Rebuild World
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There is a base in Drancam outside the lower section of the Kugamayama city. It is a fairly large facility with large warehouses and buildings on a large property and even an indoor shooting range. It even existed here at the hunter's office station, showing its giant inmate forces inside and out.
Katsuya continues to practice shooting with a serious look on her face at that indoor shooting range. There was a seep in his face regretting his lack of strength.
I even kept hitting it without even taking a break. I was already exhausted physically and mentally. The hit rate had also fallen considerably due to the act.
I knew I wasn't trained to be serious anymore. But I felt like I was blaming myself for the bullet that came off because it wasn't worthless, and I kept going like I was willing to shake it off.
Yumina and Iri looked worried about the rash. And even though it stopped hitting me in a busy way, I still call out to the sorrowful figure of Katsuya who still tries to go on.
"Katsuya, it's time to rest."
"You should rest now. Then you just get tired and you don't get trained."
Still, Katsuya tries to keep going. As Yumina reached the side of the katsuya (buckwheat), she put her hand on the gun and shook her neck sideways with the katsuya in her eyes.
So Katsuya lowered her gun. He sounds remorseful while being draped.
"If I were... stronger...!
"... it wasn't Katsuya's fault."
"It was the result of what I did best. We were all prepared, as Katsuya was. Katsuya's not bad."
Yumina and the others were more heartbroken than what happened the other day by what they look like today.
Drancam also dispatched numerous hunters to the recent major raid.
Strength figures like Sikarabe are almost compulsory unless they are injured or geographically justified. However, few people were reluctant to see it as an opportunity to make significant gains. Shikarabe went out with her colleagues when she was happy to be ready.
Young people like Katsuya and the others participate voluntarily. As a dranckham, I want to avoid sending underpowered young men to the battlefield so much that the city's defense forces will be out there. On the urban side, however, we welcome an increase in the power of war. It is also an urgent request that uses Unified Enterprise Company as the source of the request. As a Hunter Watchman for those reasons, I cannot instruct you not to join a young man in decency. As a result of the voluntary participation, the body was in shape.
However, many of the young people who thought they were being taken lightly because of their age saw it as a good opportunity for them to recognize their strengths. Katsuya also raised her voice the most, and many of the young men who followed it headed to the battlefield.
The youngsters built a pair of troops of ten, positioned much away from the fierce war zone where the city's defense forces were fighting against the enemy's main forces.
The Katsuya and the others struggled against a swarm of monsters scattered throughout the area there. We made our strength known with the result. And seven survivors, including Katsuya, earned the reward, the glory, commensurate with their struggle, and three were swallowed up in the wilderness and died.
All the dead are friends of Katsuya. Together, they dreamed of surviving spicy training and becoming hunters. Because of the intense fighting, the remains could not even be brought back.
If I were stronger, my people might have saved me. Katsuya was driven by that self-blame.
Yumina gently hugs Katsuya from behind.
"... Let's be stronger. So we can protect everyone next time. I'll help you too. So rest now. Right?"
Eiri also tells Katsuya about her will in the end.
So Katsuya got back on her feet enough to cheer up. And I managed to laugh hard to thank Yumina and the others.
"... right. I'm sorry. I was worried. At least the three of us came back alive together. I'll keep trying to protect you both."
"I hope so."
Seeing the recovered katsuya, Yumina and Iri also smiled back gradually.
Sikarabe had been summoned by Arabe, a friend and executive of Drancam.
"What can I do for you? I should have returned the debt of rubbing on the front line. Sorry to preach again."
The city's defenses, which have dealt with the bulk of the monster's major raids, are clear private armies made up of tanks, man-made weapons, heavily equipped cyborgs and armoured reinforcements. I mean, monsters were just powerful individuals, too, to the point where they needed so much fighting power.
During the recent major raid, Sikarabe's troops were placed near its main battlefield. Sometimes, for dangerous minutes, much can be achieved, and Sikarabe welcomed it in itself. But I didn't like the reason for the placement. Later, I learned that the reason it was placed in that dangerous place included punishment for the noise I rubbed (and rubbed) on the patrol request.
In a dangerous place that could disappear in the aftermath of the battle of the main forces, it has done enough to raise Drancam's fame. If this makes me complain any more, Sikarabe had an idea as well.
The Arabe laughs bitterly at Shikarabe.
"That decision wasn't my decision. So don't hit me. Well, as a matter of party policy, we prioritize the solicitation of young people. Sometimes that happens. I'm sorry, but I've made good adjustments so you don't have to babysit that kid any more. So just bear with me for a little while and fix your mood."
