I left the X-men feeling better than I did entering. Jean and I spent some more time together, catching up, having fun. In the end, I left with a lighter heart, more accepting of what my situation was.

When I returned Ben and May could tell I was feeling better. They smiled at me and I just smiled back. My dad didn't spend much time at home these days, he was far too busy helping SHIELD with tracking and locating HYDRA bases.

School had let out for Christmas vacation, and I spent all my time at the Baxter building working in my lab. I decided that Xavier was right, I didn't have to be Spider-man, but...I could still be useful, right?

The week went by quickly, I spent most of it working on a special project in my half destroyed lab. I thought over what Xavier suggested, superhero training camp, it honestly sounded like a good idea.

If this universe was anything like the 616 marvel world then it's going to be filled with people with abilities and almost all of them will need some way to hide their identities. So I decided to make something to help with just that.

It was called the NEXUS helmet. I designed it with some pointers from Tony himself. I emailed him a few times and he gave me a few brilliant pointers.

I designed the helmet in such a way that it could collapse into a tablet, something that was reasonable for anyone to be carrying around on their person.

The helmet was shaped like the one I used to have from my Spiderman costume, sleek and well ventilated. It's internal systems were state of the art and had everything from a HUD to a phone like interface.

It wasn't as expensive as Tony's helmets with their fancy display tech, but it still wasn't cheap. It costed nearly fifty thousand, not including labour charges. So so far I only had this one model ready, I was going to have to make some capital before I can make this into a business that just gives out tech like this for free.

But Tony did have one tiny little suggestion, just a tiny adjustment. He insisted on an AI system being present inside the helmet to assist the wearer. I outright refused, but he went behind my back and hacked into the helmet, downloading and installing an AI in it anyway.

Needless to say, I was pissed.

Now I found myself in my lab, alone, testing the helmet I created and the AI Tony f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y installed inside.

"Testing AI capabilities, experiment number five," I spoke into a recorder before putting it down and tapping the helmet, "hey, can you hear me in there?"

"Yes sir, how may I be of service?" she asked in a polite manner. That's right, she, Tony gave me a female AI. Wonderful.

"Can you search the web for any sighting of illegal activity?" I asked.

"Certainly Mr. Parker," she replied, "there is currently three crimes reported, one robbery, a car jacking off fifth and a man ready to jump off a roof a few blocks away. Do you wish me to plot a course?"

I paused, the words jump off a roof stuck with me. I sighed, "ah...no, not yet. Access my phone's contacts and send the address to Johnny Storm's number."

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't find anyone listed under that name."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "oh, right. Ah, send it too 'Flaming Poo', work, not personal."

"Understood, done," the helmet spoke, "will there be anything else Mr. Parker."

"No, thanks, eh...hm, i suppose I haven't given a name yet huh?"

"No sir, you haven't," the AI replied.

"Hm...how about...S.e.xy?" Is miled.

"S.e.xy sir? Isn't that a bit o.b.s.c.e.n.e?"

I snorted, "you were made by Tony Stark, I suggest you get used to that,"I picked the helmet up and pressed a button it it's left temple, causing it to collapse onto itself, the internal hard plates shiting, forming an extra thick red tablet that I put into my back pocket.

I walked out of my lab and into the den, Johnny and Sue sitting on the couch watching TV. "Johnny," I called out gaining his attention, "there's a jumper out in the city about to do a dive, I've sent the location to your phone."

Johnny's eyes widened, "shit! Right, on it!" he leaped out of the couch and took out his phone for the location. He then jumped over the balcony railing and soared into the air, heading straight for the jumper in question.

"How did you find that out?" Sue asked questioningly.

I held up the red tablet, "I finished her initial test runs. So far, it's perfect."

"Did you apply your Parker Blood system into it?" Sue asked as she motioned me to pass the tablet to her.

"Of course," I did passed it over, immediately it transformed into it' helmet form, causing Sue to put it on and look it over.

"Hm, this is very good Peter, I'm impressed," Susan replied, "anything fun in particular?"

"Yeah, S.e.xy, show her a map of all the reported crimes in New York currently being reported in," I instructed.

"What did you call me?" Sue asked in surprise.

"At once sir," S.e.xy replied.

