Rebuild World

223 Both would have been nice.

Akira, who notices Katsuya, increases her alertness at once. But he did not immediately attack him because of what he did. Conceive in a hurry as it is.

(How long have you been there!? How could I not have noticed!? Was my mind that loose!? Why aren't you attacking me!? Is this one of them!? What about the others!?

Katsuya wasn't hung up enough to move from herself to the start of the fight either. Emotions that drove Katsuya under Akira are closer to escape and remorse than hostility and hatred. It wasn't the kind of passion that would hang on killing as soon as I got into my sight.

Between Akira and Katsuya flows the silence born of confusion and bewilderment. Later, Katsuya opens her mouth.

"... I heard about the deal"

"So you're here to see if I'm gonna kill him properly? I killed him right. He's got pieces of flesh scattered all around him."

"... well. I'd like to thank him for helping Yumina."

Akira looks at me unexpectedly. And with this flow, I expected.

"So, is the deal closed?

"Everyone is in the process of retreating. I'll be out of the building in a minute."

Akira was surprised and pleased to think her proposal had passed. But immediately change the expression to something surprising.

"Everybody, huh? What about you?"

Katsuya did not answer. But the silence conveyed enough. Akira exhales loudly.

"... well, I've killed you a lot too. I have no choice. Naturally."

Akira's intentions to kill have seeped out. I have already directed my consciousness toward the other person's behavior.

"Do you simply want to kill me? Or buy some time for your buddies to escape. If it's the latter, you can go home because you won't attack the people you're retreating from behind, well, you don't believe me. each other."

"To each other? What's that supposed to mean?

"Nothing. We're talking over here."

I can't believe Akira also said that Katsuya is going home now. They saw me bearing the deep hand. Even if I retreat on this occasion, I think that if this injury is done, then I should crush it carefully with my people, and now I'm taking my people to kill them. Even if Katsuya herself was going to go home really hard on this occasion, she would come to kill after being persuaded by others who had killed many of her companions. I suspect so.

The other person is not a madman like Nelia. He's a troubled, suspicious, lost, shaky, normal person. That's why Akira couldn't believe the Katsuya and the others. And I unconsciously thought they were the same.

The words are exhausted. Next is the opponent's life. They both recognize it that way and move about at the same time.

Shake up the sword Akira was sluggishly lowering. A light blade is emitted from the radiant body, and its slashing strikes the katsua as it cleaves the floor.

Even when he saw his opponent trying to shake a knife at a distance that would never reach him, Katsuya assumed it would reach him from his opponent's intention to kill him. Fly quickly to the side, avoiding looming light blades at high speeds. Point the gun at Akira at the same time.

Akira was rushing for Katsuya shortly after she skipped the slaughter. Katsuya's rays are shifting due to the shooting from the collapsed position. It flushes through the slightest gap, scratches the ray, and rubs against the bullet. Hear the sound of an object passing at high speed in your ear, feel its waves in your skin, and pack your distance as you are scraped off a piece of the skin on your face by a bullet. And in the midst of his fullness, he put away a rash.

Learning swordsmanship in the east often comes with the habit of slashing enemies vertically. Because amputation of the neck or torso may not result in fatal injury in the opponent. Most (mostly) biological opponents are at similar risk. Even if the neck is severed, it will remain conscious for a long time by incorporating a life-extension function into the head, and may even fight back flat with the reinforced clothing controller wirelessly and the head not physically connected to the torso. Eating a counterattack after slashing and creating a gap can be fatal.

Double-cutting vertically can be fatal for the most part, both biological and prosthetic. Even if the opponent is a remotely operated doll, it is easy to destroy the communication device (Yasu), and if the body is separated from left to right, it is easy to disintegrate (Yasu) the enemy, so it is also difficult to take a counterattack. While not underestimating horizontal techniques, the basics emphasize vertical directions. Akira was also stained with the habit. Because when I slashed sideways in my training with Alpha, they were flat back at me.

