Rebuild World

85 History of information dissemination

Akira and the others start collecting artifacts together. There was an unexpected raid of monsters, but we can't just leave right now. It is also important to return alive from the ruins of the old world, but it is also important to take the relics home securely. I didn't come to the ruins of the old world with my life at stake to drown out the deficit.

Akira and the others retreat (dust) rubble from the half-destructed store, retreat (dust) monster bodies and debris, and retreat (dust) hunter bodies to collect artifacts.

Akira packs a relic in a spare empty rucksack. Many artifacts have been destroyed in the aftermath of the battle or are not in excess good condition with plenty of monster blood and oil on them. I pick and pack the relics in relatively good condition.

The smaller artifact remained quite intact. Well-packaged artifacts are safe without staining the interior with blood or oil. Akira was packing them as a priority.

"... hmm?

Sarah asks, responding to Akira's voice.

"Akira, what's wrong?

"No, I found underwear for women's things..."


Sarah raised her voice of joy. Because, as previously explained to Akira, the remaining number of sturdy women's underwear held by Sarah has already reached the danger zone. I'd like to get an extra one if possible.

"... the blood of the monster or something is staining the packaging."

As Akira explained, the underwear was torn, stained with some liquid and quite discolored.

"... yes. Too bad."

Sarah answered quite unfortunately.

Akira places her bloodstained underwear on the nearby rubble. Because I didn't feel like putting that in my rucksack. And back to collecting artifacts again.

Akira finds something again.

"... hmm?

"Akira, what's wrong?

"No, I found underwear for women's things again..."

"... but?

Second time. Sarah asked Akira calmly.

"... with the shooting, you have a hole"

A flying bullet must have accidentally pierced this underwear. Akira found a conspicuous hole in her underwear.

Akira has nothing to do with it. Sarah knows that, too. But Sarah speaks with a slightly stronger smile.

"Hey Akira, what harassment from earlier?

"No, even if they say so"

As for Akira, Sarah asked me, so I just answered. I'm not harassing you.

Sarah, who had a slightly dissatisfied look on her face, laughs as if she came up with something. Then he smiles to seduce Akira in order to point her twice shoulder blur grievances in a different direction.

"Or did you want me to wear such perforated underwear?

"Well, that's not..."

Akira answered with a slight panic and a slight redness in her face. Sarah laughed with satisfaction and fun when she saw Akira's reaction.

Talk to Sarah while Elena gets a little silly.

"What if I didn't say something stupid, and even the nearby rubble retreated?

"Yes, sir. I know."

There is a good chance that there are safe artifacts left around. Sarah decided to focus on looking around Akira.

Significant traces of shops exist in the underground. But the amount of relics in the safe old world found by Akira and the others was small, given the number of shops. Maybe the hunter who came here first collected it. Maybe it was destroyed in the aftermath of the battle. It may have been in poor condition due to years of deterioration originally. I can think of many reasons, but I don't have any. There's nothing Akira and the others can do about it.

If you retreat from all the rubble and look for it in every corner, there will still be relics of the old world. You can also bring out unbroken store supplies. But there was no room for Akira and the others to get to the boulder. There is also ample fear of being attacked by monsters again on the way home. You should focus on bringing back artifacts that are easy to carry.

Still, Akira was able to fill her spare rucksack with relics. I was packing it without sorting too much, thinking that it would be better than not taking it back, although it also mixes things up somewhat poorly. Only the amount of ammunition consumed in battle can afford the weight of artifacts that can be carried. I packed a lot quite appropriately for that reason.

Sarah speaks pointing to an artifact placed on the rubble.

"Hey Akira. If Akira doesn't take that back, can I take it back?

That's the underwear for the woman Akira found. Akira didn't want to take it home because it was painted with fluids or had holes in it.

"I don't mind that......, eh? Is that what Sarah wears?

Akira asked in a surprised face. Because I thought it was too bad for boulders.

Sarah answers with a laugh.

"I'm not going to wear that with anything. Give it to a dedicated repair contractor. If you're lucky, you'll be on par with the new one, and it'll be cheaper than buying one."

"Is there a vendor like that? It's good. Go ahead."

