Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 89 - The New A-Team

Gwen Stacy, the Spider-woman, was not having a nice day.

No, her definition of a good day was finishing work early, spending a quiet evening out on patrol with Harry before going back home for a nice long five hour rest. That was her nice night.


Having someone through bombs at her was not a nice day.


She was pinned behind a large truck, on the other side of which a small gang war was taking place between the Irish and the Triad, the latter having acquired bombs from a mysterious third party that seemed to have just appeared out of nowhere on the scene.

The Devil told her something was off and she believed him, only neither of them could have predicted that what was coming was outright war.

Her spider senses came blasting out, "shit!" Gwen cursed as he kicked away, leaping away from her cover just as it got blown up by a missile rocket. She was blown away, the explosion carrying a good twenty feet into the air, spinning like a leaf in a storm.

With a kick she broke his jaw and sent him flying into his buddies. Landing on a nearby lamp post she fired web lines down on top of them and pinned them to the ground. She looked at the destroyed street before, the Bronx were being taken apart, from the roads to the buildings.

The smoke from the fires were getting to her lungs, Gwen was coughing so hard she wondered if she would rupture something. Cars and trees were lit aflame, children were crying, men and women running away as fast as they could from the war.

The city was burning, and for what? For a bunch of horrible monster to sate their own egos? So that they can make money of others suffering? So that-so that-

It was at this moment the brilliant mind of Gwen Stacy snapped. She could understand science and even determine why this was happening, but her mind lacked a key ingredient to help truly reason to these people's actions, it lacked a sense of ego.

Ego so massive the lives of others were nothing compared to their own selfish Ego, Gwen knew what it was, even considered it a flaw she had sometimes, but this, she could never understand this.

So she didn't bother trying. She stopped trying to reason or excuse them, she stopped trying to hide. She grew angry, and cried out, "ARGHHH!"

"What the hell?!" said the nearest triad members to the primal cry of anger, a cry they had heard during the most brutal of fist fights, it meant someone had given into anger, losing all sense of reason, and when they turned to see who exactly it was that was coming for them, expecting it to be the Irish, they instead found a white blur come for their necks.

Gwen Stacy let go of her reason or any sense of self preservation. She was angry and every strike she landed showed it. To the normal criminal it felt like metal baseball bats were being swung at them by a professional hitter. To Gwen it felt like hitting paper dolls.

She leaped into their defence and brought them down with strikes and kicks, each technique taught to her by Daredevil himself. She took them down, dodging bullets and blades, putting them down.

"The Spider bitch is coming!" they cried out, a nickname Gwen never liked, but now started to think appropriate. She was a bitch, and bitches don't hold back.

They swarmed her, firing their guns at her, she however was too agile for them, dodging every bullet by jumping behind cover or bouncing off surfaces. She was like a gust of wind, powerful and untrapped.

She moved between the Irish and the Triad, beating them down and breaking their guns, dodging their attacks and sticking them to a nearby wall. She felt her senses go off, she jumped into the air to avoid a missile rocket, but as she did, time seemed to slow down.

The gunman was hiding behind an overturned van, biding his time, gun pointed at her head. The moment she jumped he fired. The bullets were sprayed, several missed her by several feet, but one, one bite into her kidney.

"ARGH!" Gwen cried out as she missed her landing and hit the ground hard. Her hands reached to her side, the bullet was inside her, the suit protected her from getting pierced but it still felt as if something inside her was broken.

"She's down! Get the bitch!" someone cried out as suddenly Gwen felt three more bullets hit her c.h.e.s.t before she could even move to avoid them.

"F.u.c.k!" she cried out, snapping to the side to see the guy from befor ecome for her. She threw a web grenade at his face, blinding him. He began to suffocate and in a panic dropped his gun and tried to pull the webs away from his nose.

Gwen grunted, the bullets hurt, they hurt so bad, but the pain just made her move faster, she wasn't dead, she wasn't dead. She needed to live, she had to live.


She panted, looking at the smoke trail that was launched into the building. Before he was something she would have never guessed in a thousand years would ever come into the streets of New York. A tank.

'They had a tank. How did they even get a tank?' she asked herself, blinking at the sheer absurdity of the situation. It was painted with the symbol of the triad, though it had a secondary odd red serpent painted next to it, must be the symbol of the supplier.

