Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

202 Invasion Of Daughter's Island (Please Subscribe!!!)

This is Calm Belt. The way for the girls to come to this island is naturally by boat. They take the boat, and Senju Yuan and the others walk. It’s really hard to say who will arrive at Nine Snake Island first.

By the way, Hydra Island is a big island, otherwise it wouldn't be a kingdom.

And Nine Snake Island and some surrounding islands form the sea area of ​​Nine Snake Island, which is the sphere of influence of Nine Snake Kingdom.

Of course Senju Yuan and Orochimaru can't really walk on foot. If they want to cross the sea, he has plenty of ways.

With a random blow and a bang, a rough tree fell down, and Senju Yuan cut off the thick tree in two or three strokes, leaving only a straight trunk.

Then he tore the trunk casually, splitting the trunk in two, and then fixed some branches horizontally. The thick wood became a simple raft, several meters wide and more than 20 meters long, enough for two people to stand on.

Senju Yuan kicked out, skillfully burst out, and directly kicked the simple wooden clogs into Hai Chen.

"Let's go."

When the two got on the raft, Senju Yuan stretched out his hand and fiddled with the water a few times, his fingers flashed quickly, and a special frequency fluctuation came out, rippling in the water in circles of ripples.

After a while, big fish one to two meters long jumped out of the water, and then gathered under the raft, with their backs against the raft, swinging the tail of the fish, and the raft was lifted and moved forward quickly.

Orochimaru had opened his eyes. With his eyesight and cognition, he couldn't see exactly what method Senju Yuan used to achieve this step.

Senju Yuan smiled and explained: "Sea fish have very simple brains. They rely on special magnetic field induction to navigate in the sea, and they rely on sound and vibration to transmit information."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and he said, "Master Yuan just put his hand into the water to simulate the sound and vibration of a school of fish, right?"

Senju Yuan nodded, the principle is very simple to explain, but if you really want to do this, basically no one can do it except him.

Orochimaru suddenly asked curiously: "Looking at the appearance of Master Yuan, it seems that he is very familiar with this world?"

Senju Yuan said: "I can't say I'm familiar with it, but I just understand some basic information. In short, you will be able to see the power system of this world soon."

"Really, it's really exciting."

Crossing the sea is actually quite boring, but neither of them is the kind of impatient person, so even if the process is monotonous, there is no discomfort.

Time passed, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye, the sun had already slanted westward, and it was already evening, and the outline of a coastline could already be vaguely seen on the horizon ahead.

The school of fish used to lift the raft has changed several times during the process of crossing the sea, and it is precisely because of this that the destination can be felt within half a day.


Both of them had already seen the outline ahead, and as the distance got closer, they quickly saw the situation on the island clearly.

The island is huge, with towering peaks, the most eye-catching one of which is engraved with the word Nine Snakes, and between the peaks, there are White rocks that wind like snakes, adding to the environment of the entire island. It's weird.

The island is bigger than imagined, and when you get to the shore, you can hardly see the border.

On the island, no one noticed their arrival, and they went all the way to the depths of the island to practice medicine.

Traces of human activities can already be seen here. At first it was just a forest trail, and then there was a wide dirt road. Further in, you can see the town and the huge high wall at the end.

The waterways in the island extend in all directions, and the two of them have met many people along the way. This is considered an outer city, and there are many people on the streets, but there is no doubt that all the people along the way are women, and no man appears.

The arrival of Senju Yuan and Orochimaru amazes the people along the way, because they have discovered that they are different from them.

They couldn't tell the specific difference, but the fact that the chest was flat was enough to surprise them.

"It's so pitiful, these two people."

"Yeah, these two people must have starved when they were young, otherwise they wouldn't have developed so poorly.

"But who are they, and why haven't I seen them?"

"Strangers? It shouldn't be."

"Strange, what's on that man's neck? Is it swollen?"

Along the way, women's discussions arose everywhere, and the topic seemed very strange. Even with Orochimaru's heart, he couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching at this moment.

"Master Yuan, is this the Girl's Island?"

Senju Yuan nodded: "That's what you think, there are only women here, no men.

"Uh, so how do they maintain the population change?"

Orochimaru expressed curiosity about this.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, and said: "They will move in women from outside to enter here, and besides, there should be some people who will go out regularly.

"Go out on a regular basis? So that's how it is. Are you going out to find someone to marry and bring back after giving birth to a daughter? What if the baby is a boy?"

Senju Yuan shrugged: "Naturally it was thrown away."

Orochimaru shook his head: "It's an incomprehensible custom, it's inconceivable that this country can be maintained until now.

Senju Yuan just smiled noncommittally, he didn't care about it.

He would not say that existence is reasonable, but the social environment of Daughter's Island can be formed and even continued, it is always reasonable, and he doesn't care about it.

The two went deep all the way, and soon reached the high wall.

Looking up, the wall is tens of meters high, and it looks very generous, dividing Nine Snake Island into two layers, inside and outside.

The outside is the residential area and commercial area of ​​Common, while the inside is the palace area, which occupies a huge area.

"Going in?" Orochimaru asked.

Senju Yuan nodded, picked up Orochimaru directly, and then used his legs hard, the whole person jumped high, sticking to the wall and quickly shot past the top of the wall.

This scene naturally caught the eyes of many people.

"No, it's Invasion Nuo!"

"Sound the alarm, quick!"

Many people took action. It can be said that everyone on Nine Snake Island is a soldier. Faced with this situation, there is naturally a complete set of countermeasures, and soon the alarm sounds.

The two people climbed onto the top of the wall, and the sound of arrows piercing the air was heard from the side.

call out!

With a wave of Senju Yuan's hand, a clever force burst out, and the arrows that were attacking the two of them cut obliquely away from the two of them, posing no threat to the two of them at all.

Senju Yuan carried Orochimaru, jumped directly from a high place, and entered the area where the imperial palace was located.

This place has already become lively, because of the alarm, it can already be seen that many people have already started to guard and are looking for intruders.

"Shouldn't you dodge for a while?" Orochimaru asked.

"No need, I'm here to meet someone, uh [have found her."

Senju Yuan smiled and ran quickly in one direction.

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