Rebuild World
Tourism in 245 Shiloh
The upper division of the Kugamayama city has a proprietary area where downhill heavy industry rents from the city. I finished an ex-post report of Shiloh's escape in the Sugadome room set up there. Harmers is bowing his head.
"I won't even sit down depending on what you're looking for"
Harmers' face, distorted by the remorse of his impotence, is very harsh. On the other hand, Sugadome's expression was slightly harsh.
Sugadome keeps telling Harmers to raise his head in an attitude that doesn't make him feel particularly blamed or disappointed.
"It was unfortunate, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to hold you accountable. Shiloh, your escape occurred when you were away from his side. And it was instructed by the management that you left his side (buckwheat) for treatment. If you're going to hold me accountable, Shiloh, you're going to have to hold me accountable for failing to spot your lies."
"Are you lying?
Matubara, who was holding back on the side of Sugadome (buckwheat), explains to Harmers with a suspicious face.
Shiloh was reporting Harmers' injured condition excessively harsh (dull) when he made a rescue request to the downhill side via the old area. And at the same time as I recommended Harmers' temporary departure (for prompt treatment), I requested a replacement escort. In addition, as it was anxious to attach unreliable persons who were not even downhill people to the escort, after limiting the escort to cyborgs, etc., he suggested that the body's management authority be forced to request (do) as well.
At that time, Harmers had reported to management that he had no physical problems of his own. However, Shiloh explained in detail earlier that the transportation vehicle was in enough condition to cause major damage, including out-of-car fighting. As a result, management judged Harmers' report to be a reinforcement of a sense of responsibility to the mission.
When I heard that explanation, Harmers accidentally shrugged his face.
"That bastard......"
Harmers unconsciously seeped no intimidation, and realised it and rushed to erase it. Matubara was lightly cold sweating over the rest of the intimidation. But Sugadome looks flat, smiling lightly and accepting Harmers.
"I'm a managerial person, too. I'm sorry, but let me hold the admin's shoulder here. Shiloh, your lies are difficult to tell if they are true or false, and the risk was too great if the report was found to be false, regardless of the fact. Therefore, it was reasonable for the management to make a decision. Think about it, would you enjoy the mismanagement?
Harmers shakes his head sideways in a hurry.
"Yes, no, now is never a dissatisfaction with management..."
"Right. That helps."
Change your attitude so that Sugadome switches stories.
"Well, on this one, as a downhill, it's definitely a letdown. This failure must also be wiped for the sake of the downhill prestige. And you have something to think about personally. [M] For what others have to say about your personal failure, you just have to tell me. Let's deal with it on my side. As I said earlier, I'm not going to hold you accountable. But if you're going to hold yourself accountable, all I can do is help. Do you have any requests?
Harmers answers with a serious face.
"If possible, my next assignment will be to turn to the search for Shiloh, not the escort of the other old realm connectors"
Sugadome laughs satisfactorily.
"It would be good. You can look for them individually, you can join the search team, and you can be free. You've known Shiloh a long time. Sometimes it would be better to move individually to capitalize on that experience. Do whatever you want."
"Thank you. I'll sit down. I'll make sure it meets your expectations."
"Let's hope and wait. Go away."
Harmers bowed his head deeply and withdrew without seeping determination into his expression.
Matubara looks a little strange.
"There seems to be a lot of easing, but is it appropriate?
I don't even know how Sugadome cared.
"It's not just the hands that make it tough. If he is willing to recover from his defect, it is all the more so."
"That's true..."
"Are you dissatisfied?
"No, I just asked a simple question, and in dissatisfied prophecies..."
Change the subject so that Matubara can deceive you.
"Speaking of simple questions, so is this raid on transport vehicles. The remainder of the doubt stands out for the purpose of taking away our old realm connectors. It's puzzling."
"What do you doubt?
"The raid is too big a mess. No wonder your goal is dead on that one. There were also a number of heavily damaged vehicles. But it's not a takeover, it's halfway there, even if it was meant to kill. Well, it's not even one of our troops. Until they say it's the result of immature, dodgy maneuvers and the lack of skill in the troops..."
"I guess it didn't matter if it was you or Shiloh over there."
Matsubara also looks surprised by the boulder.
"Um, I don't really understand what you're saying... It's hard to think of a boulder that makes so much noise around his figure that it doesn't matter..."
"Doesn't matter, is it too much? It was not the primary purpose. Compared to the importance of a large purpose, it is only a few things (tsp). Shiloh, I wish I could take your form alive. If he dies, he dies. There are no major problems in failing either of them. That's what I meant."
Sugadome explains the details that led him to that decision to Matsubara, who has become an increasingly surprising face.
