Rebuild World
56 Postmortem Retaliation Request Program
Akira and the others are moving inside the underground toward HQ. Raina was walking in support of Siori, who was still about to fall. Akira walks next to those Rainas a little further away. That distance is proof that Akira is still on the lookout for Raina and the others.
Akira was traveling vigilantly around her, taking capsules of her recovery pills many times. I bought the healing pills at Sizka's store. Compared to what Akira found in the ruins of the old world, it is a very under-performing one. Still, if used in large quantities, your health will recover faster. The injury (injury) also heals faster.
Akira glances at the precautions contained in the box of restorative medicines. Now that Alpha has taught me to read the letters, I also understand their meaning. On top of that, Akira continued to take healing pills in large quantities.
Akira is weak. That's why Akira needs to keep her body close to the best she can be. Even if Akira is to die in ten years from the side effects of the drug, she needs the current impotence to survive today, not tomorrow, and to be able to move well next week.
Ask Rayna when she sees Akira using healing pills in large quantities.
"... I've been taking healing pills for a long time now, but are you okay with using them that much?
Akira answers softly.
I don't think so.
Rayna speaks in surprise.
"Oh, no..."
"There is no specific number written, but it says avoid taking large quantities in the short term. I'm sure it's bad for you."
"Then why..."
Siori squeezes her strength and pinches her mouth. If we let Raina and Akira continue the conversation, we decided that the conversation would be unfavourable for the three of us.
"Ma'am. I'm pretty far from that place. I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to confirm if you want to communicate with headquarters."
Akira is using a lot of healing pills knowing she can't do it to heal the injuries (injuries) and fatigue she sustained in the battle with Siori. To allow Akira to move as much as possible in the event of a battle with a monster or something on this occasion. I mean, it's Siori's fault, Raina's fault. This is not the topic of steaming back on this occasion right now.
We should have stopped Rayna sooner. I should have advised you to be cautious about extra conversations. Siori thinks so with a dull head. Usual Siori would have told Raina about it beforehand, but I can't afford to make that possible for Siori right now. Because the residual force is used to keep Siori from passing out and from losing consciousness in this setting.
Akira realised that Siori had deliberately pinched her mouth and why, but remained silent to avoid extra rubbing. Rayna is operating the terminal without realizing that.
An official from headquarters comes out of Rayna's terminal.
"This is HQ..."
"I want to connect!
Akira yells as soon as she confirms that Rayna's device wants to be connected to HQ.
"This is number 27! Three wounded as a result of engagement with suspicious persons! The battle can't go on! Suspects are dead! There's a good chance other suspicious people exist! A taste of the suspicious seems to be trying to steal artifacts found in the underground! Send a human to rescue and support with immediate combat capability! Terminal 27 has been destroyed in an engagement with a suspicious person and is being contacted by another Hunter's device! That's it!"
The response from HQ pinches a little silence before returning.
"Number 27. Ask for confirmation of the situation. First of all, the suspicious..."
"Allow us to return to HQ first."
"Number 27. We need to check your situation. Let's start with this question…"
"Permission first."
Akira said off strongly. It was a voice overflowing with anger from exhaustion. An official at headquarters understands the futility of the argument and gives Akira permission.
"... authorise his return to headquarters. Answer this question while you're on the move. All right?"
The voice of the headquarters staff contained a clear colour of intimidation.
"... number 27, roger."
Akira exhaled deeply to calm herself.
The surrounding sound heard from the terminal conveys the rush of the headquarters. Looks like it's tough over there.
Akira will answer the headquarters staff questions as she moves. That Akira was attacked by Yazima by surprise. Communication between Raina and Siori must have been interrupted due to information gathering obstruction smoke screen (jamming smoke). Yajima is that Akira killed him. In addition, Akira answers a wide variety of questions, including why Akira decided that Yajima and the others were after relics from the old world in the basement.
Officials also tried to hear from Raina and Siori. But Rayna can't say she's still fully recovering from the dying mess, and she's even more worried about Siori's condition and not quite there. Siori's consciousness is obscure, and she is not in a state where she can answer in earnest. That's why I ended up listening to Akira.
As Akira continued to report, she noticed the hunters rushing forward. Rayna and Siori were happy that rescue or backup had come, but only Akira looked down.
"Raina! Siori! Are you all right!?
Akira looked a little disgusted because the hunters were the rashes.
