Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 40 - Sinister Six

The first day in prison Otto was scared. He was afraid not for himself, but for his wife. She was, Peter was there, he would make sure nothing happened to her. Good boy that Peter, good boy, if only he had a son like that.

By the end of the first day Otto was curled up into a ball. His cellmate beat him within an inch of his life. Otto was scared, so scared. But the voices came to him, the AI system wasn't in the arms, no, they were in the harness. Removing the arms did nothing but aggravate them.

The morning of the second day the guards came to find Otto covered in his cell mates blood. A shiv in his hands and a smile on his face.

By the end of the second day he was in the solitary confinement wing of the Ravencroft institute. There were only five other people in that wing with him, each deemed too unsafe or dangerous to be let out.

The second day night he meet with Adrian Toomes, a man who seemed to match Otto's intellect and d.e.s.i.r.e for power. He had a grudge against Spider-man, who apparently had come out of retirement just to stop him. But there was something interesting Otto learned. Toomes had been sent here because he tried to kidnap Norman's son.

Once Toomes was convicted Norman spent a lot of money to assure that he would go away for life. And that he would get put here, with the freaks. The man hated Spider-man, but he also hated Norman Osborn, and that was something Otto could use.

On the morning of the third day Otto had a visitor. A psychiatrist with a nice name, Dr. Ashley Kafka. Poor girl didn't belong here, she belonged on TV.

But that afternoon when returning to his cell he met another one of his companions. Aleksei, a man who was vicious and ruthless. He drove a mobile tank into the middle of a city without a second thought.

He also hated Spider-man, but, he hated Norman too. He was hired by a man to steal the Rhino armour and he did. After he got caught he was sent here where he spent a year trying to find out who set him up. Finally, he had a name. Norman Osborn. Otto could use him too.

That night someone tried to break free. The Sandman. He was a cl.u.s.ter of sand, a mind no sharper than a lizards. He was crying out in pain, the guards didn't let him have an extra cup of pudding for dinner.

After the guards left Otto threw his cup of pudding at Marko's cell. The Sandman cried out in joy. I banged his vacuum sealed doors for the gaurd to come and toss him the cup of pudding. They suspected he had somehow just dropped his out.

They gave it to him, he enjoyed it. And like that Otto had another alley.

The fourth day had another session with Dr. Kafka he found out something very interesting. His arms were being stored a few floor down below. Behind a vault door even the Hulk would have trouble breaking into.

Otto couldn't fathom why they would be stupid enough to keep their weapons so close by, but in the end it didn't matter, it would just be easier for him and his team.

That afternoon he meet an idiot. Otto didn't understand why he was there, he wasn't a cold blooded killer, no, he was just a fool. But a fool that could easily be tricked. He wanted to make a name for himself. So Otto offered a chance of a lifetime.

He was a serial killer, joining him was a man with an army of weaponry from another world, a monster made of sand and a man ruthless enough to kill people just to get away. Herman Schultz, or as he called himself, 'the Shocker', agreed almost instantly.

And finally there was Max. On the night of the fifth day he overheard Otto making plans with his team. He insisted he join, he wanted revenge on Spider-man. Otto agreed, provided he first help gain vengeance on Norman before going off on his own. Elector agreed instantly.

On the sixth day the plan was formed in full. On the morning of the seventh day they escaped. Marko dug a hole down into the safe. In there they found their equipment. Otto had his arms back, Shocker his gloves and Aleksei his suit.

Unfortunately Toomes wings had been melted off, but he assured Otto he had spares in his base. Which was then decided to be their first stop out of this place.

Otto, Toomes and Herman rode on Rhino's back and he smashed the prison's outer wall. Marko made a sand storm for them, using this distraction they vanished, only one thing on each of their minds. Revenge.

The call was picked up in two rings. "I didn't think I would be hearing from you again kid."

I smirked, "oh shucks Fury, you almost sound happy. Did I just make your day?"

"Something like that...what's this about?"

