Rebuild World
58 Sovereign means
Kane and Nelia, who were tracking Akira, found the building where Akira was hiding light.
Kane and Nelia's heavy-duty reinforced clothing is equipped with high-performance information-gathering equipment. And Akira has smoke and other substances attached to her because of Kane's attack. Finding traces of Akira's movement with that information-gathering device was not as difficult as it would have been if the range of information-gathering had been narrowed and improved, even under the influence of colorless fog.
Kane tells Nelia as she looks at the exterior of the building.
"Over there. Running outside, running away, thinking we'd catch up to you, running in?
'Maybe. You saved me a lot of trouble chasing him. Let's clean up with Papa.'
The moment Kane answered that, Kane's heavy-duty reinforced clothing force field armor, Forcefield Armor, emitted a strong shock-converted light with the impact of the landing. Akira sniped Kane out of the building window.
Talk as Nelia hides behind Kane.
"Looks like you're motivated over there."
Fuck you!
Kane's heavy-duty reinforced clothing controller determined the sniper position from the impact of the landing. Capture Akira, whose head camera holds a CWH objective assault gun from a building window.
Kane quickly counters the heavy weapon in his four arms toward Akira. A large number of bullets released from a large-calibre muzzle make a flashy noise and clash to the side of the building.
Bullets released from large guns that cannot be handled unless they are large heavy-duty reinforced clothing or man-made weapons have the power to pierce them like pieces of paper, such as coarse iron plates. Despite its power, the building's walls were only slightly damaged.
Nelia speaks in a voice that seems unexpected.
'That's a pretty tough building. Maybe it's just the outer wall. When was the architecture? "
There are many things even when it comes to architecture in the old world. Show a wide variety of cultural and technological differences in regions, places and ages. We also do not know exactly when the civilization built the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. Nelia deduced that a little from the sturdiness of the building where Akira lurked.
Kane talks overnight about Nelia's simple questions.
"Know what! What do you say! You did it!?
'No, you can't. The controls aren't unlocked.'
"Not again!
A special bullet from the CWH objective assault gun once again landed on the screaming Kane. Akira, who attacked earlier, ran down the corridor of the building and sniped again through another window.
"Goddamn it!
The bullet landed on Kane again, interrupting Kane's stupidity. Akira quickly fired the next bullet when she read that the opponent's counterattack was delayed.
'... damn it!
Kane regains his posture and moves on to the counterattack. Nelia also joins the counterattack while shielding Kane. If it's about the same tank, a storm of bullets that causes it to burst into the area where Akira was on the side of the building. A portion of it entered the internal passage through the building window and penetrated a large number of holes in the passage wall.
Akira had escaped the bullet storm by moving quickly as directed by Alpha. Akira, who was lurking beside the aisle, tells Alpha with a rugged look when she sees the wall crumbling in Kane's attack.
"What a power! If you eat that, there won't be any shards of the original shape left!
"It's not as powerful as the CWH Object Assault Gun, but it seems to have a close price range."
"This one's a single shot. The other side can be fired in series. Eat this one and die instantly. Eat it properly over there and you'll just be able to do it a little bit. That's a mess."
Akira laughs bitterly. Even though we decided to stand up to the Kanes, that doesn't make the Kanes weaker.
View the CWH objective assault gun Akira is holding. It was a gun that was supposed to be so overpowered that it was out of place in the basement. That is now to such an extent as to make the enemy look a little more obnoxious.
Still, I'm pretty sure this gun is Akira's lifeline. In the case of a heavily loaded AAH assault gun, no matter how many shots are fired, it will be loaded to prevent rain grains with an umbrella.
I heard you could even hunt tanks with a CWH Objective Assault Gun.
'You didn't say you could take down any tank, did you?
'Yes, I am. Shooting and hitting him doesn't really make me feel like I've done damage to my enemies, makes me anxious if this attack is coming through. How effective is this attack against our opponents? You're in the clear, aren't you?
