Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 85 - Embers of the Phoenix Part 4


Gwen Stacy: Spider-woman:

Swinging across New York was something Gwen grew to love. At first, she was afraid, so afraid. She couldn't even think of stepping off the ledge of a building, but now, well, she didn't want to brag, but she doubted even Peter could move like she could.

Okay, maybe comparing herself to the original Spider might be a bit much, but Gwen honestly feels like she earned it. It's been nearly a year since she began spinning her web and well, she's seen a lot go down.

Harry was there to help her as Glider of course. And while they didn't really get along at first, given his massive inferiority complex, they did eventually get along. Get really along.

He wasn't that bad of a boyfriend, but he wasn't that great of one either. It was the job, swinging around town and fighting crime didn't give either of them the time to have a normal relationship. For them date night would be taking down a drug deal in some alley somewhere and celebrate with pizza afterwards.

Gwen landed on a gargoyle down on Hell's Kitchen and sighed. She was early, the Devil told her to come at nine, she had ten minutes. Ten minutes to rest. She leaned back on the ugly gargoyle statue and pulled off her mask.

Her costume had remained the same design, but the material was vastly different. Unstable molecule fiber, a gift from Peter. Best gift she ever got. Never stained too badly or got ripped up. It could also change into any design she wanted.

She did abuse it several times, often scanning the latest expensive fashion trend, basically pirating the design. But hey, she was risking her life everyday, it was the least the world owed her.

But still, life was...odd for Gwen Stacy. And it feels like it all started that day eight two months ago Peter Parker said goodbye to Earth. Almost a week later to the exact hour, she and her dad were watching TV, watching HYDRA get a pardon.

To say Twitter blew up would be an understatement. Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people were rushing to push back against the referendum. Thousands of change dot org petitions were put up, almost all achieving hundreds of thousands of signatures.

Of course nothing came off it. Gwen had never seen anything like it, the outrage people felt, it was uncanny. Her father once said that it was because people knew injustice when they saw it, Harry however disagreed, he said it was because of Peter's action, and frankly Gwen was inclined to believe the latter.

But things died down, as they always do. The world kept spinning and slowly details came out to clarify exactly what it meant that HYDRA was being pardoned off.

The deal was based on the old World War II era project Paperclip, where scientsts who worked for the Nazi party were pardoned and brought to America. They were pardoned, hidden and given funding to make America weapons.

One side held the position that they were terrorists, they needed to be put behind bars. The other side claimed the people had done no act of terror, and until they were outed, they had been working for SHIELD, actively preventing terrorists. HYDRA was more a religious ideology than terrorist organization these days anyway.

It was a case of perceived crime versus actual crime. Just because they belonged to a terrorist organization doesn't mean they killed anyone. It was a flimsy argument, an o.b.s.c.e.n.e one, but one that was defended upon by so many people it became a popular narrative.

Talking politics was a taboo in most people's lives. If you talked politics, well, you best be ready for a fight. A lot of people considered attacks on HYDRA an attack to the right of having and practising a different ideology. It became a matter of belief, which is why no one talked about it.

Peter had the best of intentions at heart, Gwen knew that. But when he did what he did, he didn't root out the parasite root and stem, no, sadly he only chopped down the stem, believing and trusting the world to do the rest. Gwen still feels in that regard, she and the world failed him.

"You're early," came a gruff voice.

Gwen smiled, turning around to see the Devil looking out at the city, standing on the church's cross, hanging off it, ready to move in a moment's notice. "You complaining?" Gwen asked, standing up.

"No...there's been a shootout downtown."

Gwen's eyes winded, "who?"

"...The Irish."

The Devil shook his head, "they didn't shoot anyone, they were the victims."

Gwen's eyes winded, "is it...a gang war?"

The Devil looked down, his crimson mask hiding his face, but his frown was obvious enough, "no...something worse. Come on, it's going to be a long night."

Gwen said nothing, simply nodding at the man who became her mentor. He trained her for this, he may not be a world famous fighter, but he was a damn good one. And she was his best student.

She slipped on her mask and took a deep breath. He leaped off the cross, she jumping behind him, grabbing his waist and firing off a web line, swinging them across the road, making their way downtown. Whatever this new enemy was, they were in for a smackdown.

Norman Osborn: CEO of Oscorp:

Norman Osborn smiled, sipping the very expensive glass of whiskey in his hands. He looked out into the New York skyline from the very top of his massive tower and replied to the man in his office, "I'm considering your offer, Mr. Secretary."

Alexander Pierce sat across Norman Osborn's table, his own glass of whiskey untouched, "and what can I do to make you accept it?"

Osborn smiled, turning to the man, "nothing. I will take my time to consider all options before judging for myself if I should throw my hat into the next presidential election. After all, running as a third party member...well, it would almost be idiotic to consider victory possible...if it was anyone expect me that is."

"And by we you mean HYDRA, yes?" Osborn smirked. Pierce goes rigid for a moment and that is all the confirmation Osborn needed, "don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Though I don't know why you even bother, after all form what I'm hearing people are split whether to treat you as a terrorist group or an ideology. A brilliant smoke screen by the way, my respect for how well you were able to pull it off."