"The Six that escaped yesterday," I said aloud as I drove up to my house, parking my car far away before sneaking into my room, "do you have a fix on them?"

"I have our people on it," Fury's calm voice replied, "it's being handled."

"Really? Is it the same kind of people like Bobbi? Because she couldn't handle one of these guys, let alone six."

"And what do you want us to do kid? We're stretched thin as it is! Latveria just made a move, I'm doing everything I can to make sure we don't end up in a war!"

I paused, "Doom's moving?"

"He's setting up missiles at the border of his country. People are afraid. And add on to that the fact that the nation is being threatened by a terrorist, I have my plate full here kid, I'm sorry."

I grinned, "it's fine," I opened my closet and saw my old leather jacket costume there, it was almost smirking at me. It knew I was going to come back to it. It was only a matter of time, "I'll handle it."

"Wait, what?!" I hanged up, dropped the phone on my bed before changing into the costume while I thought of just who I was facing.

I don't know how Otto gathered them, the man didn't care about Spider-man, no, he cared about getting revenge on Norman Osborn. And the others? Otto wouldn't gain their allegiance if he didn't' give them something too.

Vulture hated me, but he also had beef with Norman. The Rhino...if he found out who hired im he might be angry with Norman too. Marko, the Sandman, I didn't think he was even alive. Damn Wyndham.

Then there's Shocker...why that guy? Honestly it's kind of stupid. He's useless, surely Otto knows this? Maybe...doesn't matter. And I know for a fact Electro hates my guts, so he's probably just along for the ride.

So they are all coming here, to the heart of the city, where people could get hurt….and it's all because they are after Norman Osborn.

I zipped up my jacket and put my helmet on, "S.e.xy, call Harry Osborn."

"Calling," she replied. I snuck out of the window and jumped into a tree before leaping into the air and landing before my car. I got in and drove out.

Harry picked up after a few rings, "hello? Parker?"

"I just saw the NEWS, is your dad safe?"


I sighed, "Harry, the NEWS. Six super powered freaks are coming after him. Is he safe?"

"He's fine, I think," Harry paused, "we're at our penthouse in the city. My dad's got the best guards in place, he even hired some big shot security guy, we'll be fine."

"I hope so," I told him hanging up. What am I saying, of course he's not going to be fine. And neither will I if I go into this half c.o.c.ked.

I needed a costume, a proper one. I barely beat Electro last time, and Marko isn't a joke either. I needed a suit. I don't know when they are going to strike again, but I can't afford to wait.

So I went to the one place I could think off for equipment. Avenger's tower. I drove a reasonable distance away from sight before I activated my car's flight function and flew into the city, landing on the helipad on the roof of the tower.

However, the moment I walked out of my car the door to the roof exploded as people came pouring out. They quickly surround me, pointing their large scary guns, "put your hands in there air!"

I raised an eyebrow and did I was told, "ah, okay? Can I help you guys?"

"We have suspect in custody, bringing him in for questioning," the man leading this little squad spoke into a radio. He turned to me, "turn around and put your hands on your head. You're under arrest for trespassing."

"What?! But I'm a friend! Spider-man! Hello!" I cried out.

The guards looked at each other on confusion. The leader scoffed, "kid I've seen Spider Man, you ain't no Spider-man."

I blinked, "you really are a special brand of idiot aren't you?"

"Stand down, all you of you," Bruce came running in, "I'm sorry Spider, I didn't realise they would do something so stupid."

"It's fine," I shrugged.

"Sir! This is an intruder!" the head guy told Bruce.

Bruce looked at him and raised a single eyebrow, "are you telling me I don't know when I'm looking at my own teammate Mr..."

"Brandon sir and no-no sir, it's just," he gulped as Bruce said nothing. The man nodded, "right, everyone stand down, now!"

Slowly everyone dropped their guns and I put my hands down. I scoffed as I walked up to Bruce, "what's with the suits and guns?"

