Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 80 - SW- TROTJ 1:35:10

We sat around the cargo hold, the Liberty pushed against one corner as the rest stood around, silent. Corsair, Christopher Summers, was silent, he hadn't said a word since Scott threatened to blow his face off if he ever called him 'son' again.

That was ten minutes ago.

Scott had run off into the Liberty, S.e.xy told me he was in the Danger room, blowing up anything he could. Lucky the shields inside there could take anything, even a pissed off Scott Summers could throw at them.

"So," I spoke first, "Christopher"

Corsair looked up, he looked at me, but in reality, he wasn't paying attention to us at all, "it's a long story kid….how did Scott come here? He...he's supposed to be on Earth."

"You don't have the right to know anything about him," I spat back, narrowing my eyes, "if Scott wants to, he'll tell you."

Christopher turned to the Liberty, narrowing his eyes, "how long will he be in there?"

"I really don't think you're in a position to demand a quick response," Quill stepped up, all signs of his hero worship was gone, or suppressed, ever since he found out that Corsair was a neglectful father. Daddy issues were kind of a trigger point.

Come to think of it...every single memeber of my crew had daddy issues. Richard and I never got along, Johnny and Sue lost their dad, Logan killed his by accident, Rouge was an orhpan, Tandy's dad died leaving her with an abusive step-mom, Wand's dad was Magneto a literal super villian, Jessica's father conducted a science experiment on her that put her in a coma to save her life and I'm pretty sure Carina's dad sold her into slavery. And I'm willing to be some vibranium Carol didn't get along with her dad as well.

Literally the only ones I don't think have daddy issues is Bill, and that's only because I don't think he even remembers his father.

Like seriously, f.u.c.k. We should be called the Daddy issues squad.

Corsair sighed, rubbing his eyes yet again, "I just...I thought he died…..I didn't-I didn't know," his team surrounded him, all sending him pitying looks.

"Did you even check?" came Scott's voice. We all turned to see him walk out the ship with Rogue behind him, her eyes narrowed with worry and little bit of rage pointed at Corsair.

Corsair got up, "I-I did but I-"

"-Don't lie to me!" Scott roared, his fists clenched and his anger so great Jessica and I actually had to cough out the scent. I had never smelt anger so toxic before, I shared a look with Jessica and she nodded in worry, it was honestly a mystery how Corsair wasn't a smoking pile of ash at this point.

"If you even bothered to check you would have found me! In the hospital! For five months!" Scott roared, "Alex was gone! You were gone! Mom was gone! I….why?! What were you doing that was so important that you didn't even come back for me?!"

"I….I went to save your mother," Corsair admitted, his head hanging in shame.

"Explain," Scott growled, "now."

"I...alright, of course," Corsair nodded, looking at everyone gathered, "can we do this somewhere else?"

"No, whatever you have to say, they can hear it," Scott spat before turning to us and finishing at Rogue who's hand he held onto for dear life, "they're my family."

Corsair looked broken, but he nodded in understanding. He leaned back and sighed, rubbing his face before looking up with eyes empty of all mirth and joy it held when we first saw him, replaced by a shadow of...despair.

"I'm not human," he began, startling us all, except his team. Scott looked...well, can't judge much from his eyes, with the visor and all, and his emotions were dialed to anger so the tiny emotions were harder to pick up, "I'm a ...well, I'm a human-Shi'ar hybrid, designed by the Shi'ar Empire to infiltrate and observe Earth."

"You were a spy," Jessica explained simply.

Corsair nodded, "yes. At the time the Skrulls had taken an interest in your home, the Shi'ar Empire made me in order to find out the time I did, well..." he turned it Carol who smirked, "anyway...while I was there I….I fell in love...with your mother Scott. Her name was Katherine."

Scott was silent, he nodded, motioning for his father to go on.

Corsair sighed, "a few years went and Alex were born and I...well, I turned my back on the Shi'ar empire. I figured they wouldn't care about some lab experiment gone wrong, they had more important things to do. I also faked my death, just in case they did get curious. But then one day...that day, when I was flying you back from the Bahamas, our plane was attacked."

"I remember," Scott whispered, "pirates."

"Is that what they told you?" Corsair asked.

Scott nodded, "that's what the evidence told the police that investigated your plane crash."

"They were wrong," Corsair snorted.

"Well maybe if you were there you could have told them that," Scott replied with a snap. I raised an eyebrow unconsciousness, damn...that was cold.

Corsair flinched as well, though he seemed to take it well enough, just nodding rather than commenting, "well, they were wrong. It was a Shi'ar scout ship, and Katherine and I knew we couldn't let them touch you and Alex."

"Why not?" Scott asked.

"When one from the Shi'ar race mixes their blood with that of a genetically inferior race they tend to produce children with abilities beyond the normal."

"Mutants," Logan grunted.

Corsair nodded, "yes. Some, like those on Earth, can be made between humans, but that's always a gamble. But when Shi'ar blood is mixed with human then, well the child produced will almost always be a mutant, and a powerful one at that."

"So wait, are all mutants Shi'ar?" Sue asked, her analytical mind shining through.

Corsair shook his head, "no. I don't understand the genetics of it, but you have your own form of mutation on Earth, Scott's powers however are vastly different, both in class and power."

"Bullshit," Scott snapped, "there are plenty of mutants on Earth who are stronger than me. Shit, Peter is a man-made one and he's ten times stronger than me."

Corsair turned to me, eyeing me up, "that might be, but it's simply because you haven't been taught the right way to use your powers. If you want, I could show-"

"-No," Scott cut him off, "just...tell me what happened next."

Corsair sighed, "so, with no other choice Kathrine and I sent you and your brother with the only parachute...what we didn't expect is that the wind to blow you both so harshly. We saw to crash into the rocky shore and I thought...we thought ..."

"Next," Scott replied coldly, ignoring Corsair's tears.

The man nodded, "yes, right. I...we got captured. They took us back to the Emperor, to be trialed. It must have been a slow day for the bastard because he took his time. D'Ken, the Emperor of the Shi'ar Empire, wanted to make an example of us...both of us. He threw me into a slave pit and separated me from you mother."

"What happened to her?" Scott asked.

Corsair sighed, "I….I eventually escaped, with the help of the people now my crew," he smiled at them, "my family...they were fellow slaves and when we managed to get free I searched for your mother. It took me months, but I found out what happened to her….D'Ken took her as his own, made her a part of his harem."

A ripple of disgust, anger, sadness and pity filled the air.

"He heard about how a half human and half Shi'ar baby would be powerful beyond compare and demanded a child from her...what he didn't know is she had already been pregnant at the time...with your brother."

No one spoke, not a word.

"I managed to get to her, the look on her face when she realised I was alive, you could make a star jealous with that smile," tears pooled onto Corsair's eyes, "we ran away...but were caught at the last moment by D'Ken and his champion...Katherine begged for my life, begged with the Shi'ar emperor, but D'Ken had no mercy. He had grown tired of her. He agreed to spare me and my crew but in return….he wanted her life.

"I didn't even have a chance to fire a blaster bolt into my head before she agreed. D'Ken ordered his champion of ripe her head off….he then threw us into a ship and blasted us into space….she died Scott…..she died trying to protect me."

Scott's body was shaking, but it wasn't fear, it wasn't sadness, it was rage. Pure, unbridled rage. He turned and walked away.

Rogue moved to follow, "Scott-"

"-NO!" he cried out, "leave me alone!"