Akira swung herself up and down with a rough sword move that saw a bias in the type of slaughter. Katsuya dodges it sideways. A radiant samurai followed Katsuya and waved at the zigzag.

Katsuya shoots Akira in a collapsed position while dodging. Akira shrugs herself from the rays. The detached bullets scattered around the Katsuya and the others.

With slashing, with shooting, the opponent's attack continues with an attack that deprives each other of the opportunity and range. Equipment, skill, fatigue, mental state, two people with huge differences in them were showing each other the battle with their sum being balanced.

Akira unleashes a sweet forward kick of state (deliberately) and aim, letting Katsuya deliberately evade before trying to slash the escaped tip. Even though it is less powerful than slashing, it is usually avoided because eating a kick in fortified clothing would be quite a shock.

But Katsuya dared (ah) take the kick. A kick that pierces rather than blows, breaks through the fortified garment defenses to convey the shock internally. While withstanding its agony, it also uses the shock of kicking to jump backwards and shoot Akira, taking advantage of the range of the gun.

Akira even spared time to kick her foot down from the forward kicking position, using the reinforced clothing grounding function to forcefully lean forward with only the axial foot, and ran straight after Katsuya to fly in a low position. Unlike countless bullets, they run past the side of the ray with their hair, ears and cheeks (cheeks) scraped off. And chased him to Katsuya, who kept firing as he flew backwards.

Once again, an attack at close range is launched. During the attack, Akira rudely distorts her expression to her own defect.

(Shit! If it's about that kick, you don't have a problem eating it! Either the other fortified clothes are just high performance, or my fortified clothes output is dropping, either way, if it's a fight, there's no winning! If you can't kill him now, it's creepy!

The knife also consumes energy to maintain the sharpness. If you skip slashing, the burden on you will be even greater to consume, and if you misadd or subtract, your body will collapse. There are also few remnants left. Akira is stuffed if one of them doesn't finish within what's left.

Katsuya, on the other hand, was getting back on track one by one. Fighting strong enemies who don't have time to think extra will sharpen their shaky consciousness and improve the accuracy of their movements. Each other's defenses lean slightly toward Katsuya's advantage. The margin of spare time creates awareness of the rash.

(This guy didn't skip the slaughter when he packed the distance earlier. Plus the floor scratches are short......)

Even if Akira's sword is pulled back, she will be slashed if she skips the slaughter. Because of that fear, Katsuya continued to be large enough to avoid attacking herself more distant than the actual length.

Akira had struck herself on the floor many times because of the fact that she had been slashed from a collapsed position. Still, thanks to the cleavage that cleaved the floor, my body never caught on to the floor. But the marks that slashed the floor with it would have stretched longer if they had skipped the slaughter.

(You won't have time to decide I can avoid it and stop skipping slaughter! I mean, we can't let the slaughter fly anymore!

Katsuya retreats back a lot to avoid Akira's swing. Akira steps in further and packs the time. Slightly laughing katsuya. Akira makes her expression even more daunting. That difference in facial expression showed the inclination to attack as it was.

Akira responds with further compression of her physical senses time, against Katsuya, who reinforces the offense only for as long as there are no more restrictions on evasive behavior. My headaches get harsh at once. While eating and tying your teeth to a load that may cause you to lose your mind, you do your best to bet your opponent's momentary gap on a winning chance (to).

Still, the offense doesn't go back to each other. Time is on Katsuya's side. Even if each other's offense continues, the energy of Akira's fortified clothing runs out first. Katsuya spotted it from Akira's impatience. And I think I can definitely win if I stay this way, refrain from impossible attacks without rushing the battle, and bias my thoughts towards guardianship.

That became a gap. In response to Akira's large swing of the lower quadrant, he jumped back and forth. So I fly high, trying to avoid unconsciously and reliably, trying to escape the enemy blade.

Akira's bayonet was a knife that made her move look that way. I didn't intend to slash the rash from the beginning, but it was an invitation to fly backwards. If you quickly fit it from side to side in the sheath (Saya) while re-gripping the pattern as it is on the way, you will immediately switch it to an SSB compound gun. Akira punched and counteracted the inherently deadly gap of exchanging weapons during the Ridge attack.

