Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

045 Semi-Finished Sealed State (Ask For Flowers, Score!!!)

At the Soul Society next door, spirits are the foundation of everything in the world, and everything there is made of spirits, including the soul!

In other words, in the Soul Society, the soul is made of energy, which is very important!

In the ninja world, people also have souls, but the existence of human souls is composed of Chakra, which is also a kind of energy.

And what is the soul?

It is the foundation of human existence and the basis of thought. If the body dies but the soul exists, then the person still exists, but the state is dead, but this is another kind of life in Soul Society.

Since energy is what constitutes the soul, whether it is Chakra or spirit, there must be something in common between the two.

And this common point has been found by Senju Yuan at this time.

That is mental power!

In the Soul Society, spirits can construct everything, and anything that exists in the world can be created with spirits. In the ninja world, Chakra can also do the same. For example, Yin Dun was created from nothing, and can also create form from formlessness.

Perhaps from this point of view, Chakra does have its limitations, but it is not enough to deny that both have the basis for building everything.

"Then, you only need to inject your own spiritual power into the spirit..."

Senju Yuan injects spiritual power into the fingertip Lingzi.

The next moment, Lingzi trembled slightly, and then disappeared suddenly.

"I can transform all my Chakra into spirits, and can freely switch between spirits and Chakra."

Senju Yuan smiled, then closed his eyes.

The next moment, an identical figure stood up from him, then took a step aside, and stood beside him.

Standing out is also Senju Yuan, but it is Senju Yuan's soul. At this time, he did not perform any spiritualization technique, but the real soul body. He cut off the connection between the soul and the body, and the two completely independent.

The key is that the body is still alive at this time, can breathe mechanically, and the heart is still beating. Just because Senju Yuan's soul at this time has been replaced with spirit sons.

Senju Yuan's soul looked down at his body, feeling very novel.

"The foundation for building the Zanpakutō system is in place, so how should Zanpakutō be presented?"

The most basic things have been completed, it seems easy to do this, but if another person does it, even if Senju Tobirama is still alive, Senju Yuan will tell him all the process carefully, Senju Tobirama will not be able to do it in his life Finish.

Just because he doesn't have the talent of Senju Yuan!

Guess how many times Senju Yuan experimented with spirit formation in that minute?

The answer is nearly a thousand times!

Nearly a thousand failures, and each failure was controlled in extremely subtle changes. For Senju Yuan, each failure is an accumulation and provides a basis for the next experiment.

At that moment, he maximized his savvy talent, and under the surge of countless inspirations, he completed the final construction of the spirit.

It's easy to say, and it seems that it only takes about a minute, but only Senju Yuan knows what happened in it.

Thoughts surged in Senju Yuan's heart, and then he stepped back into his body, and then stretched out his hand, and suddenly there was a bright fluorescent light on the palm, which was a pure spirit.

The cluster of spirits was flickering, and it seemed that there was something growing in it, but it collapsed in the next moment.

"Materialization of spirits doesn't seem easy, it's close to creation."

Senju Yuan in the soul body just stood quietly like this, closing his eyes, the spirit seed ball in his hand was still flickering, without the slightest pattern at all.

Sometimes the cluster of spirit particles swells, sometimes shrinks, and sometimes elongates suddenly, and the light keeps flickering on and off.

Gradually, Senju Yuan frowned.

Time passed, and five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, after another collapse, the Lingzi group gradually condensed and shrunk, and after pulling tea, it condensed into a long curved knife in Senju Yuan's palm.

The length of the knife is two feet and one, the handle is rolled into yellow weave, the blade is turning blue, the back is black and the blade is silver, and the edge of the blade is shining with cold light.


The next moment, the long knife fell, but was firmly grasped by the handle with one hand.

There was fatigue visible to the naked eye in Senju Yuan's eyes, and he raised his head slightly to look at the long knife in his hand.

"Sure enough, this level of near-creation is still a little bit reluctant for me now. My body, which is in the early stages of development, has become my own shortcoming instead."

Creation is not so simple for him now, it requires extremely fine control, full dedication, and consumes the energy of body and soul. Authority, roughly, is at the level of being able to do it, but reluctantly.

Of course, this is a statement put on him, and it is unnecessary to think about it for someone else.

Because at least Senju Yuan can understand the concept of creation, and even a ninja who has mastered Yin Dun to Ultimate cannot create something like Senju Yuan from scratch. This method can already be called the creator.

Slightly stroking the blade, his hands are cold, it is completely metal texture, there are patterns like snowflakes on it, as if it was hammered thousands of times.

"Unfortunately, this is only a semi-finished product. It can only be regarded as a sealed state at most. The rest needs to be given a soul to the sealed state to become a real sealed state."

Senju Yuan's resilience is extremely strong, and the tiredness in his eyes has gone away in just such a short period of time.

He thought for a moment, this step is equally difficult.

The step of endowing the sealed state with a soul is not easy. If you just add your own will to it, then the sealed state is at most an extension of Senju Yuan's own will. Without his own spirituality, Zanpakutō naturally cannot have the ability.

Such Zanpakutō will only reflect Senju Yuan's own abilities. In other words, whatever ability Senju Yuan has, Zanpakutō will also have.

If that's the case, what else is Zanpakutō to do?

The real Zanpakutō should have its own spirituality, so that it can communicate with the user's mind and produce unique abilities.

"So, the best solution is to collect more soul breath, and then fuse it into Zanpakutō, so that it has infinite possibilities."

(Ask for flowers, ratings!!!)

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