"... fine. I'm sorry I hit you."
"Never mind. I hate babysitting, too."
Shikarabe also got in a good mood for a cheap exchange with a friend.
"So, if it's not a novel, what can I do for you?
"Oh. I just want to hear a little bit about the Katsuya guys over the babysitting takeover. Those guys, in those newcomers, they put me in a pretty tough spot, but they worked pretty well there. A ten-man squad with no babysitters, with three dead. It's not bad considering the results of the war you've earned. I dived the dead line and came back. Didn't the rookie with the mouth just graduate?
Shikarabe replies harshly to Arabe, who made a statement acknowledging the Katsuya and the others' activities.
"I wonder. It can also be said that three people needed sacrifices to survive. I think it's too early to treat one person. It's about him. Anyway, if I were stronger, I don't know what you'd think. An idiot. Assuming he's ten times stronger than he is now, he just goes to a place ten times more dangerous and lets them die again. He lacks the ability to know who he is."
"So they don't seem to have the talent of hunters?
When asked, Shikarabe shut up temporarily. Continue with a serious face after that.
"If it's just talent, it's better than me or you. One in every tens of thousands may say that he has a rare (rare) talent. It would glow if you polished it. If you dive through the dead line a few times after training well enough, you'll be sure to make it."
Show how Arabe looks unexpected.
"That's a lot of compliment. You, you don't like him, do you?
"I'm not incompetent enough to distort my assessment with personal affection. You recognize their talent, don't you? That's why I'm sniffing. Didn't I?"
"Sort of. Otherwise, I won't babysit Shikarabe. So I was trying to get you to work out, but you didn't seem to be compatible. Couldn't you put up with it a little more? There's no harm in selling a favor within the moment, is there?
Sikarabe makes his expression look unwelcome.
"I don't like it. Number one, that's if those guys can make it. I said polish it and it'll glow, but I'm sorry to be an abrasive that sharpens his talent. I don't want to be the foundation of his glorious future. Three of them are already dead, aren't they? If he hadn't, wouldn't they have gone to the front? With the close dead out, they would have grown a little more attentive, too. But until then, the one who died. I'm not dying to grow up."
I looked at Sikarabe, who was in a bad mood again, and the arabe exhaled.
"That's how you spread the word, so we can't decide on the next babysitter."
"I guess. I don't like anyone. I don't like it either."
If we talk for a while and calm down, will you take care of the rashes again after the cooling period is set aside? That's what Arabe had in mind. But when you see Sikarabe's more disgust with Katsuya than you expected, and you throw that possibility away altogether, you switch policies.
"Do you have any idea who might take it on?
He says he doesn't have personal feelings. Sikarabe would not intentionally recommend anyone incompatible either. As Arabe judged to have thought so, Sikarabe answers the name of the person in question after taking it a little seriously.
"Elena and Sarah. Can't those two? Something they were nostalgic about, and they're definitely soliciting to Drancam, aren't they?
"I negotiate solicitation, but Fang doesn't want to."
"Push in the form of a request for training. I guess I've been accompanying you before, haven't I?
"Simply accompanying them is very different from taking them (for) training purposes. Rewards change, too. I gave you an outside person's name easily, but it's pretty hard to hire an outside person, huh?
Seeing Arabe with a slight look on her face, she smiles a little fun at her friend, who shifted her activities from hunter operations to organizational operations.
"That's what you executives do. Good luck with that."
"I know. So, those two, are you okay with strength?
"I don't know what I'm capable of as a teacher, but if I'm capable of being a hunter, I'm so good that they don't want to be. I don't think that's the case with Drancam either. I think he's a powerful man. I saw a little of it during the big raid, but it was firmly destroying the camouflage monster. Sounds like it's been tough for a while, but you've already got it back together."
"Right. Do you want to increase the reward and do something about it? If I told you it was solicitation, the accountants would shut up."
Shikarabe pukes at her face and vomits stupidity.
"Are they the accountants? I want them to know more about the hardships in the field."
Arabe also smiles bitterly.
"Well, they're also inconvenient people without them. The harm the organization has done."
"I don't want that harm coming this way."
"If there's anything you can do, you can come over here and help me stop that harm, too, okay?
To the arabe laughing slightly provocatively, Shikarabe smiles lightly and returns.
"I'm sorry. Desk work doesn't suit sex."
"You're pushing people."
Shikarabe and Arabe were then laughing at the organization's dissatisfaction.
Elena and Sarah, who came to Sizka's store to refill ammunition, are showing how exhausted they are. Elena had put that fatigue particularly strongly on her expression.