Akira and Katsuya point their guns at each other. But the situation is not five minutes. Akira has her feet on the floor. But Katsuya remains in space. There will be a huge difference in the next avoidance behavior. Akira triumphs as her gaze crosses, Katsuya contemplates defeat and pulls the trigger. Countless gunshots echoed the scene.

At the very least, he is fatally injured by showering anti-force field armor ammunition all over his body. That's what Katsuya had decided. But in fact, it took only a few rounds. Because Akira threw down the winning chance and did everything she could to avoid it. If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have let the Iris shoot.

Iri and the others immediately shot Akira when they arrived at the scene at a moment of real illness. Akira, who had no intention of stabbing him differently, flew off the scene with all her might at the moment she noticed Iri and the others. Then, as a restraint, he sprayed a bullet all over it, further distancing it, and left the field as it was.

Aili and the others rush under the scratch (originally), where they have not had to die.

"Katsuya. Are you okay?

"A, Iri. Why are you here..."

"I'm here to bring Katsuya back"

Katsuya gives a sad look to Eiri, who answered that clearly.

"I told you to retreat, I should have given you proper instructions!

Aili sharpens her expression a little.

"I am not obliged to follow the instructions of the person who threw out the command of the troops. I thought you told me not to jump out of Yumina alone."

Katsuya knows that Iri and the others are here to help. Fighting Akira in the Squad cost many lives without winning. By that standard, there is nowhere to be won by a small number of people in this room.

(Did I bring my people to the dead again...)

Katsuya's spirit sinks in again. But there comes Aili's harsh and gentle voice.

"We're together when we die. If you don't want us dead, just let Katsuya go home alive."

Makes it look like a jerk. And then I laughed a little.

"... I get it. Back"

I will do my best to keep my people from dying. I enjoyed harsh hunter operation only (for) that reason, but I was still working hard. Katsuya remembered her former self and was regaining her mind.

"That's good. Let me tell you something, when Katsuya is beaten by Yumina later, she won't take refuge."

"Hey, can you handle that?

"No. I won't. It's time for the boulders to beat Katsuya to the wall by Yumina about once. I'll help you with the rest of the treatment."

"Oh well."

Across the light mouth, Iri laughed with a little fun, and Katsuya smiled bitterly. Katsuya, who regained her composure, had once regained working with her disconnected companions.

Katsuya pulls herself together and makes a serious face.

"Well, the question is, will he give us back?"


"... I don't know. I kicked the deal as much as I wanted. If he's going to kill us all as originally declared, it's creepy (first) to withdraw and take him to Yumina and the others. Iri, do you think Yumina and the others can put us down and retreat?

"I told Yumina I would make an effort to bring Katsuya back. I might be waiting."

"... well. If communications are restored, we'll be able to pull back at the same time as we arrive..."

Many of my companions at Yumina are wounded and unable to fight. If Akira shows up there on the premise of killing them all, there will be a lot of damage.

"I have no choice. I'm sorry. Somebody go back and tell Yumina and the others what's going on. We're pulling out at full speed in five minutes. When we rendezvous, I need you to get your hands on us so we can get out of the building immediately."

When Aili chose to return and told her with her gaze, she hurried back to Yumina and the others, looking worried. Katsuya and the others stay on the spot and prepare for Akira's raid.

"... please. Take it. It'll be fine in five minutes."

Katsuya groaned as she prayed.

Akira had roughly detected Katsuya's behavior with information-gathering equipment from a remote location. The Katsuya, who stayed on the spot without pursuing themselves, only seemed to be waiting for Akira for additional reinforcements. Katsuya flied out untouched, and the others went to cover him, and those who hurried without regard for the dangers in it were just in time. The rest of them are cautious in fear of Tiol's assault. The rest of it follows straight. I just thought so.