The raid on transport vehicles can be inferred from the size and sophistication of the raiding units to be a joint operation by multiple organisations. Although ostensibly the work of the Founding Fathers, and as has been the case in the press, it is believed that it included a large number of operatives from other companies disguised as Founding Fathers.
It is not uncommon for a special unit of a company to disguise itself as a Foundationalist when interfering with the work of another company. If it were exposed, it would be treated as the work of the Founding Fathers who were diving into the company. And make an ostensible apology, and respond to damages.
The damaged side also passes through its pre-construction, mostly with a thin understanding. The larger the company, the more pronounced the trend becomes. Because it will be declared war at a time when it will not go through its pre-construction, and it will develop into a total war between companies.
If the five largest companies crumble each other from there, there is a risk that the eastern system of control will sway significantly. If you do poorly, the East can perish as it is. In order not to change the present to the old world, a certain order was maintained by daring (ah) and acquiescence among large companies.
Even if you get five major companies other than downhill heavy industry and the foundationalist organizations with the (one) connections behind them, plus the purely foundationalist organizations, and they only have one former realm connector in a joint operation, the subsequent adjustment of interests can be very troublesome. In some cases, the more convenient it is to fail to take it.
While Matubara was partially convinced to hear the description of the Sugadome, she also remembered something that was not interpreted.
"Aren't you weak as a reason not to value his personality? There will be other goals if you simply want to damage downhill heavy industry. Besides, the raid was definitely aimed at his figure. I can't agree with the boulder that it didn't matter what his personality was like to have all those troops ready to try to take him."
"As I said earlier, when compared to the importance of a large purpose, it is only a few things (tsp). And that raid noise was part of a larger operation (for) a larger purpose. That's what I meant."
"Is that it? You think all that force is just part of it? So what's the big purpose?
"Probably, but confirmation,"
Sugadome gives a slightly more serious look to Matubara, who is putting her confusion strongly on her face.
"That confirms how far downhill heavy industry is serious about re-attacking the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. Looks like more eastern monsters have been sent around a little since the beginning of the Great Distribution, but the confirmation work must have started at that point."
More importantly, the monsters sent from the east under the guise of hunters and the like are all powerful individuals no wonder they are designated as prize necks around Kugamayama City. Whether, in the midst of the anomalies in which such individuals emerge in the vicinity, downhill heavy industry dispatches its own valuable and important old realm connectors.
Whether or not to force the transport of old realm connectors in response to an attack by a herd of nested (nested) class giant bugs that should not have appeared in the area in question. Whether the escort unit has all the personnel available to deal with any further situations.
Does Sakashita Heavy Industries focus on re-attacking the ruins of Kuzhhara Street so much as sending their old realm connectors to Kugamayama City? Everything is its confirmation, and the seizure of Shiloh is only in the process, and therefore whether or not the seizure is successful or not. At the time of confirmation of the downhill heavy industry's reaction to the raid, the main objective was achieved.
Matubara was surprised to hear those explanations. And back to me, I unintentionally reinforce the tone.
"Is that what you have to check even then!?
"I just took over some inaccurate information from my predecessor too, so there's no forecast area. I wonder if there is anything at least in the ruins of Kuzhara Street that would allow the other five major companies to do so (to confirm it). At the very least, the information on which that judgment is based is grasped by the upper echelons of Tatsumori and Tsukishi."
Sugadome continues in a slightly more serious tone.
"If you count backwards from the reactions of other companies, it's also possible that something is something enough to change the balance of power of the five largest companies if you get it. Well, if you really have so much certainty, Tatsumori and Tsukishi should also work on the premise of total war. I mean, I guess there's no certainty over there either. But I want to make sure. To the extent that it is so judged, it is admitted that there is a real possibility. That's what I mean."
Matubara had lost her voice to the rest of the content. Sugadome goes on there.
"Adding, I guess there's a reason around it for as many people as Yanagisawa to stick to Kugamayama cities"
"After being convinced of the reality of something of it, you think you're afraid you're about to get it?
"Stop checking with the person. Now all you have to do is distance and observe. It's a pain in the ass to explore and get dived in the back."
Copy that, sir.
Matubara had raised tensions when she heard something unexpectedly critical. Sugadome relaxes her tone and laughs lightly so as to relieve (relieve) that tension.
"Well, it's just a guess at the moment. Nothing to worry about. At least we haven't put our main hips or anything into re-attacking the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. And we know it, but we can't help but misunderstand it."
The trade between Yanagisawa and Tsubaki has led to the flow of artifacts from Tsubaki's administrative section to Kugamayama City, which has put enormous (if any) amounts of gold on the city. In addition, cities have invested huge sums of money to purchase powerful man-made weapons for the front line in order to push up the cost of security in Tsubaki's controlled sections. The man-made weapon was manufactured by an umbrella company of downhill heavy industry. There was an enormous flow of gold.