"Woah!" Sue removed the helmet, her eyes wide in surprise, "h-how...an AI?"

I nodded, sitting down next to her, "yeah. Tony insisted, damn bastard."

"I see...you did say you hated AI's so why did you let him install it?" Sue asked.

"He bypassed my security settings and rooted it into the main system. I can't remove her without reworking the entire system from scratch," I shrugged.

"You're very rude you know that?" S.e.xy huffed.

Sue chuckled, "at least she's got a nice attitude," she tossed me the helmet. Immediately I collapsed it into it's tablet form.

We sat in silence, the news running in the background. Slowly the air began to feel awkward, the last time we were lone like this...well...things happened.

I cleared my throat, "so..."

Sue nodded, "yeah...how have you been? We didn't really...you know, get a chance to talk after the ah...well..."

"The kiss?" I chuckled.

Sue snorted, "yeah, that. Look Peter, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

I smiled, "it's fine Sue, it was just a kiss," I shrugged, "besides, we were pretty lonely back then. And as kinky as me making out with my boss sounds it's not right."

"Plus you're a minor."

"Oh, right, forgot about that," I gulped, "I hope you don't get into any trouble because of that."

"No...probably not," she shrugged.

"So…." I looked at her, "this is one moment huh."

"Yup," she nodded. Cue the awkward tension once more. Suddenly Sue snapped to the TV, "look, it's Johnny!"

I turned to the Tv and sure enough there was Johnny, floating next to the man about to jump, talking him down. We watched and waited for five solid minutes, before finally the man agreed to step down, the people cheered and Johnny helped the man climb down to the ground and get into an ambulance.

"Good job flame b.u.t.t," I grinned.

"He has his moments," Sue admitted with a proud smile.

"Yeah, he's really m.a.t.u.r.ed since he and Liz began to go out."

Sue nodded, "she's good for him," Sue turned to me, I didn't realise how close we were sitting. Slowly the scent of maple syrup began rolling off her body, her eyes diluting.

"Sue," I flicked her forehead, "no. Bad girl."

Sue froaned rubbing her forehead, "what are you talking about?"

"No fantasising about me," I winked.

"I-I wasn't doing that!" she cried out.

I shrugged, "you don't have to lie Sue, I'm know I'm s.e.xy as f.u.c.k."

"Hey! I'm-"

"-Ah Peter! You're here I see," suddenly Reed walked in causing Sue and I to flinch in surprise. He blinked, "is something wrong?"

I hummed, "no, nothing, just, long day. Created a superhero helmet with an AI to market to super heroes, you know the usual," I smiled.

Reed narrowed his eyes, "right," he looked at Sue before shrugging, "anyway, it's good that you're here. I need to show you something."

I blinked, "ah, okay." Sue and I got up and followed Reed back into his lab.

The place looked newly built, which was true. Almost all his tech had to be replaced, since Doom did trash his lab the most. And while the rest of the lab looked clutched, the center of it held a familiar looking portal that was humming with energy.

I stopped at the door, Sue gasping as she looked inside. I growled, "Richard, you have ten seconds to explain why you built this thing again."

Reed gulped, "I-I wanted to show you that it worked Peter. We finally cracked inter-dimensional travel!"

"Are you f.u.c.k.i.n.g stupid?!" I cried out, the anger I felt when Doom nearly killed me seeping into my voice, "no, you can't be, you're the world's smartest man. And yet I have to believe you must be stupid because what kind of idiot would build this thing again?!"


"-No Reed, this is too much," Sue shot in, "the last time you meddled with things you didn't understand you nearly got us all killed!"

"Some more than others," I growled as I grabbed him by his shirt collar, "when I gave you those blueprints I stole of Spiral's belt I didn't intend for you to build a f.u.c.k.i.n.g gateway Reed! Turn this off now!"

"Peter I-"

"-No! I don't want to hear it!" I cried out, "the last time you messed with this things you unleashed Doom! And who knows what's on the other side of this thing?! Turn it off, now!"

Reed sighed, "y-yeah, alright."

I sighed and let go of him, "thank you," I stepped back as he went to the controls and began powering the machine down. Slowly the green portal being generated closed in on itself and I sighed in relief, "thank God."

