Rebuild World
23 Mine-like children
Akira was living her study pickle days at the inn. Two weeks have already passed since I ordered fortified clothing. I even encouraged him to study every day, deceiving his bathing appetite in a simple shower, in a small, cheap room with no bath, without stepping out of the inn as Alpha declared.
Still, Akira is in a relatively good mood. The reason is the expectation of fortified clothing, which has given us eight million aurum. After Sizka contacted me about the expected delivery date, I was in an even better mood and even showed a little restlessness.
Alpha's support was also very helpful in Akira's studies. First, he was building an efficient learning environment by expanding Akira's vision to display a variety of things that did not exist in reality. There are electronic blackboard-like objects floating in the air. If you open the white notebook you bought at the store, the letters and images will be displayed additionally and become a textbook. There are no deficiencies in terms of teaching materials at all.
Also, the content and teaching methods of the classes are very sophisticated, easy to understand (yasu) and efficient. Furthermore, Alpha teaches courageously and carefully for Akira alone. In a small, cheap room, an advanced study environment was built that would otherwise be difficult even if loaded with huge amounts of gold. Thanks to this, Akira was rapidly acquiring knowledge.
During those days, Alpha, who was pointing to the electronic blackboard string with an instruction stick, moved its pointing point to Akira's information terminal.
"Akira, Cheryl's calling for you."
Akira takes the information terminal. At that point, there is nothing to indicate that Cheryl contacted us. But the sound and indication immediately appeared to inform the incoming call. Akira looks strange.
"How did you realize that earlier than an information terminal?
Alpha smiles so well.
"As I explained before, I took over the information terminal."
Is that what it is? Akira had some doubts, but received a call request without paying too much attention. Then Cheryl starts talking in a voice of impatience and tension.
"It's Cheryl. I'm sorry I'm busy. Can I count on you at the base? Actually, other inmates really want to meet and talk to Akira. I also said no, but I even started to say that if I can't, I'll push you to Akira's Inn..."
Akira is slightly surprised.
"What are you talking about meeting me? Cheryl's the captive boss, isn't he?
"He says I'm not going to talk about it. Externally, the inmate boss is thought to be Akira. Maybe he thinks I'm not gonna negotiate with the surrogate."
Akira thinks a little. Minds who unconsciously sought to breathe back their judgment because of the act (s) that kept them locked in a small room for a long time.
"Okay. I'm going that way now, so I need you to check the story by then."
"Okay. Thank you. Sit down."
Finally, the call with Cheryl was cut off, just a little less anxious and nervous.
Show how Alpha seems dissatisfied.
'I thought you said you wanted me to refrain from going out until the fortified clothes arrived.
"Don't say that. Let me out once in a while. I'm not going out into the wilderness. You'll be fine. I already told you I was going."
Laughs lightly as Alpha forgives the child's self.
'You have no choice. Getting ready once and then going outside. All right?'
Akira made the same preparations as when heading to the ruins before heading to Cheryl's base.
Cheryl exhales a gentle relief (mostly) as she looks at an information terminal that has lost contact with Akira.
(... They think it's troublesome, but you'll come properly. Thanks for your help)
And turn a hard gaze on the people in question. A man named Wataba, who called Akira, and his men.
"Akira's coming here. They told me to listen to you by then. So I'll ask you again. What the hell do you want with me?
Wataba has an attitude that makes Cheryl look like a little fool.
"Akira says she'll talk to you when the kid gets here."
"You're not listening to people!? They're telling me to listen to you!
Cheryl stared at Wataruba. But the wasp does not wander, but rather roughs his voice like intimidation.
"Ugh! I told you I'd talk to you when the kid gets here! Shut up!"
Wataruba was licking Cheryl and the others. It was both Wataba and originally a member of the Shibea inmate party, and the reason he knew so much about Cheryl and the others. I look down unconsciously and consciously because of my previous position in the party.
Wataba happened to have other errands and was not part of Akira's raid. Still, Akira was on guard for a while after Shibea and the others were killed. But over time, we began to think that Shibea and the others simply stepped on the dodge.
Girl with no choice but to flirt with a man. Some of them told me that the boy was behind me. Neither is a big deal. Those thoughts and perceptions were growing wasps.