Rogue looked hurt, Felicia and Wanda were already by her side, taking her away, whispering to her to be patient and wait, Scott would come around.

S.e.xy tracked Scott back to the Danger room, no one here was speaking. I however was beginning to get annoyed, the silence was...irritating.

"So...anyone want a drink?" I asked, everyone turning to me in silence. I shrugged, "after that story we need a drink. Come on, I'll open up the good stuff. Logan, we're sharing."

"Fine," Logan grunted, shurgging, giving Scott's newly revealed father another look. We all moved slowly into the ship, my crew going in first to set things up while Corsair and his team held back looking uncertain.

"This doesn't look like it can fit us all," Corsair replied, "and I don't think Scott wants to see me right now."

"Trust me, it's bigger on the inside," I smirked, motioning them inside.

They looked uncertain, but slowly followed in, gasping the moment they stepped in. They looked around in awe, surprised at the size.

"I-It big!" Hepzibah gasped, her tail fl.i.c.k.i.n.g from side to side to indicate excitement, if she was anything like an Earth cat that is.

"Yup, come in, the kitchen is just through there," I motioned, pushing them along.

"This is amazing!" Corsair gasped, looking at the enlarged interior, "just how much bigger is this place?! How did you achieve such technology? I doubt human tech has improved so much in the last decade or so."

"Eh, I'm somewhat of a genius," I shrugged as we walked into the kitchen. A few people sat, a few stood, but they all avoided the couch, obviously deciding that was where the Starjammers were going to sit.

"Please, sit," I motioned to the couch. They sat down without much complaint, though an awkward silence fell between the two groups as they just stared at each other.

I mentally linked my mind with Wanda, Felicia, Bill and Tandy, "guys, a little help here?" I motioned to the kitchen.

"Right," Felicia got up as we five stood behind the bar, Felicia getting the mugs out, Tandy cleaning them while Bill and I fill them out from the casks of ale we had. Not the dwarven stuff, that was too strong, but rather some simple Asgardian drink that most considered basically water.

"So," Quill began, breaking the tension, "you said you're half human yourself right? Do you have powers too?"

Corsair smiled, shaking his head, "no. The Empire didn't want a simple scout to draw attention to itself by boosting extraordinary powers. When I was being made I had all my genetic sequences altered to match that of humans with some Shi'ar left over to activate the mutation in Scott and Alex. The only reason I'm considered half Shi'ar is because I used to be on, before the operation of course."

"And the rest of your crew?" Sue asked, "you all seem to be from different species."

"We are," the lizard man, Ch'od said, his tone carrying more intelligence than one would think, "each of us are from different races, but we all were part of the Shi'ar Empire."

"Wait, I don't understand, how can….they conquered your planets didn't they?" Carol narrowed her eyes.

"They don't call it that," Corsair shook his head, "they call it 'Marrying'. They say a mixture of races into the Shi'ar bloodline will benefit the empire, Scott himself being a prime example of such an event."

" most people in the Shi'ar empire have powers?" Jessica asked.

"Some, not most," Hepzibah replied, l.i.c.k.i.n.g her paws, damn, she is a cat, "they are not all powerful. Some pointless, some bad. Some deadly."

"It's a gamble with other races," Corsair explained, "only humans seem to give a more positive outcome."

"Does the Shi'ar empire plan on attacking Earth anytime soon?" I asked quickly.

Corsair looked confused, "why would they do that?"

"To produce a race of genetically superior super powered children?" I guessed.

The Starjammers looked at each other before they exploded into laughter. "Ha-ha! That's one hell of a sense of humor you got there kiddos!" Corsair chukled.

"What's so funny?" Sue asked, confused and annoyed, "it seemed like a logical question."

"Sorry, it's don't know D'Ken, he would never allow such a thing."

"Selfish man," Hepzibah hissed.

"The emperor guy?" Johnny asked.

Corsair nodded, "very same. He's paranoid, dangerously so. He would never allow anyone other than someone related to his bloodline to possess such powers. If I recall he actually put a ban on Earth, afraid of his enemies obtaining a child that could kill him."

"This D'Ken sounds like a tyrant," Gamora spoke up, obviously an expert on the subject.

"Oh, he is," Ch'od growled, "he's a monster...and that's coming from me."

"We've seen worse," Logan snorted, others nodding in agreement, though Ch'od looked too confused to understand what we meant.

"He's a dictator," Corsair explained, "he has the same opinions on race as Hitler did and has the work ethics of Stalin. He's a monster, to his people and the galaxy. He enslaves people, destroys planets, all in the name of expanding his empire."

"Do people support him?" Bill asked.

"Some, not all," Hepzibah shrugged, "most scared, can't speak, promised pain."

"And those who do...well," Corsair sighed, rubbing his temples, "I'm one of the lucky ones."

"Well, at least you're alive," I said, placing the filled mugs of ale on the kitchen island, Wanda waving her hand, causing a red aura to surround the mugs, lifting them into the air and sending them to people around the room, Corsair being the first one to get a drink, Logan and Drax right behind.

Corsair looked at the drink, cautious, he eyed us all before sipping the drink, his eyes shooting up, "that's strong!"

"Piss water," Logan grumbled, obviously upset he couldn't drink his usual concoction, "we have ale ten times stronger than this," and to prove his point he chugged the mug with ease, wiping away the foam.

"Really?" Corsair asked in surprise, "how are you able to drink so much? The alcohol levels can kill you three times over."

"Some of us have a stronger immunity to the stuff," I spoke up, "like Logan and me. Our bodies have a stronger metabolism and so the weaker drinks often get converted into sugar before we even feel the effects."

"You have powers? You are a man-made mutant, yes?"

I nodded, "yup."

"I see, what are you powers, if I may ask?"

"'s kind of a long story," I rubbed my neck nervously, motioning to Wanda's powers, "just take my word for it when I say it has its ups and downs...Corsair, if you don't mind me asking, how well do you know the Shi'ar Empire?"

The man shrugged, "considering I used to be one of them, pretty well. Why?"

"Tell me...what do you know about the Phoenix?"

"PFT!" Hepzibah spat out her drink, Ch'od seemed to gulp his down in terror and Corsair looked...conflicted.

"Not much...may I ask why?"

"That planet out there," I motioned to the digital window by our side which displayed the outside view, "did the Phoenix do that?"

Corsair narrowed his eyes, his teammates now looking at us with worry. He finally spoke, "why does that concern you? What's your relation to the Phoenix Force?"

"She's the reason we all came out here in the first place," I told him, "the current host of the Phoenix force is human...and our friend. We came out here to get her back, the last known sighting of said cosmic force was, I'll ask you again; what do you know?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know anything," Corsair said, sipping his drink. I heard his heartbeat skip, I sighed.

"You're a bad liar bub," Logan snorted.

Corsair narrowed his eyes at Logan, "I am not lying. I swear I don't know much about the Phoenix."

"One of my powers, which I share with Logan here," I motioned to said mutant, "is the ability to hear just about anything. Including your heartbeat, which skips every time someone lies. While you may be a Shi'ar, you are also human. So, tell me, what do you know about the Phoenix?"

Corsair narrowed his eyes, looking at us before turning to his companions, nodding. They stood up as one, "thank you for your hospitality, but I think it's time we leave."

"Your leaving? Again?" Scott's voice rang out, he was standing at the kitchen's door frame, his anger now controlled but still very much there, "why am I not surprised?"