She had a clue and maybe if she somehow survived this she would be able to follow it up ...if she survived.

The tank turned it's massive gun to her, she heard someone cry out "blow her apart!" her legs shook, she was scared. She was so scared. But she stayed her ground, if she gave in now, she would never forgive herself.


The tank's shell came out in a burst of smoke, her perception of time slowed down, Gwen waited until the last moment before bending backwards, using her wall crawling ability to stick her feet to the ground she did her best impression of Neo from The Matrix and allowed the giant shell to sail over her.

It passed by and Gwen shot out a webline. The missile was snarled and with one arm holding her injured side and the other holding the web line, she swung it over her head, sending it back at the tank.

The shell didn't hit the tank, but the road below it.


The people that remained began to cheer, the gangster ran, abandoning their weapons. Gwen smiled, proud of her action, until her spidey senses went off again, and this time she saw several Triad members appear on the roof of the buildings surrounding the street, rocket launchers in hand.

The irish were gone, Gwen saw bodies littered around, if she had to guess they had all died under the superior fire power. The Triad members aimed all their rockets at her, Gwen's mind was already thinking of a way out of this mess, to nab them all and prevent as much civilian damage as possible. But just as she began following this line of thought, the sky started to rumble.

Gwen saw the dust near her feet began to rise, something was coming. Gwen's spider sense went off, she was about to jump away when something took the breath away from her gut. One second she was in the middle of a war zone, the next she was five blocks away, in the arms of a wire thin young man.

"Hey there gorgeous, don't worry, we go from here," he said, his face hidden behind a visor of a green and silver helmet. He wore a green suit with trimmings and paldorns. His arms were covered with silver gloves and embedded on his c.h.e.s.t was a silver lightning bolt.

Without another word he dropped dGwen gently down and took off, vanishing in a blur of speed Gwen's superhuman eyes couldn't even follow. She looked around, she was far away from where she was, but how? The answer was simple: super speed.

He said 'we', meaning someone had come, maybe the Devil of Hell's Kitchen had gotten a few friends to help, maybe Harry, but whoever they were they would need help.

So without a second's thought she jumped back into the fire, jumping onto a nearby lamp post before leaping into the air, firing off a web line.

She swung back into the battle, expecting whoever had come to have made a bigger mess than before, expecting the streets littered with bodies, but instead, when she landed on a nearby nearby building, she saw the situation being handled.


These people weren't heroes, her instincts screamed out to her, no, they were something darker.

"GRAHH!" it was a monster, Gwen wondered what new enemy this was before she recognized it. Abomination, she remembered her father telling her this was the first bad guy Peter fought before officially becoming Spider-man.

She was about to leap into the fight to try and stop him, when she realised he was only attacking Triad members. Destroying them, breaking them under his foot until only mush remained.

Abomination had a large glowing ring around his head, it pulsated. He roared and leapt into the air, landing on a building top and ripping people apart with his b.a.r.e hands.

Then came a flash of black and silver as a large discus sailed across the street, hitting a retreating Irish member in the back. The discus bounced back as a figure in black and silver leaped through the air, grabbed it and landed on top of a car.

He looked like a version of Captain America that had gone through a goth phase and never admitted it was just a phase. A black version of the tactical suit Gwen remembered seeing the real Captain America wear, black instead of blue and a shield that was black and silver instead of the red and blue stripes.

The man wearing the suit was African-American, he moved like an agile cat, fierce in his strikes and deadly with every blow.

A pissed off looking triad member managed to sneak up behind him, a gun aimed at his head. Gwen was about to call out to stop him when suddenly the gangster was brought to his knees, invisible punches and kicks hit his body, sending him flying back.

The air before the man shimmered as a petite figure dressed in a grey and white suit appeared. She had a hood up, her figure was obviously femenin, and her mask had two red circular goggles that glowed a dangerous color.

"ARGH!" it was like a wild animal had been set loose in the city streets. Gwen saw the man charge at the black Captain America, she saw a flash of silver as two seemingly metal blades came out his arms, just as he was about to swing, he jumped, landed behind the dark copy-cat and began slashing apart the few members that the former had left behind.

He attacked them like an animal would, hunched over, snarling, feral. He pulled his claws out of the body, they were bathed in blood. Gwen remembered the costume the famous Wolverine wore, only with black and yellow replacing the yellow and brown.