Cheryl had the limit of picking up the wasps. Intimidating, or (some) doing their best to ask questions, could not be imitated. I have a gun for once, but that's the same for the other guy. I didn't feel like pulling the kill trigger from myself.
The attitude of the head of the group is passed on to those who lead it. There is room, optimism and ridicule for the wasps, but tension and fright and impatience spread to Cheryl and the others. The extent of it became harsh over time, and the Wataba and the others were already much less alert to Akira, who was not here. The other guy is a hunter for once. So we need a minimum of vigilance. Even that alert I initially held was loose.
That's where Akira appears. Everyone's attention is at once. Akira felt the atmosphere of the place and understood it was definitely a hassle. Then he walks to Cheryl's side (buckwheat) for attention and asks troublesome questions.
"So, what's the story?
"Well, that's..."
When Cheryl said that he was starving, Wataruba came out.
"He didn't hear anything from me! I can't do what you asked me to do!
Cheryl hates his gaze and stares at Wataruba. But there was no shaking of the straw.
Akira exhales and turns her questioning tip into a wasp.
"So, what can I do for you?
Wataba tells Akira and the others clearly.
"It's a simple story. Give us the territory, including this base."
Cheryl and the others were devastated and upset by the demand.
Cheryl's inmate party took over Civea's inmate territory, but with the current number of inmates it is difficult to maintain that territory, which is quite wide. The existence of inappropriately controlled territory in Slam Street is a source of extra trouble. That is detrimental to Cheryl and the others.
A man named Sijima, the boss of the Wataba, dispatched Wataba, who both knew Cheryl and the others, thinking that if only part of that territory, Cheryl, had extra hands, it would be readily available in simple negotiations, or (with) only minor threats. But Wataba had grown to Cheryl and the others' attitude and changed the demands at will.
Naturally, it is not acceptable. I say it back like Cheryl screams unexpectedly.
"Don't be ridiculous! You wouldn't drink that demand!?
"I didn't ask you! Shut up!"
When Wataba yelled back at him for the purpose of intimidation, Cheryl slipped away slightly. After Wataba looked remorsefully at Cheryl, who was distorting her face (Yu) as a little fool, she turned the threatening spearhead into Akira and took the liberty of expecting the content of the reply as if it were natural.
"So, what do you think? Isn't that right?
"No, even Cheryl would be answering no. Don't ask me."
Akira flatly overturned Wataba's predictions.
Surprised as the wasp was struck by a void in Akira's attitude that had not moved a shard. But it quickly turned to irritating. As irritating as it is, it enters the threat with awesomeness.
"I'm asking you. I guess this is your sidekick, huh?
"This is Cheryl's party stronghold, and the boss is Cheryl. It's not me. Don't ask me. Ask Cheryl. If you'd told Cheryl, I wouldn't have had to come this far. Don't call it all in. You done talking to me? Go home. I'm going home too."
Akira's mischievous response turns Wataruba's frustration into anger.
"You, don't get on with it, okay? Mr. Sijima's prison party, to which I belong, is not like a weak prison party like this one full of kids. There's a lot of people and a lot of territory! You think you can just say no!?
You know what?
Wataba was half overwhelmed as he spoke. However, Akira regarded it as something else until the end of the day, and remained in an attitude that seemed irrelevant.
Wataruba gets in a worse mood at the attitude of the person who is being licked (nah) for not doing what he wants. In proportion to the worsening mood, the expression also starts to look badly distorted (boiled). Still, he increases his anger and frustration with Akira, who doesn't change his attitude at all.
But the look suddenly restored mockery and leeway. Wataba laughs invincibly at Akira.
"You think we don't know anything about you?
Akira changes her attitude and looks surprised.
"... what do you know?
Wataruba's face loosens suspiciously in his attitude as expected.
"I thought you said we were a lot of people. It's as easy as the inn you're staying in."
Akira has a slight idea.
Alpha reads Akira's intentions and gives instructions.
'It's a bad place there. Move.'
Akira stood leaning against the wall as she silently moved to the place Alpha had instructed her to. And answer the watter to make a fool of yourself.
"Find out where I'm staying? So you're willing to rally people and raid? Stupid or you. You think I'm the only hunter staying at that inn? The security company that's contracted to the inn will turn it over to the enemy, too, right? Are you insane? If you want to kill yourself, do what you want."