"Because it's a large fuselage, so is the generator. You're probably assigning the majority of that output to Force Field Armor. No matter how many shots you shoot, it doesn't seem to work at first sight, but every time you land a bullet, it must be consuming the right amount of energy. It works right, so keep shooting without worrying. '
Copy that.
No matter how effective it is, Akira has only a few things to do. Akira lowered herself and moved to the next sniper position as she slipped down the hallway.
Akira's sight as she lowers herself and travels down the aisle firmly shows Kane and the others who are supposed to be invisible on the outside of the wall. Alpha is expanding and displaying Akira's vision.
Thanks to this, Akira had been able to shorten the time to get herself out of the window and point the gun at the Kanes to the extreme. If Akira does something long, like put up a gun and then aim at the enemy, it won't create time to dodge Kane's counterattack, etc. A moment of delay takes Akira's life. To keep that momentary respite, Akira focuses her entire nerve and shoots repeatedly as she even remembers the distortion of time.
When Akira exposes herself (sara) from the window frame only for a moment and snipes Kane, she quickly hides herself immediately after firing and immediately moves to the next sniper position. Akira is on the mole side of the mole that risked her life. And if you beat me (only) once, I'm done. Akira had repeated snipers to stop that one time and to attack the enemy at the same time.
Meanwhile, Kane, a mole tap, waited for the moment for Akira to show up from the window for the shooting, pointing a giant gun with a giant arm of heavy-duty fortified clothing at the window of the building. Prepare Akira for the appearance of Akira with four guns with four arms. The number of windows on the side of the building is higher than Kane's number of guns.
Kane is aiming for the window in the mountain survey. I'm ready to fire the moment Akira shows up from the window I'm after. If Akira emerges from the window Kane chooses, then Akira dies. And Kane, protected by Force Field Armor, can do it over and over again, even if he misselects the window he chooses and eats the Akira shooting directly (decently) because of it. Overwhelmingly advantageous is Kane. Kane kept room.
Akira shoots Kane from a place that wasn't the window where Kane was putting up the mountain. Kane's fuselage rocks with a bullet landing. Kane strikes back instantly, but Akira hides while Kane moves the gun's aim to another window.
"Did you take it off? Next."
Akira strikes Kane through another window again. Kane's counter-attack didn't make it. Large heavy-duty reinforced clothing arms weigh considerably. The giant gun that its arm holds still weighs the same weight. In addition to its weight, Kane had turned the output of the large generator to the force field armor, Forcefield Armor, thus making a slightly dull move to aim.
"Again. Next."
Kane only needs to hit the window Akira chose as the sniper position once. So Kane wins. But Akira keeps choosing Kane. Judging by the simple odds, Kane should have already killed Akira three times.
Kane continues to fight back as he eats Akira's attack. Kane, who thought it would be a good idea to hit him next, would also increase his frustration with boulders if he removed it so far.
"Next.... Next.... Next.... shit! Next! '
Kane was simply thinking it was a matter of luck and increasing his frustration, but it wasn't a coincidence. Because Alpha taught Akira the right window, the window most likely to make Kane attack.
Alpha was completely out of Kane's chosen window by reading Kane's firing posture with its anti-foe capability and implementing precise ballistic predictions from the gunpoint orientation. They were shooting Akira through the safest window on it.
I didn't realize Kane was being read his choices in some way, because even with that alpha help, Akira's evasion was too much. If Akira could afford to evade Kane's attack, Kane would have wondered about the boulders too. Akira's immaturity was slowing Kane's attention.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!
Kane raised her voice. Speak to Kane in a voice where Nelia seems a little dissatisfied.
"Kane. Shut up. Shut down the comms, please."
"Nelia! Aim properly, too!
'You don't have to tell me. I'm after you. It's the same as Kane's. Nevertheless, I didn't know you were going this far. I wonder if the strength that killed Yazima is real. I thought you might be an agent in Kugamayama City.'
Speak the inference from what Nelia told herself next.
'If you do, are you reading this move in any way? Is it because you survived Kane's missile or because they're reading about the current attack?
Kane asks in a strange voice.