This is also a bribe for Yanagisawa to borrow former realm connectors from downhill heavy industry. But for those who do not know the details, it also appears that Sakashita Heavy Industries is using it as a pretext to gather a tremendous amount of fighting power in Kugamayama City.
It can also be judged that the information restrictions imposed by the downhill to increase the safety of shiloh transport and the distribution restrictions currently in place to capture the escaped shiloh are intended to cover up some large-scale military operations (from outside the Aurum economy).
In addition, the influence of the Yanagi Sawa's darkness is enough for those who find out about it halfway through all sorts of evil.
Including them, there was currently a huge collection of Kugamayama cities that could create various misunderstandings and misunderstandings.
After Sugadome lightly explains them, he gives instructions to Matubara.
"I've said a lot, but you don't have to worry about what's going on around here. Now you just have to focus on your search, Shiloh. Go. I'll be waiting for a good report."
"I'm scared."
Matubara graciously left the room.
Sugadome turns his expression into something serious in the room where he was alone. The gaze was directed towards the center of the room. A display device for stereoscopic footage is installed there.
The apparatus in the room recognises the instructions of Sugadome and moves out. A little while later, 3D footage of the boy emerged at the end of Sugadome's gaze.
"Let's hear the progress"
Turn the boy's slightly troublesome face to Sugadome.
"'Cause I can't do that right away. I'll get back to you if we make any progress, okay?
"Progress or no progress, we need progress reports."
The boy exhaled. The boy displaying himself in 3D via a hidden line of downhill heavy industry was Shiloh.
The night Shiloh escaped, Sugadome, who entered the room, was greeted by an unexpected figure. A stereoscopic video display device had been activated by external communication, displaying a familiar person. Shiloh.
Sugadome showed a mild surprise at the unexpected, but immediately turned his dumb (awkward) face to Shiloh.
"You're a very fat man, too. And then you get your appointments."
Shiloh looked a little surprised at Sugadome's attitude, which had not moved at all. But laughing as soon as he regained his mind, he sounded at ease.
"No, excuse me. I don't know what happened to me coming on my own, but I don't have the means to make an appointment. But I thought we should talk in person."
Sugadome sits in a chair and gently taps (or taps) on the table with her fingers to indicate her standing position.
"Then talk to me properly."
Laughs as Shiloh deceives.
"No, that's a little hard, too."
It's impossible to get there to Shiloh, which is only 3D footage with a limited display range. That means come see me alive, and that's impossible too.
Sugadome exhales lightly and switches her mind.
"So you're here to explain the escape? Why did you escape in the first place? You shouldn't be letting me live a life of disablement that makes me want to escape. Tell me if you have any objections. Your motivation also concerns the interests of the hillside. [M] Even this one will spare no effort to improve."
Shiloh shook his head to the side.
"No, no, no, not at all. I thank you every day for letting me live a luxurious life. Is that true?
"Then why did you escape"
"Well, sometimes I think I'd like to take a little sightseeing outside."
"It would be good. But sightseeing without escort is too dangerous. Dispatch an escort immediately. Send your position."
"What? But it's Harmers, isn't it? Kind of creepy (first of all), but there's no such thing as sightseeing with bastards..."
"Okay, let's send a female escort. Let's not be too stubborn about appearance."
"No, actually, I'm the kind of person you know. So tourism with strangers, no matter how beautiful, is a bit"
Sugadome shows concessions, but Shiloh keeps giving reasons to play. On its surface, in the midst of a cheap pick-up, both continued to explore behind them.
"Look, neither do I. I don't have any feelings about exiling Tatsumori or anything. I'll go home when I feel better. That's why I just want you to miss it. Please?
As the parallel line continues, Shiloh slightly steps in when the light is not clear.
"I'm going to change the story, but I'm in control of the security in this room now. This stereoscopic footage is being displayed over a hidden line."
"Sounds like it. Well, it would be cruel to ask for advanced security to prevent your intrusion into a facility other than downhill."
"No, no, no, it was hard for me to break in here, too. A normal sensation would be enough safety strength. That's why I think it's safe around here. So, let's just say I'm gripping the safety in this room right now. I can kill enough people indoors even if I just flirt with the air conditioning. With that in mind, I'd like to have a hand in my outing."
Shiloh laughed and put the threat in. But Sugadome's attitude did not change at all.
"You can do it if you need it. And know what it means to really turn the hillside against the enemy."
The calm tone of the Sugadome did not include any shards of intimidation. It was a calm voice to the extent of speaking yesterday's weather.
But then a slight tremor runs on Shiloh. In that ordinary attitude of Sugadome there were nerves that were prepared to accept their own death without hesitation and that could plainly instruct the subject to experiment towards an overly tragic end.