Wataruba screams lightly and willingly at Akira, who threatens to pinpoint the bedding but doesn't show any fright at all.
"Well, that's not all! I'm looking into the weapon shop you go to a lot! What does it matter what happens to that store or store owner?!?
Akira exhaled as if she were in a state (deliberately) without putting on the surface the dark emotions that had gushed inside her. Reach for the gun and answer to advise it not to be noticed behind it.
"I'll tell you in good faith, a man named Katsuragi, the arms dealer, may look like a merchant everywhere, but he's amazing enough (awesome) to come back from purchasing goods from the front line. If you guys bundle up and attack, it's just gonna pay you back, okay?
Wataba smiled lowly when she heard it. That switched Akira's consciousness.
"Alpha. Ask for support"
"Akira. You should think about it a little..."
Alpha tried to stop Akira for once by reading her will. But before he could persuade him, he opened his mouth and said, "Straw."
"Not that way! The woman......"
A gunshot sounded in the room. A wasp with a bullet against the chest for the monster had been flown to the wall behind him by the impact of the landing. He then collapsed forward with his face solidified with a surprise look, made a loud noise and fell to the floor, and remained desperate. Blood and flesh pieces splashed from his back dyed the wall behind him red when the bullet landed, and blood flowing out of the body dyed the floor.
Akira shot and killed Wataruba without any hesitation.
The men with the wasps had stopped moving due to agitation. And unluckily he returns to me first, and the man who pulls out his gun in an attempt to fight back is shot in the leg by Akira before that and rolls to the floor. The impact of the landing had cut my leg a thousand times.
There is also a man on the floor raising his voice of anguish caused by severe pain. Akira was holding back at gunpoint to the rest of them.
The screams of the children began to sound gradually. He who looks over the room without knowing why. who flee to the corner of the room. who try to escape. Only a few were able to cope with the fact that the negotiating place suddenly turned into a killing place.
Alpha asks Akira with a slightly harsh look.
"Akira. Did you have to kill him?
Akira answers clearly.
"There was."
When Alpha exhaled a mixed sigh of mild silliness and giving up, she returned her expression to her usual smile (cheeks) to change her mind.
'Yes, then we have no choice. Don't get distracted because you think it's over.'
"Oh. I know."
Alpha doesn't care how many Akira kills. However, we would like to make the killing pointless and aggravating the situation easier.
Akira hates trouble, but she's taking more trouble from herself. I consider myself unlucky, but I increase that unlucky element from myself. And that's not inconsistent in Akira. Some criterion in Akira affirms that seemingly puzzling behavior. This action is also the result of Wataba's words and actions exceeding that standard.
Without an accurate grasp of some of those criteria, it is difficult to encourage Akira to act in the future. Alpha decided so and continued to observe Akira.
Akira points a gun at the rest of the men and warns them as they restrain.
"Drop the gun. Five, four, three..."
The men standing hurriedly threw down their guns. The man who was shot and rolled on the floor hasn't shown any more movement than holding down the wound. Point a gunshot at the head of the man on the floor as Akira continues to count.
"... two, one..."
"Wait! I'll make you dump the gun right away! Don't shoot!"
Other men rushed to stop Akira. And when we took the gun from a man who was in severe pain and not the other way around, we kicked it with our own guns. Akira slowly lowered her gun.
The place was quiet. Everyone looks at Akira, who shot Wataruba without hesitation or warning. Only Akira looked the same as usual.
Akira asks the men.
"So, you guys are part of the inmate party of the one called Sijima?
"Oh, yeah. Don't shoot, don't shoot, okay?
"Show me. Cheryl, let's go."
Cheryl had solidified without grasping things. And when I understood what was said, it solidified for another reason. Cheryl's expression returned to me was very distorted.
"... eh!?
Cheryl shouted like a scream.
Sijima's inmate party is one of the countless inmates present in Slam Street, just like Cheryl's inmate party. However, it is a middle-sized detachment party with different numbers and territory sizes than Cheryl and the others.
Akira and Cheryl had come to the base of those sizimas.
In addition to Akira and the others, there are Sijima's men in the larger room inside the base. Akira and the others were guided to the room by Sijima's men.