'What do you mean? If that kid is an agent of the city, is that why we're attacking? You're an agent of the city, so you have high-performance intelligence-gathering equipment, and you're exploring our movements? Impossible. Are you trying to tell me they're using intelligence-gathering equipment that's high enough to see our attack direction from that distance? Even the colorless fog is affecting you now, isn't it? No, it will exist, but when it comes to something that high performance, it's the level used by frontline hunters. It's not like the guys around here use it.'
'No, I'm not. That's not what this is about. Well, you could call it something similar.'
Kane asks Nelia again, feeling a little irritated.
'So what do you mean? Talk properly.'
"Kane knows that some of the equipment at the Kuzsuhara Street site is still in operation, right? It's obvious if you look at the splendid skyscrapers in the back of the site. Pretty important facilities existed in the old world era, and strong security machines still remain in place. The ultimate goal of the city of Kugamayama is said to be the seizure of the facility."
'I know about that, too. What does that have to do with this?
"There was a device to display the entire map of the ruins of Kuzhara Street in real time on the relics of the old world that the city's troops brought back from the ruins of Kuzhara Street.... could have been the connection technology to that whole map. Which one was it...... '
'So what does that have to do with anything? Don't shake it!
'You're an unpredictable man. I told you, didn't I? A detailed, real-time map of the ruins of Kuzhhara Street. You know the anomaly of technology in the old world, right? If you do poorly, it's possible that even the bullets we just shot accurately show up to one shot at a time. Of course, so are we here. In other words, that whole map could be used as an ultra-high performance information-gathering device that can only be used in the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street. If we analyze that data, we might be able to identify where we're going. "
Kane listens back in a tone that includes unexpected surprises.
'... are you serious?
"It's all about possibilities. For the record, there was another story when that story came out, wasn't there? One of the monstrous stories about the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street, an inviting ghost. If you access that whole map in any way, you start seeing ghosts and they kill you. Out of the blue, you might have deliberately flown that kind of suspicion to cover up the means of connection that led to the Kugamayama city wanting to monopolize the rights to Kuzhara Street ruins going outside. So maybe an agent in the city has a secret means of connection...... '
Nelia had a little fun talking about her knowledge, but she notices Kane's strange silence and asks in a surprising voice.
'... Kane? Hey, Kane?
Kane utters a voice that maximizes his frustration.
"... lick me!"
Mole slapping moles knew the holes that could be slapped beforehand. Kane, who interpreted it that way, decided that he had been taken by the balls and was drastically exalted.
"I'll blow you away!
Kane hung all the holes in the mole slapping (just) while still having high emotions.
Akira was moving to the next sniper position. Alpha gives instructions to Akira with a rugged look.
"Akira! Get inside the building now!
Akira's fortified clothing is operated at the same time as Alpha's instructions. Try to rush Akira into the inner room from the aisle bordering the building. Akira made every effort to escape the aisle without defying the motion.
Akira tries to get as far away from the aisle as she can from where she was earlier by rushing through the room where various objects scatter as they are. Akira also understood that it was very dangerous to stay on the spot from Alpha's expression and voice. But I don't even know why.
Before asking Alpha why, Akira was able to know why very clearly. Countless explosions sound from behind Akira, blasting flames and blasts raging wildly. A mass of blown debris rushes past Akira's side. And the figure of Akira was swallowed by the smoke.
A large number of missiles had been released from two small missile pods mounted on Kane's heavy reinforced clothing. The missile had arrived at the window on the floor where Akira on the side of the building was, all of it. He then jumped into the building simultaneously, crashing into the wall and causing a huge explosion.
The explosion of the missile had been compressed into a relatively narrow passage. A blast of smoke was refluxing through the building window.
Nelia makes a panicked voice.
"Hey! What are you doing! I told you if you turned the body into a piece of wood dust, you might not pass the post-mortem retaliation request program certification!?
Kane argues out loud.
"Ugh! If you're equipped for an agent in the city, that still leaves about the original shape of the body! Better than just keep shooting! First of all, if that doesn't give you a death verdict, isn't authentication crazy in the first place? I should have been aware that the program also had someone with the disarm key on it. What do you say? Did you get authenticated?