"A smokescreen that will not last," Pierce admitted, "but we are making changes. Changes that will hopefully make things easier for people to accept us."

"A yes, the Security World Observation and Response Department, SWORD," Osborn smiled, "I like it, though I warn you Fury might be suing for stealing his theme."

Pierce's finger twitched, that was the only outward sign of shock the man gave. Osborn knew something he shouldn't have, couldn't have. There was no way in hell he could have obtained this information...unless he had connection far deeper than Pierce ever gave him credit for.

"You are well informed Mr. Osborn," Pierce nodded, not even bothering to hide, "yes, that is indeed one of the proposals I wished for you to sign when you get into office. With SHIELD having such low numbers with people, I believe now is the perfect time to install a new system of checking, one which will go to lengths SHIELD will not. One that-"

"-One made out of former HYDRA agents," Osborn replied.

"Yes...HYDRA agents who will be placed under strict restrictions, forced to compile under strenuous psychological profiles and monitored by the world government. SWORD will answer to the UN, unlike SHIELD who answered only to-"

"-You?" Osborn cut him off, a glare leveled against the man. He placed his drink on the table and sat down. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, "tell me Mr. Secretary, what exactly is your angle here? What's the play?"

"I don't have an angel Mr. Osborn. I'm just...I'm just trying to save the world," Pierce said, a smile on his face, "like your own son has been doing for the last many months."

"Blackmail isn't a tool you should take lightly Mr. Secretary," Osborn spoke slowly, "you never know what the one you are threatening might have on you."

"Really?" the challenge was thrown.

"Tell me, how is Zola these days? I heard Stark had placed a nasty virus into his mainframe?"

"Well, I assume if you heard that you also heard the attack was unsuccessful?" Pierce replied, "Stark is many things, but perfect isn't one of them."

"I'm aware," Osborn replied. Silence once again.

"You think I disapprove of your son's actions?" Pierce asked, Osborn framed his face with two fingers, the man continued, "I don't. Harry Osborn risks his life everyday to make the world a better place, and we need more people like him."

"And you want him to what? Become the poster child of SWORD? Like Peter Parker was for SHIELD?"

"No, nothing like the Spider," Pierce spat, unable to hold back the contempt he held for the young fool who outed his carefully laid out plans, "Peter Parker was a reckless fool, independent without any checks to keep him in his place. And without that governing hand he created what can be considered the single greatest political debacle in human history...he's an example of his time Mr. Osborn, an example of what kind of people are in Fury's Avengers."

"Fury's Avengers?" Osborn asked, an eyebrow raised.

Osborn took his glass, sipping the drink. He placed it down and stood up, Pierce mirroring him. "If I do this, the only string attached is your damn bill, agreed?"

"I can put that down in writing if you want," Pierce smirked.

"No need," Osborn opened his drawer and pulled out a think legal binder, "I had my lawyers put something together. I've already signed, it just needs your signature."

Pierce was impressed, he pulled it towards him and looked at the papers, "the Harrison Accord?"

"The most important thing to me is my son Mr. Secretary," Osborn replied, turning to the New York skyline, "I'll admit, before he was… a waste of air. Useless, unmotivated, imm.a.t.u.r.e and a disappointment. But now he goes every night out into the city streets for the sake of others. As a man I cannot be more proud of him and know that if your little club ever does anything to jeopardize him I will hunt you down and destroy you all. I assume by now you realise these are not just words. Yes?"

The man nodded, "yes, I do," he pulled the doc.u.ments and held them up, "I'll have an answer for you by the morning."

"Good, please see yourself out," Osborn dismissed the man without looking back. The Secretary didn't mind, Osborn was too greedy for his own good, the man wanted a legacy as great as Lincoln's to leave behind, he wouldn't ever risk a chance at becoming president.

As the door closed and Osborn found himself once again alone, he turned to his watch and tapped the dial. "Did you get that Stark?"

"Oh yeah, we got it. You coming over?"

"No need, I'm sending a suit over, hop in," and sure enough, there was a knock on his windows. Outside was a red and gold suit, waving at Osborn. The man motioned to his office balcony doors and the suit flew and landed.

Osborn walked out and immediately the suit opened up. Norman wouldn't lie, it was an exciting feeling. He stepped into the suit and it just wrapped himself around him.

He had never felt so...powerful. The thrust from the fosters, the humming of the energy around the suit. The optics around him allowed him to see, everything, so much data being fed to his eyes.

And just as it began, it ended when it landed at the Avenger's tower's balcony, opening up and depoting him out.

"Safe journey?" Tony asked, walking out to greet the man.

Osborn's eyes followed the suit as it entered a hatch hidden behind the giant 'A' logo on the tower, "I want one."

Tony chuckled, "sure, our most basic model comes at around a billion dollars or so."

"Deal," Osborn turned to Tony, not a hint of humor in his tone.

Tony smirked, "maybe later. Come on, they are waiting inside." Osborn sighed, but nodded, he would get that suit, he always got what he wanted.