Relieved that help had come, Siori's consciousness on the verge of limit was finally interrupted. Raina rushed to support Siori as she lost consciousness and tried to collapse. Katsuya and the others gather around Raina and support Siori together.
Alpha suggests to Akira.
'I'll leave them to us, and we'll hurry. When I'm with them, they ask me a lot of questions.'
'Right. I wasn't told to bring him with me. I'm sorry for the trouble. "
Akira tries to sneak away from the Rainas and head to HQ. Katsuya notices it and calls it off.
"Wait! Where are you going!
Siori is unconscious because of her cruel complexion. Raina is clearly lacking peace with Siori falling. Akira is trying to keep only one person calm and away from this scene. Katsuya asked Akira for the cause of this damage because of the situation on the ground and her mistrust of Akira. Much damage was done to Raina and the others because Akira caused some mischief. I even thought Akira might have attacked Raina and the others.
Akira is already running off the spot. Alpha smiles and stabs the nail.
Can't you just stop?
Without having to be told by Alpha, Akira continued to run toward headquarters without any intentions, such as Katsuya's voice.
Katsuya was wondering if she should go after Akira. There goes the voice of the staff of the headquarters. Officials who don't know Akira isn't here already speak to Akira.
"Number 27. Noisy, but what happened? There's been a change in circumstances?
Katsuya answers instead in a rough voice.
"I'm a katsuya belonging to Drancam! I just joined up with my wounded buddy!
"Who? What number?
"... I'm number 52!
"What happened to number 27? You're not there? We've got three injured, including number 27. We're getting reports."
Noticing that number 27 is Akira, Katsuya answers to throw it away.
"That guy would've run fine! I don't even know where he went!
"... Got it. The rest of the wounded belong to Drancam. Those two shall have returned to team number 52. Continue with your mission. That's it."
Answer as Katsuya screams.
"Wait! You mean take Raina and the others!?
"Team 52's mission is to check the status of the designated points. Determine the extent of the casualties and make the appropriate decisions as to whether to take them or put them to rest at the defensive point or let the medical team at headquarters take care of them. I need you to make that decision. Make a fine decision on how many to put back, how far to accomplish the mission with the remaining personnel, and whether we should withdraw because we are warriorly tough, on Drancam's side. Don't make me judge that one by one. Ask Drancam for directions. Determine if it's a matter for you to turn to for judgment before you ask. I'm busy here, too. That's it."
That's all the staff at headquarters said and cut the communication.
Katsuya felt as though she underestimated Raina and the others in the words of the headquarters, and distorted her expression abominably. Katsuya made a decision immediately.
"We're all taking Rayna and the others back to HQ."
If we all return, we can take it as a renunciation of duty. Iri, who so decides, asks Katsuya succinctly.
"What's the mission?
Katsuya smiles lightly and answers.
"If the other one wants to make a decision this way, we'll make a decision this way. All you have to do is go back to headquarters, hand over the Rainas to the medical team, and then continue. Your people are more important than the mission, aren't they?
The young hunters of his companions, whom Katsuya had brought, turned a favorable gaze on Katsuya, who gave precedence to his companions over his mission.
Yumina, still wondered if we would all go back, but in that case she remained silent because there would probably be a katsuya. Yumina also knows Siori's strength. The only reason I let that Scioli turn to a place like this is because Yumina didn't like it either.
Akira, who arrived at headquarters, is reporting about Yazima to headquarters officials. I thought I'd be asked a fine question again, but for Akira, surprisingly, it only took a brief report.
That's because while I was traveling with Raina and the others, I was completing a rough report to HQ. And also because the situation changed during Akira's arrival at HQ. A Yazima companion appeared in the basement and engaged other hunters, resulting in numerous casualties.
Akira sweats cold when officials at headquarters tell her about the dead. Akira would probably have been killed if she had been engaged with a man of equal strength with Yazima in that situation. I almost added Akira to the body.
Alpha smiles (cheeks) at Akira, who trembles slightly.
"You were right to make that decision right away from the scene."
'Absolutely. Why does the situation continue to be so critical? Because I'm unlucky, after all?
Talk about Akira, whom Alpha mourns.
'I'm sure you're out of luck because you tried to kill a beautiful girl taken hostage. Maybe you haven't done enough good deeds?
Akira answers a little reluctantly.
"Don't talk impotent. If I'd dumped my gun in that situation, I would've been killed, wouldn't I?