"Scott, I-"

"-Tell them what they want to know," Scott ignored his father's pleads, "tell them about the Phoenix."

"...Fine," Corsair sighed, turning to me, eyes narrowing, "you don't know what you're getting yourself into boy...what exactly do you want to know?"

"Did the Phoenix destroy that planet?" I asked, a crisis of concious pushing me ahead. Would Jean, my Jean, ever do something so heartless? I just couldn't believe it.

"No...but that planet is gone because of it," Corsair explained, "the Shi'ar Empire has...a difficult history with that Cosmic Force. They aren't ...well, if I'm being honest, they're scared. The last time the Phoenix turned its eye on them they...they lost nearly half their empire. Billions if not trillions of lives were lost. So when they heard that it came back, they decided to launch a preemptive strike. The battle...well, you see the resulting wreckage before you."

"So why were you here?" Scott asked, "what would a pirate want with a broken planet?"

"We were hoping to pick up on some stragglers," Corsair explained, "we were planning on capturing them and forcing them to tell us their access codes."

"What did you plan on using said codes for?" Carina asked.

"Slave pits," Hepzibah spat.

"They change the codes every week, so our only option was to steal said codes before they expire," Corsair explained.

"How many?" Sue whispered what we all were dreading to ask.

"Hundred of thousands of slaves being kept by the Shi'ars," Ch'od explained, "they are treated like dirt on the shoe of the Empire. Breed to be used as breeding stock or just to be killed. Experimented on...tortured."

"Calling them similar to the Jewish camps of Nazi Germany wouldn't be too farfetched an idea," Corsair clarefied, "only they are more crowded."

"Where are they being kept?" I asked, venom in my tone. Those who knew me best looked surprised, they already knew what I was planning, after all the last time I had this tone of voice I blew up SHIELD.

"Most of them are kept on planets the Empire has already conquered," Corsair explained, "we tracked a few down to a nearby system just a few hours away."

I turned to my team, "who wants to kick space Nazi ass?"

"I'm in," Carol raised her mug.

"Getting a sense of deja vu, haven't fought Nazis in a long time," Logan growled.

"Did you even have to ask?" Johnny cracked his knuckles.

"A moment," Carina spoke up, cutting the chain, "if you take this course of action, you risk making the whole of the Shi'ar Empire your enemy."

"How are the relations between Xandar and Shi'ar?" I asked.

"Toxic at best," Corsair clarefied.

"Then we won't be pissing off our only possible ally!" I grinned, turning to Scott. I grabbed a mug of ale and sent it to him telekinetically, "so, what do you say Scott? Want to go blow something up?!"

He looked at me, the anger now focused, but not at his father, but at the empire that took everything from him. He took the ale and chugged it, finishing it in moments before wiping away the liquor from his lips and nodding, "let's do it."

"Wait, you people just decided to fight? Just like that?" Corsair asked, surprised and confused, "just who are you people?"

"Haven't you heard?" Quill stood up, proud, his c.h.e.s.t puffing out, "we're the Avengers of the Galaxy."

…..the Starjammers weren't impressed.

"What exactly are you avenging?" Ch'od asked.

"Eh...injustice?" Quill shrugged.

"Then shouldn't you be called something with justice in the name?" Corsair suggested.

"Justice squad," Hepzibah suggested before cl.i.c.k.i.n.g her teeth, "no, Justice Leag-"

"-I'm going to stop you right there," I cut her off, "let's not get into semantics. Our naming policy is still being discussed, just know that we are here to help," I grinned, "now, let's take down us an evil empire!"

Some time later:

We had divided into three teams, each in one of the sh.i.p.s. Peter, Felicia, Jessica, Drax, Rocket, Gamora and Carol were in the Milano. The Starjammers, sav Corsair, were in their ship and the rest were in the Liberty. I was in the pilot's seat, Johnny at navigations, and Corsair and Scott standing behind me, eager for the boarding to begin.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" came Quill's voice over the radio.

"Just a bit longer," said Corsair over my shoulder, "my sources tell me a Shi'ar scout ship will be coming around here soon enough, we just have to be patient."

"Fine," Quill rolled his eyes before hearing a noise coming from behind him, "hey! Knock it off! I just bought that bumper table!"

The feed cut off and I sighed, rubbing my eyebrows, I think I may have ADHD because all this waiting around was starting to get to me...or rather than silence was.

I turned, Corsair was sending Scott pleading looks, and Scott being Scott, ignored him. Honestly the tension alone between these two was bugging me...I suppose I have to do something about it.

"Scott," I got up from the seat, "can we talk?"

"What about?" he asked.

"Alone," I motioned to the conference room, "Johnny, you're flying."

"Hell yeah I am," he grinned, plopping down, adjusting the controls, "about time I took this baby for a spin."

Scott and I walked away, Corsair sending Scott looks as he did. We went inside the conference room and locked it from behind. Scott turned to me, arms crossed, "what's this about Pete?"

"You tell me," I leaned against the table, "you just got your supposedly dead father back and you aren't leaping over the moon."

Scott clicked his teeth, "so that's what this is about. Look, I know you mean well but now's not the time," he turned to leave.

"Scott wait," I spun my hand, lifting him up telekinetically and turning him around, "just listen, please man."

Scott growled, "don't ever do that to me again." I immediately released him and put my hands up in surrender.

"Look, I'm sorry, but we need to talk about this...whether you like it or not," I said slowly, "it's you dad man...not all of us are this lucky."

"You are," he replied, "you got your father back."

"And I never bonded with the man because I never gave him the chance," I replied, "he's honestly more like a stranger to me than a part of my life. If I'm being honest Professor Xavier is more of a father figure to me than Richard and you know how much he and I don't get along...Scott, I never really gave my dad the chance, and I regret it now...can you honestly say you would rather he still be dead?"

"Yeah Pete, I do," Scott spat, "because that would mean he didn't ignore me for years, that he didn't just forget about Alex and me, that he didn't not bother to search for us thinking we were dead, that didn't just write me off...Pete, he didn't even see if there was a body."

"I get that Scott, I do, but can you imagine how long he had been trapped?" I asked, "you mother was pregnant, but hadn't given birth yet when...that means he was kept as a slave for months before he escaped. And when he did he lost you mother in the most horrific way possible and I...Scott...I would have lost my mind if that had happened to Jean or Felicia…." or Jessica...or anyone of my god, these people...they were my family now… I tucked the realisation away and turned back to Scott, "by the time that all happened it must have been more than a year before he recovered mnetally from that trauma, if he thought you were dead then you would have been nothing more than a skeleton in the bottom of the sea."

"They why didn't he at least check?!" Scott cried out, "if I was dead then he should have at least buried my bones!"

"Do you think you could bury Rogue?" I asked him, "if you two seperated and she was you think you can bury her, after seeing everything you care about destroyed before you? Scott...I'm not saying forgive him, hell, he's not perfect, he is human though, technically speaking, and...everyone makes mistakes...would you honestly say you can handle everything that man has?"

Scott said nothing, but I could feel his anger subsiding. I walked past him and open the door, walking back to the c.o.c.kpit. I stood behind Johnny and Corsair, Scott would join when he was up to it.

"Hey Pete, I'm getting something on the scanners," Johnny suddenly spoke up.

I moved to the navigation and typed away, pulling up an image on the screen of a ship similar to the Starjammer, only this one had a blood red symbol on its side that resembled a crescent moon with teeth holding a diamond shaped ruby in its teeth.