"Honestly Reed I don't know what you were thinking," Sue scoffed, "once was bad enough."

Reed rubbed his head, "I know, I know but….I felt bad about what happened to Peter. I figured if I could get this to work it would prove all that pain I caused wasn't for nothing."

I sighed, "Reed I don't care about all that. The only person responsible for my pain in Doom, and you are no Doom. I don't blame you for what happened, but by building this machine again….it' kind of hard to think you aren't f.u.c.k.i.n.g insane. Like, what if it lead to Hell Reed? You would have literally created a portal to hell!"

Reed blinked, "Peter, you do realise hell isn't real right?"

I rubbed my temples, "believe me Reed, hell is very real. There are reports of angels and demons, heck I personally know a blue furred dude that can teleport by traveling through hell. Chances are it's very real. So let's not take the chance? Yes?"

Reed and Sue looked at each other and blinked. Sue turned to me, "we need to have a long talk about the movies you watch."

I scoffed, "I'm not making this shit up," we walked out of Reed's lab when suddenly the alarms went off. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "now what?!"

Sue and Reed ran to Reed's terminal. "Doom's trying to hack our system!" Sue cried out.

"He's after the portal's blueprints!" Reed yelled.

"Can you stall him?" I asked.

"We're trying," Sue growled out.

"I think I can help," I pulled out my red tablet and turned it into my helmet. Once it was dawned on me I called out, "S.e.xy, can you help secure the servers?"

"Yes sir," she replied.

"Connect her into the machine directly, should give her a direct line to fight off Doom," Reed instructed.

I nodded as I ran to the portal and pulled out a wire form the helmet, plugging it into the machine. "Entered into the mainframe, locating worm, destroying," came S.e.xy's voice.

I waited for a few moments before Reed cried out, "it's working! S.e.xy's gotten rid of Doom's virus!"

"Horrible name for an AI," Sue grumbled.

"Oh don't worry honey, I think you're s.e.xy too," I chuckled earning a glare from Reed while Sue smiled coyly.

Suddenly though Reed's eyes went wide, "no! No!"

"What happened?" Sue cried out.

"He's gotten into the main system! How?!"

"The worm was a trap," Sue called out, her eyes going wide, "he's trying to activate the portal!"

"Warning! Doom has sent the settings to the portal at maximum range It can potentially blow the entire building up," S.e.xy informed.


The green portal reappeared, I stared at it's green voidness and gulped, "S.e.xy, any recommendations on how to stop it?"

"The portal isn't stabilized yet to its full capacity. Any life form that enters now can destabilize the portal and prevent total collapse."

I sighed, 'so basically I have to kill myself,' I knew I had no choice. There was no way I was letting anything happen to the people in this building. Plus I was the only one who could. My healing factor should be able to keep me alive, even if I jump through a disable portal.

My mind made I spoke up, "S.e.xy, find me a safe place to land."

"Understood, accessing subterminal codes now….location found, Designation : Home," she replied.

"Peter! What are you doing?!" Sue cried out.

I turned to her and gave a mocking salute, "healing factor remember? I'll be fine. Just get to work bringing me back alright?"

"No Peter! Let me! I caused all of this!" Reed came rushing at me.

"Sorry Stretch," I sent a bio-electric blast that sent him flying back, "but you're the only one smart enough to bring me back." I removed the wire form my helmet going to the machine and stepped back.

"Location set sir," S.e.xy called out, "portal will be stable enough to collapse in twenty seconds."

"F.u.c.kign perfect" I ran forward, I think I heard Sue cry out something as I did. But I didn't really listen. I jumped into the green portal and suddenly everything began to turn. My stomach flipped, my body weightless. I came flying around in circles, green everywhere, I think I'm going to be sick.

And then it stopped. Gravity returned and I found myself thrown head first into the ground. I gathered myself quickly and came to a roll. I looked around, I was on a rooftop in the middle of Manhattan, I would recognize this city anywhere.

"Alright S.e.xy, where the hell are we" I called out.

"Searching all known databases….information found. It seems we are in Manhattan, the year is 2008."

I sighed, "alright, do you have knowledge of our world? Like history and stuff like that? Something that doesn't compare with our own world's past?"