Sijima heard of Akira's visit from his men, who were rather in a hurry. I was a little troubled by the content of the report, which made me want to suspect a lot, but considering that Cheryl, the boss of the inmate party who inherited Sibea's territory, and Akira, the hunter behind it, came together, I decided to meet him in person.
When Sijima entered the room that had kept Akira and the others waiting, the sight was spreading as reported.
Akira keeping calm. Cheryl with a drawn look on her face. My men holding down the shot wound and the others supporting him. And Wataba's body leaving traces of being dragged so far on the floor.
I came to see Akira by dragging Wataba's body, which she killed herself. What Sijima saw entering the room corroborated his men's report.
The man who lost one leg was also left on the spot (to report the situation). Sijima gives instructions to her men.
"... that's good enough. Treat him. Go."
Sijima's men walk out of the room supporting the wounded man. Sizima, who was following it lightly with her eyes, returns her gaze to Akira and asks flatly.
"You're the one who did it? Yeah, I'm a sizima. He commands the inmates who surround this area."
Akira answers flatly.
"Oh. I did it. I'm Akira. She is Cheryl. I don't have much to do with the killing, but I brought him in because I was involved for once. I think it's best to keep an eye on the situation."
"Right. Then let's hear it in the end. What are you doing here?
Negotiation and confirmation.
"I see. Well, have a seat."
In the center of the room there is a table, on its left and right there is a sofa. Akira sits on the couch as recommended by Sijima. Sijima sits opposite it. Cheryl stood as if he had been left behind.
Akira speaks plainly to Cheryl.
"You're not gonna sit down?
It was a diagrammatically fat attitude that I didn't think was the attitude of a child who boarded the enemy land.
Sijima speaks plainly to Cheryl.
"Why don't you sit down?
I don't think it was the attitude of the man who killed my men. It was a very normal attitude.
Cheryl sat in an irresistible motion next to Akira. It was a very natural attitude, both as the attitude of those at the base of the inmate party in character and as the attitude of those who came with those who killed its members of the inmate party.
Sijima observes Akira. Akira looks like a normal kid doing normal to Sijima's eyes. I mean, the kid's an anomaly. The body of the man who killed him. The man's inmate boss. Those armed men with unfavourable gaze. A child who is flat in the same room as them is clearly not normal. Akira's abnormality was also highlighted by Cheryl sitting right next to her without distortion or tension.
Cheryl was desperately trying to put up a vanity. But the cold sweat and tremors were leaking without being good. Looking out of sight from Sijima, he was looking at Wataba's body, which was ahead of him, and hastily looking in a different direction, to see how restless he was.
Sijima lowered her guard against Cheryl when she saw how it was going. At the same time, he raised his guard against Akira.
"Was the matter negotiated and confirmed? I don't know what happened, but, well, I'll tell you about it. Talk to me."
Sijima said so while retrieving the information terminal and starting to tease. I'm not interested in every negotiation with Akira and the others. I'm not seriously going to listen to you. That's what I was showing you.
Cheryl didn't think Sijima's attitude was disrespectful because she knew the difference in power between herself and the Sijimas. I was relieved to see how Ning (Muro) would not show a significant reaction if he saw the bodies of his own detachment party members, and thought that suddenly he would not be killed.
Akira tells Sijima normally.
"I don't recommend it because it will destroy each one"
Sizima's hand stops when she was operating the information terminal. Sijima was just before sending instructions to assemble the restraining party's combat personnel.
In the first place, Sijima put Akira and the others in the stronghold because she thought that an accidental battle had broken out in negotiations between Wataba and Cheryl and that she had come to apologize for the death. But if we actually met, Cheryl found out that Akira had no intention of doing so, at least, as a raven (and) also a horn.
Request additional personnel and destroy each one before assembling. Attack whoever is in this room first. If the number of people in this room right now, I can kill them all by myself. Akira says that in the dark. And I'm serious about that.
Stop if you don't want to. Sijima understood Akira's warning.
Think without Sijima changing her expression. Even if Akira's warnings are clearly paranoid, if we engage, we will have the victims we deserve. And I'm almost certain that its victims will include themselves. I don't want that.
If Akira hadn't noticed the extra power, she could have killed it almost fine. But it was noticed and stopped. To be precise, Alpha noticed and taught Akira, but Sijima has no way of knowing that. And it doesn't change much for Sijima. Sijima was even more vigilant when she decided Akira was again an unfamiliar opponent.