Kill Katsuya, who would be the captain, and the troops might retreat. Expecting so, I failed in a few moments. Besides, I consumed a lot of residual ammunition when I ran away, and there's only a few left. Akira holds her head and exhales into the situation.

(What do we do? How can we get through this deteriorating situation?

I even added reinforcements even though Katsuya alone was out of hand. The remnants run out soon, too. Though I calmly think of breakthroughs in that situation, the commonsense judgment I thought with a calm head kept returning the commonsense answer that there was no more winning or anything.

Akira shakes her neck to the side once and for all to change her mind.

(No. Change your mind. Consider yourself compelled to do so, but this has helped. How do I interpret the situation so I can be perceived as advantageous?

I recapitulate the situation with the thought that I think I'm unscrupulous. Then I came up with a very convenient assumption, possibly mixed with a thrust, and a means based on it. And when I thought of it, even though I thought I had impotence, I didn't think of any other means.

"... do we have to do this"

Akira decides to be ready again. There was also the option of staying on the spot for the most part and waiting for Katsuya and the others to withdraw. But Akira didn't realize it, and even if she did, she couldn't believe it and couldn't wait.

Katsuya and the others were on guard around Akira without moving from the room she left. By linking all information gathering devices and each receiving information gathering in a specific direction, we have achieved a fairly wide range of enemies. This linkage feature is also a strength of comprehensive support enhancement clothing.

Initially, information processing is carried out by transmitting collection information to the on-board integrated support system. This allows for a wider range of high-precision enemies and various types of support, but it is not functioning because of a communication failure. Still, it is possible to collaborate through short-range communication, and it is possible to grasp (one) the general position of Akira even in the processing of the general support system disconnection.

Katsuya remains on alert with her gun in the direction of the passage where Akira is lurking. Akira's position is a little further down the aisle.

(That guy, don't move from there. I can't feel any sign of escape. But it's not in a position to attack us right away. Are you watching this way out? Or are you afraid they'll run away and take your back? If you run away, I won't chase you, and I can retreat this one...)

Katsuya smiles slightly.

(... Unbelievable. each other)

We gain because we can avoid a futile battle by believing in each other. They also think we can't believe each other after figuring that out. Katsuya accepted that Akira thought the same way, wondering how convinced she was that it only made sense.

Akira's reaction shows movement. Katsuya and the others turned their expressions all at once and aligned the gunpoint to the aisle.

Akira jumps out of the aisle at full speed. Katsuya perceives the movement with extreme concentration and feels uncomfortable. Akira stood holding an SSB compound gun. But it wasn't a grip, it was a throw.

Akira, ready, throws the SSB compound gun at the rashes with momentum. Fly through the universe with the gun spinning hard. A moment later, all the remnants were indiscriminately shot out of that muzzle around the perimeter.

SSB compound guns can also be used as a shooting component of a simplified autonomous gun seat. It can also be incorporated into an arm-style gun seat mounted on a motorcycle or the like for the wilderness, leaving the firing to the control device. For this reason, various kinds of shooting settings are possible.

Akira set the SSB compound gun to automatically fire out all bullets in ten seconds. And I waited until the end of the line to adjust the time, popping up at the exquisite moment and throwing it at the Katsuya's. Anti-force field armored Anti-Force Field Armor ammunition is indiscriminately scattered around the perimeter while roughly horizontally flying guns rotate violently in the air. The recoil of the shooting has irregularly shaken the orbit of the gun body, making it extremely difficult to spot ballistics from the muzzle.

A large number of bullets have been fired out, but aiming is equivalent to not collecting elasticity due to poor tea (mess). Plus, Katsuya's gear can withstand a few rounds. But unluckily, it's dangerous to get quite a few rounds in a row. Companions with lower gear performance than katsuya are even more so. Katsuya was reflexively instructing her companions to prioritize their own defenses over the shooting at Akira.

Akira, on the contrary, abandoned the evasion altogether and packed the distance with all her might, ready for the bomb. Fully open the output of the fortified garment and defensive coat, pushing forcefully, albeit with a bullet, through the world where time moves very slowly, only between itself and the Katsuya and the others.

