After clearing the dark whistle,

Shi Yu sat directly in place to recover his strength,

In his previous life, when Shi Yu watched anime, he said what is the amount of Chakra of upper Shinobi, the amount of Chakra of Middle Shinobi, and the amount of Chakra of Lower Shinobi.

But after being reborn, Shi Yu knew that the ninja's body usually did not store it at all except for a small amount of chakra in the meridians.

The so-called Chakra extraction technique is more like a set of inner strength heart methods,

Under the control of spiritual energy,

Chakra extraction extracts the energy from the cells and runs it in the meridians, thereby increasing physical strength.

The release of this energy through different meridians will form different forms, which is called the form change of seal and ninjutsu.

The different attributes of Chakra, which are assimilated through the five internal organs, represent the change in the nature of Chakra.

The heart corresponds to fire, the liver corresponds to wind, the spleen corresponds to earth, the lungs correspond to thunder, and the kidneys correspond to water.

All people are born with only one or two organs that are easy to extract chakra, which is what ninjas call innate chakra attributes.

One of the criteria for achieving superior patience is to be able to master the energy extraction of cells in other organs and obtain different Chakra attributes, which are only known by activating other Chakra attributes in the machine.

Usually the purpose of ninjas practicing chakra extraction is to multitask,

Able to extract chakra from cells while fighting, attach it to the body, or release ninjutsu.

Ebisu said very clearly when teaching Naruto,

The so-called chakra control is to extract the most suitable chakra from the cells to release this ninjutsu, so as to avoid the waste of physical strength.

Kakashi and Zai no chop fight obviously just put two ninjutsu, but in the end tired coma is also the truth,

Because Chakra is linked to the energy and physical strength in the cell, consuming Chakra is actually consuming life energy and physical strength.

Therefore, in the ninja world, the upper limit of a person's strength is already set at birth.

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to contain the life energy of "four six zero" in his body, which is absolutely impossible to have more than the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan, and the whirlpool clan with the bloodline of the Great Tubewood.

Therefore, no matter how hard they tried, it was absolutely impossible for them to reach the Super Shadow level.

This is why Kakashi said to Naruto, to admit that the ninja world is someone younger than you, but stronger than you.

Because the upper limit of ordinary people has been locked from birth,

A civilian genius like Kakashi uses the super Chakra control talent to maximize the use of every physical strength in his body without wasting it.

Unfortunately, the transplanted Sharingan caused Kakashi to have to extract energy from his body to supply it all the time.

Kakashi, who had been in a physical deficit for a long time, naturally fell from a genius to a ninja unit of measurement.

Now Shiyu has withdrawn Kakashi's chakra eye,

Although from a short period of time, Kakashi's strength has decreased due to the disappearance of the Sharingan.

But as Kakashi's body developed,

His original genius Chakra control talent can gradually appear, and finally reaching the shadow level is definitely much easier than the original plot.

And Uchiha Shiyu, although not a genius,

But he is also a direct clan with the blood of the big tube,

Even Indra inherits more of the power of the divine tree,

However, the cellular energy of the Uchiha clan is still several times or even ten times more than that of civilian ninjas.

The reason why he has been stuck in Shangnin,

The factor is that Chakra's control talent is really outrageous,

Even with the help of the Sharingan of Sangoyu, it will still cause great waste every time you release ninjutsu.

But with the emergence of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the appearance of Chakra +1 given by the system, he finally got rid of this shackle and truly entered the ranks of the shadow level.

On the battlefield before, why Shi Yu wanted to die was all because it was not durable enough,

Originally young, coupled with Chakra's weak control,

At that time, Shi Yu was at most 1 calorie of Chakra utilization, which was meticulous.

But now it's different.

Stepping into the film level, he was finally able to let go of himself and feel the joy of truly crushing.

With the sound of a whistle,

Uchiha Shiyu slowly stood up,

The earth shook violently,

Five Shi Yu's shadow doppelgangers quickly sealed in the five corners,

Inject all the remaining chakras into the earth.

"Tudu Iron Prison!"

The entire valley suddenly concave into a huge circular hollow, surrounded by countless stone walls rising from the ground.


Three fire-breathing dragons flew up from the woods and rushed into the sky.

Three archers from the Bow Two squad stood on top of Charizard and ordered loudly:

"Charizard! Use jet flame and flame sputtering!"


Three fire-breathing dragons with nearly 4 heads howled and swooped down from the sky,

The terrifying flames fell like a sea of fire,

After the flames landed, they quickly burst, encompassing a radius of tens of meters into the sea of fire.

For a while, the fire in the valley burst into the sky, and the fire spread rapidly in all directions!

- Chapter 69-2 - This is how the war should be fought——

The moment the whistle sounded, a bad premonition rose in the hearts of the three of them.