"Security," Bruce explained as we inside, "you did just gain entry into one of the most famous building in the world you know. People were bond to get jumpy."

I chuckled, "yeah, didn't realise that." We walked down two flights of stairs before ending up in the main lab area of the building. Bruce motioned me over to his lab where we could talk privately.

"So why are you here Spider?" Bruce asked closing his lab door behind him.

I sighed, "I need your help, well more like I need to use your stuff."

"What for?"

"Did you see the NEWS? Those people who escaped out of jail?"

Bruce nodded, "yes, six criminals am I correct? If I understand it correctly you put away nearly all of them."

I nodded, "yeah, and they were dangerous, each and everyone of them. One alone can kill dozens of people...well maybe not Shocker, that guy's a moron."

"And you're here because..."

"The Baxter building, as advanced as it is, doesn't specialise in weapons. I need my suit back if I'm supposed to stop these guys. It would take a week for me to build it at the Baxter building, I was hoping Tony left behind some of his tools here so I could make myself some protection before these made men come in and destroy this place apart."

Bruce smiled, "actually, I think I can do you better." He walked over to a wall safe and put in a code. He opened it and took out a steel case putting it on the table before me. "Well? Open it."

Cautious I did so, I opened the case way. "How?"

"Tony insisted that you wouldn't stop being a hero. That no matter how hard life hits you, you would always get back up. And that when you were ready, you would need this."

It was my suit, my high tech black and red suit. It had been rebuilt, like it was brand new. I took it out and looked over over. It was perfect, gauntlets and all.

"Woah," I turned to Bruce, "okay, this is too much. Bruce all of his is too much. Thank you."

"No, it's not," Bruce looked at me firmly, "when Tony brought you in...I thought you were dead Spider. I did. It wasn't until he yelled at me to do something that I realised you still had a heart beat. You're an Avenger, no one's denying that. But, you're also just a kid. And if you're going to be out there with us, we will make sure you have the best protection we can give you. Tony wanted to make some upgrades but...I told him to hold off. It's your suit, you deserve the first chance to change it."

I sighed, "the reason I stopped is because...I didn't see a point to this. None of this."

"And now?"

"Now?" I smirked, "now I won't just sit and wait. When Otto escaped the first time he killed ten people, innocent people. They died and I couldn't do anything to stop it. And now he's coming back and he isn't alone. If I don't even try to stop them who knows what can happen."

"So you're going to go out there, make a mess of things, act like a crazy man and fight off six people at once?"


"Fury's not going to be happy about this," Bruce said with a smile.

"I don't need his permission," I replied.

Bruce chuckled, "Tony said you might say that."

"Spider," S.e.xy called out, "I have obtained a tip from the police scanners who claim to have seen Doctor Otto Octavius and his companions pulling up towards 46th street."

Bruce blinked, "what was that?"

"It's an AI I got Tony to design for me," I smirked, "guess even then he knew...good job S.e.xy."

"You named your AI S.e.xy?" Bruce blinked.

I grinned, "yup."

The man sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, "right then, when do we leave?"


Bruce took off his jacket, "you're going after six wanted criminals. There's no way I'm sitting this one out."

"The last time Hulk came to New York you nearly broke Harlem in half Bruce, I'm sorry, but no, I can't risk having to fight the six suckers and a pissed off Hulk," I replied adamantly.

"I have it under control Spider," Bruce told me, "I can't just let you go out there by yourself, six against one isn't great odds for anyone. I'm coming, that's final."

I sighed and looked around, suddenly I got a idea when I spotted one of Tony's older armour models in storage near Banner's table, "actually, I got a better idea. How are you with remote control cars?"

"Ah...decent. Why?" Bruce followed my eyes and landed on the armour, "Spider, no."

"Spider yes!"

With Otto:

They were ready. Vulture's little gang proved quite useful. There was another intellectual among them, a man smart enough to harness the power inside the alien technology. Otto was impressed, but this wasn't the time to satisfy his curiosity.