"It's a Shi'ar scout ship," Corsair quickly stated, his eyes narrowing as his own anger pooled out.

"Quill, Starjammer," I opened communications, "keep them pinned down, the Liberty will bored them."

"On it," Quill replied.

"Understood," Ch'od, the pilot of the Starjammers, replied.

"Wait for an opening before flying in," Corsair told Johnny, "their scanners lose their accuracy on other things when firing at enemy sh.i.p.s at long distance."

"Sounds like a big chink in their armour," I snorted.

"One we can exploit," Corsair grinned as Johnny took us out of our hiding spot just as the Milano and the Starjammer swooped in, pinning the ship down with cover fire that pushed them into the debris field of planet Prevor-2344.

We watched as it devolved into a basic cat and mouse chase, the scout ship outmatched and outgunned, the fighters running for their lives, but managing only to barely avoid the hits before being forced into a corner.

"Now!" Corsair cried out, Johnny launched the ship forward and we blasted towards the scout ship.

"Alright guys, boarding time," I turned to the boarding team waiting in the kitchen. Carol, Logan, Bill, Sue, Groot, Tandy and Rogue. I grinned, this was going to be a piece of cake.

Ten minutes later:

"This was stupidly easy," Logan snorted as we tied up the crew of the Shi'ar scout ship in the hangar, locking them inside.

"A scout ship is designed for search and rescue, not to fight in battles," Corsair explained, "we'll have a harder time at the slave pits."

I agreed with the man as we set about exploring the ship. Corsair seemed to know his way around the ship, because of course he did.

We managed to find the main control ship and Corsair set about slicing into the security systems onboard, typing away until finally, "found it," he took out what looked to be a small circular chip from the terminal and held it up, "this will last us five days, and then they'll change them."

I hummed, "I see...can you tell me if this ship has any data on the Phoenix."

"Kid, how many times do I have to tell you? It's not a good idea messing with that thing," Corsair hissed, "it's dangerous."

"If Hepzibah was kidnapped, wouldn't you do what you can to get her back?" I asked.

Corsair was silent, meeting my eyes and holding them. He sighed, turning and typing away at the system, "how did you know?"

"I'm a people person," I shrugged. Sue and Logan snorted, I glared at them.

"Found it," Corsair sighed, "it seems this wasn't just any scout ship, but one sent to gather more intel on the energy signature the Phoenix let off. It's a special until from the planet Sinthoes and according to them...they might have a way of tracking it!"

"What?!" I looked at the screen, my eyes growing wide in horror. It was a mission report claiming that they needed more energy data in order to perfect their tracking system. So a galactic empire that spanned hundreds if not thousands of planets was now going after Jean. Perfect, just perfect.

Back on the Milano:

We were all gathered in the cargo bay of the Milano again, Scott now significantly more silent, standing far away form his father as possible.

"So they can track Jean?" Felicia whispered, fear in her tone, "can...can she win?"

"Yes but," I stopped, unfamiliar with the source comics well enough to know if the host of the Phoenix ever got injured, "I don't know…."

"We have to stop them," Scott spoke up, gaining everyone's attention, "you saw the result of the last time they fought. What if this time it isn't just a barren planet they kill but something...more?"

"That wouldn't be a smart thing to do," Corsair spoke up.

Scott glared at his father, "and why not?"

"Because of where they're building this tracker," Corsair explained, "it's on the planet Sinthoes. A...horrible place. It's where most of the slaves go to be...experimented on. The entire planet is a fortress, filled with soldiers and slaves and the cutting edge of Shi'ar science."

"We could sneak in," Felicia spoke up, "the Liberty can sneak into the planet and I can get the files and sabotage the system."

"It would be too risky," Corsair replied, "one wrong move and the whole planet will come down on top of you."

"Then it's a good mistake I don't make mistakes," Felicia replied with a glare. I reached out and took her hand in mine, she sighed, relaxing herself, she cared for Jean just as much as I did after all.

"We need those plans," I spoke up, "Jean's powers are dangerous, we saw the result of that first hand. If she gets into a full on war with the Shi'ar then...we can't risk it, not now, not ever so we need to get those plans. And we are, the only question is Corsair, are you with us, or against us?"

The man sighed, shaking his head, "you people are crazy...fine, we're in. But you listen to me, got that? If I think this plans going to shitter we leave."

"You aren't our captain," Scott glared.

"He is, technically," Quill pointed at me before forning, "why exactly are we following an eighteen year old kid again?"

Gamora shrugged, "who cares, but Corsair is correct. He knows the place best, I suggest we listen to him."

I nodded, "agreed. So space pirate," I turned to the man, "how are we going to do this?"

Near Sinthoes, deep inside Kree space:

We came out of a jump point, all of us now squeezed into The Liberty, having left the Milano and the Starjammer behind to avoid being detected. Johnny was at the helm with the rest of us gathered in the conference room, sitting around the round table.

"You know, I really should be flying," Carol grumbled, "I am literally an airforce pilot."

"You won't nag me to death," I shivered, "I swear to God, one time Johnny literally cried to let him fly. It was not fun...anyway," I turned to Corsair, '' are we doing this?'

Corsair stepped up, sighing, "for the record, I still think this is a crazy stupid plan and it's risky at best and downright sucidal at worst, but here goes," he tapped on the tables terminal and pulled up a hologram of the planet we were aproaching.

The planet was barren, red dust hued and covered with giant metallic domed cities littering it's surface like acne on a teenager that didn't wash their face.

"This is where we need to go," Corsair pointed at the largest domed city on the planet, "that's Sector B, the second most highly guarded area on the planet. It's used mainly for research, Liberty should be small enough to avoid their sensors but, and this is the tricky part, getting in will be tough. They have a laser grid surrounding the station as well as motion sensors all around the surface, the only way in-"

"Is through a ventilation staff on the outside," Felicia cut him off.

Corsair blinked in surprise, "yes, how did you know?"

"Inflitrate one Nazi testing site, inflitrate them all, plus, I can see the schematics on the screen," Felicia pointed a claw at the domned city's 3D schemes before us, "I can get in and get the information out of the system."

"You'll need a security code," Corsair replied as he took out a red cube with black lines running down its sides, "insert this into the console in the main security room and you'll get access to the files you need."

"She does this alone?" Hepzibah asked in shock.

"Trust me Kitty, I'm a professional," Felicia purred, which seemed to annoy the more cat like alien who hissed in annoyance.

"She shouldn't do this alone," Corsair replied, "she'll be hard pressed to find the security files on her own."

"I can manage," Felicia hissed.

"That may be, but this is an alien system and you don't necessarily know where the files will be located."

"I... fine, suggestions?"

Corsair turned to Hepzibah, "during our own escape it was Hepzibah who helped with the security systems. She will be perfect for this mission."

Felicia hummed, "think you can handle it?"

"I know I can," the white furred feline hissed.

"Now, while team Silver Cats do that, we'll break the prisoners out," I spoke up, earning me an elbow from Felicia at the name. I smiled and continued, "anyway, where will the prisoners be located?"

"What?" Corsair blinked, "what are you talking about? We are not here for them, we are just here for the information, the moment we get that we are leaving."

"We aren't leaving until we free every single one of them," Scott hissed, "you can't expect us to just do nothing."

"He's right," Carol nodded, "it's not right. We need to do something."