The SSB compound gun was quite long in Akira's physical time, in reality it shot out all the bullets in just a few moments and clashed against the wall with good momentum as it was. Katsuya and the others immediately attempt to resume shooting at Akira. Akira threw another (today) SSB compound gun faster than she could get that bullet.

Akira watches Katsuya's movements in the world in front of her stillness, which depends on extreme concentration.

(If you have company, you prioritize the safety of your people!

SSB compound guns fly toward fellow Katsuya. That's already broken, but the Katsuya and the others don't know.

(In this situation, you let your people back down and you come forward!

Akira pulls out the knife while running at full speed.

(And in order not to let my people get hit), I will prioritize the destruction of the gun over the attack on me!

The assumption is based on a simulated battle with the Ellios. There is no guarantee that Katsuya will move like that anywhere else. But Akira bet everything there.

If it's a simple talent, Katsuya is better up there. If the talent is five minutes, Akira, who continues to receive very efficient training from Alpha, is definitely kicking ass with some current equipment performance differences.

The strength of the katsuya polished by its talent was very high, but there were also parts that were quite distorted (boiled) because of the support received without knowledge. And by suddenly losing that support due to communication problems, the accuracy of the movements that relied on the support had been extremely reduced, greatly reducing their strength.

Still, a rare talent of its kind continued to rapidly modify its distortions in battle. Katsuya, who was beginning to regain her original strength, quickly shot down the gun, shaking off the intense killing spirit released from Akira with the strong thought of protecting her companion, and aligning the muzzle with Akira without wandering.

Shortly before we hit each other with death, Akira and Katsuya's gaze crossed. A moment later, the loser scattered blood, confirming his victory and defeat. Katsuya, cut off from her head, split left and right and collapsed, desperate.

Katsuya was working exactly as Akira assumed. He lowered his companion and himself stepped forward, firing down the gun first. If we had only marginally neglected that part and speeded up the attack on Akira for that matter, if we had abandoned our people, Katsuya would have won. And that was something Katsuya couldn't do right now.

Killing Katsuya won't end Akira's battle. Multiplied by the confusion caused by the death of the troop leader, he had decided to escape or finish the rest. But it was stopped. The moment Katsuya died, there were more signs on Akira's side.

(There shouldn't be anyone there!?

Akira slashes reflexively in amazement. But it was lightly prevented. Akira's movement stops. It's not just the extra surprise. It was also because of a strong fixation on the opponent.

"Long time no see"

Tsubaki was smiling as he picked the knife with his middle and index fingers.

A small transporter is flying through the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. I left the temporary base and am already inside the massive site exploration area. It was flying at an altitude slightly above the roof of the surrounding building, wide open to the left and right of the torso.

Sarah and Sikarabe, Parga and Yamanobe split left and right to stand on the side of the fuselage, with a large gun. When Elena detected a camouflaged mechanical monster using her own information-gathering device and an enemy device in the fuselage, she sent the information to Sarah and the others.

Sarah will aim and pull the trigger based on that information. The bullet fired along with the roar crushed the flying mechanical monster with one blow. The Sicarabes are similarly shooting the monsters around them. One monster after another hitting the transporter is shot down.

Shikarabe now wraps her tongue around the performance of the borrowed large gun, making her look a little suspicious.

"Elena. Where have you really sourced this from? It's not a bad thing, is it?

It was Nelia who arranged the gun and the transporter. The transporter was deployed to a temporary base, and the gun is a reserve for a direct Yanagi Sawa unit. I was able to bring it up on my own authority, so Nelia lent it to Elena and the others on her own.

"You explained the history lightly, didn't you? I don't know anything more than that. If you're anxious, use your own."

Sikarabe gave up pursuit with a lingering expression of concern. Determine that Elena is dividing herself from questions similar to her own, and take the dare (ah) shelf the doubts and work for the shooting down of the enemy.

Parga pinches his mouth with a bitter smile seeping into doubt.