"Sizka. The usual supplies, but triple the amount, please"
"I'll buy you in for a long time. Looks like you're pretty tired, and it was that hard?
Sizka's gaze moves from Elena's face to Sarah's chest via Sarah's face. Prior to the Great Raid, the breasts, which were so full that they could not dance on protective clothing, were now much bigger.
"... sounds like you had a rough time"
If Sarah, who is in charge of firepower, uses a lot of guns in the short term that weigh, recoil, and have a lot of firepower, she will consume more nanomachines just for that matter. Sarah dies if she runs out to the spare minute she's saving in her chest. It was consumption after Elena, who understands it, gave instructions to Sarah to keep consumption down, and it was such a fierce battle. Sizka grasped it from the size of Sarah's chest.
Sarah laughs bitterly.
"I want you to stop judging me by my chest. Well, the reward itself was unpleasant. I'm trying to reward more of the hunters who were able to survive and seal the extra complaining. Maybe that's what they're trying to do."
Elena spills zero stupidity.
"There's a mix of camouflage in the monster. He was quickly turned over to the entire enemy role. It was really tough being a wingman going near the main battlefield. I'd love to complain."
Sizka smiles with a loving bitterness.
"If you get paid enough to seal that complaint, I'd like you to help me sell my store. Well, if Elena is now..."
Sizka, who tried to come up with the recommended product, looks a little strange to see Elena's gear again.
"Speaking of which, Elena's not wearing fortified clothes, is she? I also bought Akira, who recently became a hunter. You're not buying it?
"... fortified clothes? Uh, I, um"
Elena starts roaring. And I laughed bitterly after worrying temporarily.
"... I thought it would be okay if I didn't have fortified clothes for a while, but I'm sure, it might be the tide."
Eastern residents basically have surprisingly high physical capacity caps. Although there are personal differences and limitations, anyone can acquire quite a few physical abilities as long as they work out.
But from time to time there are those whose caps jump through and are unusually high. There are those who gain more physical abilities than they do by continuing to work out without wearing fortified clothes, not physical augmenters. They are called supermen and sometimes even destroy tanks with their bare hands.
We still do not know exactly why such a person exists. Those who beat monsters as big as mountains with bare hands and one sword that they were in the west streamed to the east. It ancestored in descendants of physical dilators who acquired incredible physical abilities with the technology of the old world. There's just all kinds of theories going on in that hand.
Elena has been able to equip herself with heavy-duty information-gathering equipment without fortified clothing until now, thanks to her high physical ability. But not superman. Elena is poor enough based on Sarah, who has strengthened clothes-like physical abilities.
No method has been established to determine the upper limit of physical ability. Those who aspire to Superman can only continue to work out believing that they are themselves. And it is also said that when you start wearing fortified clothing, your physical abilities will no longer increase. Because I won't be working out.
Elena has never gotten her hands on fortified clothing before for those reasons and financial problems. But the financial problems, especially Sarah's nanomachine replenishment bill, were almost completely eliminated with this reward. In order to improve the equipment, it may be time to cut short the increase in physical abilities on your own. That's what Elena thought.
"It sure could be a good opportunity. Sizka. Why don't you pick a good one?
Sizka shows difficulty. Reinforced clothing is not specialized as a store product or as a store clerk's knowledge.
"No, you can't. Go to a proper specialty store, let the experts pick you out, and buy your own. If you two make enough money, you can buy enough, right?
"It's not good. I heard Sizka chose Akira's fortified clothes. Is there a story about the purchase? I want to keep the store where the equipment is purchased. You don't like measuring fortified clothing stores. It feels like we're trying to get physical data at that cellular level. If you're going to be equipped with special fortifications that temporarily blend with your body, I know, but you're not going to buy such special and expensive fortifications that you have to do that."
"Then I'll take it back, so do what you choose. Elena's job is to collect information and analyze all kinds of choices, right?
"Asking Sizka to choose is also like being in charge of an exam. That's why he's been so good. It's not good. It's a service to regular customers. If you served Akira, wouldn't it be nice if we had that service for longer?
Sizka breaks and laughs bitterly. And I laughed invincibly at joking.
"You have no choice. I'll make you buy expensive for nothing, so be prepared."
As Sizka hears Elena's request for fortified clothing, she asks what she thinks.
"Reinforced clothes? Hey, listen, is it something that makes it pretty easy to be strong when you wear fortified clothes?
Sarah answers that question.