But for now, there was another mountain to conquer. They walked into Avengers tower, the most secure building in all of New York, and into Stark's private lab, where the kabal that Osborn recently found himself joining waited for him.

There was no table, no chairs. They all stood where they were, or in the case of the bald mutant professor, sat. Six of the world's greatest known minds were gathered in this room, Norman Osborn, Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Charles Xavier and a recently recovered Reed Richards.

"So, that was terrible," Richards said, leaning against the far wall, a strange solve cube in his hand.

"But expected," Fury replied, turning to Osborn, "you sure he doesn't suspect you?"

"He may suspect I have something planned against him, which I would, but I doubt he knows I'm planning this," Osborn replied.

"I doubt anyone ever assume us together," Reed said, eyeing the others.

"Which is exactly the point," Fury replied, "each of us represent a part of humanity's whole, a group dedicated to man's best interest. And right now, with this war of words and ideas, our best actions must be taken in the dark, where the world can stand in judgment."

"You're talking about policing the world," Rogers replied. Osborn admired the man, sure enough, but...he was a boy scout through and through.

"I'm talking about guiding it," Fury replied, his one eye narrowed, "I thought you agreed with our mission when you signed on Cap."

"I signed on to make sure you don't step out of line."

"Which is what he's all about," Steak replied with a role of his eyes, "honestly I understand me and even Professor wheels over there, but what exactly is Rodger's piece in all of this."

"To keep us in line," Professor Xavier spoke up, speaking frankly, "if we are to be the minds of this endeavour Captain Rogers is to be our soul. Our humanity, as only he can be. If we ever go to far...he'll stop us."

"Enough already," Reed cried out, rolling his eyes, "look, let's just move ahead with our plans, shall we? I don't like this secret Illuminate stuff anymore that Cap so let's just figure out our next move and skip the small talk, yeah?"

"Our next move is simple," Osborn replied, stepping forward, "I become HYDRA's winning candidate. We form SWORD with so many restrictions in place they can't order a restock of toilet paper without our say so, effectively turning their safe haven into a barbed prison cell. And then, we wait for them to slip up, and when they do, we finish what Peter Parker started, bring them all into the light and send them to hell."

Reed Richard's burnt face twitched, he replied in a soft voice that none heard, "of course, finish what the great Peter Parker started..."

"Then without further adieu," Tony pulled up a hologram before them all, one of the SHIELD helicarriers, only with many modifications placed.

Fury smiled, "now that's what I'm talking about."

One of the 42 moons of the 8th planet in the Marvel solar system:

Peter Parker: You know who he is:

The moon wasn't anything special. It was the smallest satellite going around the still unnamed eighth planet of my space system. It looked plain from the outside, grey with a crater riddles surface. But the inside...that is what I was here for.

Just beneath the surface was untapped raw materials that I had our sh.i.p.s scout all over the Marvel system to find. Out of all the planets and satellites, this was the only one that had everything I would need in one location.

"So, what exactly are we doing here again?" Carol asked as she came down from the warship floating above the satellite, carrying over her head the crate containing my microbots.

"It's called the Tarkin Protocol," I replied, typing away at the lone terminal I had installed onto the surface. I was using space tech to form a layer of protection around my body, allowing me to breath.

"Tarkin? Like Star Wars?" Carol asked as she placed the crate before me, opening up the hatch and releasing the inactive microbots.

"Exactly like Star Wars," I took out the control crown and placed it into a circular impression into the terminal and hit the enter key to begin the command sequence. At one the microbots began to move, digging into the ground as a swarm until they were no longer seen.

"Okay, fine, but what is it exactly?" Carol asked.

"An idea I got from the Shi'ar space station," I told her as I floated into the air, motioning her to follow.

"The place from where you guys saved the redhead from?" Carol asked, floating beside me.

I nodded, "exactly..." memories of the scalps collected from the Embers were seared into my head. Hope...I would not let them even touch a strand of her hair.

" want to make this moon into a space station...wait...Star Wars… you want to build Death Star?!" Carol cried out.

"No...kind off," I sighed, just then the microbots exploded out of the ground, a large pit now where they were. They quickly moved to form a large structure, the frame of which implied it was at least as 5 miles long.

"What do you mean kind off?!" Carol cried out.

"The Shi'ar have an army, we...are in the middle of forming our own. We need an equaliser, something to level out the playing field. This moon has the resources I would need to make such a weapon."

"And your idea is to make a weapon with the idea of the Death Star in mind?! Peter are you mad?! Do you understand the implications of what you are planning?! If someone else got a hold of this-"

"-I don't care!" I roared, snapping to her with lightning exploding out of my body, enough to startle her back. I growled, "they are after my daughter Carol. My child. If they find Jean they will kill her and my baby girl in her w.o.m.b. I'm not going to allow that to happen. I will become Vader himself if I have to save my family, damn the consequences. And if you have something to say keep it to yourself."

Carol obviously wanted to say something, but I ignored her. I looked at the microbots doing their work in silence, nearly twenty minutes passed before they were done. And standing in a large crater now was a large factory that was brand new.