"Apologize, I can access the internet for that information, but any information I obtain will be about this world and I cannot make a comparison."

I hummed as I stepped up to the edge of the roof and looked down. Everything looked the same, "alright. Tell me about this world. Does it have the Avengers?"

"Yes. The Avengers assembled in 1976 in this world, as such they are significantly older."

I hummed, "alright. S.e.xy, check for Peter Parker."

"Searching….found. It seems Peter Parker is a forensic specialist for the New York police department. His wife, Mary Jane Watson-Parker is a fashion designer and used to be a model. Their daughter is May Parker, she is currently studying in Midtown high."

I sighed, "oh good lord, I'm in the Spider-girl universe, f.u.c.k me in the ear." I sighed as I looked round, I needed to find a way back. Maybe I should just wait here? Reed should have fixed that machine by now right?

I sat down on the roof and waited. And waited. And waited. But nothing ever came. No portal, no message, nothing.

I sighed, 'I need to find May, I need her help to get back home. Spyral, that's the guy who brought her to my world, maybe he can help me do the same? I have to try...but maybe I should change my look first,' I looked down, I was still wearing a blue and red captain america t-shirt and jeans, 'actually...maybe I don't need too?'

"S.e.xy, can you get me some cash on hand?" I asked.

"Yes Spider, I can. Simply connect me to the nearest ATM and I can do as you ask."

"Great, find me the nearest ATM please," I said as I looked down into the alleyway below me.

"Found it, the nearest ATM is a block away," she replied.

"Thanks S.e.xy," I took off my helmet and turned it into it's tablet form. I walked around, people ignored me for the most part, ah New York, the same in every dimension. I found the ATM quickly, a small crowd. But I could deal with it.

When it was my turn at the ATM I drew out the USB cable from my helmet and plugged it into the system and waited.

"How much shall I withdraw?" S.e.xy asked.

"A thousand dollars just to be safe," I whispered.

"Understood," she replied as the ATM quickly dispensed that amount.

"Oh, and erase the security camera footage of me," I looked at the ATM camera looking at me right in the face, "no trace of what we did here."

"Understood," she replied quickly doing just that. I took the money and disconnected S.e.xy. People's eyes widened at the sight of so much cash, but I just smiled and tucked it away.

The first thing I did was buy myself some lunch from Subway, three foot long subs, what can I say, traveling through dimensions makes a guy hungry.

After lunch I set out to find May. The time was around 11, meaning she would be in school right now. I took the bus, ending up in midtown high in ten minutes, and I have to say it's kind of disappointing that this place hasn't changed even if it's in another dimension. I really hate this place.

I walked inside like I belonged,which technically I did. Does being registered in another universe count? I don't think so.

I looked around, people were unfamiliar to me, and judging by the looks they gave me they knew I didn't belong. A few of the girls however did appreciate my precious, guess even in this world I was hot. Yup, it was good being me.

It was lunch time, meaning May had to be somewhere in the cafeteria. I walked in and looked around, where is she? Just then I noticed a head of platinum blonde hair walk by I blinked, no way...no, it has to be a trick.

I tried to look around, but the hair was gone. I sighed, 'either I'm going crazy or the world is….has to be the world, I'm perfect!' I sighed and kept looking around, and then I heard her voice, "a rhino charged into your home?! That has to be the lamest thing I have ever heard!"

I chuckled, my daughter alright. I looked around and spotted her immediately. She was surrounded by people. A fat kid, a small skiny asian kid, a chubby girl with glasses and brown hair in a ponytail, two blonde dudes that looked like they hated each other's guts and in the middle of it all was my would be daughter, May Parker.

"You know what your problem is Moose?" the skinny kid pointed at the big one, "you need to learn some respect! You can't just talk to us like that!"

"You going to make me?" Moose growled.

"And what if I am?" the kid got up as they both stared each other down.

"Oh, a gay couple, that's a nice change of pace," I called out as I walked up to them.

The entire group turned to me as one. May gasped as her eyes widened in recognition, "d-d-Peter?!"

I grinned, "heya kiddo! Fancy running into you here!"

"W-what are you doing here?!" she cried out as he got up and walked over to me, giving me a big hug.

I chuckled, "missed you too May," I broke the hug and smiled, "it's a long story. Remember when you came to visit me? Well basically the same thing happened to me, so now I need your help."

