Street. Initially I didn't even stop thinking about what was common in Slam Street, but later I reconsidered that Katsuya might have been the one who cared, and contacted Katsuya once. Nergo was showing a little remorse after explaining that to investigators and that he shouldn't have told them if that was going to happen.

Based on those stories, investigators submitted their findings to Drancam's executives. Based on their findings, executives submitted a report to Kugamayama City that they had nothing to do with the noise. It was that copy that flowed to Viola.

Viola smiles deeply.

"Are you sure that's it? You sure you don't have a continual report or something?

Mizha is surprised at how Viola looks. However, the direction of the suspicion that arose became untouched by the poor quality of the target.

"I'll tell you first. Not enough to pay for a finding to that extent. I'm not willing to accept you complaining like that now. I'm sorry to be given your (your) convenient and biased information so that it can be moved at your convenience. I wouldn't make a loud noise if I were to talk about it here, and if I were to feed it to the city's top, I would accept it."

Viola makes an exaggerated look like she's out of her mind.

"That's a misunderstanding. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't know if I can get rid of that by chance. And even if it was a real coincidence, I think we should do a little bit more of that back removal. Is that a suggestion from good intentions towards the customer?

"It's all a coincidence, and there's no fact that Drancam intervened in that protest in an organized way. That's the official view of Drancam. If you don't want to turn Drancam against your enemies, stop using extra hands. If it's not a coincidence, it's because Nergo thought it would be good for Nergo to return the favor he was helped by. Even that, if your interpretation is mixed, will it result in Nergo exploring the gaps that stick to the katsuya? I don't need (just) biased information to encourage such misunderstandings. How much have you ever rewritten a mere coincidence into someone's malice?

Mizha had a sharp gaze. Viola, however, had shown room to smile back in a playful manner.

"That's a hell of a misunderstanding. I'm just offering the right information for the price. Indeed, there is no denying that the lack of fees may result in biases in the type and accuracy of information. But I can't be held responsible until I've interpreted it on the basis of that inaccurate information."

"Hmm. Things say. Whatever it is, I don't need your information."

"Really? Too bad. Well, it's not something to push or sell, and let's pull it off here."

Mizha's predictions were only half right. It is true that Viola tried to sell information about Nergo to Mizha. But the content of it was anything but advice or advice, or even a warning.

Viola demonstrated that arm in an attempt to explore Nergo's background. The corroboration of my background, which I had also grasped on the part of Drunkham, was soon over. And in addition, he tried to find the part that would scratch (shin) and the past that was so likely to be misunderstood.

As a result, some of the informants who had used it as a route for obtaining information were suddenly disconnected. The informer I got in touch with returned a relatively irrelevant and unobstructed piece of information. Viola felt jeopardized by the results, where she dismissed the investigation.

(It's a shame that the connection with the Drunkham executives disappears, so I tried to draw your attention to it... but it's fine. If nothing happens, that's fine. If anything happens, let's just say it's the end of the line for anyone who chooses not to buy information from me)

Viola was smiling deeply. Mizha wondered about the attitude and became interested in the information Viola was trying to sell, but she reconsidered that it was their prospect (mortar) and curtailed her interest.

For now, only accuracy is guaranteed Viola's information. If I find out, it moves like Viola's convenient. But if you don't know, you'll be ruined. The addition or subtraction of a spoon depends on the viola. And another seed was sprayed that fuelled the rumor. Whether it sprouts or not depends on luck.

Cheryl kept jerking off. There's no way I can talk about the life of a young lady, so I was basically thorough listening to Katsuya who raps about her work.

Katsuya was engaged in rear contact line construction related work here at the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street temporarily. Fighting powerful monsters in the back and helping collect artifacts around the rear contact line are the main tasks. Those stories are valuable information to grasp (some) the situation in the back of the ruins, even if they are simple stories of experience, and are important in extrapolating the seriousness of a city's ruin strategy, something that is originally available with money. Katsuya was also allowed to participate in this festival because entrepreneurs benefiting from site exploration, which is also the backbone of the urban economy, knew the information directly from the hunters working in the field.