I turned to the ship and went on board, Carol right behind me. I walked to the bay area where the second part of my plan was waiting, a large arc reactor that would be able to power the factory down there.

I reached out to grab it, only for Carol to grab my hand and stop me, "Peter," she said in a voice with edge and understanding, "I understand you want to protect your kids. I do. But I also know the things you can do, I've seen your genius at work and I'm worried if you put it towards making a might be the greatest weapon seen in the galaxy."

I turned to her, pulling my hand away, "do you know what we found in the heart of the Shi'ar space station?"

"No...I asked Felicia but she didn't say a word."

"We found a mural...or a was made of scalps. Scalps that belonged to the children of the Phoenix. Embers, like my daughter. They had tortured them, innocent women, killed them, scalped them and then stitched them together like a trophy. So yes, you're right Carol, you should fear what I'm capable off, and when I'm done, the Shi'ar Empire will know that too."

I grabbed the engine and flew back out, Carol following right behind me, "but if you do this, you'll be introducing a weapon that will kill thousands if not millions of people Peter! You can't do something like that! I thought you wanted to make a group that wouldn't act like bullies and tyrants!"

"I am!"

"Then why are you taking a page out of the Emperor's handbook?! Where is the failsafe to ensure this is never used for evil!"

"I do have a's called the Avengers. If I ever go too far...I know you'll stop me," I flew down into the factory. I entered through the open doors, amazed at the interior design. No wasted space, no unneeded items like water for accidents since every machine here is designed to use cold welding.

The machines were a little hard to make, since they were so complicated, but everything, and I mean everything, was built perfectly. I did have to improvise a lot to be honest, circuit boards and other types of machinery parts had to be redesigned from their more Earthly design. But I think I got it down right.

I flew to the middle of the factory, where the microbots stayed in waiting around the reactor dock. I placed the giant energy core in the middle and locked in place. It took a second, but then the factory slowly came to life.

Carol landed beside me, looking in awe as everything around us moved. The conveyor belt, the moving arms, everything seemed to work in tandem. Suddenly several holes appeared in the ground and the microbots rushed in, I motioned Carol to follow and we both flew outside to see the factory at work.

The holes were leading to pipes that were going into the surrounding area. The microbots were working overtime, eating away and channeling processed raw material into the factory via the pipes.

And then, before our eyes, the factory began to working making new microbots, the assembly line forming hundreds in a batch.

"You're making more of them?" Carol asked.

I nodded, "yeah. The amount I have is enough to build a city in a few days, I need them to terraform this whole satelite so… I'm going to need more."

"Peter...please, reconsider."

I sighed, "fine, after I'm done with this and my daughter and Jean are safe, you can destroy it. Happy?"

"Well, I mean-"

"-Carol, this is happening, whether you like it or not. If you don't want to be a part of it, I understand. I'm not forcing you to stay. Go back to Earth, I'm sure Fury would be happy to have you back," I dismissed her, going to the ship, sending an order ahead to take me to Asgard. I knew Carol would be able to get home on her own. I think I remember her saying something about her powers slowly returning back.

But right now, I had only one thought in my mind, getting my weapon.


The sound of hammers hitting metal was familiar to say the least. So was Etri's glare. I was glad that I had a god and an angel by my side, I was in no mood for more judgment right now.

"So let me get this right," the dwarf snorts, "you run away from us, learning everything you wanted too. And then come running back when you need our help?"

Thor tries to stick up for me, "well Entri, it isn't really"

"-Silence Thor, I want to hear it for him," the dwarf king turns to me, his eyes narrowed. He had his court with him, the best smiths on this station. Even my old master Eoffren was there, though he found this more amusing than the others.

"Yes, I did run away without telling you, but that is only because I knew you would not be reasonable," I replied, "and yes, I've now come back to you for a that rivals Thor's own hammer."

"Ha! I'll give you one thing boy you have balls," Entri snorted, "go back to Odin, tell him we will not service traitors." They turned to walk away, I couldn't let that happen.

I grabbed Mjoner and threw it. It flew past Entri and the other, smashing into a nearby anvil before flying back to me. They turned slowly towards me, their eyes widened in shock. I gave the hammer back to Thor, who still looked uncomfortable with me being able to wield it.

"I have a child," I told them frankly, "I haven't seen her, I haven't seen her mother. She is lost in space with the entire Shi'ar Empire coming after her. I need a weapon strong enough to let me take down their strongest warriors. Because I don't want to bury my daughter in a coffin..."

Entri looked at the others, each silent. That is until Eoffren stepped forward, "enough lads, stop pulling his leg. It's an order from Odin, we can't ignore it, no matter who it's about."

"Aye, I suppose," Entri said, scratching his beard, "fine lad, you'll have your weapon...but damn you if you ever pull a stunt like you did again."

I nodded, "I promise, this time I'll say goodbye."

Entri snorted, "whatever, follow me lad, let's see what weapon we can make for you. You too princess, your father sent us orders to construct a weapon for you as well."

