“Withered Chakra species? What is this? ”

Qianshou Yuan did not hesitate much, and directly took out this thing.

The next moment, in the palm of his hand, there was an additional grape-sized seed, brown and dull in color, some like a small piece of a dried tree, showing an irregular shape.

At the same time, the box in the system panel also disappeared, leaving only the ninja knife that had not yet been taken out lying quietly in another box.

Qianshou Yuan thought about it, did not continue the lottery, closed the system panel, and focused his attention on the seed in the palm of his hand.

Observed with white eyes, this thing looked like an empty shell for a moment, and the inside was empty.

The thing was very light, and Senjuyuan carefully pinched it, and then pressed it slightly.

Nothing has changed from seeds.

A little harder, and the seeds are still like that.

Seeing this, Qianshou Yuan once again increased his strength, but the result was still the same.

“It’s pretty hard.”

Senjugen thought about it and tried to convey some chakra inside.

I saw that his palm lit up with Chakra’s unique light blue light, and then a scene that made Qianshou Yuan unexpected appear.

As if he had been pulled by something, Chakra formed a tiny vortex centered on the seed, converging towards the seed.

Seeing this, Qianshou Yuan raised his eyebrows, and without any hesitation, he increased the amount of Chakra’s delivery.

But this thing is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much chakra is transported, there is no tendency to fill, and the tree species still passively absorbs chakra into itself, and there is no other reaction.

“Is it withering, not death? That is to say, this thing has not really lost its effect, and there is still a possibility of recovery, otherwise it would not have reacted to Chakra. So, what exactly is this thing for? Isn’t that what I imagined? ”

The only thing that this thing can associate with Senjugen is the divine tree that Kaguya Otsuki planted in the ninja world, but if this is really the seed of that kind of thing, then it is really interesting.

But Qianshou Yuan feels that this thing should not be the seed of the divine tree, otherwise the system should directly indicate that Qianshouyuan still trusts his intuition in this regard, so it is necessary to figure out the role of this thing.

Time passed slowly, and more than ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and during this time, Qianshou Yuan did not interrupt the transmission to Chakra.

But this thing in the palm of the hand, but there is still no movement at all, there is still how much chakra it sucks, and no other movement comes out.

And more than ten minutes of Chakra output of such intensity, even the Thousand Hand Source is a little unable to hold up.

He is only five or six years old now, his body is still in the early stages of development, even if he has a thousand hands bloodline, Chakra is far beyond his peers, he can’t withstand such consumption.

To know that his current chakra amount is strictly speaking, it is already equivalent to twice that of normal upper patience, and this is still helped by his own talent, and a thousand hands of the same age will definitely not have such a chakra amount, even if the thousand hands pillar is at his age, but the seed is still like a bottomless pit, as if no amount of chakra will work.

Fortunately, reality did not disappoint Qianshouyuan, just when he was about to give up temporarily, there was an extra touch of green on the seed, which was a hint of green revealed from the gap in the folded road on the surface of the seed, which was not obvious, but Qianshouyuan saw it clearly.

Seeing this, Qianshou Yuan did not stop, but increased the output of Chakra.

Then, he saw that more green was coming out of the gap on the seed.

Finally, Senjuyuan felt that it was almost the same, and if he continued to transport Chakra, he would hurt himself, so he stopped.

Fortunately, at this time, the seed has changed significantly, a clear green wisp stretches out the outer skin of the seed, stretches the gap wide, and a young branch less than a centimeter protrudes from it, which appears very small.

But it is this young branch that shows that this seed that has withered is now revived.

“White eyes!”

Senjuyuan opened his eyes and carefully looked inside the seed, and his gaze was quickly drawn closer.

At this moment, Qianshou Yuan directly opened his talent intuition to the maximum, observing the situation inside the seed little by little.

Nothing inside, no! To be precise, outside of the fluctuations of Chakra, it is almost an empty shell.

“It turns out that this is the Chakra species.”

Observing the Chakra reaction inside, Qianshou Yuan saw the clue.

The recovery of the seed depends on Chakra, and at the same time, Chakra stabilizes the whole of the tree species, and that young branch is the growth of Chakra, that is, the tree species transforms Chakra into the life form of plants, in essence, this tree species is a collection of Chakra.

“Then, what is needed for the growth of the tree species is Chakra, and when it reaches maturity, it will definitely bear fruit, and what will be the function of its fruit?”

Qianshou Yuan has seen through the life form of the tree species, and according to his derivation, the tree species will bear fruit after growing to a certain stage, but what is the role of the fruit, it is unknown now.

But he had an intuition that the ripe fruit of this tree should be related to the change in the nature of Chakra, and he trusted his intuition, after all, it was a manifestation of the talent endowed by the system.

“It’s really interesting, it’s exciting, and when the seeds germinate a little more, I can get the key information about Chakra, and then I will know the answer.”

(Guess the role of seeds, ask for flowers, score !!! )

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