"That's not true. Reinforced clothing is just one piece of equipment, and you have to train it. Sometimes you can swing by rapidly rising physical abilities and, conversely, you can't move. Well, it's no wonder you suddenly get stronger without training if you're old world made fortified clothes. I'm strengthening my body with a nanomachine, but still I've trained a lot and struggled to get stronger?
"... right"
The budget presented by Akira as the cost of the equipment was undoubtedly earned from the major raids the other day. But Tsujitsu doesn't fit. Reinforced clothing that is not even trained for Busy (Roku). AAH assault guns that are ineffective for mechanical monsters. There is no element to bring Akira back from a battlefield where she can earn as much as 10 million aurum.
Sizka cared a little about it and asked Elena and the others once. It ended up reinforcing the reasons why Tsujitsu (Tsujitsu) did not fit. But when I look at Sarah, and I think of what I talked to Sarah about Akira before, I think of the elements that forcefully match her.
(... perhaps Akira is an old realm connector. But it has nothing to do with old world-made fortified clothing, and number one, that fortified clothing is my choice. Oh, speaking of which, you were placing a lot of orders when you picked out your fortified clothes. I wonder if that would have helped improve your combat power if you were an old realm connector)
Sizka, who was trying to further conjecture, deliberately broke out of thought there.
(Well, there's no reason to ask the person, and you shouldn't care any more)
Unnecessary prying is harmful. There is also a risk of stubborn friendship with Akira. In conclusion so, Sizka stopped thinking any further.
Elena changes the subject in the middle of a chat.
"I'll change the story, but what does Sizka think about this raid?
"I don't care what you say, I don't know more than the press. Has the story changed anything?
A large wall-mounted display is installed in the Sizka store. Basically, it is set to display information that Unified Enterprises, cities, hunter offices, etc. mainly flow for hunters. When Sizka dotted it, there were just reports of the raid, and a woman from the press officer of the Unified Enterprise was talking about the incident.
"Regarding the recent attempted raid on the city of Kugamayama by a flock of monsters, the Unified Enterprise has determined that this is a terrorist attack by the Founding Fathers. We have already announced that crime statements have been raised by several terrorist organisations, sanctions against irrational treatment received from the Unified Enterprise Union, and jihad against the Unified Enterprise Union, which unduly controls the East. In addition to carrying out immediate retaliatory measures, the Unified Enterprise has stepped up its efforts against terrorist organizations that disturb peace in the east…"
Somehow mouths what Sarah thinks when she hears the news.
"Foundationalist? Perhaps it was because of that that the client of the request had become a Unified Enterprise Company. I would have liked to have done something a little bit more if I had grabbed the information beforehand. Well, I'm not dissatisfied with the reward."
In the east, the significance of Unified Enterprise being the source of the request is very strong, and the rewards are often commensurately high. Because the reward is cheap and it also involves the prestige of the Unified Enterprise. And if the Founding Fathers are the requests involved, the Unified Enterprise must be more concerned with prestige than usual.
Foundationalists are eye-openers of nation-building in the east. There are also numbers that cannot be ignored by the Unified Enterprise, some of which are radicalised with the support of the Union of Central Governed States, which may occupy cities by force to issue declarations of independence. In that case, it often develops into a war with the Unified Enterprise as it is. Many cities have become rubble mountains in the aftermath of the war, causing enormous damage to the Unified Enterprise.
Elena wasn't convinced by the story.
"I don't think this is the kind of city that has the strong influence to be the target of Foundationist terrorism, though. There must be quite a few victims on the Founding Fathers' side to pull monsters from behind the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. The impact on other Foundationalists is enormous, and I doubt how far it's true. What do you think of Sizka?
Answer what Sizka somehow thought.
"I didn't lie. There is also a proper Tsujitsu. It's just that there's a bit of a catch and it's not refreshing. That's the place. Well, there's nothing we can do about it, is there?
Whatever the circumstances are behind it, it's not to the detriment of us. That's what Sizka told me.
Elena also turns her mind on Sizka's story.
"So is that. You've been paid a lot, and a hunter cares. Let's say we look for a better way to spend our rewards. Sizka, that's why you asked for fortified clothes.
"Okay. Elena's the one who decided to let me choose, so I'll have her wear whatever fortified clothes I choose without complaining. It's too late to regret it, isn't it?
Sizka laughed invincibly with pleasure as she said so and threatened Elena a little.
Sizka's account was still crossed today.
An armed group is advancing behind the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. The performance of the equipment was distant from the standards of hunters around the city of Kugamayama, and the unified movement showed a high degree of sophistication reminiscent of advanced training.
The troops were aiming further behind the ruins, following the instructions of a man called Yanagisawa.
"Chief Yanagi Sawa. Now, is that really good?"