"Then don't hesitate"

Sarah packed those underwear separately in a transparent bag before screwing it into her own luggage.

Akira asks a little concerned.

"Sarah. What is that bag?

"This? This is a preserved bag of relics from the old world. It's a bag that keeps hurtful artifacts while you're carrying them. This is cheap, but the expensive ones can even prevent bullets and protect the precision parts of the contents from impact. One of those ideas for selling artifacts at a higher price."

Speak as Akira was impressed.

"Is there something like that? Hmm. Should I buy one, too?

"Right. It's convenient when carrying other artifacts like this that are likely to get dirty, and there's nothing to lose. Yeah, but I wouldn't recommend refilling what was originally packaged. Because packaging made in the old world is often more high-performance."


Akira gained the knowledge she lacked in hunter operations. Acquisition of such knowledge would also be one of the advantages of acting with others.

Akira and the others finished collecting artifacts around this part of the underground. Although there have been unexpected fights, they are good for collecting artifacts.

Elena asks the two of them about their future policy.

"Well, what do we do now? You can go back now, but as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to go a little further and get some topographical information around the basement. We've wiped out monsters around the corner to get some safety."

Akira looked behind the underground and remembered that Akira's original destination was behind this. This is the location of the arrow that showed the basement, the terminal installation location of Lyons Tail.

"Right. The relic in the back may be safe, or you may want to confirm it."

With Akira finding the undiscovered ruins and the information on the ruins being exposed to other hunters, it makes less sense now to go for the place. Still, you may want to check the status of the terminal installation location. That's what Akira thought.

"Do you still have room for ammunition and do you want to go"

Sarah also agreed that Akira and the others would go a little further down the underground.

The basement where Akira and the others are was not made that big. The light source is unknown but the underground is illuminated by enough light, making it relatively easy to grasp the internal structure. There are also stairs that would have followed the ground. But when Elena briefly investigated, she found that the end of the stairs was buried with dust and debris. If the stairs are firmly connected to the ground, they should be easily discoverable from the ground, so naturally.

Traces of the battle remained firmly elsewhere in the underground. Probably the condition of the artifact is similar or stopping by.

Elena has completed her investigation of this area. There is also a passage that leads further ahead, but we have stopped going further. I don't know how far ahead it is. It should be stopped where the separation is good.

Elena stops inadvertently. And I changed my expression to something a little serious.

Sarah, suspicious of it, asks Elena, raising her guard around her.

"Elena, is something wrong?

"There's someone here."

Akira also guards her surroundings. I can't feel any signs of people. Akira's information-gathering equipment doesn't react that way either.

Elena notices Akira's mistake and supplements it.

"Oh, it's not like someone's hiding in a camo feature. Beyond that door, there's a reaction like that. Survival of a hunter who was ahead of us."

Point to the door of the wall where Elena is a little further away. The door is shattered by a great force, possibly a monster attack, and is unlikely to open so easily.

When Akira and Sarah look at the door, they hear voices from the gap between the distorted doors.

"Hey! Somebody out there! You must be here!? Answer me!

A man across the door was screaming desperately at someone who would be in the basement.

Akira and the others, once face to face, moved to the door where there was a man screaming.

A man who discovers Akira and the others through a slight gap in the door shouts a joyous voice.

"Yay! You hunters, too? What happened to those monsters around there?

Elena answers on behalf of Akira and the others.

"If it's a monster around here, we took it down. So, what are you doing here?

"We got attacked by them and ran into here! Please! Help me!

"Us? How many are there over there?

"There are five of us, including me here. The rest are in the back room. Open this door first. Thanks to the sturdy door, it helped, but the distortion stopped opening. Can't you figure it out?

Elena turns to Akira and Sarah after a little silence.

"What do we do? Help?"

A man who hears Elena's words screams in panic.

"What are you gonna do, don't get lost there!? Same hunter!? Let's help each other out in trouble!?

"I'm sorry, but some idiot tried to attack us by saying something similar in a similar situation. It's not that easy to trust. Plus there were a lot of hunter bodies out there. I mean, you guys abandoned them and ran in there, didn't you?

