"More, how much?"

"One hundred thousand taels of C-grade ninjutsu scrolls, 200,000 taels of B-level, 1 million taels of A-level, and 10 million taels of S-level. "

Shi Yu repeated again with a smile

Kusanagi said

with a stumbling voice

"But, but, in this way, it is already the same as issuing a reward for a task of the same level, right? "

The remuneration for a C-level task is 3-100,000 taels, the honorarium for a B-level task is 8-200,000 taels, and the honorarium for an A-level task is 15-1 million taels.

S-class missions are more than one million taels

To be honest, when the task reaches the S level, 10 million taels is actually not too high, after all, there are 35 million taels in the head of an Asma.

But that was the son of the third generation of Hokage, the elite Shinobi of Konoha, and the guardian of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, the Twelve Shinobi.

It can be said that Ape Flying Sun has created too much identity aura in order to pave the way for his son.

Ten million taels for an S-grade ninjutsu, this is something that many local tycoons can do.

Anyway, they can't do such a tyrant thing in Kusanagi Village.

Even if it is a grade A....

Kusanagi thought of the A-grade ninjutsu Chidori that had been used by Shinobi, and suddenly his heart ached and he couldn't help himself.

The grass shadow assistant on the side understood the difficulties of his own shadow, and said with an embarrassed smile:

"I don't know if Patriarch Shiyu can be cheaper, you also know the difficulties of our grass tolerance..."

It is better to spend money on a mission to buy a one-time ninjutsu than to spend money to hire a ninja.

It's just that the mission level of war missions starts at Grade B, but it can always be cheaper.

Shi Yu looked at the hesitant two and smiled slightly

"Small businesses don't bargain. "

Kusanagi and Kusanagi looked at each other and showed an apologetic expression:

"In that case, I'm afraid we'll have to apologize, after all, we're just a small ninja village..."

Compared with spending a lot of money to build elite troops, it is better to let the ninjas under him die a few more, anyway, they are all civilians, and they can be pulled to the battlefield after a few days of training, and human life in times of war is the least valuable.

Shi Yu was not annoyed when he saw this, he just picked up the gloves and shook his head with regret:

That's a shame, since that's the case, I can only go to the village of Taki Shinobi on the opposite side, I'm sure they must be more interested in this thing. "

"Wait, wait!!"

"Yes! We're going to do it!"

Kusanagi and Kusanagi shouted excitedly

Taki no Kuni is already richer than Kusanagi Country, and if it is sold to the opposite side, there is basically no way to live on his side.

Shi Yu grinned, revealing a demon-like expression.


When Shiyu left

The secret scrolls on his body have all turned into silver tickets

It has to be said that even small villages are not necessarily poor, because the money of these villages is backed by those merchants and nobles.

These people don't actually have borders, and their business is not limited to a small country at all.

Just like Cardo who appears in the plot of the Land of Waves, as one of the richest people in the world, he can easily manipulate the economy of the entire Land of Waves.

So although the country of grass is small, it is really not poor, after all, to some extent, they are the thugs raised by these rich and nobles.

Shi Yu wanted to complain more than once about the ninja world, a political system with completely independent military, political and financial powers.

Shi Yu vowed to wait for the family to grow completely, so that the group of moths who were shouting behind their backs would understand what democracy is and what is called power from the barrel of a gun.

In addition to making a lot of money this time, there were two surprises.

One of them is that the family system opened a new trading sector after Shiyu completed the transaction.

Kusanagi Village appeared as a business partner in the trading segment.

The turnover of the trade partner transaction will be converted into family prestige in a ratio of 10,000 to 1.

This time, all the goods of Shi Yudai were sold at a high price of 1 billion taels.

And rightly so

Shi Yu's system background is 100,000 more points!

That's a lot of money!

The devil knows how distressed Shi Yu is like a pyramid scheme master who searched and searched for the secret scroll drawings of the thousands and eight hundred family prestige, all used to buy scientific ninja tools.

Even in order to deal with this transaction, he specially spent 100 reputation to purchase a one-time scientific ninja scroll, A-grade Chidori.

That's right, that thing is disposable, mainly to show them the effect.

A-level scientific ninjutsu design drawings require a huge amount of up to 10,000 points.

Shi Yu has already discovered that he seems to be in the novice protection period at this time

Both the Ninja Research Center and the training ground are newbie benefits.

And those densely packed activations in the background require 10,000 points of family buildings to really be good things.

If you rely solely on the thousands and eight hundred clansmen of the Uchiha clan, the year of the monkey and the moon may not necessarily make up one.

Now when you open the trading sector, it's very different

Just one trade directly increased his family reputation by 100,000 points

This was something that I didn't dare to think about before, and in the past three months, including the first reward of the accepting clan, the total family reputation has not gathered 10,000 family reputation.

If Shi Yu wanted to, he could even raise the psychic beast cultivation center to the third level.

Maybe it can directly summon some more terrifying Warcraft and the like.

However, considering that this would require his own submission before he could use it for himself, Shi Yu decisively gave up this obviously death-defying upgrade operation.

He has already figured out the effect of these buildings

Level 1 is something from the local world, and level 2 and above is starting to involve things from another world.

If you can continue to upgrade the building....

Thinking of this, even with Shi Yu's level of qi cultivation, he couldn't help but show YY's expression.

At this time, a slightly frightened voice came from the side:

"That... Adults?"

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