(... it doesn't look like this kid could have killed the Sibears just because they were unlucky. It just seems like a normal kid who doesn't have a lot of strength at first sight. Are you saying that Sibea and the others were tricked into looking at this kid and hit him cheaply and got paid back? You're a kid like a mine)
Sijima slowly put the information terminal on the table. And while remaining calm, he speaks majestically as the boss of the Jailed Party.
"You're very strong."
Akira answers with a slightly enhanced tone.
"It's better than ruins and wilderness. If you kill a monster, the rest won't run away."
"I see. That's a unique response from Hunter."
Cheryl had not been able to grasp the situation and was silently listening to Akira and the others. But I was surprised by the strange air, and I reconfirmed what they said and did in my head. I thought about it for a while and gradually understood it. Cheryl blued her expression at once the moment she realized that the situation was on the verge of killing each other until just now and that Sijima pulled it off.
Akira continues the conversation.
"What I want to confirm is simple. Whatever the circumstances, I killed one of your people. I got one injured."
"So, what are you going to do now? Are you talking about a fool who did something stupid dying, doing it, or fighting a thorough battle against his body as retaliation for being killed? And in the latter case, how many kills will the other humans give up fighting? That's a confirmation. For example, in the case of Sibea and the others, luckily, there were about six of them, including Sibea, and the others gave up. Hey, Cheryl?
In a cruel and noisy story, Cheryl, suddenly told the story, answers in a panic.
"Huh? Yeah! That's right! I don't have anyone in my cell trying to kill Akira! Absolutely!"
Sijima continues to seem abominable.
"Nobody likes that retaliation because that son of a bitch was murdered. There are more delightful ones. Including me."
Sijima returns the tone. Put your expression and calm back together.
"Well, don't rush to conclusions. Sometimes speaking in conclusion can be quick, but listening closely to how it goes can change your impression. If we're going to proceed with caution, we need to focus on the process. Then let's hear it. Why did you kill him?
"Because you threatened me."
"... is that all?
"If I add, it's because I made threats that made me want to kill. It's not as if a joke makes sense. Careful attention should be paid to what is said. A sincere, cordial and polite explanation does not guarantee that the intention will be conveyed correctly. Interpretation of statements depends on the listener. I'm a coward. The one who says he's gonna kill me, he can't sleep at night unless he kills me before he kills me. There are a lot of people who talk to me like that who do what they say. So I killed him before he did what he said."
Akira stares at Sijima. I speak carefully. Don't threaten me. I don't think it's clear what you're saying. Yes, I'm telling Sijima.
"Additionally, he has asked for all Cheryl's bases and territory to be sent over. Could it have been personnel in death for the pretext of the war?
"... he even said that?
When Sijima sent Cheryl her gaze in the sense of confirmation, Cheryl snorted (nodding) firmly as she panicked.
"Yes, I did say it"
Cheryl looks like she's lying on the spot, but she doesn't even look like she's throwing up. When Sijima judged so, she exhaled and held her head gently.
Wataba's words and actions are irresistible even if it is judged that he has waged a war on a partisan basis. After grasping his background, Sijima begins to think in a calmly conversational direction, taking into account Akira's presence, who is completely obnoxious to the battle and the killing.
"Well, I understand there was a downfall over here, too. As far as I'm concerned, I just wanted to discuss the territory. An insufficiently controlled territory becomes a spark of resistance. You'll see about that. I just wanted to get rid of those concerns. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to make things easier for you.
Sijima turns her gaze to Akira for a response.
"Me too. We don't want to kill each other unnecessarily."
That's what Akira answers and sees Cheryl. Sijima also shifts her gaze to Cheryl. Then Cheryl, who was outside the mosquito net until now, starts panicking because of the sudden becoming a party.
"... Huh? Wow, me? Wow, I don't mind if I settle this in peace."
Sijima returns her gaze to Akira to continue the conversation.
"With regard to the desire to cure things in peace, the agreement of the three parties was obtained. Now, how can I make it easier next time, but whatever the beginning of the matter, I want you to take into account that the dead and injured are only on this side. But there's no reason for me to shoot a few of them over there. It's just a new rub. So let's put a piece of gold on here."
