"Argh," I grunted, pulling the broken chunk of building over my head, revealing the dozens of people trapped under the rubble. They were huddled together, afraid. Children, women and men.

I smelt their fear, I could understand why. They couldn't see my face, I might as well be one of those that had invaded their land for all they know.

"It's okay," I whispered, my mask seeped away from my head, showing them my face. I smiled, as softly as I could, "it's all over now. You can come out."

They nodded and slowly shuffled out. I held the debris over head until they did before I dropped it back down with a bang.

"Everyone! Get to the palace! We'll have food and places to sleep setup!" Volstagg bowled as he helped guide the injured people. He then turned to me and nodded, "where next?"

I closed my eyes and opened my senses, immediately I heard a mixture of desperate thoughts from the corner of a mountain of ruble to our left."There," I pointed to the rubble, jumping over, Volstagg right behind me.

It took some effort, but I slowly managed to pull the rubble up. A huge slab came sliding down the rubble above. Before I could even warn Volstagg, the giant of a man managed to grab hold of the slab and throw it aside easily.

"Damn, why aren't you doing the lifting?" I gave a strained chuckle as the people inside were slowly taken out and guided to the palace.

"My strength may be greater than the average Asgardian, but it seems that yours dwarfs mine."

"It's nothing really," I grunted, dropping the rubble, patting my suit, "it's all this really...when I designed it I thought I had figured out everything...I expected it to be the end all be all of suits. I don't mean to brag but it was literally the most cutting edge technology on Earth. But now..." I looked to the ruined palace, to the ruins of where I last saw Jean, "now I realise just how far I have to go."

"Progress has always been something I admired off you Midgardians," Volstagg admitted in rough voice, "Asgard itself, I'm sad to say, hasn't experienced much change over the last thousand years...though I must admit the lack of a need for further developments is one of the reasons."

"I would say I now have a need," I looked out at the destruction once again and then the sky, where a ripe in space had taken away someone I cared about deeply.

"You going after her lad?" Volstagg asked.

I nodded, "yes..."

"You don't seem to be in much of a hurry."

"Jean is currently being possess by one of if not the most powerful cosmic entity I have ever known. What am I going to do? Steal one of your sh.i.p.s and head out into space with now plan? No….I can't jump into this blnd...she'll be safe...lonely, but safe."

"Aye...you speak the truth. I doubt there is much that can harm her now," the man grumbled, rubbing his beard, "come, we have finished this sector, let us go back. I'm sure even you are starting to feel staggered."

"Yeah...a little," I followed him, my mind focused. The past few hours I let S.e.xy guide me throught he wrckage, I was operating on the least needed brain power to rescue the trapped Asgardians, the rest of the time...I was making a plan.

When I joked about rushing off to save Jean, I had lied. That was exactly what I wanted to do. But before I did, Felicia had stopped me, she reasoned with me, she calmed me down, and she forced me to think.

I had forgotten how amazing that woman was.

"You saw that thing. How do you even plan on beating it? How? It was bigger than a planet Peter!"


"-We're getting her back Peter...we are...but we need time to prepare, because right now? We aren't going to last a second."

And she was right. My pride hated to admit it, but she was.

We made it back to the place where the entire building was filled with wounded Asgardians. I spotted both Wanda and Felicia helping distribute food and medicine, helping wherever they could.

I noticed the bruising slowly forming on Felicia's features, I noticed the way she seemed to favour her left hand. Nothing was broken...but she was still just human.

I added that problem into the checklist I was making in my head.

We would need a way to move, a way to fight, a way to track Jean and a way to defeat what can't die.

I walked over to one corner of the hall and sat down, observing everyone, silent, thinking.

The Tesseract, I would need it...but I can't make a play for it right now. No...not now. Odin's eye would be everywhere….and I don't think I can control myself if I saw that man right now.

"S.e.xy, open a new project file. Title: Exodus," a holographic display came up in my HUD. I began mentally assigning tasks into the file, ideas I would need and could use. I was slowly drowning in work before a voice pulled me out.

"Peter," I dismissed the file and looked up, Thor smiled down at me, a look of pity and politeness, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I replied, "and Jane?"

"She was on one of the sh.i.p.s that helped distract Surtur. I found her, she's alright," Thor nodded as he sat down besides me, placing Mjoneer between us.

I eyed the hammer for a second, the question coming into my head. Was I worthy? Thor seemed to notice as he smiled, "do you wish to try?"

"I….no," how could someone as blind as me be worthy? No...a worthy man wouldn't have failed his loved ones.

"Where's Loki?" I asked, shifting the topic.

"Back in his cell," Thor sighed, leaned back, "after his actions...mother is trying to reduce his sentence. Says him trying to help us was proof of his true intentions."

"What do you think?"

"I think my brother is a lot of things...but his actions on Midgard cannot just be forgiven, nor can it be forgotten."

"You want my advice?" Thor nodded, "forget it."

"I thought you off all people would oppose his release Peter. After all, it as your home he attacked."

"And while I hate him for that, we have much bigger things to worry about," the image of Thanos flicked through my head, "plus he's your brother Thor, it doesn't pay to hate someone forever. Remember what he did...but don't hate him for it."

"I see….what about you Peter? Do you...wish to go after Jean?" Thor asked, "if so, then I will give you all the aide I can, as Prince of Asgard I swear, if it's possible, I shall have it done."