She saw the blur that saved her just moments ago ripe through the streets, breaking apart the guns and weapons on members hands. And when he was done a figure dressed in a black suit with a massive white spider emblem on his c.h.e.s.t jumped in, shooting out webs from his hands.

Gwen watched as this dark Spider-man seemed to take down the now unarmed Triad members with quick and brutal efficiency. For a second, Gwen thought Peter was back, but she realised immediately if he was, he would not be working with these people.

They killed, they were brutal. The dark Spider-man and the blur didn't kill, as far as she could tell, but they broke bones.

In minutes, they were done, the sounds of violence and gun shots died. The bodies of the former living gangster were spewed all over the place, blood splattered the walls and the pavement, blood Gwen knew need not have been spilt.

But there they stood, almost proud at what they did. Gwen could do nothing but look down at them from atop her perch, those six 'heroes' stood in the middle of the chaotic street, all gathered together, waiting for something.

They didn't wait long as an Oscorp helicopter came over in seconds, the sound of it's whirling blades deafening to the scared silent road. It landed before those 'heroes', and out stepped Norman Osborn himself.

He looked around, from here Gwen couldn't make out what he said, but he didn't look happy, pointing at the blood on their clothes.

Osborn snapped his fingers and the speedster that helped Gwen sighed, rolled his eyes before burst in a flash of speed. He went around the others in a silver hue before stopping in place, a rag in his hand now covered in blood.

The others were clean, not even a spot of blood on them. Osborn them ordered him to dispose of the dead bodies and in seconds the street was corpse free, save for the few splashes of blood one couldn't tell that there had been a mass execution here at all.

Norman then made them move, angling them in such a way they stood before the still shocked and confused citizens, and when he was satisfied, a cameraman and reporter came out of the chopper, he motioned them to roll, stepped before the team and smiled.

Suddenly Gwen's phone began to ring. She pulled it out, she had set it to pick up any and all emergency broadcasts going on in New York, sure enough Osbron's face filled up her screen.

He smiled, the smile Gwen knew was fake, the smile Harry hated more than anything in the world.

"Citizens of New York city. It seems once again our city has become the target for a hostile force, only this time it isn't an invading army, a madman from Europe or even a common criminal with access to stolen technology more advanced than anyone has any right to possess. No, this time it came from within.

"Less than four hours ago we received reports that the underground world has been making movements to try and make a violent claim to our city, to the city we know now one, not any one person or organization, has any right to claim. But these members of the Chinness mafia, the Triad, tried to claim the city, because they had no other choice.

"They knew we were closing in on putting a stop to them once and for all, that through the efforts of our brave law enforcement agents and even individuals like Spider-woman and her predecessor, Peter Parker, the underground world was slowly being threatened out of their place in life, replaced by real threats like Doctor Octavius and his Sinister Six. They were being ignored, no longer feared, dismissed as not even worthy of the time of day, and so they struck back.

"They didn't want to be forgotten so they did something that made the actions of the Chitari pale in comparison, they started to kill people with military grade weapons, weapons they stole from old Stark stockpiles. Law enforcement could not handle them, they were not equipped to handle them. So I did what I do best, put the needs of my people above my own.

That's not right, Gwen told herself, that logo on the tank, it wasn't Stark's, it was something else. Osborn's lying.

"New York, no, the world! May I present to you those that answered your call when not even the old Avengers could! I present to you, Oscorps' New Avengers!"

He stepped aside and presented them, those murders that Gwen saw just a moment ago dripping with the blood of Triad members.

"A mutant with the speed of the wind at his heels! Quicksilver!" Norman announced, said speedster grinned, flashing a two finger salute before vanishing in a blur of speed, only to reappear with a t-shirt that said 'I 3 NY' and a bagel.

"A loyal agent of SHIELD, the Ghost!" this time it was the woman who nodded, saying nothing. She looked of screen at something, Gween looked up from her phone and saw Norman out of frame prompting her to display her powers. Clearly the woman did not want to act like a circus animan.

But with a sigh she stepped forward, vanished and then appeared again, much to the crowds amazement, it's like they forgot the mountains of bodies that was just there a few moments ago.

"Next we have former special-ops commando with the British Royal Marines, Emil Blonsky! Previously a rampaging monster, now, with the help from the brilliant minds at Oscorp laboratories, once more a soldier for the free world! I present to you, the Abomination!"