"There are thousands of slaves on the planet," Corsair replied, "how do you plan on getting them all out?"

"We could use their own sh.i.p.s," Rocket snorted as he pulled up the schematics for the planet, revealing several large sh.i.p.s in the shuttle bay of the doomed cities, "each city has one of these giant sh.i.p.s, just load all the prisoners into a ship and take them out."

"Those sh.i.p.s are heavily protected and are set to self destruct if anyone else other than the authorised users use them," Corsair quickly pointed out, "they are used in case the scientists on the planet need to evacuate so of course they will be heavily guarded."

"S.e.xy can take care of the self destruction protocols," I spoke up, tapping the table's panel to relieve a hidden compartment inside. I pulled out a specially designed galactic USB drive, handing it to Felicia, "put this into the security system and S.e.xy will have access within seconds."

"I'm sorry, but what is S.e.xy?" Corsair blinked.

"I am, Major Summers," S.e.xy's robotic voice called out.

"A machine?" Corsair blinked, "th-that's….amamzing."

"Yup, so we'll split up and focus on the cities with the most slaves," I pulled up the planet's schematics once more, "from what I can tell Sector X, R and A have the most prisoners and the most security. S.e.xy, while on board, hack into and release every slave in every base, hopefully the others can make it out on their own."


"Wait, wait, this is not a good idea," Corsair spoke up quickly, "even if you free them, what then? You'll have nearly a hundred thousand mouths to feed and no place for them to be. Do you just expect them to be floating in space forever?"

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, he possessed a good enough question. But just then Wanda spoke up, "well it just so happens that Peter recently acquired some real estate, three habitable planets. That should be enough, yes? At least for the time being?"

I swear I could kiss that woman. I grinned, "she's right, there will be more than enough space on one of three planets in my star system for them to live on. At least until they figure out what their next step is going to be. We can program the sh.i.p.s to get their on their own once everyone has boarded."

"I should be able to set the sh.i.p.s the Shi'arians have to auto-pilot once their on board," S.e.xy helpfully added.

"You people...are crazy, just insane," Corsair slammed his hands onto the table with enough force to cause the hologram before us to flicker, "you're picking a fight with one of the largest empires in the galaxy, do you understand that? We kept our heads down and been, admittedly, nothing more than a nuisance, but what you're saying...the Shi'ar Empire has declared war for less reasons."

"And we don't run from a fight," Scott spoke up, glaring down at his father, "this is who we are. We're the Avengers, we protect those who can't protect themselves. So either help us or get out of the way."

"Son, you'll die if you do this! The Emperor won't stand for it!"

"If he has a problem with it he can kiss my a.s.s," Scott roared, "we don't listen to the cares and wants of monsters, we fight the monsters. And we are doing this, whether you like it or not..."

Corsair looked at his son in what felt like longing and heartbreak. The man was torn up inside, scared for his son's survival, not that I can blame him. He was silent for a long time, but then his teammates moved, placing a gentle hand each upon his shoulders. He looked at them and then nodded in approval, the man sighed.

"Fine...we'll help you, but don't expect this to be easy. We have the element of surprise and that's about it," Corsiar grumbled, "we wait until Hepzibah and," he turned to Felicia.

"Felicia," Kitten supplied.

"Ms. Felicia get the information we need and get out," Corsair replied, "and when they are safely back on board we'll begin operations to extract the prisoners."

"How long until security comes for us?" Logan asked, "I imagine the onsite security forces will be not be very welcoming."

"We'll be facing mostly flight sh.i.p.s and aerial units," Ch'od grumbled as new images came up. The flight sh.i.p.s looked around the size of the Liberty, only it had far too many weapons on for anyone's liking, and the areal units just had a jetpack float unit with a large gun on hand.

"Johnny, Carol and I will be in the air, we'll take the air units, make a big lightshow and get everyone's attention," I nodded to the units, "while we do that S.e.xy will be inside the system and release every prisoner inside from their cages, the rest of you will help them take over the ground units and guide them to the sh.i.p.s. We'll split up into three groups, one for sector A, X and R, we begin at the same time, hopefully catching off guard."

"Will you be turning into Godzilla again?" Wanda asked.

I smirked, "thinking it, why? You want to be my second?"

Wanda grumbled, "...I think so."

"Yes, alright Corsair, what are our chances?"

"Honestly? Nearly 0," he sighed, "I told you, Shi'ar soldiers are more than a normal human can handle, this will be a tough fight." Why does he...oh, right, he still thinks we're just run of the mill mutants, boy is he in for a surprise.

Sue smiled, "well then, it's a good thing we aren't normal."

Johnny flew us into Stones and quickly came upon Sector B. Opening the main hatch I looked outside and saw the daunting task ahead. The doomed city was larger than the main city of Xandar, hard to believe it was only used for research. The scientist in me was fascinated with the discoveries they would be making inside those walls, the rest of me however was disgusted by the methods through which said discoveries were being made.

I looked over the dome and spotted the ventilation shaft on the diagram we had. I crouched down and raised my hand, "Wanda, power me up," she nodded pressed her hand on my back silently, I focused on my hand and a psionic arm blasted out of my palm, reaching forward like a bridge of energy, reaching the ventilation cover and prying it apart.

I pulled the arm back and them shaft cover came with it, opening up the shaft for access. I set the cover aside and we moved out of the way. Hepzibah and Felicia stepped up, the latter now fully suited up in her specially made stealth suit.

"Think you can make it?" Jessica pointed to the ventilation opening.

Felicia rolled her shoulders, "should be easy enough."

"We'll be watching you through the camera on your suit," I spoke up, pulling up said feed onto the screen over the pilot's seat, "if you need our help, just say 'Hamburgers', but like the way Steve Martin says it."

Felicia raised an eyebrow, "'umbooger?"


She rolled her eyes but smiled, tapping her helmet, activating her full face mask save her mane of silver hair that was let loose down her back. She took a running start and jumped, easily clearing the twenty feet drop, shooting down the ventilation shaft like it was made out of butter.

"Good reflexes," Hepzibah admitted, she turned to Corsair and smiled, leaning in for a kiss before following right behind Felicia, almost mimicking her moves down to the minutest of details.

The door was shut and we all turned to Felicia's body cam. She was crawling through the vents on her stomach, several vents passing by.

"S.e.xy, freeze frame and enhance," I called out, pointing to one passing by cover. It was the inside of a lab, where a man, at least it looked like a man, was being cut open and dissected. The worst part was that I could see his heart still beating.

"Monsters," Carol hissed, her eyes sparkling with energy. I growled, but kept silent, the room just grew a little more eager to kick some a.s.s.

We turned back to Felicia's camera and saw her pull up the schematics for the building. Wa waited with baited breath for them to reach the main security room wherein they encountered their first problem.

"Is that a laser security system inside their air vents?" Jessica asked in awe, "damn that's smart."

"Yes, it is," Corsair hummed, "that wasn't in the plans the scout ship was carrying."

"It's not a problem," I smiled.

Felicia held out a finger and inserted it into one of the ports of the laser lines and in seconds the system shut down. They turned to me confused, "I had an AI system built into her suit called Kitty Protector, it's specially designed for onsite hacking. Not as powerful as S.e.xy, since it's limited to only her suit, but it's smart enough to compete with any system the Shi'ar have."