Toomes got his wings back and Electro obtained a powerful containment suit made to hold the alien tech's amazing power. They were ready.

Otto hacked into the city's serves and found out Norman's home address, it was child's play. He never realised how much power his brain granted him over other humans, the fools never even explored the reaches of the human mind.

He sent the Vulture ahead to scott it out, sure enough Norman and his boy had their bags packed and were leaving with police protections. Three cruisers before their car and four behind. They would be very well protected, but not good enough.

"Where are they now?" Otto asked into their radio.

"Coming down on 7th avenue now, in five minutes they will be reaching Times Square," Vulture called it in.

"And that's where we'll strike," Otto replied, "keep an eye on them, we are two blocks down, we'll ram them as planned."

"Right," Toomes replied shutting off the coms.

"Come on already! Why do we got to wait for so damn long!" Electro cried out, "can't we just fry them! Why do we got to wait?! I want this shit over with so that I can kill the Spider!"

Otto turned to his dim witted friend, "we are waiting till they reach Time's Square because that is when there will be enough space for Alexis to move the Rhino exo-armor with maximum efficiency. If we strike now with now plans, Osborn can get away."

Electro scoffed, "whatever."

"I see them!" Shocker called out from on top their vehicle, "they're almost here!"

"Alright then, Rhino, begin phase one," Otto commanded.

"Right," the man inside the suit called out closing the main hatch.

On 45th and 8th Avenue was a large truck big enough to occupy a whole lane by itself. It was driving away from Time's Square. There wasn't much traffic behind it, most people didn't give the truck a second glance. But then the driver stopped the truck just as the signal turned green, running away from the truck.


A taxi driver stuck his head out, "move it asshole!"


The back of the truck started to wobble side to side. Everyone on the road stopped and stared. The taxi driver grew worried, he began to drive in reverse to move away, but just then;


The doors came flying open and into the cab, the man died instantly.

"Sinister Six! Strike!" Otto cried out as the Rhino armor leaped out of the back of the truck and onto to the taxi, flattening it. Bone snapped and blood exploded out, but they didn't even seem to notice.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Electro yelled as he stepped into the light. His full green body suit looked like leather, he pulled off his gloves and mask, throwing it aside and grinned. Immediately he flew into the air, "let's blow some shit up!"

"FIGHT!" Marko yelled as he came out as a mass of sand. Shocker and Otto were riding on the back of the Rhino armour as it began charging towards Time's Square.

"Get out of the way!"

"Run for your lives!"

People cried out as the Rhino charged through 45th street, one of the most crowded roads in the city. It was covered with civilians, tourists and new yorkers alike. People who saw the oncoming tank and remembered what it could do got out of their car and ran away.

The other's didn't. They did not survive their first encounter with the machine. The Rhino threw cars into sidewalks, they landed on people, nearly killing them instantly.

Shocker laughed, "this is so freaking cool! Hey Rhino! Throw something up real high! I want to see if I can blow it up!"

The pilot obliged, throwing a car over it's head high above. The Shocker pointed his gloves at the car, blasting it into the air.

"Look at it go!" he cheered, "hey Sparky! You think you can fry that thing?!"

"One fireball coming up!" Electro yelled as he flew up higher and sent a blast of electricity at the car.

The energy arced as it flew towards the blue mini van. Inside was a mother and daughter, the little girl cried out, her mother screamed in fear. They saw the lighting coming towards them, they knew it was the end.

And then a red and gold painted armour flew in front of them, arms spread wide. The lightning hit the armour right in the middle of it's c.h.e.s.t, but it never faltered, it held on, absorbing all of the energy.

The mother and daughter still cried out, the car began to fall back down to Earth thanks to gravity. They cried out louder and louder, until suddenly the car stopped falling, bouncing a little before stopping in mid air.

"Hey!" I called out from outside the car. The woman and daughter looked at me in shock, "you guys might want to get out of here now," I broke open the door and threw it aside. "Jarvis, send an armor to pick them up."