"He's not-" Angela began, only to stop herself, shaking her head, "I don't need a weapon, I have several."

"That may be, but our orders are to give you a weapon. What you do with it is up to you," Entri shrugged, motoring us to follow as he took us to his private workshop closest to the lens which harnessed the power of the sun the realm was situated around.

I didn't bother looking around, no, my mind was only focused on one thing, the weapon. Hope...Jean…

"Now I'm sure you have your head filled with some fantastical sword or hammer, but it ain't up to you boy," went the King of dwarves. He and a few other drawers gathered around a large table and placed several sheets of paper out. Angela, Thor and I leapt onto the table and looked down at the massive diagrams, each more complex than the other.

The children of Odin couldn't make heads or tails of them, but I could. They were plans for some of the most complex and magical designs I have ever seen. "Did you design them all yourself?" I turned to Entri.

The dwarf huffed, "of course not, I had help."

"I see," I lowered down to the runes attached on the edge of one of the plans, recognizing my former master's handwriting, I turned to Eoffren, "they look amazing master Eoffren."

The dwarf smiled, "aye, they are."

"So, which is to be our weapon?" Angela asked, clearly getting impatient.

"This," the dwarf king pointed to the largest chart of them all. A spear. But it wasn't just any spear, it was one that drew out the combined powers of the wielder and the power of the people that followed the wielder into battle. It was a weapon fitting a king, or in this case, a would-be-queen.

"It's called Sunrise," said the king proudly, "it's the finest weapon we might ever make in this forge."

"Ah-hem," Thor cleared his throat, holding up Mjoner, "surely it can't be more finer than my here hammer can it?"

"Please, that old paper weight?" Eoffren snorted, "it's a relic. Our methods have gone up leaps and bonds since we last forged that hammer. Besides, it was never meant for you, it was always meant for-" he stopped himself, his eyes going wide.

"My sister?" Thor finished, the dwarf sighed in relief and nodded. Angela looked, confused, Thor released her question and quickly clarified, "not you. My-our other sister...Hela. The goddess of death. She was...our father's secret."

"It seems Odin really is ashamed of daughters," Angela spat out, looking to the sword plans in disgust, "I have no need of it. And if you must make this weapon, then give it to the Spider. It is the least I owe him after he helped save my life."

Entri looked livid, "b-but princess Aldrif-"

"-I am not your princess!" Angela snapped, her ribbons coming alive around her as I felt a flash of the Phoenix Force within her, "I am Angela of Heaven and I...I have no wish to be here. Spider, finish your work, I will be waiting by the way we came."

Thor looked worried, "sister wait-"

"-I am not your sister!" Angela roared before flying away, soaring through the air and out of the room.

I sighed, turning to Thor, "you should go after her, this place is big and she might get lost."

"Aye, will you be fine on your own?" he asked, eyeing the dwarf's.

I nodded, "I will. Go. And don't call her sister just yet...maybe just stick to Angela for now..." Thor nodded silently and flew off, I turned to the dwarves, "my weapon. Which one is it?"

Entri grumbled, pulling up a sheet out of the pile he displayed it flat on the table. It was plans for a weapon, one I didn't think he would ever suggest for me.

Gauntlets, two of them. Made out of uru. Designed to control and focus the wielder's energy and chanel it through them, manipulating it in various forms. They even made space for my stingers to come out from.

It was a conduit, similar to Mjoner in its functions and...perfect. I looked up at Entri, "how? How did you know exactly what I would need?"

Entri snorted, "I'm the master of this realm for a reason boy. I know exactly what you need."

"And the fact that he also started preparing this the moment he heard you needed a weapon," Eoffren said with a smirk, "he may put up an uncaring front but he considers you a subject just the same. Why he was working on this till the very second you showed up."

"Eoffren!" Entri cried out, "mind your tongue!"

The master of magical enchantments rolled his eyes, "yes, my king."

I turned to the dwarf, I bowed, "thank you...King Entri."

"Oh stop it lad, you're only embarrassing both of us," Entri siad, running his fingers through his hair, "you aren't the bowing type and I don't like spineless limps. Get up, look at me," I did so, meeting his gaze, "there is a catch," of course there is, "we will not be making this weapon. You will."

My eyes widened, "what? But my skills are nothing compared to your own. You make the weapons of the Gods, compared to that I-"

"-Will have help," Eoffren replied, "but yes, in the end, it is you who will make this weapon. By doing so you will create a bond with the thing more powerful than any weapon before. The gauntlets will be one with you, far more powerful than anything someone else will make for you. You will have our help, like you said you aren't a master forger, but you will be wielding the hammer."

I looked at the gauntlet and an idea comes to my mind, I turn to Entir, "can I make a few adjustments to the design?"

The king looked confused, "did I miss something?"

"No...but there are more things in heaven and earth...and I am more than just a man fighting with his fists."

Five days later:

Scott Summers: Cyclops:

The lone planet circling the furthest star in the Andromeda galaxy:

They had won the battle. The people cheered, their ruler, a crippled woman named Shi'aka, smiled in glee as the last of the Shi'ar invasion force was sent back to their sh.i.p.s thanks to the Avenger's ground troops.