We watched Felicia and Hepzibah crawl to a vent cover, on the other side was a large room with several people working inside. There were at least a dozen technicians, half a dozen security guards and live feed from every room in the sector displayed up on a large holographic monitor before them.

Felicia used her vibranium claws and carefully cut the vent cover, pulling it inside and setting it aside. She turned to Hepzibah and whispered, "I'm going after their security systems, stop them from calling backup. Think you can handle them for a few seconds?"

Hepzibah snarled, flashing a smile that sent a shiver down my spine, I could almost smell the bloodl.u.s.t from here, "gladly."

They waited to the count of three before jumping out. Felicia was first, she had her stealth mode on, making her invisible to the nake eye. She jumped out, leapt over several of the technicians and reached the main terminal where she put in my drive port, allowing access for S.e.xy.

"S.e.xy gain control over all their systems now," I called out as I moved to the navigation, pulling up the firewalls the Shi'ar system had active, helping my AI take it down.

While I did that I saw Felicia and Hepzibah make short work of the soldiers and workers in the room. Felica still remained invisible, allowing her some mercy in how she dealt with them, knocking them out with well timed hits. Hepzibah on the other hand soon had her claws and fur covered in blood.

It was like watching a murder machine, she made quick work of the gaurds, doging blaster fire and guards like a stream through rocks. She slashed their necks and eyes, and soon she turned her attention to the workers.

Felicia had just finished knocking out a majority of them when he noticed Hepzibah about to slash open the throat of a female Shi'ar scientist. She quickly reached out and grabbed her hand, holding it away from the neck of the scientist, dropping her stealth suit in the process.

"That's enough," Felicia hissed, "we don't kill if we can avoid it."

"She deserves it," Hepzibah snarled, "you don't know the things she is guilty off."

"No, but killing her makes you the monster they think you are," Felica pushed her hand away before kicking the Shi'ar woman unconscious, "S.e.xy, you in yet?"

"Almost Ms. Hardy, just give me a second," came the AI's voice as it began to gain access not only to sector B but every one of the 29 sectors on Sinthoes, using their connected systems as a bridgeway to every connected area on the face of the planet.

I also looked through the research files they had on site and copied everything they had, never know when it could be useful, after all the Shi'ar are the leading experts on genetic anomalies.

It took a while, during which time Felicia and Hepzibah made their way back to the ship, having Wanda telekinetically lift them back onboard.

"We're in," I announced the moment they got inside, "now we split up, everyone remember your assignments?" they all nodded, "then let's move out!"

We traveled to sector A, X and R, disabling the security systems of each one through the back door I made via S.e.xy and had each team wait on the top of the dome with their assigned aerial support.

Johnny took sector A, Carol X and I took R. With me was Felicia, Logan, Scott, Corsair and Wanda with the others split up among the other sectors and Tandy and Carina staying behind on the ship.

We all got into position and on my signal, we began the attack.

Scott blasted a hole through the dome large enough for the others to fit through. Before jumping in Corsair turned to me, "are you sure you can handle this?"

I nodded, "yeah, I got Wanda to back me up, don't I?" I grinned.

Corsair sighed, "fine...just be careful," he turned it the hole and jumped down, landing in the corridor below before rushing behind the others, heading to the slave cells below.

"Peter, I'm unable to prevent the emergency signal from being sent to the Shi'ar security forces, they will be arriving in moments."

"We can handle them, have you finished releasing the prisoners in every other sector?" I asked.

"Yes, but chances of their escape without assistance from us is very low," the AI replied.

"We can't save them all," I whispered, though I felt the guilt of failure weigh me down.

Just then Wanda placed her hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze, "we save who we can, we can always come back for the rest."

I smiled, "going soft on me Maximoff?"

Wanda snorted, "what can I say? You grow on me."

A metal whistle suddenly rang out. We both turned and sure enough the small sh.i.p.s and flight units were coming for us, deployed from an off site facility away from the dome. It was smart really, this way they avoided being compromised like the way the sectors were.

"Godzilla time?" she asked.

"Godzilla," I nodded. She grabbed my hand and held on tight. I closed my eyes and focused and slowly my psionic energy began to take shape. It grew and grew until slowly I stood in the heart of a seventy foot monster with dorsal plates running down its spine and a draconic like face staring out in the distance.

It took a deep breath and let out in a furious roar that seemed to shake the entire world, "SKREEEONGK!"

With the squad at sector R:

The roar shook the whole domed city of sector R. Corsair had to stop in his tracks, his hands were shaking, "what the hell was that?!"

"That was Peter doing his Godzilla impression," Scott snorted, "kind of cool, but don't ever tell him that or you won't hear the end of it."

"Oh you have no idea," Felicia rolled her eyes.

"Godzilla? That Japaness movie?" Corsair replied in a confused tone as he continued to follow the others down the long hall.

"It's a long story," Logan grunted.

"Stop right there!" from the corner several security personnel showed up armed to the teeth with weapons, "don't move and do not resist arrest-"


Scott blasted them with a quarter of his optic blasts full power, sending them all flying away into a wall. Corsair turned to his son in shock, "that's your power?"

"Surprised?" Scott snorted as they continued their mission.

"No reminded me of someone else I know who can manipulate energy..."


"Alex...he showed signs of his powers when he was five, a year after you were born."

Scott was quiet for a moment, but then whispered, "could he...could he control it?"

"It was an fifty-fifty. It tied in with his emotions and he was young, any kid would have trouble controlling their you have trouble with your powers?"

"...Yes, that's why I wear this thing," he tapped his visor.

"I know, I helped Alex control his powers, maybe-"

"-Guys, I'm tracking a whole squadron of soldiers on the other side of this door," Felicia called out as they stopped at a dead end, "can we save the family bonding for later."

Corsair looked disappointed but nodded, "right, some other time maybe," he nodded at his son who begrudgingly nodded back.

"What are we waiting for?" Logan moved ahead, cracking his knuckles and releasing his claws, "lets get some."

"After you," Felicia stepped to the side and pressed her finger against the security panel, allowing her personal AI Leo access into the system and open the door wide open.

Logan smirked as he walked in, "hello bub, who's first?"

Five minutes later:

"That was-"

"-Fun," Logan smiled.

Corsair grinned back, "my words exactly. I've never seen someone fight like that. Who taught you?"

"I taught myself bub," Logan grunted as he sniffed the air, "I can smell people ahead, they smell sterilized, clean."

"Must be the prisoners," Corsair replied as they quickly made down the corridor, running into a large group of armed and angry looking aliens dressed in blue and silver hospital gown, like the kind back on Earth.

"Get them!" the one leading the slave cried out.

"Wait!" Corsair tried to yell in warning but they didn't listen. Scott stepped in front of his father and quickly blasted the ground before them creating a small crater, sacring the prisoners back several steps.

"Another step and the next one goes through your eyes," Scott warned as his fingers stayed on his visor.

"Look we're here to help," Felicia spoke up, "we want the same thing you do, to get you out of here, understand?"

"And why would you want to help us?!" one of the frightened prisoners cried out. She couldn't have been no more than a child about to experience her first tenth birthday, but she looked frail and skinny with so many scars running down her hands it resembled the tattoo sleeve of a Mohican. She was bald with green skin and small red lines running around her eyes, very similar to the markings Drax had.

"Because I was one of you," Corsair spoke up again, placing a hand on Scott and nodding to him. He stepped around his son and stood exposed, confident, "I was captured, enslaved. My wife murdered before me, my unborn son taken from me. I lost everything to the Shi'ar Empire and I want vengeance, my name is Corsair of the Starjammers and we are here to save you, all of you."