I nodded, "thanks….I'm going to hold you to that Thor."

"I hope you do. Now come, food is being prepared, you can dine with us at the mead hall."

"Will your father be there?" I asked quickly.

"No...he will not. He and mother at back at his treasury, ensuring none of the artifacts have been stolen."

"Good," I got up and followed him across the long corridor of the palace. As we did, I looked up and saw the broken mural on the ceiling over the throne. The sea of blood that was hidden just behind the previous golden mural.

"Thor," I stopped, I gained the god's attention as he looked at me, waiting, "do you see that?" I pointed at the mural.

Thor's eyes widened, "what is that? I have never seen it before."

"It was hidden behind another painting, ask your mother and father who that woman in black and green is. And ask why she is holding what's meant to be your hammer in her hands," I spoke out, carefully avoiding spoilers from Ragnarock, while at the same time, gaining Thor's attention.

Odin would be forced to explain. Forced to admit that he was a failure of a parent, not just once or twice, but three times. It was a small victory, but still a victory.

"Yes….I think I should," Thor replied in barely as whisper as he focused on Hela's face, almost as if he was memorizing it.

We continued walking to the mead hall and as we did I began to realise that I had basically just thrown Ragnarock out the window. With Surtur dead, if Hela did ever come back, Thor would have no way to stop her...unless I found a way.

Another problem I now had to try and solve.

We walked into the mead hall, I immediately spotted Felicia and Wanda sitting in one corner while the rest of the hall celebrated loudly and happly. "I should go," I told Thor, and without another word, joined Felicia and Wanda at the end of the hall.

I sat down next to Felicia, my mask disappearing as wrapped my hand around hers and squeezed. She smiled back and leaned on my shoulder, the silence was pleasant.

"And then those pathetic worms ran like the dogs they were! By the time Surtur himself came, those Outriders were long gone, along with those stupid sh.i.p.s! Which ever coward tried to attack Asgard learned a valuable lesson today!"

I turned to see who was talking like such an idiot. Oh, Fandral, no wonder. The blonde idiot laughed as he downed a mug of mead before demanding another, all the Asgardians were feasting, jolly, happy.

"I don't understand how they could celebrate at a time like this," Felicia hissed with narrowed eyes, "people are still hurt."

"It's viking culture," Wanda explained, "after a great battle, they celebrate, to lift people's spirits up and honor those who have passed….I guess the grieving is done some time later."

"I suppose that makes sense…." Felicia relented.

"So," Wanda turned to me, "what's the first step to your amazing master plan?"

I raised an eyebrow, "why do you think I even have one?"

Wanda snorted, "it's you. You always have one. So? What is it?"

"I'm...still working it out," I shook my head, reaching for a jug of mead and taking a sip. I had to admit, the sweetened drink was quite strong, even for me. I had shake my head with a sigh, "damn that's strong."

"Even for you?" Felicia asked with a surprised tone. I passed her the mug, she took one sniff before her eyes shot open, "damn! These guys can drink!"

"We should bring a casket for Logan," Wanda suggested, "he would love this. Better than that Canadian shit he always drinks."

I shrugged, "I'll ask the chef," I looked at the food at our table and sighed, "we should eat something, keep our strength up..."

"Yeah," Felicia replied, though she didn't really move to get anything. I sighed, grabbing two plates and filled them up with food, passing them Wanda and Felicia. "What about you?"

"Getting to it," I replied as I started making a plate for myself, but just then I noticed Sif leave her table and approach ours. I turned towards her and nodded, "Lady Sif?"

"Spider," she nodded, her stoic face turned to one of sorrow as she bowed, "I am sorry for what happened to your lover….it was a great sacrifice she did...but I cannot bring myself to wish she didn't. She saved my people doing what she did, for that she has my gratitude."

"Thanks...though if it's all the same to you, I think we would rather have her back," I said, squeezing Felicia's shoulder.

"I understand," Sif nodded, she unsheathed the blade to her hip, the Ebony blade shinned with a dark aura, "I have come to return your blade Spider. It was...amazing. I have not gotten the privilege to own an Uru weapon, I thank you for the chance to do so, and use it to protect my people."

"I'm glad it helped," I took the blade, it looked brand new, almost as if the battle and the blood it she'd had made it more alive than before. I narrowed my eyes, the blade would have to be changed...and I think I just found the first step in my plan.

I looked around and noticed the three Dwarves who had come to visit before the war began sitting near the main table in the hall, the whole table used up by just the three of them as they squatted down with heads bent so as to not hit the ceiling.

"Lady Sif, if you'll excuse me," I got up and nodded to her. She nodded back and walked back to her table. I turned to the girls, "I'll be right back."

"Hurry back," Felicia replied before she turned to her meal, playing with it while eating just small nibbles.

I held the Ebony blade in hand, walking over to the Dwarves' table. They noticed me arpach them as Eoffren greeted me first, "ah, Peter, glad to see you. Saw Sif wield that blade of yours, have to say, even with such shoddy workmanship it moved like one of us had forged it."

"Yeah...about that," I held out the blade, gaining their attention, "you mentioned that you could remake the blade yes? Could you do so now?"

The dwarves looked to each other. Silent messages passed between the three, it was Dvalin who finally spoke as he pushed his gigantic plate aside, "and what will you give us in return?" I looked at him, confused. He snorted and continued, "surely you don't expect us to work for free do you?"