"Scott," Rogue's voice called out in Scott's earpiece, "they are falling back into warp."

"Perfect," Scott smiled, "in the mood from some celebratory wine and cheese?"

"Oh please, as if you could ever handle wine," Rogue's laughter was music to his ears, "maybe some beer and cheese."

"It's a date," Scott smiled, cutting the line. He turned to Shi'aka, the woman was not a prime example of her species. Her people, Tarka, looked like a hybrid mix of a bat and a bear. Large c.h.e.s.ts and legs with bat ears and wings for arms.

Shi'aka was crippled, her wing cut in half. She limped from the displaced weight, but she didn't seem to care as she ran up to Scott, her head bowed low, "thank you."

"Please, don't bow," Scott replied quickly, "we were just doing our duty."

"And all the same, i thank you for doing it," she replied, "the price of your work will be paid in two turns," she took out a fist full of gems and gold, "I understand our droppings are of great value to the greater worlds?"

That was right. They shit gold. Scott was disgusted, but hide it well, "y-yes well, the Shi'ar Empire is hurting for funding so a planet of people that can...defecate gold would be a target for them."

"I see, I see," the woman nodded, "and-" she stopped, her eyes going wide as she looked over Scott's shoulder.

Scott turned around and was surprised, "I didn't think I would see you here...Gabrielle."

"My name is Vulcan," the crown prince replied as he flew down, standing before Scott. He was quickly surrounded by Avenger troops, but he was unfazed. Only a few people were even a threat to him and right now only Scott filled that category.

Vulcan stayed silent for a long time, Scott mirroring his little brother's actions. He then finally spoke, "can you fly?"

Scott smiled, "no."

"How can you be my brother but be unable to fly?" Vulcan huffed, sounding very disappointed.

Scott shrugged, "having powers for people like us is a lottery. You got the bonus of being able to fly, luck of the draw I think."

"Hmm..." Vulcan replied, folding his arms, "and the visor?"

"I cannot control the beams," Scott freely admitted, knowing full well Gabrille probably guessed the same, "these help me keep them in check," the young man nodded and Scott continued, " believe me?"

Vulcan sighed, "I...I don't know. What you are saying is… it is-"

"-The truth?"

Vulcan glared, "treason. D'Ken is my father, he was the only father I ever knew...and you are telling me that was all a lie?"

"Did he ever tell you how your mother died?"

Vulcan snorted, "he has a harem, I have a hundred mothers...but no, he never did."

"Then ask him… Gabrille-"


"Vulcan," Scott said camly, "I'm sorry I wasn't there...but I didn't even know you were alive until a few weeks ago and as soon as I did I tried to talk to you have some time?"

"To what? Talk?" Vulcan snorted, "do I look like a weakling?"

"You realise speaking about one's feelings isn't something weak right?" Scott replied back, "it's healthy."

"To you maybe, but I am the crown prince of the Shi'ar Empire, I don't act weak," Vulcan hissed.

Scott sighed, "fine...but do you want to talk? I mean, I know I sure want to know about my brother...even if you don't think of me the same way."

Vulcan was silent, before nodding. They went far out of the city, into the untamed wilderness, and spoke. They chatted for what felt like hours.

Scott told Vulcan everything, how their parents had died, how their father had survived but didn't bother to look for him and Alex. How Scott found another family in the X-men, how Earth, their home, worked and how amazing it was.

"Your home sounds like a pleasant place," Vulcan said finally.

"It's your home too...your real home," Scott replied. They were walking along a trail, walking just around the border of civilization, "where did you grow up?"

"In the Imperial Palace," Vulcan replied, at Scott's confusion he continued, "it's this massive building in the middle of the Shi'ar homeworld. It was bigger than most countries was lonely."

"D'Ken had a harem didn't he? You must have had foster siblings you could play with," Scott reid to reason.

Vulcan shook his head, "no...many do not know this, and those who do fear D'Ken enough to not admit it, but the man is barren. Aunt Lilandra and I are the only family he has...and I realise I myself am not related to him by blood now..."

"I see," Scott replied, storing that information away for later.

"This has been… an event," Vulcan said, "I admit I came only to see if you were lying, but's difficult to tell."

Scott's eyes darkened, "I am not lying Gab, you are my brother. I don't know how else I can tell you that. Did you not ask D'Ken? Did you not investigate on your own?"

"I did."


"...My DNA does not match D'Ken's...or aunt Lilandra. It did however partially match to the pirate Corsair, who's record we had on hand from his time as a slave… you are not lying to me, but that doesn't mean we are brothers."

"Then what are we?"

Vulcan looked at him, "...I do not know."


I pulled out the mold and struck it with the hammer. It cracked, leaving behind the glowing red hot cylinders of Patik.

"I still can't believe you managed to make an alloy of Uru and that sound metal you obtained," Eoffren said as he watched me temper the alloy of Uru and Vibranium in a bath of freezing water that was enchanted to quickly remove all impurities.