May blinked, "you...how?"

I grumbled and whispered, "Reed, c.o.c.ky bitch thought he could fix everything. Big explosion, ended up here to try and save the world. You know, the usual."

"Ah, May, who is this?" one of the blondes asked. I noticed people were now staring at us, huh, May must be really popular.

"This ah, this is-" May tried to explain, but couldn't.

"I'm her cousin, Bruce, Bruce Wayne," I smiled, waving happily, "I was in town and I figured, hey, let's see what May's up to!"

One of the blonde boys raised an eyebrow, "Bruce? Then why did May call you Peter?"

I shrugged, "my middle name is Peter, I'm actually named after her dad. I prefer Bruce, but, well she knows calling me Peter pisses me off, so she does it."

"Right," the blonde narrowed his eyes.

"And you are?" I asked the guy.

"JJ," he replied defensively.

"I'm Carol!" the girl with the ponytail said with a smile, "I didn't know your cousin was coming May!"

"Y-yeah, it was kind of sudden," May grabbed her bag, "I have to cut this short guys, I'll see you tomorrow."

May grabbed me and pulled me away. "It was nice seeing you all! I hope Moose and his partner finds true love!" I launched as the two boys from before blushed, not willing to meet the other's eye.

May and I walked outside as she finally let go of me. I sighed, "sorry about dropping in on you like this, but I really don't know who else to talk too."

"It's fine," she replied, "it's just...I never expected to see you again."

I smiled, "you sound disappointed."

"Well if I ever did see you again that would mean the freaking world was being ripped apart!" May cried out before sighing, "sorry, been under a lot of stress lately."

I nodded, "understandable. Anyway, where's Spyral? He can help me get back home."

May stiffened, "he's...he's not here right now. He's...kind of missing."

I blinked, "explain, please."

"He broke out of prison."

"F.u.c.k me," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "wait….Reed! You said you have a FF here right? Is Reed still alive?"

May blinked, "ah, yeah. Do you want me to take you to them?"

I nodded, "yes please!"

"Right," she looked around, "follow me." We quickly went into a dark alley and began to change into our uniform. Again, seeing your would be daughter strip in front of you makes life very odd to say the least.

When she was done, she turned to me, and I was still in my civilian clothes. May looked me over, "aren't you going to suit up?"

"No I...my costume kind of got ripped apart," I chuckled, unwilling to tell her the truth.

"Oh, damn," she scratched her head, "well, this is going to be difficult. I'm guessing you don't have your web shooters as well?"

I shook my head, "no, I don't."

"Damn," she sighed, "well it's fine, I'll just have to swing you over. Do you have something to hide your face with? I don't think it would be a good idea for Spider-girl to be seen with May Parker's cousin."

I took out my red tablet and grinned, "I have this."

"What does that-" May stopped as the tablet exploded around my face, forming a red clean metallic helmet, "-okay, now that's cool."

"Thanks," I replied, "let's go!"

May nodded as she walked up to me and put an arm around my hip pulling me close. "Hold on tight," she said as she leaped up, web swinging away.

"Damn!" I cried out in excitement, I honestly missed this. I had to restrain myself from yelling out more, least I draw attention to myself. The city moved past us so quickly, I observed familiar sightings, thought they seemed off in a way, like a picture missing a few shades.

"So this is your city huh?" I called out as she swung us over a train, "I'll be honest with you, I don't like it."

May chuckled, "yeah well it doesn't like you either, so don't get any ideas of staying back!"

I smiled, "oh, what's the matter honey, don't like it when your daddy pops in to visit?"

"Okay, one, you ain't my dad Bruce, so don't even think it. And two, I actually do have a dad in this world, so please stop calling yourself my dad okay?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Think we can swing by your dad's work place? I totally want to know how I look like when I grow older." And maybe see the real Peter Parker...and maybe talk to the legend.

"No! Do you have any idea how freaked out my dad would be?!"

"Fine fine, obviously you get your sense of adventure from your mother's side," I scoffed, "just tell me one thing. Do I go bald?"

"No, actually you have a beard."

"A real beard or a goatee?"