"Wait a minute. I'll make sure.... No. It's not coming off."
"Hmm! Are you trying to tell me that judgment by the program isn't dead? The Yajima guy, he didn't tease the program to never authenticate it. '
"As far as I can tell, there was no sign of tampering with the authentication features of the program."
Nelia exhales slightly when she detects Kane's irritability.
'... you have no choice. I'll go straight and have a look. If you shoot even some of the bodies at close range, you'll be fine with the boulders (just fine). If the subject were alive, I'd kill him at last.'
"Are you just going to Nelia?
"I'd have trouble getting blown off so flashy that Kane doesn't even have the original shape again. If I carve it, I'll be sure."
The rear of Nelia's heavy-duty reinforced clothing opened and Nelia came out of the inside.
Nelia is the same denominator as Yazima. The exterior is an ageless beauty. Leveraging the advantages of being an artifact, Nelia's body was adjusted with a seductive (frightening), fleshy body. A natural beauty talent would be necessary to acquire and maintain that body shape.
Nelia wore a thin translucent bodysuit. Some prosthetic people can only feel their bodies like clothes and cannot resist exposing their skin. Some people also intentionally increase skin exposure in order to show themselves that even the body of the crop does not differ from the body. Either, or (there is) a reason for both, the bodysuit Nelia was wearing only covered about half her body. There was some kind of connection port for the connecting terminal on the exposed skin, and it was connected with heavy reinforcement clothing with a thin cord.
When Nelia removes the cord from her body, the cord is wrapped around the heavy-duty reinforced garment. Nelia talks as she looks up at Kane.
"I'll call you if I need anything. Kane should be on guard around the building for once. That building is going to get in the way of my fortified clothes, so I'm gonna leave you alone, but don't mess around."
Kane answers with external audio.
"I get it. As usual, you don't take guns? If you want to use it, I'll lend you mine. Kind of big, though."
Gently move your giant gun like Kane said.
"I don't need it. Fighting at close range can only get in the way."
Nelia laughed invincibly when she said so. And I took my gear that was secured to my belt from inside my heavy-duty reinforced clothes. The belt taken out by Nelia was fitted with knives that looked uncut or something like a blade pattern.
Akira is falling to the floor. The Akira's arm moved. Although there was pain in her body, Akira's consciousness was firm.
"... Not again. I didn't faint this time."
I mourn that Akira painted the smoke twice a day. Still, it would be better than being attacked by a bunch of monsters twice a day.
When Akira looked up, she could see Alpha crouching down and watching Akira.
"Akira. If you're conscious, wake up."
Copy that.
Akira understood from Alpha's expression that, for now, she had taken it out of a deadly crisis situation. But I also understood that I hadn't taken it off the dangerous situation.
'When you wake up, use a healing pill. You don't have to travel. Rest from this place.'
'Okay. But I'm sure I've run out of healing pills. "
'The cheap ones are still there. It's better than not using it.'
Akira took the cheap healing pills out of the rucksack as Alpha instructed when she woke up.
Avoid mass use in a short time. The box of restorative medicines says so in relatively large letters so that the precautions for use can be seen well. Akira's hand stopped for a moment when she read it, but Akira was ready to completely ignore that caveat.
Akira laughs bitterly while taking cheap recovery pills.
'... it must be absolutely bad for your body. I'm about to fall down again like that. "
Alpha laughs lightly and talks.
'If it's the same as then, it won't be until Akira is safe to defeat her enemies. Let's hope it turns out the same.'
"I hope so."
Akira grips the empty box and throws it away. I also ran out of cheap recovery pills with this. The effect of Akira's residual healing pills is still treating Akira's body. The effect also disappears straight away. If Akira is seriously injured the next time, it will remain fatally wounded.
Akira stands still and improves her recovery as much as possible. Fu and Akira wonder.
"Why was I attacked by those guys in the first place? Alpha. You know something?