The monster roared, it's cry so loud the people around grew afraid. Norman sensed their unease and quickly moved on, tuning to the man black in the black spider suit.

"Honouring one of our greatest heroes, I present to you Eugene Thompson, former classmate and best friend of Spider-man himself. One month out of high school this brave hero joined the army, rising up to conel and becoming a symbol of what all soldiers should be. He now takes up the mantle of Peter Parker's legacy as Agent Spider!"

The man's mask seemed to move away from his face, almost like it was alive, revealing a haunted and more aged Flash Thompson. He had dark circles around his eyes and small scars on his right check, but he still smiled, playing the crowd like he did in high school.

"Then we have the Wolverine, a man of impeccable skill and talent. He's the best at what he does and it is our blessing that he sides with us now!"

The man calling himself the Wolverine didn't do anything, he just snarled. Norman didn't seem to want to push him either.

"And leading out heroes is an another soldier, one befeiting of the mantle he now honors. Navy SEAL special black-ops agent Erik Stevens! He has fought in more wars than we can mention and saved more lives than we know. And he takes on the mantle of a new Captain America for the modern age!"

The man lifted his shield, the light reflected off it's surface and the people who were once baffled and concerned looked in awe at the man. The crowd began to cheer, Osborn smiled again.

"And with this, I also have a second announcement to make. I, Norman Osborn, am officially putting my hate in the ring for the next presidential election! The world is changing, becoming more like a comic book than the reality we knew just a few short years ago. And who else but I, Norman Osborn, was able to offer you a solution? Who else was able to privatise global heroics in the form of Glider? Glider was a roaring success, a hero through my company's efforts! So you see, I am not the best candidate to be picked! But the only one that should be selected!"

Gwen couldn't believe her ears.

The reporter lady finally spoke, it seems she was brought there only to ask one question, "sir, why should we trust you?"

"Because," Osborn smiled, "I will save our world. Me and my New Avengers!"

Two hours later:

"He's insane," Harry spat, running his hands up and down his face, trying to wake himself up from this nightmare he found himself in, "he's finally lost his mind."

"I know you don't like your father, but surely it can't be that bad," Gwen replied as she lay down on a cot in the middle of an Oscorp safe house. It was a flat Harry had secured form the company, putting it off the books. They often came here on date nights or to just get away from it all.

Gwen was stitched up the wound from before had started a blood clot which she had Harry removed from her body. With her side bandaged up she was bed ridden, probably for a few hours.

"Gwen he replaced the Avengers with his own version,

"Not to mention everyone of them are either killers or special agents trained to kill!"

"All I want to know is how Flash get involved with all of this?" Harry sighed.

"Weren't you and him close?"

Harry stopped, he looked at a wall for a moment before sighing, "it's been a year since we finished high school Gwen, we haven't been in touch since then."

Gwen raised an eyebrow, "seriously? Weren't you like the best of friends?"

Harry sighed, "we were… but that was before I started being Glider full time. We kind of grew apart after that and the time high school was over I don't think I even said more than a sentence to him. I heard he decided to enlist right out of the gate but I didn't think ...Agent Spider ..."

"It kind of looks like the black Peter wore when he fought Doom. Behaved like nano-tech too. Do you think..."

Harry shook his head, "no way. If dad had toys like that he wouldn't wait to show it off or at least try to make me use it to get publicity. That isn't Oscorp tech, it's...something else."

"So… what should we do?"

Harry turned to her, "what do you mean?"

"Harry, I told you what they did, what I saw them do. They aren't heroes! They killed people, without remorse. Even soldiers don't take unneeded risks or casualties! They….they enjoyed it Harry, I could see it in their eyes."

"Even Flash?"

Gwen paused, "no...Flash and that speed guy didn't seem to enjoy it. And that ghost woman, I couldn't get a read on. But that new Captain America, fake-Hulk and fake-Wolverine….they were killers."

"I'm going to ask him to stop," Harry replied.

"Harry that isn't a good idea," Gwen replied, "if he's serious about being president and this is the campaign he's running on he won't stop."

Harry thought about it before grumbling, "you're right ...but we can't just let him be, they need to be put in check. This bloodbath it's….it can't happen again. Not to our city. Peter left to us to protect it, if he were here he would do the same."