"Yes sir," came the AI's response as another Iron Man armour came flying down, grabbing the little girl and her mother before flying off.

"What's the damage Bruce?" I asked looking at the armour Electro's attack hit.

"Power is at 200% capacity," came the scientist's snarky response from the coms. He wasn't on the field, oh I would never do something so stupid. He was back in the tower, piloting this drone manually while Jarvis took control of two other spare suits Tony left behind.

I stood on a giant web I had spun to catch the mother and daughter. It hovered over 45th street. The screams all came to a stop, people stopped running, the Rhino had put on the breaks. They were all looking at me, I walked closer to the web's edge and squatted to look down at the monsters before me.

"Did you miss me?" I asked in a joyful voice, though what I felt inside was anything but. All these people, dead. Instantly just wiped out, and why? Because Otto wanted vengeance for a wife that wasn't dead and a wounded pride.

"Spider-man! I'm going to kill you!" Elector roared as he came flying towards me.

"Oh no you don't," Bruce maneuvered his suit in front of me, sending out a unibeam strong enough to blast Electro away a block over. He went flying through the sky and crashed into the middle of Times Square. People cried out in terror as they all ran away.

"Bruce, take care of him, I have the rest of these clowns," I told the man.

"Right Jarvis, assist Spider-man," Bruce instructed as he flew away to face Elector who was slowly getting back to his feet.

"I have no quarrel with you Spider-man!" Otto called out, "leave now and we won't hurt you!"

"Speak for yourself!" Shocker cried out, "I only came to track down this clown! I'm going to break him in half!"

"Shut it monkey," I shot a webline at him, covering his mouth. He screamed but no words came out, "there, much better. And no Otto, while you don't have a problem with me, I have a problem with you."

"And why is that?"

"Look around you," I growled.

Otto did and seemingly he finally realised what had happened. All the people he had hurt. I sighed, "unfortunate, but needed. No one will stand in the way of my revenge! Not now, not ever! Osborn will pay for what he did to me!"

"Putting innocent people in danger is never okay Otto! Never!"

"Why do you care so much?!" Otto asked, "you gave up didn't you?! Doom broke you! You quit! Why did you return?!"

I looked at him and I knew the answer, "because I had to. Hey S.e.xy, notify SHIELD and the cops, make sure they bring six cells specially designed for each member."

"Yes Spider."

"Great, now let's kick some a.s.s," I leaped off the web and shoot and line out, swinging down towards him.

"Foolish arachnid," Otto growled, "Marko! Destroy him!"

"Pudding!" Marko cried out as he came right at me. I smirked, thought they couldn't see it. I shot another web line adjacent to me and pulled away from the swarm of sand that was Flint Marko.

I landed on the street and rolled over and turned. Slowly Marko grew in size as he looked at me and growled. "Spider hurt Marko! Spider pay!"

"Heh, guess you remember me huh big guy? But guess what, I remember you too!" I thrusted my palms out sending out repulsor beams strong enough to blast two holes into the sand monster.

"ARGH!" he cried out before reforming his body. "Kill!" He came charging forward, I looked back and saw a fire hydrant, there was a reason I gave up the high ground for a street level fight. I back kicked the hydrant off causing an explosion of water to come bursting out.

I leapt away and landed on the side of a building. Marko put his hands up to stop the water, but the moment it touched him he began to deform. I smiled, thank you third grade science! I turned to Otto and fired off two repulsors at the man.

He immediately brought his arms up and blocked the blast with his metallic arms, but it sent him and Shocker, who was standing right behind him, flying off the Rhino's back. Otto landed on his back, he growled out, "destroy him!"

The Rhino turned to me, it charged at the building I was on. I waited for the last moment before jumping away, it crashing into the brick wall, tearing it apart. I landed on it's back and brought both hands down, firing into it's hard exoskeleton.

"Get off me!" The man inside cried out as he activated two machine guns that popped out of it's shoulders and turned to me.

"Whatever," I scoffed, firing my repulsors at them instead, blowing them off it's suit, "need to do better than that moron!"