"Forget saving us! They need to die!" someone cried out.

"You do that and you waste what little time you have!" Corsair hissed, "the biggest insult the Shi'ar could take is having you all escape and live! You all know how the Emperor gets! A few lives of his soldiers is nothing! You stay here and kill them and you will surely die! But if you live and escape, then you become a stain on his reputation, one he will never wash away. So tell me what it is you want to do? Become a stain forever in the face of the Emperor, thrown at his side, or a forgotten memory he would forget upon the enslavement of another system?"

They looked at each other, unsure. They were silent for a long time before the little girl from before stepped forward, "if we follow you, will you protect us?"

Corsair looked at the girl with not pity, but determination, "yes, I will. I swear it on my life."

The slaves slowly seemed to come around, nodding in agreement with Corsair.

"Felicia, the sh.i.p.s?" Corsair turned to the silver haired Earth woman.

"Already prepared and ready to go," she pulled up the map and displayed a holographic image before her, "we need to go down that hallway" she pointed to her left, "and we'll get there soon. But Leo is telling me we have five dozen guards waiting for us."

"We will kill them all," the little girl from before called out, "we will not stay and kill, but we will kill who stay in our way to freedom."

Corsair nodded, "fine, now let's go!"


The entire building shook again. Some of the prisoners looks scared as they huddled closely together.

"Is it s demon?"

"Has Galactus finally come for this wretched planet?"

"Silent you fool, he is but a myth."

"Relax," Felicia spoke up, "that thing is on our side. He's just showing off."

They quickly moved, Felicia taking the lead as she had the map. They reached the doors to the ship bay and the seconds Felicia opened it the slaves rushed in.

It wasn't even a fight, it was a masseur. The sixty or so guards were overwhelmed by the literal hundreds of slaves before them. Some died, some got injured, but the rest mauled them down like corn on a field.

While the prisoners did that Felicia turned out the sh.i.p.s docked in the bay, three giant blue cruiser class sh.i.p.s with weapons littering the side and the symbol for the Shi'ar Empire on its side. S.e.xy opened the doors for them and Felicia and the others got to work guiding every single prisoner inside the sh.i.p.s.

By accessing the security systems they managed to locate every single cl.u.s.ter of prisoners that was still in the city sized research facility and using the inbuilt communications system got a message out to all of them to come to her for immediate evacuation.

It took some time to convince them it wasn't a trap, but the little slave girl from before was instrumental in this as apparently she was something of a protected and treasured idol in the prisoner pits. She was known for her temper and stubbornness, there was no chance the Shi'ar could have convinced her to switch sides.

"We're almost done," Corsair told the others as they guided the last of the prisoners in sector R inside the sh.i.p.s, "we're just waiting for the last batch before leaving."

"Are we going with them?" Scott asked.

Felicia nodded, "yes, the sh.i.p.s are programed to take them to...the Marvel system," she rubbed her temples, "such a stupid name. Anyway, we guide them to the planet and we wait for the others."

Corsair nodded, "sounds simple enough, Peter and the others?"

"The Liberty will be picking them up," Felicia replied.

Suddenly Corsair's comes started to ring. Tapping his ear piece the man activated the speaker setting, "yes?"

"My love! He's hear! It's a trap!" Hepzibah's loud and frantic voice cried out.

"Hepzibah? What's wrong?!" Corsair cried out, "what do you mean it's a trap?"

"The scout sh.i.p.s were bait! They wanted you here! Thy are looking for you and they know where you are!" she cried out quickly.

"Who? Who's looking for me?"

"T-The Gladiator and Vulcan," she shuddered.

Corsair grew stiff as a board, his lips parted as his skin began to go pale, "n-no, not them."

"Summers? You alright?" Logan asked.

"Hepzibah! Where are you? What happened to you are you alright?!" Corsair cried out.

"The moment they learnt you weren't here they left my love! They don't even care about the prisoners escaping! Just you! Run my love! Run!"

Corsair cut the call and turned to the others, "we need to go, now!"

"Who was that dad? Who's coming after you?" Scott asked, worried about the man who he unknowingly acknowledged as his father.

"The Shi'ar Empier's top enforcers! I knew this was too easy to be true!" Corsair cried out.


The doors to the shuttle bay were suddenly blasted apart with a force of explosion so strong it blasted the galactic metal apart and into one of the sh.i.p.s, tearing it half in the process, killing everyone inside.

The harsh desert winds of the outside planet came rushing in as a blizzard of dust and sand pelted Corsair and the others.

"My my, it seems we finally get to meet face to face," came a casual cruel voice. They looked up and found two figures flying down towards them, both men and both bearing the emblem of the Shi'ar Empire on their shoulders.

One was purple with a mohawk on his head and pointed ears like an elf. He wore a red and blue skin tight suit with a high collar cape. On his c.h.e.s.t was the insignia for a golden triangle that didn't connect in the top left corner. He radiated raw power, his muscles so tightly packed you could clearly see the definitions of every fiber of his being.

The other looked relatively human. He too wore a red and blue suit with a tucked in purple cape. He has jet-black and glowing yellow hands and eyes with a smirk on his face. He was smaller than the purple alien next to him, but no less powerful or dangerous.

"I knew it was a risk, but it paid off, didn't it Gladiator?" the younger one smirked.

"Yes my Prince Vulcan, ti was, I'm sure the Emperor will be very pleased," the Gladiator said, his eyes however locked onto Corsair and didn't move.

"Oh please, the only thing that will ever make my father happy is a new whore to warm his bed," Vulcan said before looking down and locking eyes with Felicia, "oh my, well look at you. It seems Corsair keeps some fine company these days. What is your name pretty thing?"

"First name Ivana last name Tinkle," Felicia growled, releasing her nails.

Vulcon blinked, "Ivana Tinkle...oh, cute. I appreciate a woman with a sense of humor. You'll be a fine bed warmer, I think I'll keep you for myself, my father has enough."

"Vulcan this is between you and me, so leave the other out of it," Corsair spoke up as he stepped forward, "come on Prince, do you really want rapist to be added to your list of faults?"

"Trust me Corsair, a few moments into our night together she will be begging for my embrace," Vulcan winked at Felicia, "but business first before p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e," he turned to Corsair and slowly the aura of energy around his body began to increase, "by the order of the Emperor, I, Prince Vulcan, will now carry out your execution. Are there any objections?"

"Yeah," a new voice came in, the two flying figures turned just in time to find a large red reptilian tail come flying at them, smashing them into the bay walls.

A red seventy foot monster stood over them and inside it's transparent body was a very angry looking man with a red hooded woman standing behind him, "what's this I hear about your embrace?"

With Peter:

I would like to think of myself as a guy who learns from his mistakes. Like attacking someone who flirts with my girlfriend, breaking their arm, is wrong and I shouldn't do it, being so short tempered is a bad thing.

But this guy just suggested **** and I think that's reason enough to be pissed.

The asshole who suggested raping my girlfriend was the first to get up, "what in the name of Galactus-"


A blast of psionic energy came roaring out of my Godzilla'' s mouth, blasting him and his companion back down to the ground. I kept it going, forming a crater in the middle of the shuttle bay, forcing them into a deeper and deeper pit.

"Felicia! Get everyone the sh.i.p.s and leave!" I roared.