Gwen nodded, "you're right... But you know, we aren't the only ones he left to protect it…"

1 hour later:

Hell's Kitchen:

Daredevil looked at the two young heroes before him and sighed, "so your plan is to fight a team formed to rival the Avengers in case they ever step out of line?"

Gwen looked ot Harry before replying, "yes."

Matt sighed, "fine...but we will need help."

"Any suggestions?"

He reached into his suit's hidden pocket and pulled out a card, "before Peter left he told me to go here if we ever needed help," he flicked it and Gwen caught the card.

She looked it over, it was in brail, "what's the address?"

"177A Bleecker Street," Matt replied, "Spider-woman and I will go there, Glider ...I have another job for you."

"What's that?"

"You are still officially an Oscope employee, right?"

"Yes I am."

"And you have access to Norman Osborn?"

"More than you know," Gwen chuckled under her breath.

Harry shot her a look before replying, "Yes, I do."

Daredevil nodded, "good, I need you to sneak into Oscorp and get every single file you can on the six new 'Avengers' we have. I'm sure Osborn would have done a background search for these people before recruiting them, I want you to find it and bring it here."

Glider was silent for a moment, prompting Daredevil to ask, "can you do it?"

"Yeah...I can."

177A Bleecker Street:

Matt and Gwen changed out of their costumes and arrived at the house. Matt had figured out Gwen's identity a few months ago and Gwen, wanting to get even, did the same. Gwen never told Harry's identity to Matt but she figured he knew already and just didn't mention it to the young man.

Matt knocked on the door and they waited. A moment later a large heavy asian man opened the door and stepped forward. He wore yellow and brown robes and raised a single eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"

"We need help," Matt showed him the card Peter gave.

"And who sent you?"

"Peter Parker."

The heavy man sighed, "of course he did. Come, I suspect you will be wanting to talk to Strange."

The man stepped away and allowed them in. Gwen's eyes were startled by the amazing tapestries and artifacts strung across the wooden interior of the building. She was so distracted she didn't notice a figure appear behind her.

"Gwendalin Stacy, Matthew Murdok."

"AH!" Gwen jumped in surprise, turning to see a tall handsome man with a french beard and greying hair standing behind her. He wore blue robes with a red cape. He was intimidating, very intimidating.

"You know us?" Matthew asked, calm as ever.

The man nodded, "I am Doctor Stephen Strange, Peter told me to expect you, Daredevil. And I've been following your exploits as Spider-woman very closely Ms. Stacy," he turned to Gwen with a nod, "Peter would be proud."


"Now then, I assume you are here to talk about these new Avengers?"

Matthew nodded, "you would assume correctly. Shall we?"

"Please, step into my study."


Norman Osborn's office:

Harry walked out of the elevator, dressed in his civilian attire. He walked past the secretary, who didn't even bother stopping him, instead pressing a single button on her table that would alert Norman Osborn to Harry's arrival.

Harry opened the door and stepped through quietly, finding his father behind a large desk filled with doc.u.ments and the like. He looked up and smiled, "ah, Harry, I was wondering when you would come."

"You were expecting me?" Harry asked, walking behind the desk, crossing his arms. He towered over Norman by a few inches, the formula that gave him his powers has amazing side effects.

"Of course I was. I assume this is about joining my Avengers?" Norman asked in such a casual manner that the request threw Harry for a loop.

"W-what?" Harry blinked.

"My Avengers, I assume you heard the news, yes?"

"Yes, but I'm not here to join!" Harry cried out, slamming a fist on the ground, "they are violent and dangerous dad! You have to stop them!"

"Nonsense, they are soldiers Harry, they aren't loose cannons. Even Abomination is under control, literally. He can't even take a piss without us knowing."

"Anything that has a motherboard can be hacked. You know who told me that?"

"A very smart man," Norman said proudly.

"No, you did."

The backhanded insult impressed Norman. The man smiled, it was about time his son showed some bite. He continued, "Harry, I understand you have mixed feelings on this, but understand all of because of you."

Harry's eyes widened, "how in hell is this because of me?"

"We showed the world a hero can be accountable Harry, accountable to a company," Osborn looked at his son with pride, "you showed that heroes can be bought and still act like a hero."

"I-I I did not set out to-I can't believe you!" Harry turned and walked to the door.

"Harry wait!" Norman cried out.

Harry turned, "what?!"