"It wasn't easy to do," I admitted as I brought the metal out to cool, placing it aside, "but it was possible."

"A metal with the magical adaptive nature of uru and the energy absorptive nature of other one. What was it again?"


"And what exactly is the alloy called?"

"Patik," I replied.

He huffed, "stupid name."

"Well if you feel that way you are welcome to make your own version," I replied, turning to him and pulling off the welder's mask I had on, "now then, what's the next step?"

"Next is the armor," Eoffren replied, pulling up a second sheet of paper, this one displaying a suit similar to that of Thor's cape and all.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "how will it be stored?"

"Well, like all Asgaurdians the clothing will appear on you the moment you wield your weapon," Eoffren replied, scratching his beard, "but of course, first you need to make said suit."

"What is made out of?" I asked.

"Asgaurdian steel and leather. Much tougher than the mortal weapons you use."

"What about uru?"

", it's not that strong."

"No, I mean what about using Uru instead?"

"An Uru suit?" Eoffren replied, his eyes wide, "no, that would never work. It's far too heavy and you are much more of an agile fighter are you not?"

"I am...but still, just Asguardian steel and leather seems...Effren...what about...Patik?" I turned out the dwarf. His eyes widened, he was clearly thinking about it. He knew the metal's properties, having helped me make my new weapons. And after the longest time, he slowly nodded.

"I'll draw up the plans, it won't be easy and you'll need to make some modifications, but I think you can make it," Eoffren replied, "until then, why don't you take a break? You've been working for five days straight and running of a few hours of sleep. You look like shit boy."

And sure enough I was. I was haggard, I smelled, my beard was growing in thick and wild and my hair had grown longer since I began as well, now more like a mop than the trimmed set I had before.

I grunted, "maybe...I'll get something to drink," I told him, taking off my arpon and walking out. The moment I stepped out of the workshop I was hit with a breath of cold air, the room inside was hot as a furnace after all.

I walked towards the kitchen and met with the woman in charge of the meals. She was a large woman, even by dwarf standards, named Egatha, and she recognized me the moment I walked in.

"Ah, Spider! I heard you were back!" she smiled.

I smiled back, "Egatha, it's nice to see you again."

"Aye, last time I saw you was the day you took off without saying goodbye," she leaned over the kitchen counter, her eyes narrowed, "anything to say about that?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Like you mean it boy!" she roared.

"I'm sorry!" I replied.

The dwarf nodded, "apology accepted. Now then, what's this I hear of you fighting the Shi'ar Empire?"

I sighed, jumping onto the dining table, "they are after someone...someone I care for."

"Oh, what's her name?" Egatha asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Jean...and she's pregnant with my child," I told her, the worlds so foreign to me, and yet so heavy with the responsibilities it carried.

"By Odin's beard!" Egatha cried out, "you have a little one on the way?! What are you doing here?! You should be out looking for the girl shouldn't you?!"

"I'm trying!" I yelled back, "but she's too well hidden...which is a good thing since the Shi'ar are after her as well."

"I see...and you need a weapon to fight them off do you?"

I nodded, "yes, I do...but I'm still unsure."

"Why is that?"

"Because what if in the end I'm not good enough?" I asked her, "what if the weapons, my isn't enough to protect my little girl?"

" do you know it's a girl?" Egatha asked.

I smiled, "a prophecy of sorts…"

"Well...I'm sorry to say lad I'm not very helpful lad," Egatha sighed, "all I can promise is a warm meal and a prayer for the child's safety."

I thanked her and she walks away, and as she did, I'm joined by another companion, Angela, who flies down gracefully, landing before me, a brand new dagger strapped to her side.

She takes one look at me and raised an eyebrow, "why do you smell like garbage?"

"No time for bathing," I chuckled, "sorry if I offended you, princess."

"I am not-" Angela began, only to calm herself down with a sigh, "I am not a princess..."

"Then why did you accept Odin's gift?" I motioned to the weapon.

Angela sighed, "I didn't have much choice in the matter...I did not wish to go back to Asgard with And I've heard many things about the legendary dwarves. I wished to learn more and so I stayed and asked king Entri. He was agreed...rejecting his weapon would be an insult to the man."

"Wait...Entri let you stay and learn about forging? Just like that?"

Angela nodded, "yes. He's a very generous man."

That little bastard.

I shook my head, eyeing her weapon. I motioned to it, "may I see?" She nodded, drawing out the dagger and twirling it in her hand. Immediately it extended into a spear, heavy and dating. She placed it between us.

The spear had a golden shaft that was four feet tall. At the top was a golden circle with a red gem inside. Around the circle were a pair of angelic wings that were etched with runes. The blade came next at the top of the circle, a leaf shaped red blade with flame like ripples along the middle.

It radiated power, and I knew then and there it was a weapon fit for a queen.

"Thor must be jealous," I smiled.

"Don't say his name," Angela hissed, quickly turning the spear back into a dagger and into her sheath, "that boy is like a lost puppy."

I immediately got a flash of a golden retriever wearing Thor's armour for some reason. A labra-thor, if you will. "How so?"