"How would I even pay you? I doubt you take dollars," I snorted.

"No, but, we do trade in another form of currency, one more universal," Dvalin smiled, rubbing his beard, "knowledge."

I raised an eyebrow, "I see….and that is?"

"Unstable molecules. Teach us how you made your clothes, and we shall rework your weapon," Dvalin explained, "we shall remove its negative emotional amplifiers and even put in additional charms you would require. But in exchange, we wish for you to teach us about your inventions."

I was about to reply instantly, eager to gain a weapon which could help me get Jean back. But, before I spoke, I stopped myself. I smelt it off them, greed, eagerness. They wanted my invention badly, meaning I had room to negotiate.

"No," I spoke.

They looked surprised. "Are you rejecting our offer boy?" Moavin growled, doing his best to look intimidating.

"Yes," I snorted, pulling the blade away and putting it into the container on my back, "the trade you ask for is too much...too important. You don't give me something of equal value for it, it's not a fair deal."

"We offer to give you an Uru weapon and you say it isn't a fair deal? Are you hit on the head boy?!" Moavin growled, smashing his hand on the table in rage.

I crossed my hand and held my stance, "stop barking Fido. I can see through your bullshit… what you offer is one weapon, in return, you want a way to make sure that all the weapons you make from now on will be virtually indestructible. That's what my unstable molecule formula will allow you, an unbreakable armory. So how is that f.u.c.k.i.n.g fair?"

The dwarves looked angry, beyond pissed. The Asgardians were worried, I smelt it off them. Even Thor was rushing over to try and defuse the situation. But I wasn't worried. For one simple reason, I can smell the excitement roll of the dwarves...they were excited.

"Ha!" Eoffren laughed, smashing his fist on the table happily, "I told you he wasn't dumb enough to have that trade work on him!"

"Whatever," Moavin snorted, passing his friend a bag of coins which Effren happily accepted.

"Alright lad, you caught us," Dvalin snorted, sipping his mead, "aye, the trade we offered was a rotten one. What do you want?"

"You said it yourself, there is only one universal currency, knowledge," I narrowed my eyes, "a trade for a trade. You teach me how to forge your weapons, teach me to become a smith like you and I'll teach you the method to create unstable molecules."

"Are you daft?!" Volstagg cried out, jumping from his seat, "the dwarven methods of forging are some of the universe's most highly guarded secrets! You would be killed for even suggesting it!"

"Teaching you is not a choice we can make," Dvalin spoke, ignoring Volstagg proclamation, "we will have to consult our own king before we could offer such a trade. If we had a sample of your technology to show what we offer is worth the price, that might help your case."

"Do you think I was born yesterday?" I snorted, "all you would need is a sample and you could reverse engineer it yourself, buying yourself time by delaying my meeting with the man. No, I'm coming with you, let the king decide the worth of this promise once we are there."

The dwarves didn't seem offended by the fact I just called them all thieves, in fact they seemed only more excited. Talking together in hushed tones.

"Peter, are you sure about this?" Thor asked, walking up to me.

I looked up at him and nodded, "yes. It's my best shot at getting the knowledge I need to help Jean…."

"Boy!" Dvalin called, "we have discussed your proposal. We find it….an appropriate idea. Our king will be visiting Asgard soon, we will arrange a meeting with him then."

"He will be coming here?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes," Thor nodded, "he and father are long time allies. Since Asgard is in such a state of disarray it will need outside help to have everything built back up again. And the draves have always taken care of us, they have built not only our weapons but certainly buildings as well. Why this very mead hall was built by a dwarf by the name Carial the Drunk."

"Ha! More like Carial the sober!" Dvalin laughed, "ever since he had a lad of his own the man hasn't had a drop of alcohol in his stomach!"

"Really? That sounds like quite a story!" Thor laughed.

"Aye lad sit, we'll tell it to you!"

"You go ahead," I waved their offer, "I need to speak with my beloved. She will need to know about this development." Thor and draves just nodded before they began discussing about the married life of a dwarf.

I walked back to my table, Felicia and Wanda seemed to have actually eaten something. As soon as I sat down Felicia turned to me, "did something happen? You caused some people to stop feasing."

"I made a deal with the dwarves. In exchange for my unstable molecules they will teach me how to forge like they can," I replied, "it should take me months to get it done though… hopefully I'm as quick of a study at this like I am at magic and science."

"What do you expect us to do until then?" Wanda asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going back to Kamar Taj," Felicia spoke up before I had a chance to say anything. I looked at her curiously and she continued, "if we are going out there then I need every advantage I can get. I won't drag you down Peter, and we will get Jean back."

And there it was. That drive. That spirit I fell in love with. That woman who I saw start a one woman war against the worst criminals in New York by stealing from them wearing nothing more than a set of black tracks and goggles. The woman I feel in love with.

Her confidence, her drive, It pushed me. And like a fog was lifted from my head, I began to think, ideas slowly forming inside me as I began to see a way...it was an idea, but I had it...I had something.

I smiled, squeezing Kitten's hand, "alright… Wanda, I know this isn't really your fight-"

"-I'm going to stop you right there big guy," she snorted, "first off all, Jean was my friend too. Sure, she wasn't my lover, but she was probably the closest thing I had to a friend."