The three hurriedly walked out of the temporary stronghold,

But there was a violent tremor from the earth, enveloping them all in the valley.

Mitomenyan's face changed drastically:

"Not good! Hit the plan!"

With a rustling sound coming from Shinnosuke's waist, the sad and angry voice of the dark captain came out from the radio:

"The captain is not good, the position where our ambush is ambushed has been broken in, not to mention that half of the squad did not reply!"

Shinnosuke's pupils shrank and roared angrily:

Are you pigs? The trap didn't trigger? Alert enchantment!"

"The other party is elite, all the traps we laid have been cracked, and they have found the loopholes in our enchantment, if it is not for Captain Sparrow to find the other party's traces, maybe we will be destroyed by the other party." "


Sarutobi Shinnosuke scolded angrily, "Hurry up and let the remaining companions gather!"

How long has it been since the last report, and half of the teams have no signal?

Before he could get angry,

Charizard has taken to the air and begins to slaughter the ninja below.

Each of his jet flames was comparable to a B-level ninjutsu, and coupled with the advantage of being able to fly, those middle ninja below could not cause any effective attacks at all.

For a while, the screams were endless.

Three dark parts in white robes quickly stood up,

I saw one of them quickly seal his hands,

"The Wind Escape Wind Cutting Technique!"

Several invisible wind blades cut towards the fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

Seeing this, Gong Er shouted:


Charizard howled, its wings flapped violently, and a powerful air blade instantly rushed up against the wind blade.

With a pop, the two attacks collided together in mid-air, causing a huge explosion.

The dark squad leader below shrank his pupils,

"Nani, how come, the strength of this damn psychic beast is so strong?"

Bow two two and bow two three took the opportunity to shout:

"Charizard! Use a smoke screen!"

The two fire-breathing dragons howled, inhaled sharply, and then spewed out a huge amount of smoke with their mouths and directly enveloped the entire valley.

The ninjas' vision was all obscured by gray smoke, and the position of the fire-breathing dragon disappeared from their eyes.

The carbon monoxide mixed in the thick smoke also made the ninja below constantly cough and breathe.

The white-robed captain looked at the fire-breathing dragon with a livid face, and his eyes were full of fire:

"Damn, why is this thing's ninjutsu so disgusting!

There was a sparse echo on the radio,

All the wind ninjas began to unleash ninjutsu under the captain's signal,

And yet they overlooked one thing.

Due to the thick fog, they simply could not distinguish between east and west, north and south!

As a result, the companions scattered around did not know which direction to blow the wind.

The strong wind blowing in all directions of the companions blew the ninjas to their knees,

Some also blew smoke from each other in the direction of each other because they blew in opposite directions. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The smoke in mid-air not only did not dissipate, but was more inhaled into the body due to the wind, resulting in fainting.

Shi Yu stood on the top of the tree and shook his head and sighed:

"Sure enough, it's a group of rookie chickens, and they haven't been on the battlefield at first glance. "

Although there were a large number of people, they had no experience in group combat, thinking that they would still cooperate in teams of 4 as they did on weekdays.

In fact, on the battlefield of the Ninja World War, the strength of the group is simply negligible.

The real strength of ninjas in war is the group-style compound ninjutsu.

Just like now!

Shi Yu's remaining four shadow doppelgangers stood by the river at the four corners of the valley,

I saw that they glanced at their watches at the same time, and then quickly formed 44 complex knots and drank lowly:

"Water escape! The art of the Great Waterfall!"

The river under the feet of the four people seemed to riot, layer by layer, directly setting off a terrifying huge wave that washed the entire valley.

The ninjas, whose vision was obscured by smoke, did not see the huge waves that were coming.

By the time they found out, the waves had already slapped on their faces.

Countless ninjas were washed away by the waves as if dumplings and converged towards the center of the valley.

There were only a dozen captain-level Kami-Shinobu and Shun Koharu and Mito Monita who relied on the earth flow wall to lift themselves away from the impact of the waterfall.

Mito Menyan looked at the smashed ninja with a shocked face:

"This level of ninjutsu! How could it be, there are still so many upper ninja in Konoha?!"

Another very big difference between upper Shinobi and middle Shinobi is that the meridians of upper Shinobi can withstand more chakra impacts, so Uchiha needs a squad of water array walls to prevent it.

The reason why the Great Waterfall Art is classified as an A-level ninjutsu is because the scale of the technique is very large, and it is impossible to perform it without a strong enough meridian.

And this time, the scale of the Great Waterfall Technique, at least 10 or more upper Shinobi can be released.

That's why she thought that the Uchiha clan had so many Shinobi here.

"No! Look at that!"

Koharu screamed,

At this time, Shi Yu's four shadow doppelgangers had already arrived at the very center of the valley with the flow of water!

