Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

036 Tsunade Eats The Chakra Fruit (Ask For Flowers, Score!!!)

Senju Yuan is both happy and painful. Every time he sees this kind of situation, he wishes he could grow up sooner.

Although the small horse-drawn cart is exciting, but the horsepower is not enough after all, it is still somewhat unattractive, so in the face of this situation, Senju Yuan did not have any struggles, because he knew that he would not let it go if he struggled, and he might not be able to do it if he struggled. Would break Tsunade's heart.

He, Senju Yuan, is inspired to be a man who makes women happy!

Senju Yuan already had a lot of experience in using facial cleanser, tilted his head, buried himself in Tsunade's arms, and said softly, "It's good if I can help sister Tsunade, I don't want to see sister Tsunade so tired."


Such touching words, being uttered by the little guy Senju Yuan, Tsunade felt his heart soften, and directly kissed Senju Yuan on the forehead.

"What a good boy, my sister will reward you tonight."

Senju Yuan's eyes lit up.

Even if you take the initiative, Tsunade will not refuse when you sleep at night on weekdays, but this kind of thing always needs Tsunade to take the initiative, and you can’t lose your obedient character. Well, you have to continue and increase your efforts. OK.

"Thank you sister."

You see, that's how politeness works.

The aroma of Rulan penetrated into the tip of his nose, Senju Yuan felt very at ease, only when he was with Tsunade, Senju Yuan could be so stable.

"Wait, sister Tsunade, I have something for you."

Senju Yuan got up from Tsunade's arms, and took out another thing from the ninja bag.

It was a light green fruit, the size of half a palm, like a large grape.

"What's this?" Tsunade asked.

Senju Yuan said: "It's a fruit, sister Tsunade, please taste it."

This is the fruit of the Chakra tree, which is now ripe and picked by Senju Yuan, just in time to use it.

"Fruit? The fruit of what tree?"

As Tsunade said, she took the fruit in her hand and looked at it, but she didn't see why.

"I don't know, it should be delicious, sister Tsunade, try it." Naturally, Senju Yuan would not reveal it.

Tsunade was already a little drunk, and Senju Yuan's performance just now made her very happy, so she didn't hesitate to take a bite of the fruit.


It seems to be surprised by the taste that melts in the mouth, and the accident that the pulp turns into Chakra and enters itself, which made Tsunade look at the fruit in his hand in surprise.

To be honest, she had never seen such a thing before, she just found it very novel.

So, she swallowed the remaining fruit in one gulp.

Seeing this, Senju Yuan smiled.

"Well, it doesn't seem to have much taste, but it can actually supplement Chakra, like Bingliang Wan, which is a very good thing."

Supplementing Chakra is an illusion, just because the fruit directly turns into Chakra when it enters the mouth, making her slightly drunk, mistakenly thinking that the fruit is something to restore Chakra.

"Where did you pick it?" Tsunade asked.

Senju Yuan said: "I picked them in the woods in the west. I saw the fruit was very big, so I wanted to bring it back for sister Tsunade to taste."

"What a good boy."

Tsunade smiled, embraced Senju Yuan again, and smacked her on the face.

Senju Yuan consciously slipped into Tsunade's arms with familiarity, his small face tilted, and buried in Tsunade's broad chest again.

This is his exclusive position, and no one can take it away.

But in the direction that Tsunade didn't see, Senju Yuan opened his eyes and looked carefully at Tsunade's body. The movement range was not large, but he could see it very clearly.

In his sight, the fruit just now had turned into Chakra, entered Tsunade's body, and combined with her own Chakra, a special Nature Transformation appeared. This Nature Transformation is so subtle that ordinary people can't find it at all.

But it was this extremely subtle change that gave Tsunade an additional blood-succession boundary, which is a blood-succession boundary called Wood Style.

As for why he gave the fruit to Tsunade, Senju Yuan has his own considerations.

First of all, Tsunade at this stage is not as strong as in the middle and late stages of the original plot. Now she has only won the title of Sannin not long ago, and she also suffers from the psychological disease of blood phobia, which greatly reduces her combat effectiveness.

What's more, Tsunade's own limitations, she has inherited the advantages of the Senju clan in Sage Body, but this advantage has not been fully revealed, and the current situation in the ninja world is not very stable, Senju Yuan thinks Just give her some strength.

Wood Style is a very good power. It just so happens that Tsunade is a pure Senju clan. Awakening Wood Style is the "most normal" thing no matter how you look at it. At that time, even if Konoha F4 wants to say something, he can only shut up.

Coupled with Tsunade's status in Konoha, she who has mastered Wood Style is the safest.

Of course, at that time, it is not ruled out that someone will want to do something, but at that time Senju Yuan will let those who are interested know what cruelty is!

Perhaps because he was too happy, today's Tsunade drank alcohol, obviously a little less restrained, pouring tons of alcohol into his mouth.

"Sister Tsunade, you've had enough to drink, and if you drink any more, you'll overdo it."

At this point, Senju Yuan will not be used to Tsunade and grab the bottle directly.

"Sister Kyoko, take sister Tsunade to wash up." Senju Yuan greeted outside the door.


The servant quickly came in, supported Tsunade and walked out.

Tsunade muttered: "Yuan-chan, wait for me for nothing, my sister will come to reward you in a while."

On the side, the little Shizune, who was dazed the whole time, was a little distracted at this moment.

"If you're full, go to bed early, little Shizune, I'll just have a rest tomorrow too, and I'll take you out to play then." Senju Yuan said.

Little Shizune's eyes lit up, and he nodded hastily.

(Ask for flowers, ratings!!!)

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