Answers Yanagi Sawa laughing in a good mood.
"No problem. I thought you explained that Tongyi's acquiescence was attached.
"That's why I can't believe I hit a bunch of monsters in the city. Besides, if it's the press, it's the work of the Foundationalists, isn't it? If you do it badly, you're gonna make us Foundationalists, right?
"The one who died as a decoy who lured out monsters is actually a Foundationalist. He's a member of the Alphoto Regiment. That's why it's the work of the Foundationalists. They'll be satisfied that their purpose is served in exchange for their lives."
"Were they members of the Alphoto Regiment? If you think the chief brought you here, do you have a message for the Foundationalists?"
"Sort of. It's information in the world. The more I find the transmission, the easier it will be."
Another man asks.
"Even though we were able to defend ourselves safely, is it really okay that we let a bunch of monsters attack the city? It is inherently a felony at the level of a maximum sentence. I don't know what the chief is up to, but I don't want to be cut off."
"He said he made me firmly acquiesce, including that. Because the city's defense forces haven't had a chance to be active lately, or because the little rich inside the fence is loud when the defense costs are high. Because they're warm (muddy) in a safe place, they occasionally forget that this is the east. This is an east full of monsters. Safety is very expensive. Sometimes you have to threaten them to prevent them from coming up inside the walls."
Yet another subordinate asks Yanagisawa.
"But then it should be good for other monsters of ruins. Wouldn't that be a reason to lure out monsters that are so resistant to digits in the back of the Kuzsuhara City ruins?
"After a long time exploration of the outer periphery of the ruins was completed. It's time for the Kugamayama City management to resume exploring the back. That's why I want to keep the monsters in the back down. If you lure them out to the wilderness, you can ravage them with tanks and powerful weapons. It's cheaper than sending crusade troops inside. That's why nobody wants to play the monster bait, right? That's why I put so much effort into it."
"Did you bring a member of the Alphoto Regiment for this reason?"
"That sort of thing. Oh, my God, thankfully, you said you could die for your mission. I didn't want to die, so I asked them to do their best. Well, if they point out it was a lack of explanation, I'll just have to say that you're right, but they're originally hostile. You don't have to explain what you weren't asked."
There were those who laughed at what Yanagi Sawa said, those who pulled, those who were indifferent, those who reacted in a variety of ways, but it was only common that they did not doubt the ability of Yanagi Sawa.
Another asks Yanagisawa.
"There would have been a lot of damage to the hunters as well. If you found out the mastermind was the chief, wouldn't a dead hunter turn up?
He was recognized for his strength as a hunter and was scouted to join the force. Do the hunters have companionship, his expression is rude.
Yanagi Sawa answers without worrying.
"Even hunters should have made a lot of money (already) in this fight. Many of them will have made a fortune. Well, there'd be a few dead people out there, but they're hunters, knowing their lives are in danger. The one without luck and strength, even if it hadn't happened this time, was dead for another reason. Hunter operation is a life risk. Until the foolishness of the one who died losing the bet, I don't want to deal with it all."
"... well, there are some aspects to hunter operations"
"The city's management department wants to silence the complaints of the median compartment. Defense forces in cities who want to be active and have a budget and presence. Alphoto regiments who want to attack cities to strengthen their influence. The management of a city that wants to attack the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. Hunters seeking gold and honor. Except for the monsters that get killed. Don't you think that was a happy, wonderful operation?
One of the Troopers turns a surprise at the Yanagi Sawa, who praises himself as if he were in a state (deliberately).
"It was the chief who put that crossing on, wasn't it? What's in the chief's interest? What are you doing? Much less monsters. What can I do for you in the back of the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street? It's not just a ruin search, is it?
Yanagi Sawa laughs invincibly as if she were in a state.
"Don't tell me. Strongly speaking, it's the progress and development of humanity. Don't worry. I won't make it worse. Even if it's just a ruin search, it'll make enough money. Otherwise I can't borrow that kind of gear. That's the latest front-line gear, right? I arranged your Ragnarock. We also have a counter-destruction warhead. I can't tell you how easy it is to let go, but the power is great. I can't normally use it without this opportunity. I want you to understand my intentions."
This unit's gear is usually pretty high performance. In addition, exceptionally high performance equipment had been supplied this time. It was also Yanagisawa who made the arrangements.
He was Yanagisawa chatting with his men in a good mood, but he pulls his mind around crossing a place and gives instructions with a serious look.
"I'm done wasting my mouth. Let's go."
Troops continued to progress toward the back of the Kuzsuhara Street ruins as they were.
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