[The Nine Tails roared in the moonlight,].

[Opening his mouth, a tailed beast jade ploughed Konoha out of a terrifying ravine. ] 】

[The picture of Danzo wrapped in bandages appears: I don't want this to be his game for his re-emergence as Hokage.] 】

[A huge red-eyed ape flew up and looked down with an eerie smile. ] 】


[Kakashi rushed towards the ape flying sun, and the next second Rin was pierced by her own Chidori hole with wide eyes. 】

[Kakashi! Kakashi! Kakashi!!].


Kakashi rolled over from the bed with wide eyes

This is not the first time he has dreamed of Midnight Fierce Lin, but this time there is another Midnight Fierce Ape.

Kakashi lay back on the tatami mat and covered his left eye with his hand.


Kakashi, who had lost his chakra eye, found that his strength did not retreat

After Chakra has no consumption of the Sharingan, it is no longer his own shortcoming.

He touched the white tooth short knife beside him, and in the past three months, his strength has not only returned to the time when he replaced the Sharingan, but also surpassed him to become a real shinobi.

It is different from the previous special Shinobi who relied on the observation power of the Sharingan and the speed of Chidori to make the attack reach the level of the upper Shinobi.

At this time, Kakashi had reached the level of upper Shinobi in all aspects.

After losing the Sharingan, Kakashi can take out more chakra to improve his all-round hexagonal attributes.

And because of the long-term opening of the Sharingan over the years, Kakashi's fine operation of Chakra has reached an extremely buggy level.

This is also the biggest reason why he can quickly return to Shangnin.

"Konoha... White Fang?"

Kakashi remembered what Uchiha Tokiyu said to himself about the direction of development

The back of the once heroic father appeared in his mind again.

This was followed by Uchiha Shiyu's voice

[The dark department is directly subordinate to the shadow, all orders are issued by the shadow, and there are multiple four- or five-person detachments under the troops, and the commander of the sub-unit uniformly conveys orders and leads the execution of tasks. ] Missions are referred to by code names. 】

[Its members wear white masks that mimic animals when they act, and the nature of the mission and all other information are kept confidential.] 】

[There are two rules in the dark part: rule one: if you die without leaving a corpse, you will destroy the traces of the corpse; rule two: wear a mask when performing tasks under normal circumstances.] 】

[Qimu Shuomao, as the leader of the dark army, his identity is top secret, and no one should even know that he joined the dark department. ] 】

[Konoha suffered heavy losses due to mission failure in order to save his companions?].

[If it weren't for the people directly under the dark department deliberately spreading public opinion, the group of villagers wouldn't even know that Qi Mu Shuomao was a dark department, let alone the content or details of the mission. ] 】

[As an elite shinobi (status), Kiki Shigeruo's willpower is very accessible, just because the mission failed to commit suicide? 】

[Unless he has a reason to commit suicide, such as a powerful enemy, such as a threat from an enemy, such as a son who just graduated from a ninja school and was inexplicably promoted to middle ninja or even upper ninja. ] 】

[In war, Shangnin needs to lead the team to carry out tasks alone, and if he does not have enough experience, then he is no different from sending him to death. ] 】

[Think about it, young man, Konoha is not only the will of fire, the roots of Konoha are almost rotten. ] 】


Kakashi's eyes were already in tears at this time

He had never thought of this in terms of political struggles before

At this time, he had not experienced the battle between Danzo and the Hokage of the Three Generations, and he had not seen Konoha secretly studying the Yamato created by Mudun sacrificing countless people.

He never thought that his father committed suicide to protect himself, until Shi Yu patted his shoulder to make himself think clearly.

Kakashi got up and washed his face, then unconsciously washed his right hand that grabbed Rin.

Is Konoha, which Rin wants to protect even if she commits suicide, worth it?

Kakashi fell into deep pain

He put on his ninja vest and prepared to go to Narutoku

Yesterday, I received news from the Ministry of Information that the first batch of places for the Ministry of Defense was determined today, and I should have a quota as the earliest corresponding one.

He wanted to see if the inheritance of the true Will of Fire that Uchiha Shiyu said really existed.

"Yo, Kakashi!"

At this time, there was an excited shout from the street

Kakashi turned his head to see that Matkai was waving at him with a ball in his mouth.

"Let's eat together!"

This was not the first time Kai had invited Kakashi, but since the death of the fourth generation, Kakashi's eyes had become more and more cold, and he had not once agreed to Matkai's invitation.

However, Kai still took the trouble to invite over and over again.

This time was the same, Kai no longer had any hope, just subconsciously shouted.

This time, however, Kakashi turned his head and walked towards the maruko shop.

He pointed to the remaining string of three-color balls on Kai's plate and coughed:

"That, give it to me. "

Kay: "Eh... Eh? Eh! Good!"

"Kakashi have a fateful duel!"

"Then guess the boxing. "


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