"Really hurting my feeling here Wanda," I snorted.

"You were just annoying," Wanda snorted, "and...I hate the fact that I wasn't strong enough when she needed to me. If I was just a little stronger than….maybe I...maybe she needn't have sacrificed herself for us all."

"Wanda," I reached out and took her hand, squeezing it, "it wasn't your fault. Felicia and I don't blame you..." I turned to Kitten who rolled her eyes and smacked me across the head, "yup, don't blame me at all."

Wanda smirked, "good for you...but this is more about me Peter. I need to be stronger… I hate being weak. Plus, if your going into space I want in. Shit, ever since I met you life's been one big adventure, you think I'm going to stop now?"

I smirked, "now that's what I'm talking about."

"We'll need time to prepare," Felicia spoke up, "Wanda and I can continue our training with the Ancient One. I'm sure she has more than a few tricks up her sleeve we can use."

"And while you're doing that, I'll be training with the dwarves. Trying to make a weapon which we can use to stop the Phoenix."

"Peter, no offence, but after seeing that thing in person, I...I don't think you can," a hint of fear rolled off Wanda.

"Don't worry," I smirked, "I got a plan."

That afternoon:

Thor stood behind us as we approached the Bifrost gate. He nodded to Heimdall who opened the portal before, us, flashes of bright lights came alive before us, signaling the gate was alive.

"I'll have Heimdall open the gate when you ask for it Peter," Thor spoke up, "make sure you are loud and clear enough when you call for him and he will come."

I nodded, "I understand."

"Good, then I shall be expecting you all soon," Thor nodded.

"Not likely Thor," Felicia replied, "Wanda and I will be doing our own thing."

"Oh… pity," Thor shrugged.

"What about Jane?" Wanda asked with a smirk.

"Ah, you see, Jane decided to stay a while and help," Thor smiled, "it seems she familiar with enough biology to get by."

"Have fun you two," I smiled.

"Peter, before you leave," Thor cleared his throat, "the Aether?"

I blinked, "oh, right, sorry," I reached into my backpack and took out my Vibranium lock box and tossed it to Thor, "I don't know where you plan on keeping that Thor, but remember what I said, not the Collector. Besides, that thing's sealed shut and without my authorization, you can't even open it anyway."

Thor nodded, "I understand. I shall find a place for it, I swear it will be safe." I feeling of guilt passed through me, but I pushed it away, and with that, we jumped through the portal and went flying through space once again.

It was a second before I realised I was back on Earth, back on the roof of the London Sanctum with my car parked right across from us.

"We need to hurry, we don't have much time. Pack everything you brought here, clothes and all. Leave the furniture we bought over, whoever is coming here after us can use them," I told them as I dismissed the alarms inside the building and we quickly got in. Rwanda began to pack and Felicia and I went into the room we shared with Jean.

Before we could enter Felicia stopped at the threshold and stopped. I smelt her sadness, her despair. She sniffed, tears running down her eyes as we saw the room that for a little while at least, we could share together and have what was called a peaceful life.

I wrapped my hands around her and held her tightly, "we'll get her back...I promise."

"I know….I love you Peter."

"I love you too Kitten."

While Felicia was packing upstairs I walked into my lab, it turned itself on automatically as I reached into my backpack and pulled out a black box made out of vibranium and placed it on the table.

The vibranium lock box I gave Thor was a dummy. One I had made between leaving and the feast. It took a little of the spare refined vibranium I had lying around but...it was worth it. No one expect I could open the box and if Thor or Odin tried to force the box open it would cause an explosion big enough to level a building.

Would that raise questions for me? Yes. But I could always explain it as the internal circuits going haywire due to the energy overflow.

I unlocked the box quickly, a red glow overtaking my lab's color scheme as the red jelly like form of the Aether looked up at me from inside the box. I felt bad for lying to Thor. But...I don't care.

If I was fighting a God, I would need the powers of one.

Mind, Reality. While in space I could 'happen' upon Peter Quill and his band of loveable idiots and switch out the Power stone. And if I steal the Space stone from Odin, which I very well plan to do, then I would have four of the six infinity stones.

Hopefully, that would give me enough firepower to take down the Phoenix. And more importantly, save Jean.

The problem was, I didn't know enough about the Aether. The properties of the Mind stones were simple enough, and my own research into psychic powers and the mind granted me some insight into its abilities. But the Aether? Nothing. Hopefully time with the dwarves can offer me some insight into it.

I closed the Aether and put it away. I then began dismantling my lab, powering it down and separating it down into small parts.

I opened a special storage box I had made some time ago for transportation purposes and expanded it's opening large enough that even a car could fit into it. I carefully put every single piece of tech in my lab into it.

While inside the lab would be in stasis and under artificial gravity. I may not be a combat genius like Strange, but I was oftenly good at creating pocket dimensions for storage.

"Hey, we're done," Wanda announced as she and Felicia walked downstairs with bags slung over their shoulders.

I nodded, "right...let's get to it."


We walked through the London sanctum portal into the main under-chambers of the library. The moment we stepped through we were greeted by the Ancient One herself.

"Peter, Wanda, Felicia," she greeted us all with a smile and a polite nod, "it is good to see you again….may I ask where Jean is?" We were silent, it took a second, but her eyes widened in understanding, "I...I see."