"Really? Who the hell is he trying to impersonate? Tony Stark? Moron." May laughed as we came up towards a building with a giant 5 on it's side. "Woah, so when you said FF, you didn't mean Fantastic Four did you?"

"Yup, that's the Fantastic Five," May replied as she swung by closer before she moved away, landing on a building opposite to the place.

I sighed as she put me down, "why didn't you go in?"

"Ah, unlike your version of Earth, people here aren't exactly my best buddies. I mean, they know me and all, but we aren't BFF's. My dad is, but they don't know that I'm his kid."

"Why not?" I asked.

She shrugged, "if they knew then...they would expect me to be like him."

I nodded, "I get it, you want to be your own hero. It's understandable. After all, who would want to take after a guy who wore spandex for his entire superhero career?"

May snorted, "right."

"So how are we going to get help?" I asked.

"Well I was close enough to trip the proximity sensors, meaning," she pointed as a man in blue and back came flying out of the building and down to us.

I blinked, "who's that?"

"That's Franklin Richards," May told me, "he's Sue's son."

I blinked, "oh...he's not my kid is he?"

"What? No?! Why do you always think that?!"

I shrugged, "just asked."

"Spider-girl, it is nice to see you again," Franklin smiled before turning to me and narrowing his eyes, "and you are?"

"I'm a friend," I waved, "actually, I'm a version of her from another world where she was boy a guy instead of a girl. There are a lot of minor differences, but bottom line I need a way back to my dimension. Think you guys can hook me up?"

Franklin blinked, "that is...unexpected."

"Yeah, tell me about it," May scoffed.

"Where's your costume?" Franklin asked, noting my civilian attire.

I sighed, rubbing my neck, "it kind of got torn to shreds. Anyway, I was hoping your version of Reed Richards could help me out," I told him, "ah, you do have a Reed Richards in this world right? He's not like dead or anything?"

Franklin chuckled, "no, he's fine. Well...I wouldn't say fine, but dad is adapting."

"Wait….you're Reed's son?!" I cried out in fake shock, since you know, there was no Franklin Richards in my world.

Franklin nodded, "yeah, I thought this world was similar to yours."

I shook my head, "no, in my world there is no Fantastic Five, it's still Four. And everyone's much...younger? Well, Sue and Reed are like your age, so I'm guessing they are a lot older here, right?"

Franklin nodded, "yeah...you talk as if you know my parents."

I nodded, "in my world I worked for the Baxter foundation, Sue, your mom...God that's weird to say, anyway, she kind off hired me on. I work with my version of your team."

Franklin's eyes widened, "oh, really? That's fascinating."

I scoffed, "you don't believe me do you?"

Franklin chuckled, "no, not really, sorry."

I shrugged, "no problem, here," I took out my phone and looked through my gallery finding a pic of me in costume with the rest of my FF. Johnny and Ben were holding each other's shoulder while Reed held the camera afar thanks to his limbs. Sue and I were in the middle with Sue leaning a little too close to me to be considered normal.

I showed Franklin the picture and the boy's eyes went wide, "holy shit."

I chuckled, "yup. Does this get me an all access pass with Reed or do I like need more proof? I can tell you where Johnny hides his p.o.r.n collection if you want."

"Ah, no, this ah, this is enough, I think," Franklin g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "woah, I never realised they could look this young."

"Yeah, threw me for a spin too," May said with a shrug, "did you know Johnny hit on me? Like I walk in and the first thing he did was say, 'hey babe, how you doing?' So creepy!"

"Wait, uncle Johnny hit on you?" Franklin asked in disbelief.

I snorted, "yeah, he's kind of a horn dog."

Franklin blinked, "okay, I think it's time I brought you inside." I nodded as we followed Franklin inside, crawling up the side of the building as we entered through the veranda doors, now much more high tech looking.

"Okay, this is new," I replied looking around at the lounge. It was much more advanced, high tech boards, advance pieces of tech everywhere. Fancy looking couch that didn't have a wrinkle on them and even a wall sized TV.

"Welcome to the Baxter foundation," Franklin motioned, "we usually have more people working around, but we gave people the day off. A flu's been going around and we didn't want anything to be infected."

I looked around, "my version a lot cooler."

Franklin raised an eyebrow, "does yours have a quantum field generator that can create an impenetrable field?"