"Shikarabe, care more about where she came from than about where she came from."

At the end of Parga's gaze was Nelia showing her moving as if she were kicking an invisible scaffold through the air and continuing to leap. He approached a mechanical monster in the air in a agile motion and is cleaved with a blade of both hands. The strange sight of a suddenly crucified mechanical monster wreck appearing in the air with nothing, falling as-is, was repeated.

"If we deploy and scaffold Forcefield Armor, a robust force field armor in the air, we can theoretically kick and move through the air. I know that, but this is the first time I've actually seen the guy doing it. It's crazy. Do you want to go that far and get in the melee?

Yamanobe is smiling bitterly when he sees the same sight.

"I've heard talk about the proximity specialist's prowess being proportional to how crazy his head is, but as far as that goes, I'm convinced. Beautiful, but you're the type I don't want to be near. Well, the orthodox can change any number of faces if he wants, so even if there's a difference in direction, he's mostly beautiful."

At that time, Nelia, who had just finished crushing his own side of the enemy, was about to rush back into the universe. Come straight to Yamanobe's side (buckwheat) and smile.

"For once, this face has been here since birth?

"Oh, really?"

Nelia didn't mean to threaten anything, but Yamanobe scratched a cold sweat and made her face cramp.

Keep going through the carcass portion of the transporter, and Sarah then replaces the blade's energy pack to stop Nelia from trying to pop out into the air on the opposite side.

"Hey, even now, it's helpful that you lent me such a high-performance gun or arranged a transporter, but can I ask how you got there (to help Akira)?

I didn't have a spare human weapon.

That's all Nelia answered and flew out into space again. In an unexplained response, Sarah distorted her expression with complexity.

"Elena. Meaning, you know?

"It's refreshing."

Elena had a similar look on her face.

If there were any spare people-type weapons left at the temporary base, Nelia was on her way to supporting the people-type weapons unit. But all the spare fuselages were deployed on the reinforcement side at Inave's direction, and were assigned to control work in the area along with the other hunters' troops. As a result, now the subjects of the allies, the allies of judgment, were more biased towards Akira than the human-type weapons units of the city to which they originally belonged. That was all.

Sicarabe pinches her mouth.

"So, Elena, where is that Akira? You think I'm gonna find out? I don't know where he is, do I? You don't just keep flying around the ruins until you find them."

"Until she says she's leaving, keep exploring. And I'm sure of it. It's a high-performance information-gathering device for transporters, looking for wavelengths of short-range communications sent from Akira's lending terminals and so on. As soon as the communication failures recover, I'll know..."

Seeing Elena's rugged expression makes Sicarabe look rude in another way too.

(Do you intend to continue the search as long as time, remnants and transporter energy allow?... sooner or later)

Sikarabe was unable to participate in this massive site exploration at the convenience of Drancam, but was waiting at the temporary base as a standby personnel. I was later to join the reinforcements commanded by the city, but I felt desperate and unwilling to be feathers heading to rescue the Katsuya and the others.

So Shikarabe, contacted by Elena, joined Akira's rescue without much thought. I want to leave without waiting for the reinforcements to be formed. I would like to give priority to the search for Akira over the sequential work of repression in accordance with the direction of the city side. I thought it was about that level of content, but there was a lot of unexpected things about transporters, powerful large guns, women with no expertise.

Mechanical monsters that had surrounded the perimeter of large-scale site exploration are allowed to pass through while flying in camouflage conditions, but those who leave attack. Shikarabe had been asked that by Elena and the others, but were the transporters not eligible for flyable items, such as transporters, or would it be prevented for those who left once to try to enter again, and the transporters had been attacked at the time they approached the besieged area.

I don't mean to blame Elena and the others, but it's true that she was there first hand. Subsequent fights also continued to be difficult without the performance of the large guns borrowed.

(... did you agree a little too cheaply because you don't like katsuya? Am I turning the grill, too?

Sikarabe resumed shooting at the enemy, who appeared additionally, with a little regret for his choice.

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