"Don't worry, it's only temporary, we're getting her back," Felicia hissed.

"Ms. Hardy, might I remind you that all knowledge isn't restricted in this place, practises like Necromansy are not."

"She ain't dead," Wanda cut in, "she just got abducted by a freaking cosmic entity."

The Ancient One's eyes winded, "I think you should step into my office."

An hour later:

I took a sip of the relaxing herbal tea I grew accustomed to having whenever dealing with the Ancient One and sighed, "and that's what happened."

"The Phoenix force...truly?" the Ancient One asked. Seeing our humorless faces she struck a thinking pose and hummed, "I always felt that Jean's power was more...vast than what she used. But this….Peter...what exactly are you planning? You must understand that this is suicide yes?"

"Yes, I know," I scoffed, "but I think I can a way to get her back...or at the very least break the connection between Jean and the thing holding her."

"And how do you plan on fighting a cosmic entity Peter?"

"With careful planning."

She waited, but my silence made it obvious I didn't plan on sharing anything more with the woman. She sighed and nodded, turning to Wanda and Felicia, "while I have no objection to you both continuing your training here, I must say that nothing I teach you girls will ever make you ready for what you will face out there...but that being said, if you wish to continue than I welcome you both back."

Felicia and Wanda bowed, "thank you master."

The Ancient One turned to me, "if you are no longer going to be on Earth, then I suppose I will have to appoint a new master for the Sanctum."

"Yes...and I am sorry. I-"

"-It was always meant to be a temporary position," she waved my words, "you were always more of a free being than most Peter...I cannot blame you for your nature. We have managed to recover well enough from the attack on the sanctums. A master will be dispatched to take over your role. And while I disagree with your ideas I don't think my objections will say you in anyway...but can I ask one thing?"

I nodded, "sure."

"How far are you prepared to go?"

For a second, I felt as if she had figured it out, as if she knew exactly what I had planned. But if she did...then she would have stopped me already.

"As far as I have too."


I returned to the realm of the Gods with my sights set on the palace. I flew over and just as I landed on the courtyard, I spotted Sif walking up the steps, turning around to great me.

"Peter," she nodded, "you are earlier than expected."

"Yeah, we managed to finish packing up quickly," I replied as I landed before her, "shall we?"

"Please," she guided me further into the palace, "King Eitri has just arrived and in the throne room with Odin right now."

I stopped walking immediately, Sif turned, surprised. "I think it's best if I wait in the courtyard for him...I sure it wouldn't do to interrupt two kings."

"That is...highly unlike you," Sif looked worried before realisation dawned on her, "oh….I see...well then let me keep you company Peter, it's the least I can do."

"No, please, don't let me keep you, I...I just need some time to think," I waved her offer and walked away, going back to the courtyard and sitting in one corner, my eyes closed.

Sif seemed to understand as she left me alone after that. I sat there for sometime, I transformed my suit back into a set of tracks and a hoodie, making me more comfortable. I began to meditate, my mind reeling with ideas, buzzing with creativity that I found myself lacking these past few mellow months.

And just as the first hour passed, I heard the steps of half a dozen giant men coming closer. I opened my eyes just as the doors of the palace were thrown open and six dwarves walked out.

Dvalin, Moafin and Eoffren were then, along with them were two other dwarves I didn't recognize and one I did. The tallest amongst them all, Eitri, wearing simple leather and a cloak with a black sheen. He had no crown, but the way the dwarf carried himself, I could tell he was incharge.

I got up and walked up to them, stepping in their path. The dwarves stopped their conversation as they turned to me, half of them curious and the others with smiles.

"Eitri, this is the lad we were talking about," Dvalin said with a proud smirk, as if he was displaying a pet he had just found and trained.

"Truly," the king rubbed his jaw, "boy, is what my cousin said true? You have found a method to keep material damage free?"

I nodded, pulling out a spade EMF suit I had prepared beforehand and held it up to them, "see for yourself."

Eitri raised an eyebrow, gesturing to one of the dwarves I didn't meet. He stepped up and drew his blade, to him it might have been a dagger, to me it was practically a great sword. He gently took the suit into his hands and tried to tear into it, only to find that his blade couldn't' pass through the seemingly plain cloth.

"Tear resistant," Eitri noted, "try to burn it and then wet it."

"Aye," the dwarf replied as he flicked his wrist, causing the dagger to explode into flames. He kept the suit under the fire, but it didn't burn. Then the dwarf turned the flames into a dagger of water, dipping the suit inside. But when he pulled it out, it wasn't wet.

"Can your dagger channel all the elements?" I asked.

"Curious little tike aren't you?" the dwarf snorted, but not replying to my question.

"Where is Thor?" Eitri looked around, "we have need of his hammer."

"He should be here any second," Moafin replied, "he had to settle something with Odin."

"Very well, until then, boy, you also possess with you an uru weapon, yes?" Eitri asked, holding his hand out.

I sighed, seemed I would have to earn their respect before they treated me like a normal person. I took out the Ebony blade and handed it over. Eitri took one look at it before snorting.

"Shitty blade, poor refinement...but the enchantments aren't half bad," the king replied.

"Can you tell what they are?" Often asked in a casual manner. I have to say, I didn't think dwarves would have such a casual relationship with their king. Either they are much higher us in the social ladder than I thought or the dwarves worked very differently from the Asgardians.