"Well, I had no choice. The difference in power was hopeless and we didn't stand a chance, and occasionally (by chance) we were the only ones near this door who could afford to escape in here. As the leader of the team, I was obliged to prioritize the lives of my people. I couldn't risk my people's lives for a colleague who just happened to be in the same ruins."

"I see. I'm sure I'm comfortable with that."


"So if I tell you the same thing, you'll be convinced, right? I have company, too."

"Or give me a break!

The man has a sad voice coming from across the door.

Elena turns to Akira and Sarah again.

"So, what do we really do?

Sarah answers.

"Hey. Why don't you just open the door? After that, well, let them do something on their own. I wouldn't bother to take you outside the ruins or to the city."

"Right. Would you like to do that? Is that okay with Akira?

"It's good. So, how do you open it?

When Akira asks, Sarah laughs and talks invincibly.

"Let's kick it down"

Sarah stands in front of the door and says to the man across the door.

"Stay away from the door because it's dangerous! Not if you didn't want to be blown away with me!

When Sarah says so, she taps (just) a kick into the door that harnesses the powerful physical abilities of a nanomachine-assisted physical enhancement augmenter. Along with the noise that makes you imagine the impact of a kick, the doors become louder. Sarah continues and releases the kick to the door. The door is bigger and bigger, but it's still there.

Sarah shrugged her face a little more than she could have imagined at the door resistance.

"You're tougher than I thought."

Akira stands next to Sarah. Sarah laughs lightly as she perceives Akira's intentions.

Akira and Sarah looked at each other and then let go of the kick at the same time. A painful kick rolled out of his physical ability to handle heavy firearms with a weight that no ordinary person could even equip him with was simultaneously knocked (just) to the left and right of the door.

The door is kicked with a roar. A heavy-duty door flew up to near the man who was quite far away.

Sarah and Akira laughed lightly when they saw the look on the face of the man. Elena looked at Akira and the others with a slightly bitter smile.

Men come out from across the kicked door. Their expression was a great fatigue, but also a mix of relief (mostly) colors. I guess I haven't felt alive since I ran into the back of the door.

Sarah proclaims to them.

"We'll figure it out ourselves later. We're leaving now, but don't follow me."

Elena supplements.

"At least stay away enough to make sure we're safe. If our distance seems to be close, we'll assume they're trying to attack us."

Levin, the men's leader, speaks in haste.

"Wait! You're leaving us!?

"That's right. That's what I said."

Elena ran out of words. Talk further.

"I'm sorry, but I have a lot of suspicious personalities. I'm sorry.... or motivated here?

Elena and Sarah smile away. The two have no animosity or willingness to kill the Levins. But we were both creating an atmosphere that made us understand that we were serious.

Watch Elena and the others while Levin is intimidated. Elena and Sarah also look beautiful in Levine's eyes. Maybe that beauty has induced enough of a variety of things to make the two of them suspicious. Levin somehow thought so.

Watch Akira as Levin asks for help. Akira talks a little sorry.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but I was asked to accompany a hunter I ran into a while ago at a ruin in the old world, and that hunter attacked me. I know exactly how Elena and the others feel."

"What shitty (shit) bastard is that!?

Levin screamed unexpectedly. In this situation, we have some bad luck.

"I guess it was definitely named Guiba. He's got a big debt for everything, and he targeted the relics of his companion."

"We don't owe you anything! Don't you think?

I saw my people saying that like Levin screamed. My fellow men snorted in unison.

I heard about Akira. Elena cares about Akira.

"Akira. Were you okay?

"Yes, there were no injuries, and I killed him on the spot, so no problem."

"Yeah, that's good."

Elena answered with a smile.

Levin holds his head. All Akira and the others refuse to accompany Levin and the others. They really leave me on this spot as it is. There may still be monsters around. Even if we get out of the ruins safely, we have to go back from there to Kugamayama City. It's hard to survive just the Levines, who are running out of ammunition.

Levin manages to negotiate with Elena and the others.

"... ok. Let's do this, then. I'm sending you an urgent request. Take us to the city. The reward is, yeah, there's three of us, and it's three million aurums. Not a bad forehead, I guess. What do you say?"