'I'm sorry, but I don't know. This is a prediction, but it could be one of the guys Akira killed in the basement. You said your people would take your enemies even if you died, right? Maybe he was telling them in some way before he died. "
'If that's the case, you've been friends for a long time. If that's the case, why don't you decide you killed me in the attack earlier and go home? Normally, you'd be dead, wouldn't you?
"I don't know. Already Akira is usually dead, survived an attack, but even fought back."
'I was.... You should have been in the basement for this. You're not following me. I thought that was you? You're out of luck because you tried to abandon the hostages? It turned out to be good...'
Akira was about to believe that she was somewhat squeamish (crushing) herself and exhaled heavily. Alpha was also smiling bitterly when she saw that Akira.
Nelia, who was already in the building, stops halfway through the aisle.
Neria's body incorporates information-gathering equipment. That is lower performance than the information-gathering equipment in heavy-duty reinforced clothing, which is largely not enough to investigate the interior of this building.
(The performance of information-gathering equipment has largely declined due to the effects of colorless fog. Can I cut this?)
Nelia laughs lightly. Stopping the built-in information-gathering device further reduces the accuracy of the opponent. And the reason Nelia laughed was because of Nelia's personal effects.
(I didn't expect to get a chance to use it so soon. It's on.)
Nelia and the others loaded the collected relics of the old world onto a transport vehicle, but Nelia had sneaked some of the relics into her nostalgia. Among the relics of the old world were the connecting equipment to the map of the Kuzsuhara Street site that Nelia told Kane about.
(Well, what about the performance over here?
Nelia starts that equipment connection. Then convert and adjust the information obtained from it to have it extended and displayed in one's vision. Then the whole building appeared in detail in Nelia's view.
Nelia laughs deeper at the effect as expected.
(Well done.) I've limited the display information to this building, and I've further deduced the amount of data on it, so my processing performance seems fine. Still got quite a bit of data though. Can this amount of data be used in conjunction with information gathering equipment? Well, that would be good. Because of the fog without color, it's only a degree of accuracy. Well, where is he?
Nelia looks for Akira. Nelia now confines herself to this building, but she can see it all the way across the wall. Akira was quickly found.
Nelia looks surprised when she sees Akira and the others. Nelia contacts Kane.
"Kane. How's that?
"Nothing. What about you? You found his body?
Kane, you were right about the post-mortem retaliation program. He's still alive. "
'Perhaps he's really an agent of the city. I guess he even uses juvenile high-performance prosthetics. The output of the prosthetic body prevented Kane from attacking.
"Why do city agents use juvenile bodies?" Performance would be less than that of an adult. At least it should be less cost-effective '
"Maybe he was confused by the kid's hunter so he wouldn't find out if he was an agent? There are a lot of hunters in the basement who belong to Drancam."
'Is that what you mean? … means that the city has at least enough information to get the agent mixed up just in case? Where the hell did it leak from?
'I don't know. It's just that he left the basement on his own, maybe to contact the makeshift base for our raid. I couldn't get in touch with the makeshift base because of the colorless fog, so I went to tell them directly. "
'You mean you're lucky you were able to attack along the way. The arrival of the guards at the makeshift base should only be delayed for that matter. So, what are we gonna do? I don't suppose an agent in a city is the same strength?
'Naturally, I'll kill you. It's obvious, isn't it? You think I'm gonna lose in this tiny space? Keep Kane on guard. I'll be done in a minute.'
Copy that. Hurry up. "
Nelia cuts off communication with Kane. Nelia looked at Akira and the others and gave them a slightly unexpected look before putting them back into an extra grin.
"Nevertheless, I didn't know there were two of them. You're saying it wasn't a coincidence you ran in here? You came here intentionally to rendezvous with your people?
Nelia had seen Akira across multiple walls and Alpha on its side (by its side). I didn't tell Kane about Alpha to avoid Kane noticing any artifacts that I secretly made personal.
"Well, it doesn't matter."
Nelia laughed and pulled out the knife. The blade of the knife was round. It was a knife that seemed to equal no sharpness.
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