"Basic summoning spell...and an emotional amplifier, but beyond that there is some Midgardian spell I can't quite seem to understand," Eitri muttered, his curiosity peaking.

"Apparently the last owner of the blade never lost a battle while he had it in hand," I admitted freely, "he died only after he was forced to let go of the blade and tricked into death."

"Hm...an enchantment to fight beyond one's skills, intresting," Eitri muttered, "good eye boy. They told me you weren't stupid, glad to know they weren't just full of shit like they always are." The others rolled their eyes, not looking the least bit offended.

"Peter!" I turned to see Thor come flying down, landing before us, "you've returned."

I nodded, I smelt...anger from Thor, frustration even. Something had happened, "yeah...what did you talk to Odin about?"

"I...the mural," was his short reply.

"I see...and did he tell you?"

"No...he said it was not for me to know," Thor growled in anger.

"D.i.c.k," I hissed under my voice, Thor must have heard me, but he didn't seem to keen on defending his old man any time soon.

"Ah, Thor, just talking about you, be a lad and strike this down would you?" Eitri grabbed my EMf suit and tossed it to the God of lighting. Thor looked confused but shrugged, used to such odd requests. He threw the suit into the air and raised his hammer.


Lightning came crashing down, passing through the suit and smashing into the ground. When the dust settled the white suit remind, without damage, but giving off an electric discharge that would have killed any normal person wearing it.

"Hm, while it isn't resistant to the magical power of the lighting, the force of the lighting itself hasn't harmed it in anyway," Eitri noted as he passed me the Ebony blade, "a significant piece technology indeed...very well boy, I have listened to the proposal you have suggested and find it an equal trade. You shall receive the training you d.e.s.i.r.e to craft like us, but in return we wish to known everything on the process of how you made this material."

Halfway through the speech, I heard his heart quicken, around the part where he promised to teach me everything to craft like them.

"Your lying," I spoke up, crossing my hand and looking irritated.

"Excuse me?" Eitri raised an eyebrow, leaning over me in an intimidating manner.

"I said, you lied," I hissed, "when you said you would train me to craft like you. You lied."

"And what proof do you have for such an accusation boy?" Eitri growled.

"I heard you heartbeat quicken," I narrowed my eyes.

"You can hear the heartbeat of people?" Eitri asked, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, so I know when you're full of shit," I hissed, summoning my UMF suit into my hands, "and if you try and f.u.c.k me on this, I won't ever teach you the truth. I know when you're lying to me King of Dwarfs, but you can't say the same."

Thor's eyes seemed to widen in surprise, the dwarves looked a mixture of irritated and amused. And Eitri...he was silent. I smelt anger...and then, joy.

"HA!" he laughed out loud, "brilliant! With ears like that you can hear every ingot crunch when we hammer it and ever drop of water steam when we treat metal. You'll be a fine addition to our team boy. Fine, if you prove yourself, we will be honest with you. But, if you try and f.u.c.k with us..."

"Deal," I held out my hand. Eitri looked amused as he held out his own giant hand. I smirked, forming a giant red hand out of psionic energy, shaking his hand, much to Thor's amus.e.m.e.nt and Editor's surprise.

"I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting couple of years," Eitri whispered.

"Months," I replied.

"Ha! Months he says! Listen boy, I don't' care how smart you think you are, the skills you are after will take months for you to learn, let alone master."

"We shall see...when do we leave?"

"I'll give you an hour," Eitri replied, "meet us at the Bifrost by then."

"Wait, Eitri, before you leave," Thor spoke up stopping the departing dwarves. He held out his hammer, "my hammer, you said you made it for me, is that true?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" Eitri replied. I heard his heartbeat quicken.

Thor turned to me, I shook my head, "lie." Eitri eyes winded, a look of annoyance coming on his features.

"I knew it! Tell me the truth Eitri!" Thor roared, "who is that woman in green and black?! Why does she have my hammer?!"

"Thor I cannot tell you!" Eitri roared back, he then snapped his head to me, "and you, you will be my apprentice from henceforth, as such another act like this that betrays my trust will not be tolerated, do this again and I care not for what deal we have, I will end your life, do you understand!?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Good," and without another word, they turned and walked away. Thor looked like he was going to chase them, but I grabbed his shoulder and held him back.

"Wait..." I replied.

"Peter, I have to know," Thor replied.

"Which is why I asked you to wait….if you want answers, I can give them to you."

His eyes widened, "and-you know who she is?'

I nodded, "not a lot...a little, but not a lot. Enough to help I'm sure." Thor looked torn before nodding and guiding me into an enclave to the side. After making sure we were alone he nodded, motioning me to go on.

"She...her name is Hela," I replied.

Thor's eyes widened, "Hela?"

I nodded, "yeah...and she's your sister."

"What?!" Thor's eyes went wide in shock, "s-sister?!"

"Sh!" I hissed, looking around to make sure no one heard him yell. He looked sorry, but kept listening eagerly, "yeah. She's Odin's first born, the Goddess of Death. Eons ago she and Odin began their conquest of the nine realms, they burnt most to the ground. She was….evil I guess. But Odin grew a concious and began to regret his actions. He couldn't bring himself to kill her, so instead he sealed her away and upon his death she will be released back into our world once more."

Thor's eyes went wide as saucers, "h-how do you know of all this?"