Levin decided to make an urgent request to Akira and the others. It is a clear request to hunters for what will need to be processed later, and a formal request via the Hunter's Office. It has a different weight than the promises made there.

Elena is a hunter, too. If it is a request, there is room for consideration. Answer with a few ideas.

"Well, not bad forehead."


Levin loosened his expression slightly when he felt he had gained a good feeling. But Elena speaks with a slightly harsh look.

"But it doesn't really matter if you can pay"

Levin rushes out again. And sue desperately.

"Pay! What the fuck!? Did something happen with that tangle over there!?

"When I first received an emergency request, I was reluctant to pay for ammunition, even though I specified that I had a client for ammunition. I took care of it, but it was a lot of trouble."

"What the fuck!? What's going on!? Is that all you got!?

Levin screamed unexpectedly. There's a lot of bad luck in this situation. And it's the second time.

"Because of you, it's called a snail."

"Okay! Then let's do this! It's a relic of the old world! I'll give you the artifact we found across that door as a reward! I don't know if it's going to be 3 million aurums, but maybe that's about it. It was in pretty good shape, too. Wouldn't this be nice?

If this doesn't work, Levin doesn't have any other means. Plead with a serious look.

Elena asks Akira and Sarah again.

"What do we do?

I can tell from Elena's tone and expression that she is asking more positively than earlier. But I can't even feel the willingness to take it aggressively. Either way. Seems like a judgment to that extent.

Akira asks Levin.

"What artifact did you find?

"It's mainly clothing. There was no such thing as a hunter using instead of combat clothes, but regular clothes and underwear for women and so on. No, it's subtle whether it's normal clothes or not. Old world-made clothing has some really weird designs. I don't know what we're talking about, but maybe culture is different."

"Right.... eh, looks like I'll pay for what I pay, and I think I can take it, right?

That's what Akira says and sees Sarah. Elena also smiles lightly and looks at Sarah. Sarah laughs a little embarrassed and answers.

"Okay. Let's take it."

Levin and the others exhale with a very tired expression of relief (mostly). Akira and the others were to receive urgent requests from Levin and the others.

Akira and the others take the Levins back to their original path towards the ground.

Elena had heard from Levin how they were supposed to escape into that part of the underground. It is also to get information about this site from its background.

Levin is also aware of Elena's intentions. For hunters, information about monuments is valuable for sale. Normally, it's not that easy to talk to. But Elena is the leader of the hunters who annihilated the monsters who are no match for Levin and the others. It is not a good idea to undermine that Elena's mood.

Levin and the others don't trust Elena and the others unconditionally, just as Elena and the others don't believe in Levin and the others any more. If things get somewhat worse, Elena and the others will abandon the Levins altogether. That's what Levin thinks.

To what extent Elena and the others abandon Levin and the others. Levin decided to share his story with Elena and the others in order to make that standard of judgment a good one for them.

However, Levine started talking about what happened before we left the city, not from the moment we entered the ruins.

Don't worry about that. Talk about it. If that's what they might say, Levin was staring at Elena's complexion. But since Elena and the others were listening normally, Levin started talking about how they found out about the site as it was.

There's a tavern in the lower section of Kugamayama City where Levin and the others go. Levin and his friends were discussing their future plans while drinking cheap liquor at the tavern as usual.

When it comes to consultation, there is no specific content. It's enough to set a vague direction for a mix of chatter with no deflection in an alcoholic brain. It is obvious that the story of the next site has not been constructive at a time when the topic of whores (so-called hookers), who go to whorehouses (so-called hookers) quite often, is off topic.

The men in the Levin and the others came to me wondering if I could buy information about the ruins that had been discovered for some time.

I often talk about this hand. The story of fraud and fraud is overwhelming. In other words, that's how many hunters are deceived. Make a lot of money (already) if you hit it. Many hunters cloud their eyes with information on unseen ruins.

But not everything is a scam. To the extent that there is no choice but to be deceived, there is also some mixing of true stories.