Cheryl was listening to those stories with interest. He was surprised, incited, and encouraged to talk by showing how impressed he was. But when he realizes that it is unexpected from Katsuya's reaction, he makes a slightly worried look and cares.

"Katsuya. Are you okay?

Katsuya showed a slightly deceptive attitude after showing a slight surprise.

"Uh, okay, what?

"Forgive me if I've heard spicy stories. I won't ask anymore. So don't push it."

"... the spicy story, no, it's true, the monsters were strong and tough around there, but we all worked hard to achieve results. Ning wants to brag about our work..."

"When I heard the story, it was told that Katsuya was very active. I thought it was awesome, too. But I feel like Katsuya herself talking about it doesn't acknowledge that the least. I've seen Katsuya's face before. When you listened to me before, you regretted your helplessness for not being able to help your people. You look the same. No, it looks spicier than before, just for what I'm trying to laugh at....... Katsuya. Are you sure you're okay?

Cheryl asked with a worried look. Then Katsuya shut her rap mouth, which was also a deception to herself. The cheerful smile peeled off from his face, and a slightly sad self-derisive grin became dewy. But there was also a slight seep of joy that was noticed there.

"... no enemies. I didn't mean to be hiding it..., no, I wonder if I was unconsciously hiding it. I don't even know."

"I see you heard something difficult to talk about without knowing. I'm sorry."

As Cheryl lowered her head slightly to apologize, Katsuya shook her head sideways in a panic.

"I'm the one who talked to you on my own. You don't have to apologize.... Well, then, can I ask you to listen to me again for a moment?

"If it's okay with me, I'd love to"

Katsuya said so herself and hesitated, but smiled (ho ho) So I saw Cheryl, who answered so, and started talking in a slightly more serious voice.

"... again, I couldn't protect you. I promised to protect you, but I couldn't."

"Really...... Guess. But it's a tough way to put it, but dangers are an accessory to hunter operations. I think the deceased was ready. I know it's spicy, but I don't think Katsuya needs to feel all responsible, do you?

Katsuya shakes her head sadly to the side.

"He's not a hunter. I don't think I was ready for that. I don't think that was necessary either. I can't tell you the details with something like confidentiality, but it's a normal one, like a hunter who could be dead tomorrow, not like that... So I promised to protect you."

Katsuya's expression once again turns into something self-derisive.

"I'm saying quite a lot of promises to everyone. It's okay, I can handle it, it's like an encouragement as a team leader, but I didn't mean to lie.... but I couldn't protect him, I couldn't keep my word, and lately I thought that saying the same thing would be a lie... Hey, I don't know what to do with myself..."

Cheryl was calmly conceiving to deal with it on the inside, showing how she cared about Katsuya.

Naturally, what I wanted was leaves. That's the basics, its naturally crumbling and depressing. After listening to the story and pushing so evil into my own thoughts, I smile internally at the poor character, and twist (tease) the content of the response floated around to get it in shape.

"Katsuya. I'll ask you a question now, but you don't have to answer it. The answer is, if only Katsuya knew."

Katsuya looks strange to Cheryl's strange story. Cheryl continues with a serious voice when she confirms that Katsuya's gaze has returned to herself.

"When you tried to keep that promise, did you lose your hand?

Katsuya tries to say it back with anger at the rest of the words. But Cheryl stares at me and flinches the other way around.

"If you were out of hand, think hard, swear you wouldn't repeat the same thing, and that's it. It's just pointless to be depressed in vain. If it's as depressing as it gets, feed it for the future. And if you haven't lost your hand..."

Continue as Cheryl gently tells Katsuya to wait.

"There was nothing I could do about it."

A slight hardening of Katsuya's consciousness anticipated the words of scolding.

"In the world, that's what happens. There are things you can't do with all your life, things you can't do with all your energy, things you can't do with a little bad luck when you're ready, things you can't do with the best choices you can make, things you can't do with your life, and you can't bet, it's not enough, it doesn't arrive."

Cheryl's words continue into Katsuya's consciousness, which was defenseless.