I haven't really turned the downhill heavy worker against my enemies yet. But it is also Setouchi. Shiloh understood the warning correctly from Sugadome's words. Then, stretching his vanity to the limit, he tries to play (you) gently to deceive himself, and then laughs bitterly disguised as spare time.
"I'm sorry. The joke has passed. I'm sorry."
A temporary (bulky) silence flowed between Shiloh, who desperately tried to calm him down, and Sugadome, who observed how he was doing. Then Sugadome cuts out the story.
"Let's get back to it. I can't apply for a holiday for tourist purposes more than you refuse to escort me. [M] So I'll have you do your job."
"You know the admin personality Tuvaki?
"I know. He is the ruling administrator responsible for the zoning of the back of Kuzhara Street ruins. I don't know what it is, but it's the one that deals with Kugamayama City, and I sent out negotiators downhill, but the escorts were wiped out, and the negotiators only came home with their necks, right?
"That's right. Make that negotiating route with her."
Shiloh makes his expression cramp (s).
"No, 'cause I can't. I don't care if you ask me to negotiate like that."
"If we can make contact through the old realm, we'll be less afraid to get killed like those escorts"
"No, no, no, no, no, because those guys come crackling to kill even through the old realm, it doesn't make a big difference in the sense that they're in danger of getting killed. You know that, right?
"In the sense that your life is at stake, it doesn't change much when you're wandering without escort."
And for the first time, Sugadome infiltrates the intimidation.
"I won't admit rejection. Do it."
Shiloh wandered. But I don't want to increase my chances of risking my life for anything other than purpose. Pressure is applied, but I do not accept it. But I couldn't refuse either. Because I can imagine what would happen if I said no.
So Sugadome loosens the intimidation and adds candy.
"If I succeed in that mission, I'll admit that this escape is a necessary expense to negotiate with her."
Shiloh found in the words that if he were to negotiate with Tsubaki in the dark, he would let him swim temporarily during the work.
"... ok. I'll try."
"It's appropriate. To report progress on a regular basis. Unless you want them to think you ran away."
"I know, I know."
"Then go home. I'm busy too. Understand that taking so much time from you is also a considerable concession of my recognition of your previous achievements."
"I know that, too. Bye."
Shiloh cut off communication with a slightly bitter face. At the same time, the 3D footage of Shiloh disappeared.
Sugadome sits back deep in the chair and puts his weight behind him. And exhale gently and circle the idea again.
(He understood his predicament to be a blessing. I also understood what it meant to escape from it. I mean, that escape is an act of readiness. What do you intend to do with that readiness? What's the purpose? I tried to tell you about the bump, but it's irrelevant to think about it from that reaction. Perhaps, but his purpose is not the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street)
Sugadome's expression becomes slightly more irritating.
(Quite a few of us (as we go) through the situation, and moved independently without asking for it. He also refuses to escort me. In other words, his purpose contains content that is inconvenient to be known downhill. He's not lying. He lied badly and paid attention to what he said in view of the risk of being seen through. Therefore, there is no association with the other five major companies. I'm not lying about going back when I'm done)
Sugadome continues to scrutinize his conversation with Shiloh. And put out the words that bothered me.
"Tourism, huh?"
It is clear that Shiloh's purpose is not tourism. However, there is a degree of relevance that cannot be discerned as lying to the other person. Sugadome was deepening his speculation from it. The more stunned Shiloh was to hear about it, the closer it was to Shiloh's purpose.
Sugadome asks lightly for the 3D footage of Shiloh appearing in the progress report.
"Is sightseeing going well?
Shiloh laughs lightly and answers.
"I've been looking around a lot."
"I don't know what you're looking at, but I'd like you to be satisfied early."
"No, it's hard to see things that just satisfy me, just wait a little longer."
Sugadome looks at Shiloh in a normal atmosphere. But Shiloh was slightly blinded by the illusion that he was peering at the bottom of his thoughts at the gaze that was being directed at him. And change the subject to deceive the anxiety that has sprung up.
"Oh, yeah. He told Harmers to look for me, but wouldn't he miss me while I'm trying to figure out a negotiating route with Tsubaki?
"You're being treated like you're on the run. There's no way we're going to stop this until our normal search operation. If you don't like it, don't be attracted to sightseeing and move forward with your work."
"Heh. I get it. Oh, yeah. I'd like to thank Harmers for not holding him accountable. Bye."
Shiloh cut off communication and disappeared.
Sugadome squeaks (crushes) in the room where he is alone again.
"Is tourism not going well?"
It's too early to name the total power of downhill heavy industry to search for Shiloh. From what Shiloh said and did, Sugadome decided so.
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