It's good that one hunter was lucky enough to find a new ruin, but sometimes the monsters in the ruins are too strong to handle and they can't help it, so they try to make money by selling information on the ruins (already). Sometimes insider humans sneak up on information on ruins secretly secured by companies and the Hunter Prison Party. Some intentionally diffuse information on sites secured by another company in order to cause damage to competitors.

Although Levin and the others got a little lost, they decided to buy that information. There are several reasons for this. The location and inside information of the site were sold separately. And the amount of the installation was cheap. Pay the man an advance and pay the remainder of the site location information after Levin and the others confirm the presence of the site. And then I buy the insider information on the ruins separately. That was the deal.

Inside information on the ruins was demanded quite a bit of money, but location information was not that expensive. Most importantly, Levin and the others just have to pay for the location of the site after making sure it's correct. Even if it's a scam, the damage to Levin and the others will be to the extent that he drank a little more expensive booze.

And if there really is an uninvestigated ruin, I might be able to make a lot of money (already). Enough for Levin and the others to ride the invitation.

The man had a deal with many hunters besides Levin and the others. A good number of hunters ended up doing business with the man. The hunters were ready for the ruins and headed to the place where they were taught.

During the trip to the destination, the drunken-awake Levines were beginning to suspect that it was a scam after all. But when I arrived at the place I was taught, there were truly unknown ruins. Levin and the others were happy to transfer the balance to the man's account. He then contacted the man on the information terminal and attempted to trade inside information on the ruins.

But the man does not attempt to proceed with trading inside information on the site, as he is in the process of trading location information on the site with other hunters. As Levin and the others wait outside the ruins for the man's deal to end, additional hunters will continue to gather at the ruins. Perhaps the ruins really existed, so the information began to diffuse.

The additional hunters were waiting outside the ruins for a while, just like the Levines. But in the meantime, more hunters continue to try to explore this ruin.

Finally, one hunter cut the numbness and went inside the ruins without waiting to trade inside information on the ruins with the man. The rest is already flowing. Hunters break into the ruins one after another.

I don't know to what extent the interior of this ruin is, but I don't see it as a massive ruin like the Kuzsuhara Street ruin. I mean, there's also a limited amount of relics sleeping here. Even if they are grumpy, a large number of relics may be secured by the preceding hunters, and their share may not remain. That's what they all thought.

Levin and the others were pushed into the ruins as they were.

Levin just talked that far, and Elena pinches her mouth.

"There's a passage down the stairs, isn't there? What was the passage like then?

"I don't care what they say. That was a normal passage, wasn't it?

"Was the aisle bright? Were there any signs of battle? Weren't there monster carcasses or something rolling around?

"Oh, the aisle was bright enough. Traces of the battle......, you don't remember very well because you were in a hurry to run. The monster..., you had a few rolling in the aisle. I remember because I ran away from it. The hunter who entered the ruins first must have knocked them down. So maybe there was a fight?

When Levin and the others came to this site, the situation at the site already seemed different from the last time Elena and the others came here.

"Yes. Okay. Go on."

That's what Elena said and encouraged the conversation to continue. Continue the conversation after Levin has come up with a few ideas.

"... Later, I moved through the ruins to reach that underground area. I was mixing up with the hunters who were there earlier and collecting artifacts, and a bunch of monsters showed up from the aisle where we came from. Though we responded desperately, there were many monsters around here that were not strong enough in number or strength to beat us. We ran into the door and shut it. After that, I was caged until you guys helped me. Hopefully, the monster will be gone in time. That's it."

"In the hall I just passed, there would have been a different passage from the passage leading to the underground, wouldn't there? Did you go through the back of that aisle?

Levine gave up looking into Elena's eyes, trying to spare her.

"... well, for once. I didn't have a store or anything, so I turned right back and went to the basement."

"What structure was that over there? You didn't collect terrain information or anything? If you're heading to an uninvestigated site, it's not weird to be ready for that, is it?

"Oh, that's..."

"You do. Give it to me."

Levin gives me a very unpleasant look.

"Give me a break. The artifact behind that door I gave you was going to be the most expensive. Give it to me. I'm going to sell this ruin topographical information and stuff to fill that hole. If we don't, it will affect our future hunter operations. Can you just give it to me?