I sighed and opened my mouth, "# $ !% ! of for f.u.c.k's sake, still?! I basically told him everything didn't I?!"

Thor looked confused, "I'm sorry Peter, but I didn't quite understand that."

I signed, "an enchantment. I can tell you these things, but I can't tell you how I know them...needless to say, everything I've told you is the truth Thor."

He looked down, his brow tightened, "I see….thank you Peter...I...I do not know how to process all this. A sister...she is the rightful queen of Asgard, not I."

"Don't' even think about it Thor," I hissed, "don't even think about abdicating your throne for her. You may be the second born, but she's literally the goddess of death. If she becomes queen….do you think the nine realms can withstand another war? Especially Asgard as it is now?"

"No...you are right. I will speak to mother about this. My father will not speak, but my mother might."

"Right..and when you do, try to keep me out of it, okay?"

He nodded, "I will do my best, I swear."

"Thanks...and Thor...can I ask a favour from you?"

"Of course my friend, what is it?"

"I...I require some of your blood," I said in a frank manner.

Thor's eyes widened, "whatever for?"

"Thor, have I ever told you just how my powers work?" he shook his head and I sighed, "you see...my parents were scientists, they were working on recreating the formula which created Steve, which made him Captain America."

"The Super Soldier serum, yes?" Thor asked, "Steak told me about this."

"Yeah well, they kind of succeeded, but it was...different," I sighed, "the formula doesn't just make the user stronger, it also adapts the properties of foreign cells attacking the host. In the case of diseases it prevents further infection, but if the attacking cells have powers, it acquires the abilities for itself, making the host...well...it allows me to take on said abilities."

Thor's eyes widened, "so that is how you gained your pantheon of skills."

I nodded, "yes, most of them anyway. The fighting, the tech, that's all me. But other things," I created a psionic ball of energy and dismissed it. I then showed him my stingers and put them away, "the others I gained from allies. And if I'm going after Jean, I need every advantage I can get."

Thor was silent, his eyes narrowed in thinking. I was tempted to read his thoughts, so very tempted, but I kept my reach to myself. And then, eh spoke.

"Peter, what guarantee can I get from you that one day you will not use these powers against those I love?" Thor asked.

My eyes winded, "Thor, I would never hurt anyone you love. You know me."

"And what off my father?"

I was drawn still, "y-you serious? Thor he lied to you! All your life! And you have to admit that it was his blatant observed standards that pushed Loki away from you! You cannot still think that man is worth loving!"

"That may be Peter, my father has many crimes to answer for...among them pushing your beloved to accept the Phoenix...but he is still my father….if I give you my blood for your powers, then I want an oath from you that you will not bring any harm to my father and loved ones in any way."

"...That is too vague a wording Thor," I replied with crossed arms, "right now in telling you the truth of Hela I've hurt him by shaking your relationship with him."

"Is that why you told me?"

"No, I told you because you deserve to know. Because I know the feeling of being lied too...the fact it would make Odin uncomfortable was just a bonus."

"Peter, how can I trust your words?" Thor asked bluntly, "I mean no offence, but your words could just be that, words."

"Ask you mother," I told him, "the first day we came here I told her that I knew the truth and to tell you. To be honest...given that she hasn't done so I took it upon myself. I am not your enemy and will never be Thor...but Odin...that man has a lot to answer for and you waste yourself defending him...but then again I suppose asking you to do anything less if just against who you are. For all his faults, the man raised you well."

Thor looked to be deep in thought, I knew he wouldn't' make up his mind right now. I turned and walked away, "I'm going to get something to eat, I'll be back later. If you make up your mind by then...come and find me."

I went to the kitchens, there I found the country and several barrels of the ale I realised would probably be the only ever get drunk off of. I had to admit, I liked the taste. And at the risk of becoming an alcoholic I asked permission from the chef and took over a dozen barrels of the stuff, putting it into my storage space.

Apparently being the saviour of Asgard had its perks.

I made my way to the library once more, finding it mostly intact, I went to the section which Jean and the rest had done their research on the Phoenix. The book which we found recordings of the Phoenix around black holes was on the table spread out.

I opened it up and scanned the pages detailing the observations, I then spent the rest of the time scanning and logging every other book I thought would be useful.

Soon, it was time for me to leave. I made my way to the Bifrost, Heimdall was chatting up Eitri and the other dwarves, I was surprised to see the usually stoic God smiling and laughing, guess he really were good friends with the dwarves.

"Peter," I turned to see Thor approach me, a look of confidence on his face.

"Thor...I take it you spoke to your mother?"

"Yes...and she told me the truth," Thor replied, "Hela it seemed was...truely beyond help...it broken her heart, but even mother had chosen to give up on her it seemed."

"Thor...I'm sorry…."

Thor waved it off, "it is not your problem but mine. You were right, my father has a lot to answer for and he will, off this I promise you. But, for now," he reached into his back and took out what looked to be a golden vial of blood, sealed with a screw top depicting an eagle.

My eyes widened, "is that-"

"-My blood," his heart beat was stable, he was telling the truth, "you have proven yourself more than responsible Peter...and, if I recall, I did promise you a weapon did I not? Hopefully this is good enough," he tossed it to me, I caught it with my mind, allowing it to float into my hand.