'I guess. I managed to help, but maybe that wasn't the only way to write it off. Or maybe Akira managed to save her without dying, so she had just enough luck to get away from that troublesome place.
Akira mourns.
"Such an irrational"
Akira would have been in further trouble if she had stayed where Katsuya and the others were. But Akira didn't want to consider it lucky. The good fortune in the corner (because of this) is that I want it to happen another time.
Alpha is just saying the right thing to (from) Akira gently. That was well understood by Akira as well, but for some reason Akira almost convinced me.
Akira's body is pretty harsh (dull), although there are few obvious traumas. Cheap healing pills are not expected to recover. Akira asked the headquarters staff about the medical team. Staff at headquarters tell Akira where the medical team is before adding.
"I don't mind being treated by the medical team, but just in case, it's not free. There are quite a few misguided people out there. Pay attention."
"What are we gonna do with the payments?
"Negotiate with the one from the medical team there yourself. Sounds like most of them try to deduct it from the reward. Be careful which medical team you ask for, and whether the insurance is advantageous or not. Oh, did the terminal break? Replace the device first. I can't get treatment without a terminal. If the location isn't shared, you'll be treated like the worst escape. Be careful."
Akira followed the staff's advice to replace the terminal before heading to the room where the medical team was waiting.
Even when we say treatment in one bite, some hunters, besides biological hunters like Akira, also find themselves clearly mechanized, physical enhancers by nanomachines and visibly ordinary humans. Some people need work to be called repairs, not treatments.
Here are the biological people. Proceeding according to the sign so written, the man in white greeted Akira.
The man had the look of a scientist who preferred human experimentation to calling him a doctor. He was named Palm and had been treated here for a biological hunter.
Akira got a little nervous when she saw the palm. Akira has never had the experience of seeing a doctor, but she still smelled of wax from the palm.
The palm speaks soothingly to Akira.
"Welcome to the Palm Clinic Kuzsuhara Street Ruins Branch. Fast, but what about the payment?
"Make me a deduction from the reward"
"Copy that. Oh, thanks to the support of the Kugamayama City Sales Department, only checkups are free. So don't resent me even if you just checked up and didn't cure me because you don't have any money? Then take off your clothes."
Akira took off her fortified clothes as she was told and was examined by a palm. The palm examines Akira's body using camera-like devices, scanner-like devices, and other suspicious instruments. It is not clear from Akira's awkward knowledge whether those instruments are suitable equipment for examination.
The examination ended in about ten minutes. A palm tells Akira the diagnosis.
"More than anything with minor injuries. However, treatment is recommended. How much healing?
"Am I a minor injury? My arms and legs hurt terribly just now. It's a cheap healing pill and it's working."
Akira has a suspicious look at the palm treatment technique. The palm laughs and answers.
"Serious injuries are when your arm is lifted, your leg is severed a thousand times, your gut is exposed, and your gut is bursting, and you say you're going straight to the hospital. If you have a slight crack in your bone, severe internal bleeding, severe muscle tissue damage, shock damage, or extreme fatigue, you have a range of minor injuries."
They have different concepts of minor injuries in Akira and the palm. However, in a hunter-minded way, the perception of a palm is probably more correct.
Answer with a subtle look like Akira wasn't convinced.
"Heal me as much as you can so I don't get in the way of battle"
"Really? There are many ways to treat it, but uninsurable means are recommended."
"I'm not insured"
The palm gave me a slightly unexpected look. Because if you're a hunter here, more hunters are insured.
Speaks with a palm smiling. At least not the look the doctor gives the patient.
"Right! Then can I use the healing pills I've developed? I recommend it! You're not insured, are you? I'll keep it cheap!
That's what I said. Take the container with the palm nearby and show it to Akira. There was a green liquid object in the container. Whatever Akira thinks, it just seems suspicious.
"I don't like it. Isn't there something wrong with insurance?
"'Cause it's okay. I didn't create anything from scratch. It's a dish where I analyzed relics from the old world to recreate near-performance. The effects have been tested, including the results of my administration to myself. The fact that insurance is not advantageous is that most of the major pharmaceutical companies are on the back, so they just don't cover insurance to make their products a priority. The effect is definitely higher this way. I assure you. So good, right? If you don't have some track record of using it, you won't be eligible for insurance authorization in the first place. It would help the world if there were cheap, well-performing drugs out there, wouldn't it? It can heal injuries and help people." To restore the abundance of humanity that we tend to lose in our slaughtered hunter operation, we need to do some fine deeds here. "
The palm had managed to convince Akira.