"Big changes are coming soon. If you don't pick the right side then I can't protect you know that right?"

"Trust me dad, you are not on the right side."

"If you ever change your know where I am."

"I do," Harry walked out, slamming the door behind him. He stepped into the elevator and reached into his pocket and pulled out the silver business card sized device in his pants.

The light on the device turned from red to green and HArry grinned. It was a toy the lab had developed, a little strong arming, being the CEO's kid had its perks, and Harry was able to 'borrow' it.

It would absorb all the data present in a room upon entering. It sounded like science fiction but it was very real and very good. The few minutes Harry had to put up with his dad resulted in him having all his data, which Gwen could now look through to find anything about these 'New Avengers'.

Harry vowed, his father wouldn't get away with this. One way or another, he won't get away with whatever he was planning.

Norman Osborn:

Norman sighed, rubbing his temple, honestly, his son had come so far and yet he still acted like a fool sometimes.

Did he really think Norman wouldn't have security measures to a prob his own company made? If the man wasn't planning on letting Harry get those files he didn't know what Harry planned to do. Maybe come back later and steal it with that web weaving girlfriend of his.

Norman sore his son was a genius, he took after his mother too much not to be. But sometimes… he just acts the fool.

Putting his family drama out of his mind Norman reached out and pressed a red button underneath his rich wooden table. His entire office went dark as blinders came down and all internal and external communication/wires were cut.

He tapped his monitor and a small wireless receiver came online, the only signal that was allowed to leave this room. The monitor game online as the face of Tony Stark appeared on Norman's screen.

"Did they really find some of my old weapons?" Tony asked, "I thought I blew it all up."

"They got it from a supplier from China. Was able to make an exact replica of your tech. Then ever forged a paper trail to look like it was a batch that had gone missing a few years ago. So while it wasn't really yours, for all intents and purposes it is."

"Well f.u.c.k me..."

Norman shrugged, "HYDRA liked the idea, it's the first step to their plans to throw mud in the old Avenger's face while propping up our own."

"Yeah, about that, where exactly did you find these psychos?!" Tony cried out as a picture of the blood covered pavement from earlier that day came up, "look at that! Honestly Norman what is Pierce even thinking?!"

"He picked the team himself Stark, don't come crying to me. You okayed this, remember?" Norman narrowed his eyes.

Tony threw his hands up in surrender, "alright, alright, I get it mentioned something about making the public hate the Avengers?"

Norman sighed, "yes...I don't know everything pierce has planned, but from what I do know, it's not nice."


"He's planning on bringing up the whole situation with your armour being a weapon again. Try to get you to hand it over to the government for their new 'secret' project."

"He wasn't SWORD agents wearing my armour?"

Norman nodded, "yes...he's also planning on offering Rogers a position."


"Head of SWORD."

"...Is that a joke?"


"He's asking Captain America to become the leader of what is effectively the HYDRA army for the 21st century?"

"He's expecting him to say no-"

"-No shit!"

"And then use that against him in the future."

Tony grumbled, "that seems petty."

"It is… tell Romanoff to be weary as well. I heard Pierce might be bringing out her ledger and pouring out the red on it."

"Oh, she is not going to like that ...when?"

"Soon. She and Barton are going to be the first to fall. Then Pierce plans on forming a new bill called the 'Anti-Nodric Transition bill'."


"He's the prince of an intergalactic race of space aliens akin to Gods. Allowing him asylum on Earth will only bring attention to us."

"What's he planning on banning next, kittens?"

"Maybe the Hulk."

"I don't even want to ask."

"The device he used on Abomination is useful, very useful. He's planning on asking General Ross to support the initiative if it ever comes up."

"Bruce isn't going to like this."

"I know…"

"So ...what's next?"

"Next? Next we wait out the storm...and I begin my campaign in earnest the way Stark, my son Harry stopped by, looked ready to destroy me and the new Avengers."

"Smart kid."

"Gets it from his mother… do you remember that list you told me about? The One Parker gave you?"

"You mean that super secret list of super powered individuals that Peter believes can help save the world and guide it to a better tomorrow? Yes."

"Are there any names on there that could help Harry?"

Tony blinked, "you thinking junior might try and take on the New Avengers?"

"I've been keeping a close eye on him ever since he became Glider. A very close eye. I know him… he has a good heart, but that won't be enough. He'll need a team."