"Like this?!" Otto cried out as two of his arms came right am.

I sensed them before he said anything. I jumped away, his arm landed on the building instead. I shot a web line out and circled around, coming at Otto from the side.

"Oh no you don't!" Shocker cried out, blasting me with his vibrations, sending me flying off course and into a wall.

"Are you kidding me?!" I roared as I got up, just in time to see the Rhino pull out of the building it crashed into and turn to me. A missile launched popped out of it's back and locked at me, "shit."

"Fire!" Otto cried out.

It exploded outwards, flying right at me. I jumped and landed on a building side, leaping across to another building, climbing a little higher every time. It was following me, heatseeker huh?

I got an idea. I looked over, Bruce was still handling Electro. I shot a web line over and swung over to them, I looked behind me and the missile was following, gaining on me.

"Hey lightbulb!" I cried out.

"You!" Elector turned to me.

"Bet you can't hit me!" I cried out swinging right at him.

"What are you doing?!" Bruce yelled.

"Watch me you stupid bug!" Electro roared as he sent an arc of superheated plasma, AKA, lightning.

I grinned as I let go of my web line and faced both my palms downwards. I sent my repulsors off at maximum power, soaring into the sky from the thrust alone. The electricity met the missile setting it off.


The explosion sent me flying upwards faster than I was already. I felt the heat reaching my feet, suddenly I felt it, the phantom pain in my back.

The sky I was being launched at suddenly changed, the darkness, Doom. I felt myself fall down, my arms were broken, my legs were shattered, I felt myself freeze up as my body came flying down.

"Got you!" I heard Bruce's voice in the coms as I felt a pair of metal arms stop my descent. I curled inwards as he floated down. "Peter? Are you okay?"

"No," I gasped, "Doom, no. I...f.u.c.k!" I pushd the feeling away. I refused to let the mere memeory of him keep me down!

"I'm taking you out of here, Jarvis, take care of-ZKT!" A metal arm tore through the armour's empty head and ripped it off it's body. A second one then launched through it's c.h.e.s.t and the arc reactor in the center. The arm lifted the suit and me into the air before throwing me aside.

I went flying away, broke pieces of Tony's older suit in pieces before me. I dragged myself up, my arms still shaking as I looked up, seeing them all assembled before me.

Otto stood on the Rhino, a steed worthy of his rank. Electro smiled like a maniac, Shocker grinned. Sandman finally got out of the water and was now half his full size, but whole.

"You are no match for our combined power Spider! Surrender now!" Otto cried out with a smile. He looked over, I followed his sight and saw Norman's car pulling over with it's police escort. "And everything comes together!"

'No, I can't let them get hurt, it doesn't matter who, I just can't!' I got to my feet, my hands still shaking. I growled, 'I'm not a coward. I'm not going to be f.u.c.k.i.n.g scared of these freaks! Never again! If I die today then I die! But I won't die a coward! Never that! I'll die on my feet!'

I felt my memories of my near death experience fade away to nothing. "Hey morons! You still have to get through me!"

Elector growled, "with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e!"

"No! Norman's the objective! He comes first!"

"I joined up with you for one thing only! Killing Spider-man! And I'm going to do it!" Elector roared as he sent a blast of electricity at me. I grinned as I held my ground, 'this is going to hurt!'


The Parker Blood in my suit absorbed the power slowly, inputting it into my own arc reactor. This was the reason I made the system in the first place. Total immunity against electricity, and…the HUD in my helmet read the power reading at 400%. I smiled.

"How is he still standing?!" Shocker cried out.

"I know, shocking isn't it?" I chuckled, before pushing my c.h.e.s.t forward, a unibeam three times stronger than my normal one came blasting out into their ranks.

"Move!" Otto cried out as he jumped off his stead. The others left as well, but the Rhino was too big, too slow. And way too big of a target to miss.