Teach Akira at once the results of Alpha's observation of the palm.
"Uh, Akira. To tell you the truth, it doesn't look like he's throwing up lies. I don't even think you're going to cheat Akira.
"No, even if they say so, hey, yeah."
"Well, you do."
Even if that was the result of the encirclement caused by the corporate efforts of major pharmaceutical companies, there should be no lethal side effects, for example, if authorised medicines are widely used. No matter how many palms said they tried it themselves, Akira would have no choice but to confuse the use of palm medicine.
The palm spotted Akira's stray. Being lost doesn't mean I absolutely don't like it. That's what he thinks. The palm talks to Akira.
"Good! Okay! If you're going to be treated with my pills, why don't you sell the relics of the old world that I have! I wouldn't be surprised if you were supposed to pay for Cologne. It's an old world made recovery pill! Let's sell that out of the blue and in the aurum! What do you say!"
The palm took a smaller box out of the nearby luggage compartment and showed it to Akira. Akira looked familiar in the box. It's a healing pill Akira got at the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street.
Akira confirms to Alpha.
"Alpha. That..."
"It doesn't look like he's throwing up lies, and the box is unopened. Maybe it's real. I'd love to get it if I could. '
Alpha agreed with Akira. Akira has also experienced its potency. I want to get it if possible.
"How many boxes are you selling me?
"Just one box. The price is two million aurum. It is meant to be used in seriously injured patients. It's not cheap for boulders."
Additionally, this restorative medicine is insurance in case the palm medicine didn't work. The palm didn't teach that much either.
The price offered by the palm is reasonable. Akira was quite lost, but accepted the palm proposal.
"Okay. Negotiations are in place. And deduct the money from the reward."
The palm is happy to prepare for treatment. Akira became slightly anxious to see it sooner, but was prepared to be treated.
The treatment itself was soon over. I just wrapped a bandage stained with green liquid around Akira's body and punched an injection into several parts of her body.
"It's over. For a while, yeah, just stay put for an hour or so. Moving around doesn't mean you're gonna die. It is expected that it will be more effective to stay at rest. And keep your mouth shut about selling that healing pill, okay? It's not supposed to be for sale. I don't care if other hunters push me."
"Okay. How much did this treatment cost you?
"It's a hundred thousand aurums. Expect the effect. The cost has been partially offset by the cost of the study instead of being insured. Thank you very much for taking part in the study."
That's what the palm replied with a waxy (uh-huh) smelly grin. The look on Akira's face when she heard the word that made her anxious (one).
Whether this amount is reasonable, expensive or cheap at all, Akira doesn't know that. If you recover to the point where there is no impediment to the fight in about an hour, it can also be said to be cheap enough for Akira right now.
I also got a very effective healing pill. Let's deal with that in case. I didn't even stop the alpha, and maybe I'll be fine. Akira decided to make that decision in order to avoid wasted mental fatigue.
Suddenly the neighborhood gets noisy. When Akira saw the noisy one, a seriously injured hunter was being carried in. There were even bloodstained people, hunters with no arms or legs, and no lower body.
The palm sees them and talks.
"Oops, it's an emergency. The one with the minor injuries is out of the way, so get away from me. If possible, we all want to help."
"... are all of them dead, no matter what you think?
"But it's not. Some of them have only semi-isomed their heads beforehand, or put in biopreservation nanomachines to prevent brain death in a short amount of time even if their necks are dropped. If you rush the treatment, you will unexpectedly make it. Well, if we had money, we'd talk about it. Cyborgization isn't just (just), and I might spend my later life paying off debts, but I don't know that far. Look, out of the way. Out of the way."
Akira looks at the seriously injured hunters again. There seems to be some chance that it will help in that condition as well. Surprised about that, I left the scene undisturbed.
Speak with a laugh to Akira as Alpha watches the seriously wounded being carried in one after the other.
I'm glad Akira had a minor injury.
If I made a mistake, there was Akira. In that case, Akira would not be able to help.
Akira changed the energy pack of the fortified clothes before wearing them again. The energy pack was consumed more than Akira could have imagined.
Something awesome?
'Cause I manipulated you and made you behave quite impotently. I can't help it. I'm just lucky I didn't break it. "
Alpha was definitely using it to reduce the lifespan of her fortified clothes to keep Akira from dying. That allowed Akira to survive, but the price was huge.