Tony hummed, "I think I know few people...not too public and more street level than anything."

"Who?" Norman asked.

"I'll send over their files now," Tony replied, "anyway, if that's all I have a kid to raise and work to do. The next meeting of our little secret group is Sunday, don't be late."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Norman turned the messenger off and unlocked his office, lifting the blinders on and letting the light come back in. His email notification went off and he found a mail from an unknown sender with three folders attached.

Norman opened the folders and studied their contents. This was...promising.

Real Name: Jessica Jones

Job: Detective

Super power: Superhuman strength, endurance and durability

Trigger: Alcoholism, The Purple Man

Luke Cage (Alias)

Real Name: Carl Lucas

Job: Barber

Super Power: Superhuman strength, bulletproof skin

Trigger: Racial bias, Jail time

Real Name: Daniel Rand

Alias: The Immortal Iron Fist

Power: Chi-based

Trigger: Emotionally unstable, inferiority-superiority complex

Norman smiled. Yes, this would do well. Now all he had to do was contact these people have them 'encounter' Harry without showing his hand. It would take work, but his son needed a team. A good team.


The giant mass of water turned to the people near it and swung it might arms, throwing them all aside. They cried in terror, though none of them got hurt, I could tell something was off.

I turned to kids, "go! Everyone get out of here! Now!"

"ARGH!" Flash cried out in terror as he was the first to bolt, Michelle and the girls left next, Hope and I right behind them. As I ran though I turned and noticed Peter and Ned talking to each other.

"Get to safety Ned, I got to do something!"

"Dude! You can shoot webs! How is that supposed to help against a being made out of water!?"

"I know! But I have to do something! I can't let people get hurt!"

Ned looked split but nodded, "fine! Be safe!" He then ran, meeting up with the rest of the teenagers. I saw Peter Parker of this world leap and jump across pier poles, moving towards the stone bridge that the hydro monster was moving towards.

He won't be able to stop him, Ned was right. What was webbing going to do to water? He needed help, he needs my help. But...I turned to Hope in my arms. I can't just leave her alone. I needs to keep her safe.

I reached into my pocket and took out the sling ring the Strange of this world loaned to me and ran to a dark alley just as a tidal wave of water was about to hit.

"Daddy! It's a water monster!" Hope cried out, "just like my book!"

"Right baby! Just like your-wait what?!" I seriously need to that book Strange gave her. As soon as we were in an alley I waved my hand, forming a portal and leaping through, landing in the New York Sanctum before a startled Wong.

"Wong, look after her for a minute," I put Hope down and looked at my baby girl, "Princess, daddy's gotta go fight a giant monster, understand? Can you stay here with uncle Wong for a while?"

"Can I come with you?" Hope asked eagerly.

"It's going to be dangerous baby girl," I kissed her forehead, "I'll come back as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay," she replied, a little disappointed.

I turned to Wong, "five minutes."

Wong nodde, "I'll keep her safe."

I dived back through the portal and closed it behind me. With a simple mental command my gauntlets came alive, armouring me up. I jumped, clearing a building with a single leap. I landed on the roof and looked out, Peter was washed up, thrown up against a bridge banister, drenched from head to toe as the massive water monster roared, ready to crush him.

I was about to leap into action when out of nowhere a beam of green energy collided against the monster's side. I turned to the origin of the beam, and there, shooting across the sky, was a man in green with a purple cape and a fishbowl on his head.

"What the what?!" I cried, "what the shit is Mysterio doing here?!"

He then began battling the giant monster, blasting it with green energy and forming green mystical barriers to stop it's attack. He was holding his own, no, scratch that, he was kicking it's a.s.s.

I just sat there, in total awe of what I was seeing. But wait...since when can Mysterio do magic? Isn't he more a joke? A fake? A ...oh...oh I see. That isn't Hydro-man, that's a fake!

I sighed, rolling my eyes at ever being worried. Obviously this was Mysterious' introduction to the world, judging by the confusion and surprise I smelled in the air. He was pretending to be a hero, making these monsters, probably with holograms give how advanced they are in the Marvel universe, and be looked at like a hero.

While the danger was technically gone, I was still curious about what was to happen next. I turned to Peter, he had jumped up onto of a building and looking at Mysterio 'fight' the water monster. Obviously he was impressed.

I chuckled, this should be fun!

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