"If I had, if I had done this, it might have turned out better. Sometimes I think I'll worry and regret thinking that later. But that's inference from the outcome of choosing that choice, which in a way is nothing more than a senseless delusion. It could have turned out so harsher that I thought the situation was actually the best result of a mistaken choice."

The reason for dividing the word is blocked.

"And even if it was a really wrong choice, it's strength, including making that choice then. That's no reason to lose your hand."

Words I wanted somewhere penetrate Katsuya's defenseless mind.

"Even if it turns out sad, that Katsuya was desperately trying to keep her promise is sure to tell that person too. I resent myself for failing to keep my promise. If you decide on your own so much, the person will also grieve. So stop it for him."

At the end of the day, there was a reason for not being a katsuya.

Katsuya squeaks. There was an emotion there that I noticed gradually (seemingly) easily if I noticed it.

"... well. I was trying to shackle myself again."

Katsuya was remembering the end of Arna. At that time, he was mentally cornered, and ever since then, he has been cruel and depressed, and he has never been able to recall the sights of that time. But if I thought back properly, I could remember exactly how I was laughing at the end of the day. There was no such thing as an evil spirit who created it in search of self-blame for the sight.

Knock yourself on the cheek with both hands so that Katsuya can get in the mood. It sounded painful because of the slightly too strong beating. When the sound disappeared and the pain pulled, there was a smile back on its face full of shadowless confidence.

"Cheryl. Thanks. Something made me feel better. Sorry to bother you. It's all right now."

Cheryl sees the rash and makes it seem a little strange.

"What's wrong with you?

"... no, it's nothing. Looks like you're really okay now."

"Oh. Thanks to Cheryl"

"I just said the right thing. But it's a corner, so why don't you say," Thank you? "

Cheryl smiles like a prank. Having regained her previous condition, Katsuya was once again in love with Cheryl.

That's where Inave comes in. And when I realized Cheryl's bickering opponent was a jerk, I took a blatant look down.

"Is that Drancam's katsuya? Are you a numb-number in a place like this? With fast hands according to reputation. Am I not mistaken for the purpose of the festival?

Cuttlefish expose themselves to discontent and frustration.

"I'm just talking because I met a friend. I don't know who you are, but don't give Cheryl a weird misunderstanding."

"Right. Well, I'll ask you to take your seat off. I need to talk to her."

"You're telling me I'm talking, right? Later."

Katsuya heightened her frustration at the demand. But Inabe also made an attitude of condemnation of the ignorant.

"You don't understand. While this festival is certainly a place for a get-together, it is meant to encourage meaningful business discussions between participants. I need to talk business with her. It's not about a hunter pinching his mouth. Or can you take the blame for ruining her billion-orum business because of what you did to stay on the field?

I can't even make up for that kind of money on a boulder. The momentum that was about to be eaten by Inave was greatly cut. But it had not disappeared to the point of dissatisfaction.

Cheryl bows her head lightly looking sorry for Katsuya.

"Katsuya. Excuse me. Can't you ask for the next opportunity to continue the conversation?

Cheryl lowered her head to the point where she had to pull back and laugh sadly.

"Ah, oh. Okay, Cheryl. See you later."

"Yes. Again."

Katsuya regained some of her mood by promising to reunite before turning a slight blame gaze on Inabe before leaving.

Return to Cheryl the gaze that Inabe had toward those who had not been polite.

"Before we get down to business, can I ask you about your relationship with him?

"I just met and talked to him a few times."

In Cheryl's much cooled reply, Inabe looks slightly surprised.

"... doesn't seem to think so over there?

"I'm not a good person enough to (deliberately) solve misunderstandings from myself that I don't need to solve."

Seeing how Cheryl answered sayingly, Inabe laughs in a slightly invincible mood. It was rumored (rumored) that Katsuya was a person blindfolded by Yanagi Sawa, and was given considerable importance by those who wanted to get a pass on to Yanagi Sawa. Cheryl's attitude as if he was already on edge with such a person and taking it on his hands was enough for Inabe to raise Cheryl's ratings.