"No, but we got 25 boxes of frozen pizza, couches which actually looks comfortable and a foosball table."

"...Okay, that does sound cool."

"When did you get a foosball table?" May asked.

"Oh, after Doom blew out old place up we did some remodeling. Johnny insisted on a foosball table, Sue couldn't take it anymore and said yes," I shrugged.

"Wait, Doom blew you guys up?" Franklin asked as he blinked in disbelief, "that's impossible! Doom's been gone for over 15 years!"

"Different world, different Doom," I shrugged as I growled, "and believe me, if he's anything like your Doom, he's an asshole."

"Sounds like Doom alright," came a familiar rumbling voice as I saw a version of Ben Grimm walk in with a metallic left arm.

"Ben!" I smiled, "damn it's nice to see a friendly face!"

Ben stopped and looked down, "web head?"

I chuckled, "ah, no, not exactly."

Franklin quickly caught Ben up who then turned to me with narrowed eyes, "neah, I don't believe it. You ain't some kid, I know that voice anywhere. It's you isn't Peter?"

May forze and so did I. But slowly I chuckled, "damn, even in another world I can't seem to hide shit from you," I unlocked my mask and took it off, flashing Ben a smile, "heya Ben."

Ben's eyes went wide, "kid? B-but how? You look exactly the same!"

"What's going on here?" Franklin asked defensively, as he took into the sky and his eyes began to glow, "who the hell are you?! Did you trick me?!"

"Woah there Franklin calm down," May stepped up, "this isn't a trick or anything, just let him explain."

I sighed, "I am...I was or rather, in my world, I was Spider-man. The original one. I didn't want to tell you who I really was because the version of me living on this world probably wouldn't want me too. But, since Ben figured it out," I smiled, "sorry for lying Franky, I honestly didn't mean anything by it."

Franklin narrowed his eyes, he turned to Ben, "you know this guy uncle Ben?"

Ben nodded, "yeah, he's the original web head alright. Though the lack of costume is confusing."

I shrugged, "got torn up into pieces, besides, which moron where's spandex as a costume?" I noticed Franklin's costume and sighed, "never mind."

"What's going on here?" came another familiar voice as a blonde haired man walked in followed by a green woman with lines running down her chin. He looked at me and stopped, "P-Pete?"

I grinned, "heya Johnny! Long time so see! Look at you, 40 years old and you still look like a moron. Isn't age supposed make you wise or something?"

Johnny blinked turning to Franklin before back at me. He sighed and rubbed his nose, "time travel or alternate dimension?"

I smiled, "alternate dimension. But I'm the same web head you know. Kind off."

Johnny sighed, "it's never easy with you."

May looked at Johnny and me, "you two are way to relaxed about this."

"You get used to it," we replied as one.

Franklin blinked as he landed next to May, "my family's so weird."

I looked at Johnny and then looked over his shoulder spotting the green skinned woman behind him wearing a purple version of the FF uniform. I blinked, "hey ah Johnny, don't want to alarm you, but the Grinch is behind you and she's wearing your uniform."

Johnny growled, "Peter, that's my wife!"

I blinked, I looked at her and then at him, "she's too pretty for you."

The woman chuckled, "I like him already."

"Peter, meet Lyja, she's a Skrull," Johnny said as she and I shook hands.

"A what? Is that a type of mutant or something?" I asked in fake confusion.

Johnny blinked, "you don't know about the Skrulls? Have they invaded your Earth yet?"

"No….should I be worried?" I asked eyeing Lyja.

"No, no….look, maybe it's time we talked to Reed," Johnny said walking away, "he'll know what to do."

I nodded as we all walked behind him, "so….never could grow that beard huh?"

Lyja smirked, "he tried to. I convinced him otherwise."

"Oh, this I got to hear."

We walked into Reed's lab, surprisingly the same one my version used. Johnny walked in and I was amazed at everything inside. I couldn't even begin to understand what these all did, but then again when it came to Reed he always was a few steps ahead.

"Johnny, Franklin, Ben, Lyja, what brings you to my lab," a robotic voice asked as I saw an android the size of my waist come floating down. It was grey, it looked like one of those grey aliens people always went on and on about.