Continue while Sijima thinks lightly.
"... right, a million aurums. So let's have no remorse. In addition, we'll get along with your inmates in the future. To avoid these kinds of things. I don't think it's a bad idea to end a dead man's rub. How about that?
Akira tells Cheryl plainly.
"Cheryl, he said a million aurums."
Cheryl had a bewildered look at Akira's words only for a few moments without understanding what they meant. But soon I understood what it meant and blued my face.
Even if they tell you to pay a million aurums on your own, that's impossible. However, if you answer that you do not like it, the convenient solution may disappear and return to the process of killing each other again. That concern makes Cheryl panic even more and makes her voice sound closer to screaming.
"I can't! No, it doesn't mean we don't want to pay, we don't have that kind of money! I'm not planning on getting that kind of money!
Akira also makes her expression a little harsh.
"You can't afford to pay me like that, either, can you? It's not a lie. Gear costs, ammunition costs, money. I don't have any extra money because I'm going to die for it."
Sijima can put a light awesome tone into the tone.
"Life-saving is the same here. If you threaten only the kid's inmate a little, there's a dead man out there on top of the payback, he's pulled back awesome, what a leak. They get licked and killed by the inmates all over them. There's also a minimum amount of money to get it done. At a time when the dead are trying to finish a case with money, this one's making quite a concession, right?
Then the silence flowed for a while. We can't all pull off easily for the right reasons. A breath-taking silence persists. Afterwards, Akira breaks and comes up with a compromise with a light snooze.
"500,000 aurum as an advance. 500,000 aurum for late payment. So what do you say? There's only half a million aurums I can give you instant money."
"When can I get the rest of the money?
"There is no regular income for hunters. After you make as much money as you can afford."
Silence as Sijima ponders. The majority of them are acting. But the rest is the idea of what to do if you reject this compromise. And draw conclusions.
"It would be good"
Akira takes 500,000 aurum out of the rucksack and puts it on the table. That's the money I pulled out of my account in case I needed cash.
Sijima gives instructions under her chin. One of my men leaves the room with that 500,000 aurum.
"Until the payment is complete, it is tentative, but it is decided that the conversation has been made in a calm manner. Then go home. I have to explain a lot to my men. I'm busy."
Akira gets up in silence and leaves the room. Cheryl also rushed to follow Akira.
Sijima shut up and dropped Akira and the others off, then stayed in the room and waited for a report from her men. A subordinate comes into the room and reports it.
"I'm out of base"
"... well.... shit!
Sijima screams and begins to get rough.
"What the hell is that kid! You're seriously here to kill me! You must be out of your mind!? If you think Sibea's son of a bitch is finally dead, there's a crazier kid out there! Maybe the reason that kid came out was because Sibea attacked that kid! I mean, it's Sibea's fault!
A subordinate in a relatively close position to Sijima asks Sijima, who is taking rough breaths.
"Boss. Do you really seriously go out with that bunch of kids?
"For the moment. While that kid named Akira is alive, I'll try to befriend him. They'll pay for the rest, too. There's no need for a kid like Cheryl to be badly hostile while he's handling that dangerous thing called Akira."
"What would Akira do if a kid died?
"If that kid dies, Cheryl's prison party will normally disintegrate without us having to do anything about it. You should think about taking in people, money and territory then. I guess we'll need to adjust the territorial allocation and a lot of other inmates.... Even this time, if that kid like Cheryl hadn't done something weird, we'd have had to allocate it with the others. This troublesome thing happened because he would take on that Akira and form his own groundbreaking party. Cheryl is also certain that it was originally the one at Cibea's...... I mean, it was Cibea's fault! Shit!"
Sijima's sight, which is trying to keep calm, entered the body of Wataba, who had left it alone. Sijima screams out again.
"... Speaking of which, this guy was also originally one of Sibea's men. I brought you something good for a souvenir, and you brought me more trouble than that! Shivea's bastards are sneaky even after they die! Shit! I'm blind! Get rid of this garbage!
Wataba's body is transported from the room to the clutter. The body was subsequently handled in clutter.
The wilderness is life-threatening in the wilderness. But Slam Street is dead in Slam Street, too. There, he misselects and dies from the foolish imitator. The body abandoned without creation was the end of those who filled both.
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