"I see. Looks like the boulder just has a relationship with that woman."

Cheryl turns the blame gaze on Inabe with a seriously unpleasant look on her face.

"... could you please stop (or stop) that evaluation?

"I was going to compliment you, well, if you're unhappy, let's undo it"

Inabe conceives from Cheryl's appearance.

(I'm pretty sure Viola and Cheryl are cooperative, but you don't seem like a complete piece of rock. It's too difficult and dangerous to take that one in. Take this one in if you need it)

Viola is very capable but completely untrustworthy. But it might be somewhat safe to use via Cheryl. Inabe had seen the value of Cheryl there.

"Now, let's move the place a little bit before we move on. To moderately spread the relationship to such an extent that it serves as a pretext for wholesale artifacts, there is something called standing on this floor. Make it sneaky enough to make it smell, make it bicker enough to let you know, because moderate positioning on the floor is important."

"Okay. I'll take care of it. And can we expect to talk about the billions of aurums earlier?

It depends on your efforts, including your upcoming negotiations.

"Well, let's do our best."

On Inabe's somewhere provocative face, Cheryl returned a smile (cheeky) that she would perhaps find spare and confident.

After moving the venue, Cheryl continued his colloquial conversation without difficulty with Inabe. Asking about Katsuya's reputation and so on from Inabe as one of its topics, he was thinking about the identity of the discomfort he suddenly remembered from Katsuya before he broke up.

I can't keep that promise. Cheryl didn't even know that the words, which were pierced deep into Katsuya's heart and were hard wedges that sealed a certain thing, had been plucked out in conversation with her and disappeared.

Yanagi Sawa is roaring while looking at the material displayed in the air.

"I wonder if it was off."

Materials include recent research reports on katsuya. It contains a record of the battle in the back of the ruins, as well as words, deeds, and reputations at a feast hosted by Drancam, and listening results from those around him. There was no description in them that Yanagisawa wanted.

"Nergo gave me false information. They plotted a cover-up based on my presence.... I'm not saying it's unlikely, but I don't think so. I don't know."

Yanagisawa had put Katsuya under his control in various names to confirm his behavior since Nergo taught him that Katsuya was an old realm connector. Deploying Katsuya and the others to the front line of the rear contact line construction of Kuzhara Street ruins via the city's influence on Drankam was easy (yamato) for Yanagi Sawa's status.

But then the reports sent by my men were all about something that went against expectations. Instead of the shadow of existence behind Katsuya, there was no appearance of an old realm connector, just a record of the activities of a young hunter who was usually good, albeit slightly uncomfortable.

Has Nergo misjudged? Or was that contact some kind of deception? Yanagi Sawa was beginning to suspect so.

The report also listed Katsuya's plans for the future. There was also a written participation in a standing meal. When Yanagi Sawa realized that it was just time for that feast, she somehow decided to see how it went.

When the goat sawa manipulates a little, the sight of a standing meal is added in the air. And the cameras installed for security at the venue captured Katsuya's appearance.

Yanagi Sawa had a tentative view of the sight of the feast. And suddenly I changed my expression to something surprising.

"... hmm? This, wait a minute..."

Yanagi Sawa manipulates the display content. The sights of Katsuya's past festivities are shown one after the other. Yanagi Sawa deepened his grin when comparing the sight to the sight now.

There was a clear difference between past and present sights. The number of people flocking to the katsuya, the look on their faces, etc. They were consistent with the characteristics of the old realm connectors in Nergo's explanation when he was asked by Yanagisawa why Katsuya was the old realm connector.

"Did you get your tail out? Until now, they were aware of the possibility of my surveillance and letting Katsuya weigh herself down. But when I had enough, I reconsidered that it was my fault. Or (yes) Katsuya did not follow the instructions this time. Is that the place? Well, whatever. Probably this one."

Yanagisawa had seen the presence behind the katsuya in the difference between the sights. Until Akira struck a wedge in the katsuya and Cheryl pulled out that wedge, she didn't know it was boulder.

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