They glanced at several shinobi standing on the high pillars one by one, with a presumptuous smile on their faces,

"This is how the war is fought..."

"Thunderous go!"

——Chapter 69-3——

Just when Shi Yu bloodied the rookies on the battlefield,

Yunyin Village, which was stationed in the territory of Yu no Kuni, finally launched a large-scale attack: 0

In the past few months, Yunyin Village has been fighting too much.

Ignoring the traps and enchantments, the opposite side frantically fought guerrilla attacks on the station of Yunyin Village.

This made Troy, who was in charge of commanding, almost doubt his life, and no one saw his team defeat hundreds, who can stand this.

If it weren't for the presence of the two-tailed man Zhuli, he would have wanted to withdraw his troops directly.

But now he stood up,

Because he received intelligence from the village,

That damn Uchiha Shiyu is gone!

And Konoha came a large number of ninjas to support the front line,

If there are many people, it is impossible to fight a guerrilla war,

Finally, he can push horizontally!

As the best thunder country among the five major countries with the daimyo py,

They are not like the famous people of other countries who ask for money and force Lai Lai,

After the third generation of Thunder Kage Ai was killed by the faceless number of people in Iwain Village, the fourth generation of Ai paid attention to the importance of the number of ninjas.

Now their own troops still have about 2,500 people, even if Konoha reinforcements come, they can't compare to them!

As the elite of the national war, they are completely different from their improvised team.

Troy ordered the ninja of Yunyin Village to quickly march towards the garrison of Konoha Village with the Five Elements attribute as an army formation.


As a tourist city, Yu Zhiguo received the protection of major celebrities, nobles, and wealthy merchants, and Yunyin Village had no way to go deep into the town to pursue it before.

Now it is naturally impossible for Konoha's ninjas to disperse to various cities, and at this time, they are also stationed on a hill.

A member of the Hunter Squad half-knelt in front of Uchiha Yatsushiro and reported:

"Lord Yatsushiro, Yunyin Village has arrived at the foot of the mountain. "

Uchiha Inahuo on the side looked excited,

"Lord Shi Yu is really right, the other party really took advantage of this time to attack!"

A complicated expression appeared on Uchiha Yatsushiro's face, he was originally a confidant of Uchiha Fugaku and belonged to the pro-Konoha faction.

But now Yunyin Village chose to attack while Lord Shi Yu left,

This shows that there are definitely people in the village who pass on information to each other!

As for who it is no longer important,

This means that those so-called will of fire are completely.

Uchiha Yatsushiro took a deep breath,

A determined expression appeared on his face,

"Let the team prepare and follow the plan!"


With a bang, the hunter member left in an instant,

They are full-time responsible for traps and enchantments, and the traps and enchantments in Yunyin Village do not work, which does not mean that the traps and enchantments on their own side do not work.

Sure enough,

A large number of screams and explosions of detonating charms began to appear in the woods below the mountain.

Yunyin commanded Troy with a livid face as he listened to the report from his subordinates and shouted loudly:

Battle 4.4, our people are much stronger than that group of motley soldiers!"

Then he glanced at the girl beside him,

At only 17 years old, Yukito has become a human pillar who can skillfully control the two tails.

With the existence of this big killing weapon, Troy couldn't think of how he could lose!

Under the leadership of Yunyin Village Shangnin, the traps and enchantments laid by the hunter team were quickly invaded.

And they also paid nearly two hundred ninjas to die in the trap.

The hunter team completed its mission and quickly withdrew to the trenches at the top of the mountain.

Yatsushiro looked at the ninja who rushed up and waved his hand:

"Wind and Fire Ninja Ready!"

The CASTER (magician) squad of the Uchiha clan and the ninja from Konoha stood at the front of the trench.

"Unleash ninjutsu!!"

The ninjas, who had rehearsed many times, began to seal their hands in unison:

"Fire Flame Ball Technique!"

"Wind Escape Fierce Wind Palm!" "Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Although it was only a C-level ninjutsu, under the addition of quantity, the terrifying sea of fire swept towards the bottom of the mountain.

The detonator buried on the hillside also exploded.

The attacking Yunyin's face changed drastically.

"Earth Escape Earth Flow Wall!"

One wall after another propped up in front of the sea of fire to temporarily block the sea of fire,

However, because they belong to the attacking side, there are still many people who are burned into flames that seep through the airtight gaps because of the lack of coordination.

Troy looked ugly at the screams coming from halfway up the mountain.

They are in the downstream direction, and even the water escape is difficult to release.

Moreover, most of them are thunder dun who are proficient in speed and prudence, and they suffer too much for this kind of long-range offensive and defensive warfare than Konoha, who is good at fire.

As a last resort, Troy looked at Yukito Nio on the side.

Yukito looked at the help cast by Troy and raised his head proudly:

"Hmph! Sure enough, look at me!"

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