"Everyday he comes back with a basket of food and books from Asgard," Angela hissed, cl.i.c.k.i.n.g her teeth, "he spend hours upon hours following me around this realm, doing his best to turn my lessons into a picnic!"

"Books?" I asked, figuring the food was just something he thought they could bond over.

Angela rubbed her neck, "he found out I enjoyed reading and has been offering to bring the entire library of Asgard for me. Odin apparently offered it."

I snorted, Odin too, great. Seems while both the kings hate me, Angela was just fine in their books.

"So, why exactly are you complaining?" I asked Angle as Egatha brought me a piping hot meal, bowing before the princess as she did. Angela wasn't even phased at this point by the bowing, just accepting it and moving on.

"He's Thor, he's Asgardian, he's-"

"-The only family you have," I reply, remembering the smell of love and longing she had for them all, "and frankly the only family he can still trust," I bite into my loaf of bread, "his father's lied to him, his mother's lied to him. His adoptive brother has stabbed him in the back more times than I can count. You are all he has and his is all you have. Didn't you ever want a family Angela? It can't have been friendly being an Asgaurdian in Heaven."

"I didn't know I was an Asguardian… no one did."

"Are you sure about that?" She was silent, shaking her head and walking away. "All I'm saying is...maybe you should give him a chance. He has done nothing but try and get to know you Angela. Maybe you might have something in common with him. For one thing, you both love mead."

She looked at me and sighed, nodding her head and flying away. I smiled, at least one family isn't broken around her.

And that's when my arms stopped moving. god I have a family. Jean, Felicia and the rest, yes I considered them family, but my child...Hope…. I stuffed the rest of the food down my throat and chugged it down with some milk.

I tied my hair back and walked back to Eoffren's furnace of a workshop. "You're back already?" Eoffren asked, looking surprised as he held up several rolls of leather, "did you even eat?"

"I did, are the plans ready?" I asked, putting on my arpon and tying it around myself tightly.

"They are...are you ready to begin?" I just nod, jumping back into my work.

Unknown reaches of Space:

An undiscovered planet teaming with life:

She was floating in her cocoon, feeling the energy inside nurture her body. It was an odd feeling for sure, she had never felt anything like it. The energy she had, there was no limit to it. No end to its power, no end...but slowly, as time went by, she could feel the flow wavering.

There was a crack and the cocoon broke open, dropping the woman down. She landed gently on the peak of the massive mountain top she found herself on top, the wind didn't faze her, but she did feel like throwing her stomach out.

Her stomach wrenched, she reached forward and held her pregnant belly, grunting in discomfort.

The parasite gives more discomfort.

'She is not a parasite! She is my daughter!'

It makes us weak. Our power wanes just to throw away the negative effects of it's incubation.

'That wouldn't be a problem if you let me eat! Or get help from my people!'

I cannot. We are weak, if those who wish to harm us find us now, they will kill us. And the para-

'Her name is Hope!'

It doesn't matter what her name is. She will be our undoing.

``Don't you mean mine? You can always just find another host.'

I least not one as well suited as you are...tell me Jean Grey, why do you insist on carrying the...child to term? You see how it affects you.

'Because….she's my daughter.'

Others would not want such a heavy burden.

'And that's their choice, this is mine. I don't see her as a burden...she's my child...' her mind wanders, thinking once again of Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy. Her lovers, the ones she missed the most. Were they alive? Did Surtur truly die? Are they safe?

Jean had dreams on lonely nights, dreams of being back in that house in London with them, safe, happy. Hope being born in such a house, with Peter going mad reading every book on pregnancy while Felicia stole or bought every single baby appliance needed. Even Wanda was there in her dreams, helping fix the baby room and acting as the only rational person in that whole relationship.

She rubbed her belly, a tear in her eye. She would survive this, she would survive and bring that dream a reality…

'Phoenix...why me?'

You are most attuned to my abilities...and your powers are-

'No, not that. I meant...out of all the people, why did you select someone like me? Someone who so clearly isn't worthy of such power?'

You will find Jean Grey, that often times it is those who dislike power and it's duties are most often the ones most worthy of it.

Jean chukled, shaking her head, that sounded like something Peter would say. She looked up at the stars, basking in their glory. It wouldn't be long before the psychic cocoon returns her into a lucid state, these moments of clarity was all she had.

She was angry, beyond angry at the Phoenix. She felt lost, terrified and afraid of what would come next. But she ignored and pushed all those emotions away, for one reason and one reason alone.

And as she was looking up at the stars, she saw some of the slowly darken as something massive came over the atmosphere.

Jean's eyes winded, "w-what the hell?"

It would seem they have found us. Ready yourself Jean Grey, this shall be the fight of your life.

Massive sh.i.p.s came over the planet and Jean stood her ground. She prayed to whatever god that was listening or even real that she survived, or rather Hope did. Flames erupted from her person as slowly the Phoenix began to take over, placing Jean into the back of her mind.

It launched into space and destroyed a Shi'ar warship in seconds before turning to the other. Jean's body glowed with such massive heat, it looked like a second star came alive in that system.

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