"Right!" Felicia cried back, "we'll meet you at the Marvel system!" She and Logan moved, but for some reason Corsair and Scott didn't.

I didn't have time to focus on that though as I suddenly felt something rumbling underground. I looked down and to my surprise I saw the wannabe rapist from before standing in the middle of my psionic blast like it was but a breath of fresh air.

He smiled, "is this the best you can do?"

I activated my Web Vision and released what he was doing. He was...absorbing my energy. Woah...who the f.u.c.k is this guy?

I immediately cut off my attack, no reason to waste any more energy on him. I looked down and searched the creator for his friend, he was missing, I was about to search for him with Web Vision as well when suddenly the ground beneath my feet cracked wide open.


Something flew up, trekking through my Godzilla like wax paper. Wanda grabbed me immediately and floated us down, flying above us was a being I recognized immediately and not for the right reasons.

Gladiator, Marvel's answer to Superman, well him an Hyperion. But this guy...I did not think I would be seeing him.

"Well what's this? Another beauty? Do you just surround yourself with beautiful women or are you just this lucky?" The arrogant energy eater asked as he floated out of the crater and landed before us, Gladiator flying above him like a guardian angel.

"Touch me and you're dead," Wanda hissed, her eyes glowing red. I turned to Scott and Corsair, spotting them hiding behind the ruins of the shuttle bay doors destroyed when they were blasted open. I opened a telepathic chanel with Scott and relayed to him my plans.

"Ah, a spicy little thing, I wonder what you're energy will taste like," he smiled, raising his hand and sending a blast of energy at us.

"Look out!" I summoned a Shield of Sharum and fending off the attack. But then the yellow blast of energy ended and Gladiator came charging in. He was so quick, even my reflexes only manage dot grab the few seconds of his attack, giving me just enough time to send out a psionic blast of energy hitting him in the head and deflecting him to the side.

"The douche in the cape is weak to energy attacks, the rapist is an energy leach and manipulator. I'll take the leach you keep Gladiator down," I told Wanda.

"Got it," she crossed her arms and raised them, the floor suddenly came alive and wrapped itself around the slowly rising Gladiator, encasing him in a cocoon of steel.

"Impressive, you managed to understand and develop a counter to our powers in mere moments," the douche with glowing eyes smirked, "and it's Vulcan, Prince Vulcan. And like I like, a few momments into our night it won't be **** anymore."

"Right," I shot out a web line at his head, reaching up, he grabbed it and held it up, looking at it curiously. "Won't be able to absorb this," I said, pulling him with all my might and fliging him into the air.

He quickly regained balance and levitated in the air, "was that really your plan?"

"Now Scott!" I cried out, turning to Scott and Corsair who leaped out of their hiding place.


A blast of red energy hit Vulcan in the back, sending him flying across the air. I smirked, he can't absorb energy he didn't know was coming for him, it was a wager, but if his energy leaching was automatic then I would have never been able to hit him with my Godzilla tail.

"My Prince!" Gladiator cried out, he flexed and suddenly, Wanda powers were ripped apart like it was nothing.

"AH!" Wanda cried out in pain, I quickly ran to her side and held her as she held her head in pain. She panted, sweat pooling across her brow, "h-he's too strong. I've never felt anything like it. He's been playing with us all this time."

I looked at Gladiator who helped Vulcan back on his feet. The boy looked angry, beyond angry. He reached up and tore his now destroyed cape and threw it away, "you got lucky. Gladiator, end this. Bring me their heads."

"Are you command, my Prince," Gladiator rose in the air and for a second I felt fear strike deep within my heart. My mind started to spin, I was fighting a guy who was essentially Superman, so how do I beat a man like that?

No kryptonite I know off, no weaknesses. Magic and energy seem to only halt him for seconds, Wanda is far stronger than me and she failed. I saw only one option, my final card.

I reached into my mind and saw the mental manifestation of Thor's powers before me. I reached out and grabbed hold.


Gladiator launched himself at supersonic speeds. My spider sense blared and my body moved automatically. He was getting closer and closer and I was already leaping away, drawing his attention.

I felt thunder running down my body, raw untapped energy burst through. Gladiator's eyes slowly winded, he flew faster, his shoulder coming at stomach, colliding like a bullet train. I brought me knee up, thunder roared as I hit his solar plex in return.

Every part of my body started to flinch in pain. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. My stomach rupture, I felt something tear. My spine cracked, I hear bones break, the lower two ribs were ripped apart.

My entire body flinched, I felt my arms release my stingers on pure instincts.


Time seemed to restart at that point. I was sent flying back, the tips of my stingers striking across Gladiator's face cutting him deeply. I was sent flying into a wall where I collapsed into a heap.

I was panting blood, it flooded out my body freely. I felt my brain forcing itself to stay away despite everything telling it to shut down to save energy. My suit held everything in, but I could see how mangled and destroyed my gut was as it looked like a jenga tower about to collapse.

I don't' know how I was so calm, maybe it was shock. I looked up and saw Gladiator standing over me with one hand against his cheek, wincing in pain.

"You cut me, nothing has ever done that before," he pulled away his hand and flinched at the sight of his blood, "you...are no ordinary mortal," his hand then moved to his stomach, "you lick like a hammer. You are powerful...but raw. You cannot even control your own strength can you?"

"PETER!" Wanda cried out.

"Kill him Gladiator, I order you!" Vulcan cried out.

"Shut up!" Scott roared as he stepped forward, my eyes blinked and I saw red as he fired at Vulcan.

"How?! Who are you?!" Vulcan cried out. Vulcan...I know that name...I know him...he's...someone...I can't...focus. He and Scott fired beams of energy at each other, red met yellow, powers that didn't give in to each other.

I looked up, I saw Wanda throwing everything she can at Gladiator, he ripped through them all. He was beginning to look annoyed, he turned his back to me, ready to charge Wanda when I spoke, "hey shit lord."

He turned, his eyes wide in surprise. Wanda threw a large crate at him and his knocked it aside without even looking, "you are still alive? I am impressed, many would have died by now. You must be in so much not worry, it will pass."

I raised my hand, he looked at it curiously. "C-closer, final words."

He seemed ready to humor me as he did move closer, leaning forward, bending over me, "what is it? I will remember them, I swear to you."

I snapped my fingers and in a shift in dimensions, my greatest weapon came into being around my hand. I grabbed it's handle with all my remaining strength and thrust it forward, plugging it into Gladiator's c.h.e.s.t.

He moved away in shock but I had already won. "Attack and keep Vulcan busy, buy us enough time to escape," I spat out quickly. The Mindstone in the crossguard of the Patick sword glowed at my command.

Gladiator's eyes glowed yellow as he stood up, the blade came out of his c.h.e.s.t, there was no wound, this blade did not hurt the body, but the mind. He turned and in a burst of speed changed Vulcan.

"Gladiator?! What are you doing?!" Vulcan cried out in horror as he turned his attention from Scott to protecting himself from Gladiator's hits.

I snapped my fingers and dismissed the blade, collapsing on the ground. The last thing I saw was Wanda standing over me, grief and panic riddling her face as she grabbed me and raised me up.

I heard the roar of the Liberty's engine come to life. I saw the ceiling of the Liberty and then a flash of white light from Tandy's hand's. I tried to hold on, I knew I couldn't let myself get distracted, I had to tell Scott, I had to tell him the truth.

Vulcan, I remember now, Vulcan is his brother.

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