"Then sell it to me first. I'll give you half a million aurums."

"... you're really gonna pay me, aren't you?

"If the artifact you (you) give us is worth three million aurums properly. If not, I'll fill that hole."

"... Damn! All right, man!

Levin had no choice but to hand Elena a general-purpose standard storage medium. If you don't give it to me, I doubt the value of the artifact, which is the reward for the emergency request Levin and the others gave Elena.

Plug and analyze the recording medium Elena receives into her information terminal. By analyzing the topographical information on this site collected by Levin and the others, Elena grasped the structure at the end of that passage that they were not passing through.

Elena's expression suddenly gets steep.

"Sarah. Akira. I'll be out of here in a bit of a hurry."

Elena gives that direction to speed up the move. Considering you didn't run into a monster in the aisle here before, it's pretty fast. Akira and Sarah, while surprised, travel faster to match Elena. Levin and the others press tiredness to follow.

Sarah asks Elena as she walks fast in front of her feet.

"Elena. What happened?

"I have a bit of a bad feeling, so I want to get out of here early. I analyzed the topographical information I received from him, but it was the station's home that was up ahead. The subway guy. Do you know Akira is a railroad?

Akira manages to recall the relevant items from the knowledge Alpha taught her.

"... was it indeed a means of travel using trains running on the tracks...?

"Well, that's the thing. I don't see much of it in the east because of the monsters, and even if it does, it's something that will be maintained inside the big city. They are usually developed extensively in the governing areas of the Union of Central and Central Ruling Nations. It is said that there is a large rail network that connects countries to each other, but I wonder if it is true. Well, put that aside and say that the railroad runs through an underground tunnel."

"Really? So what's wrong with that subway?

"You explained to the monster you fought earlier that the one behind the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street was mixed, right? And this ruin is still alive in function. That subway function might be alive."

Makes Sarah look pale when she realizes what Elena is trying to say. Sarah tells Elena to check.

"... that means the monster behind the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street may have been transported this far by train? Give me a break. Do monsters have to be intercepted in some cases with tanks or something? First of all, there weren't any monsters when we got here."

"At that time, this ruin was dark. In other words, the functionality of this ruin had ceased. Someone who came after us accidentally restored the functionality of this site in some way. What if that's why the train started stopping at this station?

Sarah tells Elena to ask for her consent.

"As it is, well, assuming it is, powerful monsters like that are just big ones, and I can't get caught up in the aisle and get this far. Even if the monsters behind the ruins of Kuzsuhara Street were really carried, it would be just the weak little thing ones, wouldn't it? If you run into something like that, you can take it down."

Sure enough, all the monsters I encountered in the basement were monsters Elena and the others could repel enough. Listening to Sarah, Elena loosens her expression a little too.

"... that's true. I wonder if you cared too much."

Elena laughed a little and looked at Akira, trying to apologize to Akira for instigating anxiety as a result.

Akira was making her expression more rugged. The Akira asks Elena.

"... may I ask you something?

"What could it be?

"There are monsters called bulimic crocodiles, right? Are there many monsters behind the ruins of Kudzukhara Street that eat and huge everything like that?

"Not all that, but that's not unusual."

"For example, right? Is it possible that the monster in that hand was brought here on the subway when it was just a little girl, and in just a few days it would grow huge?

Akira sees the trail of the aisle floor. There are signs of something huge passing on the aisle floor.

"There were signs of battle, but there were no bodies or wreckages of defeated monsters left at all. That was all eaten by him...... Oh my God, is that too much to think about? It's a trace of the floor that follows from the back of the ruins, but has it grown gradually as you approach the entrance and exit?

Elena and Sarah look at the floor of the aisle. I do feel it's wider than the trail behind the aisle. Elena speaks.

"... sure, that's possible. I knew we'd get out of here in a hurry. I don't want him to come back to the ruins and be sandwiched with the monsters inside."

Sarah agrees with Elena.

"I agree. Let's hurry"

Akira and the others move faster. Almost (mostly) rush to the outside of the ruins. Levin and the others rushed after Akira and the others.

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