I blinked, "Reed?"

The machine looked at me, there was no facial expression, I could only make out surprised by his tone of voice, "Peter? Is that you?"

"Alternate dimension," Johnny explained with one line, "think you can help him?"

Reed looked at me, "I shall try, please," he motioned me to a table.

I looked at him carefully as I hopped on, placing my helmet aside and waiting as Reed began to waver several different machines around him, each humming away.

"So….you're a robot?" I asked.

Reed nodded, "indeed. My human body perished, my brain was preserved and is held in this robotic suit."

"And….Sue's just like fine with that?" I asked.

Reed stopped for a moment before continuing, "Sue died trying to save me."

I was truly surprised that time, this little detail I didn't know. "What?"

"There was...an accident," Johnny explained, "she saved all of us."

"Girl had to go be a hero," Ben grumbled looking down in sadness.

I blinked, "shit….I'm going to have to my version about not being a hero then."

Reed looked at me, "you have a Sue Storm where you are from?"

I nodded, "yeah, and a Reed Richards and a Ben Grimm and a Johnny Storm. And your doppelganger on my Earth is the reason I'm here. Stupid moron built an inter-dimensional travel machine but made it so easy to hack it took Doom 10 seconds to break into the firewalls."

"I see. I apologize for his actions," Reed replied coldly.

"Forget it, I learnt a long time ago when dealing with Reed Richards you should forgive and forget. Makes life so much easier that way," I sighed.

Reed nodded. He turned to Spider-girl, "and what is you relation to Peter?"

May blinked in surprise, "ah, I kind of came to his world first. When I was chasing after Spyral, remember? He's the one who helped me come back."

"I see," Reed replied as he looked at me. He stepped back to his terminal and began typing away.

I turned to Franklin, "you have her hair."

Franklin blinked, "ah, thanks."

I smiled, I took out my phone and snapped a picture of them all, "when I show Sue this she is going to freak out. I can imagine it now, five minutes about how cute her son is and another ten minutes rambling about how unfair it is that her son has better hair then her."

"Heh, you're Sue sounds like a real firecracker," Ben chuckled.

I shrugged, "you're telling me."

"Wait, that's a phone?!" Johnny asked snatching my smartphone out of my hands.

"Hey! Watch it man!"

"This thing looks high tech!" Johnny said looking it over, "touch screen, camera and...hm, this is a much better version than anything we have in the market in our world."

"That's because our timelines are also out of sync," I said grabbing the phone back, "in my world the time is 2012, here it's 2008. Obviously our tech is also different in certain areas."

"Peter," Reed suddenly spoke up, "are you currently aware that your cells have been dosed with nearly fatal levels of radiation?"

"What?!" May cried out in shock.

Reed pushed a display monitor over, showing his reedings, and in the middle, in big bold words, was one string of words:

Blood Toxicity level: 89%

I sighed, "yeah...I know." The Mutant Spider project was killing me. The only reason I was still alive is because Logan's mutagene allows me to heal the damage the radiation causes. It wasn't...it wasn't fatal, but I was in danger.

"How are you not dead?!" Franklin cried out in shock.

I shrugged, "my body is siphoning out the radiation, I'll be fine."

"By my calculations, it will take ten months for your body to fully recover," Reed replied, "but I cannot understand why though. What caused this change in you Peter? It's highly irregular form our own version's powers."

"I'm not your version," I replied with a shrug, "my blood has a...unique property. I can adapt the power's of other people if I come into contact with an irradiated aerosol version of their blood. It allows me to adapt their powers, to a certain degree," I looked to May, the girl looking surprised.

"Any power?" Franklin asked curiously.

I shrugged, "as far as I know, yes. But it's sort of like a lottery. I don't get all of the original's powers, and it's usually not in the same manner. It's...not an exact science."

"I have good news and bad news," Reed's robotic voice cut in.

"Good news?" I asked.

"You passed through a chrono limited field. Your version of me obviously knew what he was doing. Anyone who passed through his portal machine would automatically return back to their original world. Nothing can stop that."

"That's great news!" May cried out, "you can go back no problem!"

"What's the bad news," I asked in a cautious tone.

"I cannot determine the time you have left remaining. It could be one day, it could be a year."


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