Akira returns to HQ somehow remembering the inconvenience of the fortified clothing movement. The palm examination had the effect of convincing headquarters of Akira's malaise, which was then turned to headquarters security in the name of resting. Akira remained on guard with the expectation that the request time would pass without anything.
Among the countless ruins present in the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street, a huge transport vehicle was parked to hide in a pile of rubble. There were large numbers of armed men around it. These are Yazima's people who were planning to rob the relics of the old world.
Because of the death of Yazima, who was directing the plan, Kane and Nelia were now at the centre of the plan.
Kane and Nelia had given up the artifact Yazima had been hiding and had escaped the underground. He then blew up the entrance and exit after he got out of the ground to stop the hunters from pursuing him.
The Kanes were scheduled to escape the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street along with artifacts that had already been transported to the ground and flee straight to other cities. Transport vehicles are rugged and huge vehicles that are also used to transport supplies between wilderness cities. The vehicle is heavily loaded with relics from the old world. After that, if you leave with your friends, they'll get a lot of money.
If you can leave, it is. They are still in the area because there was a problem with mobility.
Multiple connecting terminals were stretched from Nelia's heavy reinforced clothing to the transport vehicle. It was connected to the control device of the transport vehicle. Nelia is the longest of the Yazimas to handle control devices, etc., except for the dead Yazima. That nelia was about to intervene in the control device of the transport vehicle via the control device of heavy reinforced clothing.
Ask Nelia, who keeps working, if Kane doesn't hide her frustration.
"What do you say?
"... no"
Nelia told Kane the results with a hand gesture that just said she was doing well. When Kane hears it, she screams in dew.
"... damn it! The Yajima one, you're leaving a kidding souvenir behind!
That's what Kane said and knocked on the armor of the transport vehicle. Kane's heavy-duty reinforced clothing is quite gigantic and has a huge output. His armor made a flashy noise.
The transport vehicle was prepared by Yajima. A high-performance control device is installed so that even amateurs can drive. But the problem was with the controller. An additional program modified by Yazima was added to the control device provided by Yazima.
Postmortem retaliation request program. It's a program running behind the eastern network. In the event of the death of a prosthetic or cyborg, it is a program that transmits information obtained immediately before it, mainly footage of someone or something who tried to kill himself, and requests the killing of the subject. When the conditions are met by killing the subject, money is transferred from the client's hidden account or a stash of hidden property is presented.
It was originally added to the controller by Yajima as a retaliation process if Kane and the others betrayed Yajima.
But Yajima was killed by Akira. For this reason, the target of the post-mortem retaliation request program was set to be the person most likely to have killed Yazima. That's the last person Yazima was seeing. He was the person closest to Yazima just before communication with the controller was cut off due to the information gathering jamming smoke screen (jamming smoke).
The control device was set to prevent the transport vehicle from moving unless the subject was killed by this program. While there is also the forceful means of replacing the control device of a vehicle, considerable skill is required to replace or reset the control device. Neither the technology nor the spare controls Kane and the others had.
Methods for confirming a subject's death also vary from program to program, and there is personality in its criteria. A coarsely crafted program may be sufficient to destroy a mannequin that appropriately resembles the subject, or vice versa, killing the subject may be wasted without being well (well) recognized. An advanced program correctly authenticates a subject by loading footage of the moment of his death, footage of a corpse, and so on.
Nelia had intervened in Yazima's program to try to deceive the subject's death determination. But all the attempts failed. The synergy between the arithmetic power of a high-performance controller and the advanced program someone streamed into the network was beyond Nelia's technology to try to break through authentication.
Nelia can't do it, which means no one else in this room can do it.
Nelia exhales and suggests to Kane and the others.
"I have no choice. Let's give up."
Kane screams in anger.
"Give up!? Don't be ridiculous! How much do you think I put into this plan!? How many artifacts do you think you'll be collecting? At least 10 billion aurums if you sell it, no, it's more than that! Drop that artifact!
The others panicked out at the rough Kane. If Kane of maximum firepower is self-inflicted and rampant, there is no one here who can stop it.
Look at Kane making a mistake and talk while Nelia is dazed.
"What are you talking about? You're not going to dump the artifact, are you?
"... what do you mean?
"Giving up is deceiving the post-mortem retaliation program."
The display device connected to the control device of the transport vehicle shows the object of obliteration of the post-mortem retaliation request program. Nelia points and speaks to the person.
"Let's kill this guy"
The display device showed Akira.
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