I hit it dead in the center. It was swept off it's feet and sent flying backwards, exposing its belly as my unibeam continued to blast into its underbelly.

It was reduced to a broken pile of scrap when it collided into a nearby building. I stopped the beam then, power was back down to 100%.

"One down, five to go."

"You little punk!" Elector cried out as he came flying at me only for an Iron man armour to come flying in, spearing Electro in the gut and bringing him into the air.

"I took over one of the suit's Jarvis was using Spider," Bruce's voice called out in my ears, "I got him, you take the rest."

"With p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e," I shot out a web line at Shocker whose eyes were still plastered at the downed Rhino armour. I pulled him up into the air. He came flying at me, I jumped and smacked him across the jaw.

I landed safely while he landed on his back hitting his head, too bad he was already unconscious. "Two down, four to go."

"Marko! Kill!" Otto ordered.

Marko squirmed, "no, water man!"

"Marko! I order you to fight him!"

Marko sighed before launching himself at me. I jumped back, he swung at me wildly, I jumped, dodged and ducked all the time. I looked around, water, I need, jackpot!

A fire hydrant, I jumped towards it, but when I landed my spidey senses went off. I was too slow to move away from one of Otto's arm as it slammed into me, sending my flying across Times Square.

I landed on my feet gracefully and looked up to see Mrko come rushing at me. "That trick won't work twice Spider!" Otto called out.

I looked down, sewer drain, I sighed, I really hope Tony made this suit washable. I opened the manhole and jumped down. Flint followed me thanks to his stupidly small brain. I ran across the grey water infested water, Flinty charging at me, slowly realising something was wrong.

I reached the very next manhole cover and jumped up, throwing the sewer cap open. I landed on the street just as Marko came out, now smaller than before and still a little wet.

"Here you go!" I pulled out my liquid nitrogen pills and threw them at him, "a gift!"

He looked curious, not bothering to doge in favour of finding out what this gift was. The moment they touched his c.h.e.s.t and neck, they exploded. The water helped freeze him quicker, covering him in a block of ice instead of just a small fraction like I thought.

I blinked as I looked down at my tool belt, 'Tony must have given them an upgrade.'

I turned to Doc, "you're next."

Otto smiled, "actually, I believe he wishes to play next."

I blinked, "what are you-" my senses went off and I jumped to the side. But it was in vain as a beam of energy grabbed onto my like a tractor beam and I was pulled up into the air.

I looked up, the Vulture smiled down at me, "round two webs!" I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, this was going to be a pain in the ass! I spun my arms clockwise forming a a glowing reddish gold spell circle and point it upwards at the Vulture.

"Wha the fu-"

"Blast away my enemies oh power of Naraka!"


Otto hoped Toomes had the brains the rest of his team lacked and kill that bug! But no matter, they served their purpose. Otto raised himself up and rushed towards Norman's car, his long arms giving his wide strides.

One arm pierced a police car's fuel tank and threw it at the other. The three car escorting Norman's front was destroyed.

The black car in question tried to drive away but Otton smashed the engine with his arm and walked to the back.

"You monster!" the door flew open as Norman jumped out with a gun in hand. He fired off the entire clip at Otto.

In response the scientist simply protected himself with his arms, blocking them all. When Norman's gun clicked empty Otto smiled as he raised his metal limbs. "At last Norman, I have you right where I want you."

"You monster! Do you know what you did?! You ruining my life! My company!"

"You killed my career! I spent an entire lifetime working on that project! And now it's all gone!" he sent a metal arm and grabbed Norman by the throat and lifted him up, "and now, I'm going to break your head like an apple. I'll see you in hell Norman."

"Get off him!" a young boy cried out as he jumped out of the car with a second gun.

"Harry no!" Norman yelled.

Harry fired off the gun. Otto used two of his arm to block the sloppy aim, they all barely even reached Otto, except one lucky shot that graced his side.

Otto winced in pain. He grabbed on his side and saw his hand covered in blood. He saw red, he turned to the boy, "I'll kill you!"