"Thor this...thank you. I promise I won't abuse the gift you have given," I said softly, the memory of my betrayal with the Aether burned in the back of my mind, but I did my best to ignore it. "Thank you."

Thor smiled, "you are welcome...go Peter, get your beloved back, I wish you the best of luck."

"Boy!" Eitri called out, "you coming?!"

Heimdall open the Bifrost and stood waiting. I gave Thor a nod and walked over to the portal, "let's do this."

And without further ceremony, I jumped once more into the wormhole, space flying by.


We landed in the middle of a great chamber. I looked around in awe as the chamber was bigger than most apartment complexes I knew. The domed ceiling had the stars painted on it, the windows were open into space. I then realised the stars weren't painted on at all...that was space which I saw.

I walked to the closest window and looked out in awe. Before me was a dyson sphere covering what looked to be a dwarf star. Only one exhaust existed on the sphere, and out of it the energy of a dwarf star was being channeled out into the huge rings surrounding it.

Attached to the sphere were several rings, each spinning in different directions like the rings on a gyroscope.

"Welcome, to Nidavellir," Eitri announced proudly, "I'll have someone show you to your room."

"When do we begin?" I asked.

"I'll give you twelve hours to gain your bearing, and then, we shall begin," he said in a rough voice.

"Do you have a schedule I need to follow? I assume you can't really measure a day span with regards to day and night here."

"Smart lad. We use the same hour cycle as you do on Midgard, so you need not worry on that. But other than that we follow a sixteen hour work day, I hope you can keep up."

"Wait, why exactly do you follow the same time cycle as Midgard?" I asked, "that's a bit odd isn't it?"

"Everyone of the nine realms follow the same time cycle, it's one of the reasons the branches of the Yggdrasil connect the nine realms," Eitri answered, "now enough questions. Golli will show you to your housing quarters," he motioned to an approaching dwarf and walked away, not even looking back.

"Follow," was the only word Golli said as he turned and walked away, exiting through the North entrance of the chamber.

I sighed and followed, walking quicker than normal to keep up with the man's longer strides. We walked through the halls of the long stretch of land, I realised quickly that I was in one of the rings around the dyson sphere, the gravity produced must be artificial.

We walked for what felt like a long time, passing by several other dwarves. The men and women were all enormous, all of them. Even the few children I saw walking about were huge. And they all were staring at me. But I didn't really have time to stand around like a freak show for Golli seriously didn't seem to care about giving me the full tour.

"Here," Golli suddenly stopped, pointing to a plain door to our right.

I looked around, trying to scan for any tech that was used. I was stumped to find nonI recognized. "Ah..how do I open it?"

He grumbled, almost annoyed at the question. He pressed his hand against the door and pushed it open. Huh, guess not everything here was high tech.

"Thanks Golli," I waved.

"Mr. Golli," he grumbled back, walking away without another word.

"Right..." I sighed and turned back to the room I was presented. I walked inside, the moment I did the lights came on and I found myself looking at a room big enough to fit a small three floor house.

I whistled, it seemed I would be getting plenty of room for myself here. This room would probably be considered inhumane for someone like a dwarf. But for someone as small as me? Well this would be perfect!

It took me a few hours to set up my lab back to working order, the arc reactor generator I had on hand served well as a power source. I didn't have a bed yet, which I'm guessing was something they had 'forgotten' to put, so I decided to get a head start on my analysis on the Aether.

I couldn't risk taking the Aether out of the box it was held in, so I added scanners and a dock to record the readings through the box and into my systems. It took a while, but it was done soon enough.

"S.e.xy, record the readings and then match it to the Mind Stone, see what is similar and what's different about them," I instructed, waving the AI to do the job.

While it worked on that, I took out the vial of blood Thor handed over to me and looked at it under a microscope, trying to analysis as best I could.

I found, to my surprise, that the helix design of Thor's DNA was remarkably similar to that of human beings. Certain base genes were similar, like being bi-peds or hair colour. But...the rest. Well it was nothing I have ever seen before in my life...kind off.

Mutants are the closest thing I could relate this too, but even that doesn't really make sense. IT was like...building lego blocks, sure the base elements are the same, you have tiny blocks to form the base and the structure, but then you have some special blocks to add more fines to the end product. Like a curved piece that cannot belong anywhere else expect in this lego structure.

So that begged the question, would Thor's blood even work on me? Or would it be similar to guessing myself with radiation water?

I couldn't move without more research into this, which means this would have to be put on the back burner. For now, it's best I try and figure out how to survive in this place, I'm sure the dwarves will make it very difficult for me, I will have to fight my way through them, earning my place at their table.

For now though, the exhaustion of the day was finally catching up to me. I was beyond exhausted. But with no bed to sleep on I settled for sleeping on the table in my lab, turning off all the lights, keeping the system running, analysing the DNA of a god.

As I slept, I dreamed. And in my dream I saw the universe spread out before me, and out there in the stars, a lone red ember was calling out for me. I stretched out my hands, but I couldn't' reach...she was right there and yet, so far out of my reach.

When I woke up the next day, I didn't remember any off it, but I got a feeling of determination. Jean was waiting, Felicia and Wanda were probably working their asses off, it was time I did too.

There was a bang on my door, Golli walked in and grunted, "follow."

I nodded, doing just that, getting ready to undergo what is sure to be the hardest lessons I would ever learn in my life.

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