"Run Harry!" Norman called out.

Harry grew afraid as he threw the empty gun away and ran away. But he was too slow. Otto grabbed him by the ankle and swung him around. Harry went flying across the air until he hit the road hard, his head hitting the ground with an audible knock.

"Harry!" Norman cried out with tears in his eyes as his arms reached out for his son. He cried when he saw the blood pouring out of his head. His hands went limp as he turned to Otto. Slowly anger came over the grief, he looked at Otto and growled, "I swear Otto, even if it's the last thing I do. You will die by my hands!"

Otto smiled, "not if you die first!"

"INCOMING!" I cried out.

Both men turned and saw my riding the Vulture like a surfboard, coming crashing down. Toomes hit the ground hard as I jumped off his back and at Otto, fist drawn back. Otto brought up a tentacle to protect him, that wouldn't be enough.

My top two stingers popped out of my hand. A flash of black bones and red blood went through Otto's metallic arm like it was nothing.

"How?!" he cried out.

I ducked under his other arm and bent low. I pushed my legs up with all my might, my normal left hand went across Otto's jaw. He went flying back, his arms letting go of Norman as it did.

Otto went flying away as he landed on the ground, unconscious. I stayed, panting all the while. My costume was ruined, my leg armour was torn apart, it smelled and the Vulture got some pretty good cut in across my arms. But I was alive.

I stood up tall, I was alive. I did it….I fought them, and I lived.

"Harry! Harry!" Norman called out. I snapped out of my self satisfaction to see the man holding his bleeding son in his arms.

"Oh no," I gasped, I ran towards him, "how is he?"

"You have to help him! Please! Take him to the hospital!" Norman lifted Harry in his arms and pushed him to me, his eyes begging for help, pleading even.

I blinked, "y-yeah, of course," I pulled Harry into my arms and looked around, one, two, three, four, five...where's Electro?

"Bruce, where are you?" I called out.

"Look above you," I did and there came Bruce's suit, now half broken. But in his arms an unconscious Electro. "I called SHIELD, they'll be here any second with special containment units."

I nodded, "good, leave Electro here, I'll take care of him, you need to get Harry Osborn here to a hospital, he's lost a lot of blood and has a possible concussion."

"Right," Bruce had the armour toss Electro aside and take Harry carefully. He then flew off towards the nearest hospital, Norman and I watched him carefully.

I left Norman alone, the man looked like he was shell shocked as he looked around at the damage Otto caused. I gathered up the Six. I tore off Vultures armor and Shockers gear.

I used my stingers and tore off each of Otto's arms, no chance of reattaching these. I broke into the Rhino armor and pulled the pilot outside, stupid moron wore the same clothes he wore last time I caught him.

I tied them all together. Sandman was in an iceberg so no problem, but Elector was. So for him I just covered him with webs, creating a giant cocoon, and just to be safe I put a liquid nitrogen right under his chin, so if he wakes up and squirms, it will explode and cover his head in ice. Harsh? Yes. But I'm not letting him just walk away.

I then turned to the people hurt. Firemen and police have already begun evacuating people, nothing I can do there. Those that were pinned down by the Rhino were dead, those who weren't ran away.

I noticed them, the people. They were slowly coming out of hiding. They looked at me and whispered. They pointed and stared. They gasped, and almost immediately the began to take photo's on their phones.


"We love you!"

"He's back!"

They cheered, they praised. I couldn't help it, I felt proud. I knew then, that no matter how many times I fall, no matter how many times I am broken, I always have to get back up and fix myself. I need to be able to fight back, if not for myself, than for those who can't.

No child should be an orphan because I couldn't stop a madman with a gun.

No parent should have to bury their child because of a villain having a bad day.

I have a reason for fighting again, I always did, it was just lost on me until now. I need to help people, because if I'm honest, I'm just that sort of guy. Maybe that's why I ended up in Peter's body. Damn it, I'm going to be a superhero again.

I think I owe MJ like fifty bucks.

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